Impacts of Online Games To The School Time - Research

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Impacts of Online Games to the School Time-Related Management of G10

Students of SAHS


The world changed rapidly in the last decade. People have been seeking after new inventions
and new items. Computer has been one of the biggest product of this pursuit and it has changed a great
deal of things in human life: the way we think, the way we behave and the way we learn. After the
introduction of CALL, teachers have brought along new learning strategies and methods into the
classrooms. As vocabulary learning is one of the main bricks in language learning, teachers should be on
the prowl to use the best and the most effective way to teach. The rise in the use of the internet has led
to many changes in our daily life. In particular, this rise has also led to the rise of online gaming. Online
gaming can refer to any type of game that someone can play through the internet or over a computer
network. Most of the time, online gaming refers to the video games played over the internet, where
multiple players are in different locations around the world. In most cases, online games are freeware
programs that can be used for an unlimited time and are available for free. Most percentage of web games
available nowadays is written in Flash, Shockwave and Java languages. Because of that, they feature
more primitive game play than downloadable games.

Having an online gaming experience typically requires a high-speed internet connection. Proper hardware
will also be required whether it’s a computer or a gaming console, such as Xbox or Play station that’s
connected to the internet. Some online games require a specific piece of controlling hardware such as a
joystick or a game controller, but these days, gaming technology has progressed to an amazing extent.
Things like streaming 3-D animation graphics with superb surround sound stereo now have the ability to
make all addicted to gaming. In terms of video games, online gaming is growing in popularity for variety
of reasons. Gamers can easily find opponents of a similar skill level when playing a head-to-head game
over the internet. Players also can compete in massively multiplayer games, where dozens of players play
an ongoing game in a virtual world. Some online games change a monthly fee for access to the video
game software.

Since computers have been in our lives, the interest to games have increased. With the prevalence
of internet it became possible to play games by online. As language learners especially young learners are
interested in them, there have been an increase in researches conducted about online games in learning a
language, because the biggest part if these games are programmed in English. From another side,
undeniably motivation is a key concept of learning language. Therefore online games should be analysed
deeper, whether it is useful in learning a language. There is no doubt that students have a lot of joy in
playing, but does it work in the same way when a language is taught in classes? An overlook is needed to
this concept. Today, one can see the impact of computer and video games in politics, television, popular
music and Hollywood. A lot of research is conducted to study its effect on lifestyle and behavior of the
wow power leveling gamer especially students. Online game is the most sought leisure activity followed
by students nowadays. Computers play a major role in shaping the future of the students. Days are gone
when students loved to indulge in outdoor activities, rather than running or playing outside, students
spend most of their time playing online games. Online games surely have an impact on minds of students.
Taking into consideration, it is positively a great mind exercise and helps kids explore many new things.
It includes improvement in recursive and proactive thinking, increased sociability and improved
interpretive skills. Some research shows that the students who play online games are more active and
have sharper minds than their other counterparts. However, computers and video games also receive
much more negative critics, because games are often coined with issue such as mindless entertainment,
enhanced social recluse, sexism and consumerism. Research shows that students who play violent video
games showed on increased in emotional arousal and a corresponding decrease of activity in brain areas
involving self-control, inhabitation and attention. Everyone who plays video games has a different reason
for playing, and the usage of the game leads to different effects for each individual. Childhood
upbringings, peer influences, pressures at school and family issues are all factors that have a strong
connection with the effects of gaming on individuals. Video games maybe therapeutic for some people,
but the small amount of people who are negatively affected by gaming impact are many.

