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Being well-groomed is a sign of good manners, and strong fashion sense may

completely alter someone's demeanor.

Here, I'd like to discuss a person with decent fashion sense. She is none other than
Linh Thao, a good friend of mine. She has a fair complexion and is in her early
20s. She is also a great person who works hard. Her dressing sense is also quite
fabulous because she knows how to dress well for every event.

I met her in my elementary school at the time of enrollment, and we are still in
touch. She had an elegant appearance when I first met her because she was dressed
in professional black trousers and a cream shirt.

In addition, she always favors wearing bright colors since she feels rejuvenated and
as fresh as a daisy when wearing them.

She was undoubtedly not born with a silver spoon, but she is a prudent buyer. She
knows to purchase splendid things at a reasonable price.

At major events like weddings and festivals, she always chooses to dress
traditionally, although choosing comfortable clothing for daily use is her first
priority. I frequently go shopping with her because I adore her selection and I'm a

Overall, she is the one I like the most since she constantly wears nice clothes.

Well, the person who pops into my mind is Lady Gaga. I guess everybody knows
her. She is a very famous singer, songwriter, and actress in the US. Actually, she is
not only well known for her pop music, but also for her unique fashion taste..
She expresses fashion in a very bold way. For example, in a concert, she wore a
silver shiny sea urchin inflatable frock, then she wore shell bras and 8-inch
heels, and finally she became a giant octopus. It seems like the concert was
themed with sea life. If you think her crazy looks are just restricted to concerts or
performances, you are totally wrong. You can always read news about Gaga’s
walking on the street in an experimenting outfit. She would wear raw meat, a see-
through body stocking with some strategically placed roses. She even once painted
Picasso in her face and dress, and looked like an oil painting. She might wear
wedding dresses as a daywear.
Speaking of the reason why she is so avant-garde, in the
Netflix documentary Gaga gave the answer. She reveals that her wacky fashion
choices come out of a desire for control in an industry that loves to take control
away from its artists. When they wanted her to be sexy or they wanted her to be
pop, she always put some absurd spin on it that made her feel like she’s still in
I love her, and to be honest I really adore some of her looks. She is more than a
singer, but also an artist who is expressing herself and voicing for
some vulnerable groups.

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