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ECONOMIC APPLICATIONS (QUESTION PAPER - CUM - ANSWER BOOKLET) TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CANDIDATE UNIQUE ID INDEX NO. [eal 1][2][2 VoOo SIGNATURE (AS ON THE ADMISSION CARD) ‘TO BE FILLED IN BY THE SUPERVISING EXAMINER. AMJP.M. DATE DIRECTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. Candidates must write their Unique ID and Index Number in the space given. 2. Answers tothe questions are to be given in the space provided. For example: In which year was Julius Caesar murdered? (a) 448C (b) 44.A0 () 488C (a) 48D Answer:__(a) 3. The selected choice of the answer must be clearly written in the space provided. Over-writing of the answer must be avoided. 4. Only one option indicating the selected answer should be written in the space given. More than one option, if written, will not be considered for evaluation, Candidates seeking, receiving and / or giving assistance during the examination will be disqualified. (Refer to details given on page 9 of the ICSE Year 2022 Regulations & Syllabuses book. 6. This Question Paper — Cum — Answer Booklet should not be taken outside the Examination Hall / room. 7. If candidates complete their paper before the completion of the writing duration time, they must remain Seated in the hall / room till the end of the examination. 8, After completion of the Examination, this Question Paper — cum — Answer Booklet must be handed over by the candidate to the Invigilator. 9. Candidates are advised not to leave their Question Paper ~cum ~ Answer Booklet unattended at any time. 10. ‘The Supervising Examiner will give you permission to leave the hall / room only after all the Question Paper - cum - Answer Booklets have been collected from all the candidates present in the Examination Hall / room, TO BE FILLED BY THE EXAMINER EXAMINER'S SIGNATURE TOTAL MARKS OBTAINED BY ‘THE CANDIDATE 122.871 S1 © Copyright Reserved SEMESTER 1 EXAMINATION ECONOMIC APPLICATIONS Maximum marks: 50 Time allowed: One hour You will not be allowed to write during the first 10 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. ALL QUESTIONS ARE COMPULSORY. The marks intended for questions are given in brackets [ J. Select the correct option for each of the following questions. Question 1 Identify the pair of goods which are substitutes of each other: ri] (@) Coffee and sugar (b) Tea and coffee (©) Bread and butter (@ Pen and ink Answer: D Question 2 ‘An extension of supply curve of Product X occurs when: ii) (a) The price of the product increases. (b) The price of its inputs increases. (©) The price of the product decreases. (d) The price of its substitute decreases. Answer: This paper consists of 14 printed pages. 722871 S1 Turn Over ——————————— SSS ee Question 3 Which of these features of capital as a factor of production makes it different from other factors of production? ii] (@) It is a mobile factor of production. (6) The supply of capital can be increased. (©) Itisaman- made factor of production. (@)__Itwill fead to increased productivity. Answer: Question 4 If the price of a commodity decreases from 270 per unit to 60 per unit and the quantity demanded remains the same, then the price elasticity of demand for that commodity will be: [1] (@) Infinity (b) Zero (©) One (@ Less than one Answer: Question 5 The graphical representation of total demand in an economy is a: uw (a) Individual demand curve. () Market demand curve. (©) Market demand schedule. (@ Composite demand schedule. Answer: Question 6 The quantity of a commodity which a seller is ready to offer for sale at a given price and at a given time. This defines: i] (@) Elasticity of supply (b) Law of Supply (c) Supply (@ Extension of supply Answer: 722.871 S1 z ooo Question 7 Mobilisation of savings is an important step in: @ (b) © @ Credit Creation. Capital Formation. Increasing demand. Decreasing the Cost of production, | Answer: Question 8 Which of the following used in the production of textile by a firm would be classified as Jand in economics? (@) oO & (©) @ Weaving machines. Factory building. Unskilled workers. Water taken from a nearby river. Answer: Question 9 Which of the following will affect the productivity of land ADVERSELY? (a) (b) (©) a @) Lack of Government support. Scourity of tenancy. Good transport. Good irrigation facilities. | Answer: Question 10 Pick the option which does not belong to the group: 0) Oo) ie8) oy } (@) Digital watches | (b) Nuclear weapons (©) Soaps (@ Smart phones Answer: Turn Over | 722 871 S1 3 a ee Question 11 Emission of greenhouse gases is largely due to: (@) Excessive use of chemical fertilisers (®) Noise pollution (©) Mining (@) Urbanisation Answer: Question 12 Which one of the following is NOT found in a perfectly competitive market? (a) Perfect knowledge about the prevailing prices. (b) A large number of buyers and sellers. (©) Free entry into or exit from the industry, (@) Advertising by individual firms. Answer: Question 13 Efficiency of Indian labour is low because of: [ (a) Hot and enervating tropical climate. (b) Fair wages. (©) Demographic pressure. (Mobility of labour. Answer: Question 14 Which of the following is not a reason for deforestation? u) (@) Construction of dams. (b) Soil erosion. (©) Mining activities. (@) Over grazing. Answer: 722871 S1 4 Question 15 | When an entrepreneur introduces a new technique or a new product, it is called: o) (@) Invention (b) Innovation (©) Expansion (@) Inspiration Answer: Question 16 Products sold by each firm in a perfectly competitive market are perfect substitutes of each other. 0) (@) Tne A0 (b) False Answer: Question 17 All factors of production are equally mobile. ii) (a) True (b) False Answ Question 18 PO __ Aliabourer’s income can be negative. 1 (a) True (b) False Answer: Question 19 Individual demand is a demand by a single buyer. iit} (2) Tre (®) False Answer: 722871 SI 5 Turn Over pr Question 20 Sunshine is considered land in Economics. (a) True (b) False Answer: Question 21 Pick the option which does not belong to the group: (a) Price of a commodity. (b) Cost of Inputs. (©) Income of the consumer. (a) Level of technology. Answer: Question 22 Which of the following market types has the fewest number of firms? (a) Perfect Competition (6) Monopoly (©) Monopolistic Competition (@) Monopsony Answer: Question 23 Goods X and Y are complements when they are: (a) Used together to satisfy a want (6) X is of better quality than Y. (©) Used instead of each other. (@__ Xis of inferior quality compared to Y. Answer: a) a) a 122871 S1 6 Question 24 Which of these factors of production is called ‘produced means of production"? ri] (a) Land. (6) Labour. (©) Capital. (d) Entrepreneur. Answer: Question 25 When the price increases by 50% and the supply increases only by 5%, the price elasticity of supply of that commodity will be: oy) (@ Eel o (b) Eset © &

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