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In the Laboratory

An Easy and Fast Experiment for the Determination W

of the Equilibrium Constants of an Acid–Base Pair,
Free and Complexed with a Molecular Receptor
Elena Junquera and Emilio Aicart*
Departamento de Química Fisica I, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040-
Madrid, Spain; *

Molecular complexation with artificial receptors is an where only Ka, KR–HA, and KR–A are independent, since Ka′
interesting tool widely used in the interpretation of biological is related to them as eq 4 shows.
mechanisms based on molecular recognition processes (1, 2), There are two possibilities for studying these association
where competition between equilibria plays a relevant role. equilibria. One is to buffer the pH of the medium so that
A proper and accurate determination of the corresponding only one of the two substrate species, HA or A, is in solution,
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equilibrium constants is a necessary but not always easy task, and determine KR–HA and KR–A independently from the varia-
since several processes may be involved in the interaction, tion of a physicochemical property as a function of total [R]
and any of the properties analyzed is an overall result of this at constant total [substrate] (4 ). It is important to ensure that
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competition. This is very important because in such a case there none of the buffer species is capable of being complexed by
is more than one association equilibrium, and more than one R, because this could interfere in the final results. The other
supramolecular entity is formed. The importance and rising possibility is to determine the Ka of the substrate and the
interest of supramolecular systems validates their introduction association constants KR–HA and KR–A simultaneously, by
to chemistry students; the picture presented to them, however, following the variation of the pH of an unbuffered aqueous
is often quite obscure. This paper shows, through easy pH solution of the substrate as long as the receptor is added. Since
experiments, how to determine the equilibrium constants of H+ is one of the species involved in Scheme I, this variation
two molecular receptor–substrate systems involved in a is a faithful indication of the shifting of these equilibria as
competitive process. The experiment is appropriate for students long as the two complexes R–HA and R–A are formed. This
in the second semester of a junior-level physical chemistry class. method has clear advantages over the first one, since no buffer
solutions are needed and all the equilibrium constants of
Equilibrium Constant Determination Scheme I are obtained with only one titration, reducing the
number of experiments and the amount of substrate and
When there is only one substrate species in solution that
receptor—which is of great importance when they are very
can associate with the receptor, the determination of the bind-
expensive or even not commercially available.
ing constant is normally achieved by relating the percentage of
This paper describes an experimental setup and a math-
complex formed with any easily measurable physicochemical
ematical model, easily affordable in the laboratory, for the
property, such as conductivity, absorbance of light, fluorescence,
simultaneous determination of all the equilibrium constants
or 1H NMR chemical shifts (3). However, in many cases the
of Scheme I through easy pH measurements. Several equa-
substrate is an ionizable weak acid; both the acid (HA) and its
tions must be considered for such a purpose: eqs 1–3, and
conjugated base (A) are present in solution, and both are able
the charge and mass balances for the receptor and substrate,
to associate with the receptor (R), a situation that complicates
given by the following expressions:
the usual procedure. Scheme I shows the set of equilibria that
occur on the formation of R–HA and R–A complexes, assum- [H+] = [A] + [R–A] + [OH] (5)
ing a usual 1:1 stoichiometry.  
[HA]total = [HA] + [A ] + [R–HA] + [R–A ] (6)

Ka [R]total = [R] + [R–HA] + [R–A ] (7)
HA H+ + A−
The activities in eqs 1–3 are related to the concentrations
KR–HA KR–A− shown in eqs 5–7 through the activity coefficients, assumed


to be unity for the neutral species and determined with the

Ka' extended Debye–Hückel theory for the charged species.
R–HA R–A− + H+ Thus eqs 1–7 allow the simultaneous determination of Ka,
KR–HA, and KR–A as coefficients of the nonlinear regression
Scheme I
of the experimental pH values (=  log aH+) as a function of
The equilibrium constants are related to the activities total receptor concentration. The program to carry out the
of the species through these expressions: numerical analysis is a conventional nonlinear fitting proce-
dure based on Newton–Raphson and Marquardt algorithms.
Ka = (aH+ aA)/aHA (1)
KR–HA = aR–HA /(aR aHA) (2) Equipment
KR–A = a R–A /(aR aA) (3) Figure 1 shows a block diagram of specific apparatus for a
potentiometric technique.1 A pH–ion meter together with a
Ka′ = (a R–A aH+)/aR–HA = Ka KR–A /KR–HA (4) combined glass electrode was used for the pH measurements. • Vol. 77 No. 9 September 2000 • Journal of Chemical Education 1215

In the Laboratory






Figure 1. Block diagram of the potentiometric technique. (1)

Metrohm 713 pH-Ion meter; (2) and (3) combined glass electrode;
(4) measurement cell; (5) cover; (6) polypropylene stirrer; (7) 2.75
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008
Metrohm 665 Dosimat digital buret; (8) thermostatted bath.
[β-CD] / M
Figure 2. pH values of aqueous solutions of salicylic acid at a
The aqueous unbuffered solution of the substrate is placed constant concentration of 4.04 mM as a function of β-CD con-
in a measuring cell, with a cover to prevent evaporation of the centration, at 25 ºC.
solution. A digital buret is filled with the receptor solution,
which will be added to the cell in successive additions. A
polypropylene stirrer, activated by an external motor that
rotates at constant velocity, guarantees thorough mixing. The
measuring cell and buret cylinder are thermostatted with 3.05 T = 15 °C
recirculating water from a thermostatted bath. The combined T = 20 °C
glass electrode was calibrated with three buffer solutions of T = 25 °C
pH 4, 7, and 9. 3.00
T = 30 °C

