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SPEAKING I> Work in pairs and describe the pictures. Which scene looks ‘more appealing to you fora shopping expedition? Why? 2) Read the speaking task below. Which of the arguments (4-10) would you use to explain your choice of the best place for a shopping expedition? : Z grupa znajomych z zagranicy, ktérzy chcieliby kupi¢ 1 odziez w Polsce, veybierasz sig na zekupy. Masz do wyboru cdwa micisca. i + Wybierz to miejsce, kt6re najbardziej Ci odpowiada i uzasadn swe} wybor. i + Wyjasnij, dlaczego odraucasz jedno 2 dwréch miei. 1 numberof vistors 6 chance to bargain 2 gender of visitors for lower prices 3 selection /variety of -7_ atmosphere products 8 service 4 quality of products 9 display of products 5 prices 10 other attractions 8) Goo121 Now listen to a student doing the speaking } task. Which points from exercise 2 does she mention? | | 4) Gewiat Listen again. Which ofthe phrases below does | the student use in her answer? [Phrase Bank |} | » Expressing preferences would (definitely) choose / prefer | To my mind, | For me, the best choice would be | 1 would rather My proference is | would be » Justifying a choice / Giving reasons for a choice | The reasons for my choice are ‘One more good reason for choosing Xs that There is also the fact that 'd choose this because | | Asie con se rom te photo, X seems | | I woukin’t choose for several reasons. 5) Work in pairs. Take turns doing the task in exercise 2. Use the expressions from the Phrase Bank. 6) (e122! Now listen to a student answering the {question below. What is her opinion? What arguments does she give to support it? 1 Do you think cash money will disappear entirely in favo of credit cards and paying with mobile phone? 7) (GeO122 Listen again and complete the phrases. 12a that cash money wil disappear | can see 2a why this wil likely happen. In 23, more and more people are paying ais that you can run out of cash ‘A 2 of cash is that 6 ... and an x is that if you lose waune 8> Imagine that you have the opposite opinion. Use the following sentence beginnings to give reasons for your opinion. + | believe that cash will remain important because ‘+ Many people sill rely on cash for the following reasons + This often more secure to pay in cash. For example, + Using cash makes it easier to control spending because 9) (ep 123 Now listen to another student answering the ‘question below. What is the problem with his answer? ‘What could you say to improve it? “Whoever said that money doesn’t buy happiness didn't know where to shop.’ What do you think about this statement? 10) Work in pairs. Go to page 139 and take turns doing the speaking task.

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