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Podar International School , Satara

STD VII Subject: Science

Question Bank
Give one example for each of the following:(R)

a) Myco-heterotrophic plants

Indian pipe/Coral root

b) Partial parasite


c) Total Parasite

Cuscuta, Eyebright, Witch weed, Broomrape

d) Insectivorous Plants

Sundew/ Drosera , Pitcher Plant, Venus flytrap, Utricularia

e) Holozoic Animals

All Herbivores, carnivores and omnivores

f) Endoparasites

Hookworm, Tapeworm

g) Ectoparasites

Mosquitoes, Ticks, mites, leeches

h) Saprophytic organisms

bacteria, fungi, bread mould

i)Symbiotic nutrition in animals

Bacteria found in intestines of humans and ruminants, Rhizobium Bacteria

Define the following terms.(R)

1) Photosynthesis: The process in which green plants make their own food,
from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of chlorophyll by using
light energy from the sun is called photosynthesis.
2) Autotrophs: The organisms that make their own food are called autotrophs.
3) Nutrition: The Process of obtaining and utilizing food by a living organism
is called nutrition.
4) Parasites: Animals that live inside or outside the body of other animals and
obtain nutrition from there are called parasites.
5) Ingestion: The process of consuming food is called ingestion.
6) Digestion: The process of breaking down the food into small and simple
compounds to be absorbed by the body is called digestion.
7) Absorption: The process of extracting nutrients from the digested food and
carrying them to all the parts of the body is called absorption.
8) Assimilation: The nutrients absorbed from the food are utilized for the
growth, repair and maintenance of the body. This process is known as
9) Egestion : The process of excreting undigested food along with waste
material from the body
10) Phagocytosis: The process of engulfing the food particle and breaking it
down inside the cell is known as phagocytosis.
11) Dentine: The tooth is made up of a bone like hard structure called as
12) Enamel: The dentine is covered by a hard, shiny covering known as the
13) Crown: The part of the tooth that is visible above the gums is called the
14) Peristalsis: The muscles present in the walls of the oesophagus contract and
relax to produce wave like movements called peristalsis.
15) Chyme: The stomach churns the food with the gastric juices and converts
the partially digested food into a thick semi-fluid mass known as Chyme.
16) Saprotrophs: Organisms that feed on dead and decaying organic matter are
called Saprotrophs.
17) Mastication: The mechanical grinding of food into smaller pieces by the
teeth is called mastication.
18) Plaque : The bacteria present in our mouth act on the food particles
present in the gaps between our teeth and form a sticky yellowish layer on
the teeth known as plaque.
19) Detritivores: The organisms that ingest the dead organic matter and digest
and break it down internally into simple nutrients are called detritivores.
20) Chlorophyll: The chloroplasts contain a green pigment that traps the
sunlight is called as the chlorophyll.

Think and answer

1. Ravi met with an accident and was badly injured on his face. The doctor
checked Ravi’s injuries and said he will face difficulty in biting and cutting
food. Which of Ravi’s teeth are injured? Explain the structure of the
injured teeth. (Ap/D)

Ravi must have injured his incisors.

Incisors are flat and chisel like sharp edged teeth.

2. After the injury, Ravi was having only liquid food; however he could not
brush teeth. He noticed that a yellowish layer on the teeth. What is this
yellowish layer on teeth and why is it formed on Ravi’s teeth? (Ap/A)

The yellowish layer is plaque.

Though Ravi is having only liquid food, some food particles tend
to get stuck between the teeth.
The naturally present bacteria in our mouth, flourish between the
teeth where food particles are stuck forming a yellowish layer on

3. Name the type of carbohydrate that can be digested by ruminant

stomach but not by human digestive system. Give reason for the same.

Cellulose is a type of carbohydrates that can be digested by

ruminant stomach but not by human beings.
The ruminant stomach has a chamber called rumen that aids in
digestion of the cellulose, the human digestive system lacks this
chamber, thus cannot digest cellulose.

4. Riya and her friends visited a farm. They observed plants such as eyebright and
witchweed growing alongside the crops. They were greatly concerned and
decided to alert the farmer.
Are Riya and her friends justified in being concerned? Give reasons for your
answer. (An)
 Riya and her friends are justified in being concerned. Eyebright and
witchweed are parasitic plants.
 They affect the growth of crops and cause huge
economic losses if not controlled.

5. What would happen if bacteria such as Rhizobium disappeared from our planet? (Ap)

If Rhizobium disappeared from our planet, most plants will not be able to absorb
the nitrogen from atmosphere as these bacteria help in converting the
atmospheric nitrogen into soluble nitrogenous substances. Thus, most plants
may eventually wilt/die/not grow.

6. What could happen if there was no epiglottis in the pharynx region? (HOTs)
Epiglottis helps to prevent the food from entering into the wind pipe. When we
swallow food, the epiglottis closes to prevent the food from entering the wind
pipe. If epiglottis is not present, the food will enter in the wind pipe, which can
lead to choking and further leads to death.

In the following questions, two statements are given- one labelled Assertion (A)
and the other labelled Reason (R). Read the statements carefully and choose the
correct alternative (A), (B), (C) and (D) as given below. (An)

(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(B) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) A is false but R is true.

