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Many argued that the lack of access to internet connection,

additional workload, and poor living environment are some of the main

problems in online learning amongst students (Joaquin, 2020). Other

factors such as sleeping habits and physical health maintenance have

affected their well-being during online-based learning in a pandemic

(Chaturvedi, Vishwakarma, & Singh, 2021).

A study by Baloran (2020) on the knowledge, attitudes, anxiety,

and coping strategies of students during COVID-19 pandemic proved that

though college students from two local colleges in Southern Philippines

wholly acknowledge the dangers that lie in the pandemic, there is still a

significant increase of anxiety amongst the students.

A study by Daniels et. al., (2019) state that e-learning has a

positive impact on students as learning resources are easily accessible,

and can be manipulated, organized, and managed easily as well.

However, studies show that students believe that they are not adequately

learning. Symptoms of a phenomenon called “student burnout” which

stems from isolation and lack of social interaction among young adults,

were present among the students. Yet parents believe that their children

are performing well in class. The teachers responded that at least three of

ten students in their class are not able to keep up (Adonis, 2021).

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