In South-East Asian countries, the negative impacts of Internet gaming addiction have led governments
and health care providers to take the problem seriously and to develop a series of initiatives to curb and
alleviate the problem. In South Korea, Internet gaming addiction is viewed as a significant concern for
public health, and up to 24% of children who have been diagnosed with Internet addiction are
hospitalized. In Japan, the government has recognized the problem following a study by the Ministry of
Education, which has led to the development of “fasting camps” where individuals suffering from Internet
and gaming addiction are helped by being cut off from technology completely.It has been stated that the
higher the Internet penetration and social acceptance of gaming, the higher the prevalence of gaming
problems, partially explaining the higher prevalence rates reported in South-East Asian countries. In
addition to this, there is good reason to think that the lower acceptance of excessive gaming in a culture,
the more distress (not less) gamers experience in engaging in the activity, potentially fuelling problem
perception. Therefore, a lack of acceptance of excessive gaming and thus stigmatization of the behavior
might contribute to higher rates of addiction and problematic play in some way. The concerns appear to
be grounded as a growing number of studies indicate that Internet gaming addiction is associated with
various negative consequences. The psychological consequences include the following: sacrificing real-
life relationships, other pastime activities, sleep, work, education, socializing, and relationships, obsession
with gaming and a lack of real-life relationships, lack of attention, aggression and
hostility, stress, dysfunctional coping, worse academic achievement, problems with verbal memory, and
low well-being and high loneliness. Moreover, psychosomatic consequences have been found in a number
of studies. These included problems with sleeping, seizures, and psychosomatic challenges. This long list
indicates that Internet gaming problems must be taken seriously as they can affect the individual
negatively in a variety of ways.

Internet gaming addiction is a behavioral problem that has been classified and explained in numerous
ways. According to Griffiths, biopsychosocial processes lead to the development of addictions, such as
Internet gaming addiction, which include the following components. First, the behavior is salient (the
individual is preoccupied with gaming). Second, the individual uses the behavior in order to modify their
mood (ie, gaming is used to escape reality or create the feeling of euphoria). Third, tolerance develops
(the individual needs increasingly more time to feel the same effect). Fourth, withdrawal symptoms occur
upon discontinuation of the behavior (the individual feels anxious, depressed, and irritable if they are
prevented from playing). Fifth, interpersonal and intra-personal conflict develops as a consequence of the
behavior (the individual has problems with their relationship, job, and hobbies, and lack of success in
abstinence). Finally, upon discontinuation of the behavior, the individual experiences relapse (they
reinitiate gaming).

Although the core criteria appear to be established, the etiology of Internet gaming addiction has yet to be
studied in detail. Research indicates that a number of risk factors are associated with Internet gaming
addiction. These risk factors include certain personality traits, gaming motivations, and structural game
characteristics. The personality traits most commonly associated with Internet addiction include
neuroticism, aggression and hostility,  and sensation-seeking. Factors that appear to protect frequent
online gamers from developing problems with their gaming were found to be conscientiousness and
extraversion, suggesting that for different individuals the same behavior can have different psychological


The present review of current perspectives on impacts of Online gaming addiction to the School
Time-Related Management has shown that research has progressed significantly over the last decade,
leading to a larger evidence base which includes important findings from neuroimaging research. Further,
it indicates that contextual factors play an important part in our understanding of Online gaming addiction
as a holistic phenomenon. It is suggested that an official diagnosis of Internet gaming addiction must
regard embedding of the problematic behavior within the context of the individual, the game, and gaming
practices, as well as the broader sociocultural environment as the meaning of the gaming behavior derives
from its context. The holistic approach adopted here not only highlights empirical research that confirms
neurobiological correlates of Internet gaming addiction and establishment of a preliminary diagnosis, but
also emphasizes the need for an indepth understanding of meaning, context, and practices associated with
gaming. Ultimately, a holistic understanding will benefit individuals who seek professional help for
problematic online gaming as treatment approaches become more targeted and consequently more
efficacious. The user and social technological (socio-technical) related category includes the studies of
players and their behaviors and psy-chological inclination, the ICT mediated social behaviors and
activities both in and outside the game, social behaviors and networking in the real world. The
interactions and communications in a game, through ICT, and in the real world may intertwine and
reinforce each other. When students played for a prolonged amount of time, online games may take a hold
on its players. The fun and games soon become their lives, their minds crave the excitement of the tasks
they must do, and the people around them soon depart, eventually leaving them with no one in their real
lives to turn to. Therefore, those who feel as if their pastime controls their way of life should reach out for
help, and researchers studying this matter should work to help people see this addiction at the same level
as every other detrimental addiction

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