(i) Assertion: Camels are carnivores.

Reason: Carnivores feed only on the flesh of other animals.
ans: (D) A is false but R is true.

(ii) Assertion: The small intestine is the longest organ of the digestive tract.
Reason: The small intestine is 6-7 m long with a diameter of about 3-4cm.
ans: (A) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of the assertion.

iii) Assertion: Chloroplasts contain a green pigment called chlorophyll.

Reason: The green colour of the leaves is attributed to the colour of the
ans: (A) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of the assertion.
(iv) Assertion: The food synthesized by green plants is in the form of glucose.
Reason: The excess glucose is stored in the form of starch in the leaves.
ans: (B) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of the

(v) Assertion: Ruminants are able to digest cellulose.

Reason: There are cellulose digesting bacteria present in the omasum.
ans: (C) A is true but R is false.

(vi) Assertion: Some parasitic plants are partial in nature.

Reason: Partial parasites depend on the host for sugar, minerals and water.
ans: : (C) A is true but R is false.

(vii) Assertion: Cuscuta is an example of total parasite.

Reason: Cuscuta depends on the host only for water and minerals.
ans: : (C) A is true but R is false.

Answer the following in one sentence each.

a) How is carbon dioxide from the atmosphere taken up by the plants?

Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is taken up the plants through the
stomata present on the surface of the leaves.

b) How does the sundew plant obtain nutrition?

The sundew plants have numerous tentacles with drops of sticky substance
at their ends. The insect gets stuck and entangled in the sticky substance. Later
on it is digested by the plant.

c) Which important nutrients needed by the plants are present in fertilisers and
Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus.

d) What is the main function of villi?

The main function of villi is to increase the surface area available for
absorption in small intestine.

e) What are nutrients?

The chemical substance present in components of food is necessary for our body
and is called nutrients.
Distinguish between the following:

1. parasites and saprophytes

Parasites Saprotrophs

A parasite takes readymade food from They secrete the digestive juices on the
the organism on which it feeds. organic matter and convert it into a
solution and then absorb it.

They feed on a living organism. They feed on dead and decaying


The organism on which it feeds is called They do not feed on a living organism.

It deprives the host of valuable nutrients. There is no host at all.

2. Endoparasites and ectoparasites

Endoparasites Ectoparasites
They live inside the body of the host They live outside the body of the host
Example: Hookworm, tapeworm Example: ticks, lice, mosquitoes

3. Human Stomach and ruminants stomach

Human stomach Ruminants stomach

Humans have one chambered stomach Ruminants have four chambered
Bacteria digesting cellulose are absent Bacteria digesting cellulose are present.

4. Incisors, canines, molars and premolars.

Criteria Incisors Canines Premolars Molars
Number 8 in number 4 in number 8 in number 12 in number
Position Top centre and One on each Two on either Next to the
bottom centre side of the sides of the premolars in
of our mouth incisors in canines in the upper and
both the jaws both the jaws the lower jaw.
Structure Flat with chisel Sharp and Flat and Broad, flat
sharp edge pointed broader than and strong
the incisors
and canines
Function Biting and Help in Help to crush, Help to chew
cutting the food tearing the grind and the food into
into chewable food move the food small, easily
pieces. from the front consumable
teeth to the pieces.
molars for

5. Total Parasites and Partial parasites.

Total Parasites Partial Parasites

The parasitic plants that depend on the The parasitic plants that depend on the
host for sugar, minerals and water are host plant only for water and minerals
called total parasites. are called partial parasites.
Example: Cuscuta,Eyebright, Example: Mistletoe
Witchweed, Broomrape

Observe the given diagram and answer the questions .(R)

a) Identify the plant shown in the picture
Pitcher Plant
b) State the type of nutrition in this plant
Heterotrophic nutrition/ Insectivorous plant
c) Which nutrient do these plants lack ? Give reason for your answer.
Reason: These plants grow in nitrogen deficient soil.

Observe the given diagram and answer the questions .(R)

i)Identify the process shown in the diagram
ii) a) Label the parts A, B and C.
A- Sunlight
B- Oxygen
C- Carbon dioxide

b) Write a chemical equation for the process shown in above picture.

Observe the given diagram and answer the following questions:



(i) What does the secretion of the part labelled as A contain?

ans: Pepsin and Hydrochloric acid.

(ii) State the function of enzyme present in the secretion of the part
labelled as B?
ans: The enzymes present in the pancreatic juice mainly help in the
digestion of carbohydrates and proteins.

iii) Identify and list the functions of the following:

Part G: Salivary glands, secrete saliva which contains enzyme amylase. It
breaks down the starch into sugars.
Part I: Gall Bladder temporarily stores the bile.
Part D: Oesophagus, Carries the bolus from the mouth to the stomach.
Part C: Liver, secretes the bile juice that breaks down the fats into fatty acids
and glycerol.
Part E: Large intestine, helps in absorbing the water and minerals from the
Part F: Small intestine, intestinal juice mixes with the chyme and breakes
down all the remaining carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Digestion is
completed in the small intestine. The process of absorption of the digested
food into the blood takes place in the small intestine.
Part H: Rectum, Temporarily stores the waste till it is excreted out of the


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