Experimental Procedure T = 40 °C

In the experiment shown as an example, the receptor is 2.95

the β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) and the substrate is the salicylic

acid. β-CD is a torus-shaped oligosaccharide built up with 7

α(1→4) linked α- D -glucopyranose units. Its hydrophobic 2.90

cavity allows for the encapsulation of an apolar substrate of

suitable medium size, with the formation of an inclusion
complex characterized by the stoichiometry and the association 2.85

constant. This capability has made β-CD one of the most

important and widely used drug carriers (5). Salicylic acid is a
well-known hydroxybenzoic acid with various pharmaceutical 2.80

applications. As a weak acid, it is dissociated in aqueous

solution and its aromatic ring is of appropriate size to fit
inside the β-CD cavity. Thus, salicylic acid and β-CD are 2.75
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008
examples of an acid–base pair and a molecular receptor, re-
spectively, and have been chosen to show the suggested model. [β -CD] / M
pH measurements were performed on aqueous unbuffered Figure 3. pH values of aqueous solutions of salicylic acid at a
solutions2,3 of salicylic acid at a constant concentration of around constant concentration of ca. 4 mM as a function of β-CD con-
4 mM, as a function of β-CD concentration, at 25 °C (Fig. 2). centration at different temperatures.
From these pH values, the dissociation constant of the acid
(Ka) and the association constants of the complexes formed
by the cyclodextrin and the ionized (KR–A) and un-ionized Table 1. Values of Equilibrium Constants in Scheme I
(KR–HA) forms of the substrate were determined.4 The values, for the ␤-Cyclodextrin–Salicylic Acid–Water System
reported in the third line of Table 1, lead to some conclusions [Substrate]/
T/ ºC 103 Ka KR–HA /M1 KR–A¯ /M1
that can be discussed by the teacher and the students: (i) the mM
value of Ka is in excellent agreement with literature (8 ), 4.05 15 1.2 ± 0.1 1160.± 120 120.± 20
corroborating the efficacy of the model; (ii) since the statistics 4.00 20 1.2 ± 0.1 940.± 90 110.± 20
of the fits are fairly good, 1:1 stoichiometries are confirmed 4.04 25 1.3 ± 0.1 780.± 80 90.± 20
for the inclusion complexes R–HA and R–A, as initially assumed
3.96 30 1.2 ± 0.1 630.± 60 70.± 15
in the model; (iii) the acid species of the substrate, salicylic
acid, binds the β-CD much more favorably than its ionic 3.92 40 1.4 ± 0.1 450.± 40 45.± 10

1216 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 77 No. 9 September 2000 •

In the Laboratory

students. It is usually attributed to the contribution of a clear

R–HA hydrophobic effect, van der Waals contacts between the host
R–A− and the guest, and the solvent reorganization, as noncovalent
60 intermolecular forces responsible for the overall stability of
the complexes (2, 5). Notice in Table 2 that it is the entropic
term that makes the CD–salicylic acid complex more stable
than the CD–salicylate, because the entropy change is more
R lnK / (J mol-1 K-1)

unfavorable for the anion while the enthalpy change is equally

favorable for both the anion and acid.


We thank the DGES (M.E.C. of Spain), project No.
PB95-0356, for supporting this work.

Supplemental Material

15 Supplemental material for this article, including notes

3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 for the instructor and the nonlinear regression method to
T -1 / (10-3 K-1)
determine the equilibrium constant, is available in this issue
of JCE Online.
Figure 4. van’t Hoff plots for R–HA and R–A complexes.
Table 2. Enthalpy (⌬H ⴗ) and Entropy (⌬S ⴗ) Changes 1. An estimated price for the experimental equipment would
upon Binding (from Eq 8) be around $4000.
Receptor–Substrate .∆H °/kJ mol 1 .∆S °/J mol 1 K 1 2. Solutions must be freshly prepared with distilled, deionized
β-CD–salicylic acid  29 ± 1  42 ± 4 water, preferably from a Millipore Super-Q System. It is advisable
β-CD–salicylate anion  29 ± 8  63 ± 20
to sonicate initial solutions for 15 minutes in an ultrasonic bath to
guarantee their homogeneity.
3. A procedure for the preparation of solutions, which guar-
antees the constancy of the substrate concentration during the ti-
counterpart, salicylate. This can be analyzed in terms of the tration, is as follows: (i) 50 mL of aqueous solution of salicylic acid
molecular factors affecting the inclusion process in each case— 4 mM is prepared; (ii) 20 mL of this substrate solution is placed
solvent reorganization, electrostatic interactions, etc., although into the cell; (iii) the other 30 mL is used to prepare the β-CD
more energetic information is required for such discussion. solution, at a concentration of 15 mM; (iv) this CD–substrate–
water solution is placed into the buret.
van’t Hoff Analysis 4. The constants A and B and the ion size parameters for H+
and OH on the extended Debye–Hückel equation are taken from
The study can be completed with an analysis of the changes the literature (6, 7). These parameters for salicylate species, free
in the enthalpy (∆H °), and entropy (∆S °) of the association (A) and complexed (R–A), have been estimated as 6 and 16 Å,
processes, which can be estimated through the dependence respectively, in terms of their geometry and size.
of the binding constants on temperature, following the well- 5. The van’t Hoff analysis can be done by several pairs of stu-
known van’t Hoff equation: dents, each pair working at one temperature. A minimum of four
∆H ° temperatures is recommended to obtain reliable energetic parameters.
R ln K =  + ∆S ° (8)
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