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4 what is
Renewable energy is an energy that is produced
from natural processes and continuously
replenished. Few examples of renewable energy are
sunlight, water, wind, tides, geothermal heat, and
biomass. The energy that is provided by renewable
energy resources is used in 5 important areas such
as air and water cooling/heating, electricity
generation, the rural sector, and transportation. The
use of renewable energy resources in energy
generation is resulting in less pollution and has a
significant effect on economic benefits and energy

5 example of
Some examples of renewable energy sources are:

Solar energy
The radiant light and heat energy from the sun is
harnessed with the use of solar collectors. These
solar collectors are of various types such as
photovoltaics, concentrator photovoltaics, solar
Wind energy- The energy we get from winds is
known as wind energy. For this, windmills have
been used for hundreds of years to pump out water
from the ground. We use large tall wind turbines
that allow winds to generate electricity.
Geothermal energy- It is the energy that is
generated from the thermal energy which is stored
in the earth. The heat energy is captured on sources
such as hot springs and volcanoes and this heat is
directly used by industries for heating the water and
other purposes.
Hydropower- This energy is another alternative
source of energy that is generated by the
construction of dams and reservoirs on the flowing
water, the kinetic energy from the flowing water is
used to run the turbines which generate electricity.
Biomass energy- This type of energy is derived from
the biomass which is a type of biological material
derived from living organisms and plant-derived
materials which are called lignocellulose biomass.

6 Meghalaya
Located in North-east India, Meghalaya, also known
as the Abode of Clouds, falls in one of the richest
biodiversity areas in the world. The famed
monsoons, the rich traditional festivals, minerals
and the dramatic terrain are just some of the many
things this state is famous for. Meghalaya is
endowed with sizeable deposits of a number of
valuable minerals. Coal, limestone, uranium,
granite, kaolin, clay and glass sand are the principal
minerals. Coal and limestone are the only major
minerals mined in the State. Coal occurs in Mikir
Hills, Khasi Hills, Jaintia Hills and Garo Hills districts.
The production of upgraded coal was reported by
private non-captive mines in the unorganised sector
located in these areas except Mikir Hills district.

7 renewable
energy sources
in Meghalaya
The Meghalaya New and Renewable Energy
Development Agency (MNREDA) has identified
three sources of Renewable Energy that can be
exploited in the state and available in abundance
out of many sources of renewable i.e. solar
photovoltaic, wind energy and bio-energy.
Meghalaya can generate about 3,669 MW from
various renewable energy sources and about 3,000
MW from solar energy. Apart from solar energy,
Meghalaya can also tap 165 MW of bio energy, 90
MW from wind energy and 414 MW from small
hydro energy. Meghalaya received the highest
sanction of funds from the MNRE among all the
Northeastern states with a sanctioned capacity of
70 MW (Megawatt) in the first phase. Under this
scheme, consumers will be able to rent their
rooftops and sell excess electricity generated from
the solar system to local electricity utility.

8 Meghalaya
The Meghalaya New and Renewable Energy
Development Agency (MNREDA) was created on
18.9.1987 and Registered under the Societies
Registration Act, 1983 with the objectives to
identify, formulate and implement demonstration
and extension of projects and programmes, related
to Non-Conventional and Renewable Sources of
Energy such sources includes Solar Energy, Bio-
Energy, Small Micro Hydel power stations etc. The
Agency also undertakes and sponsors research and
development programmes and studies on issues
related to environment and pollution. (MNREDA) is
headed by the Director who is also the Member-
cum-Secretary of the Governing Body of the
Agency. He is assisted by 3(three) Assistant
Directors, Biogas, Solar, and Planning, 1(one)
Programme Officer, 2(two) Junior Engineers and the
other 36(thirty six) staffs, total comes to 43(forty
three) staffs in the Head Office.

It is a very appreciating and a good initiative of
Meghalaya government of supporting and using the
era of renewable energy resources as it’s good for
the our future and environment.
10th thank you

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