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Teamwork – Narrative writing

Last Sunday, I went hiking with a group of friends. When we were going
down the hill, I realised that it was late evening. The palette of evening colours that
burst in the sky was simply captivating. Instinctively, I knew that daylight would
fade in just an hours of time. “Hey, hurry up! The sun will be going down soon!” I
turned back and hollered. Benedict and Jared replied instantly. However, to my
dismay, Arnold was no where to be seen/had disappeared!

Suspecting that something was amiss, we immediately went to look for Arnold.
We shouted his name with might and main until our voices became hoarse. Our
hoarse cries resonated/reverberated through the verdant hill. Unfortunately, we still
could not find him. “Shh!” I hissed as I put a finger on my lips. “Did you hear
that?” I whispered while tilting my head to one side.

Out of the blue, I heard a faint cry. “I’m down in a hole.” Realisation dawned on
me that Arnold had fallen into a hole! He stared up at us and he wasn’t his usual
jovial self. In fact, he looked pallid. Without further ado, I got onto my stomach
and asked Benedict and Jared to hold my leg tightly. Slowly and slowly, I inched
towards the hole and finally I had reached for Arnold’s hand. However, all I could
grasp was thin air. In no way, I slid forward a little more as I was planning to get
him out of the hole before darkness descended.

Unfortunately, hope sank as I could only touched his tips and fingers. I was
not able to grab his hand at all. Just then, he was beginning to breathe heavily.
Instinctively, I knew that his asthma attack was acting out. To make matter worse,
he had forgotten to bring inhaler with him. Overwhelmed with rising panic, I was
at my wits’ end. That’s not all, there were ominous dark clouds gathering
overhead. I was seize by a sudden fit of panic, I knew a rain would hamper our
effort to rescue Arnold.

I tried to move closer to the hole. Finally, I managed to grasp Arnolds fleshy
hands. The coarse ground keep grazing my stomach as I continued to pull Arnold
out of the hole. For this reason, I grimaced in agony, gritting teeth and enduring the
pain. “Harder! ”I hollered to Benedict and Jared and asking them to pull my feet
harder. I felt my legs would pop out of sockets anytime soon. Fortunately, all my
efforts was not in vain as Arnold rose a little. Finally, he got out and was fighting
for breathe.
After we had calmed ourselves down, we got to our feet. Our legs were wobbly
because of exhaustion. There were faint streaks of orange in the sky which was
getting darker and darker. We dashed helter-skelter along the path which led us to
the foot of the hill. We were inwardly relieved that our teamwork had rescued
Arnold. Without teamwork, Arnold might not survive. As I was cycling, Arnold
was leaning against my back. We were heading for Arnold’s home as I knew that
he needed his inhaler as soon as possible. Arnold murmured, “Thanks for the help,
guys. What a superb team you are.”

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