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ol 22 Sociology - I Unity. in Diy, fluxcs oo o et ape ect 1 eral yi inus 2 (gions tn \ndia, tvadi onally theca tec et ct cca ‘adel despite of 90 oan aliffecenices in cli tferent vel ee Po. ae ag Vive pea: Fully “ Geagraphical.+— oT re ce | = np_tn different area ‘ 2 | Cultural: Art,iterature + a @- situral divers India_{n ‘ there existence is-celebrated. by everyone in India a fenirves i a. Sociology as.a Sefence —— Setence = Concerned. with Knovled qe d = >| Characteristics - i Study of facts and figures. Taols-and.terhnigues. is | ijpes af sudence_= eR SN a ici ee Physical LSclence = Exact and. precise — _—_Fraimple = Physics’, chem: Rico lecaen| =| human related] —________less_exact anc less precise. Bee Atel e = Soclology., cea. + Pol. oc Hist CY uy L Neopia Principles i ee a _Sclenoe OR Preconditions — {Theoretical Framenork. BB [itis on the basls of re cuasth ories ) Adaptation , | if Gaal attatnment Integy my ya latenay | is_model_{ universally applicable Be = Enlightenment, Frencr Ind Jonscfence- example state tology = example Inteca ctionist perspec 3 eo A, Eeanamic 8 = concepksic Class caste,& igion Nation, foltties , fA education, Medicine —___ ty ibiadudes atabitice.ttalso- includes inedaka tn number form aul thenamena isstudied liner z lect an inet — P —nacey: Example — Duck Tennent ee \ Rar at le can_also make assumption. ee th_soctety or. ui eehatfour re ee te teal originate cat og h-buk there ane some Glitches ike. as pone geht can f th_ceperiments th A_Natural sefence 2 ~Mechanical_ and. Pia . given a: Durkheim. nd Sica 2 frou Diy they are oi Targelypreferced. among for they © Redd to tines ior econ, Of aur human past t istry ts the storemuse af records +tvenks and treaia miledge a but Tmportank facts and aneores Hy socalegy ae Teltefon —Karl Mack's tear fof class struaale q Enlishtenment frenth revolution and. Jndustrial revolution. 1_Socte = atthe bible fan Andividual lac i pendencies 6 {ology and_gsy chology on each other. | a = Gti Meads theory oF Soctal Action. lis Ne = DP Baki nas Ties = aulielaz / Marria e___—— taly Ganctioned. ee geet Gandharva - | a Valid Esahin) _ Wien all thee; ___affecting. the_pa noe permanent as well as tempatat Noid. { Batil] psu. 3 eS {he marriage being veld ab {nitfo creates no ciguts or obligations and the oti. __/=ren orn out of such Set qitirnate . aan fox widen tog the rules of blood. relationship. affinity ot fosterage is void Si \arly a wate lage with the wife «another ora divorced. wile aussing Vida Hl geriods is also ___ wid [a waiting geiod. that-a Musiim woman thserves afhorahe dtathn of ner husband Ras a divorce | form or-the marriage become in_nature aod can be Temnaved. « “Th can_be_macle waite rola ge ontracked. tatthout required, number of 2 wsith nomen ds -mantiag herTddat geriad 5 ptifthauk the consent of ner 9, 0} the prevfous ustves J = 2— Hindu marriage 1 Meaning J Ai | Marriage is Pejarded to bea satrament ny tindus ther +h of sotial contract, since they believe that all men_and. ects tobe parents and. practise dharma ogethen as ordained. Nedas. ‘The Brahmanas state that man. is only sald t0 be “comple! —— marrying a Homan, and. acquutcing progeny. — _ eee 2 Inportant Taiminalogy —— —- {| Monogamy —i_Single spouse. EER Endo gamy 2 Within Bigamy i thd spouses, ——viil_Hypogame | downward, m —iil. {tolygamy Multiple “epousee, ok te Jv folyandry : Multiple fushands ix. Hi pergarny Fs Dpward sodhitiy pe Vs = folly geny s Multiple wives wife. 4 Peapamy 2 Outside the group Pewedi pete ellen: | | =e ‘ i A grou f-4-Usually aatea tas “ : Pin. sree hod AU eat ea f Megg as : = at food. caoke OUP of people Sto generally he-under one anf, sata—— pp 7 E ie Income betel ih hal etoperly_tn_cammon and wine an stearate and ae waked. to cach other’ as some eat

Fatiarchal arnily | . Matrtarchal famnily (2fnPand motion ees 20h nclp gnc eam oles sotfalibondag ae a i oe sinless oa an te = alga tal ties and even fave Ee Zoli yecca de chipiean iovslvera lationship bebies = unrelated. by Uneage ot inarn - ieee Se bal sto the bond of marriage ane _repraduction.” | telatfonshtp bs oicen- parents and_childrenas Well-as siblings says the sata, ey p.—This is the most basic and, universal type of Kinship . Also na. L-un ai primacy Kinship tk iovalves people Who are dire tigcolated. I J |__* Aiffiinal = “fis kinship is based. on marriage. “ne lationship behoeen | is ei anguineal - “his kinship is based on blood. —or birth » the —. | bushand. and wife tsalso considered a hasic dorm of kinship fg. “Social Semi anqued that_noball Kinshtp derives foom blood. ee ee 0 (affinal) ere ae also sofal Kashles, whnee indi srtant-to.a—Pe [ no miso alin en wy 1s elt being. ee or ae e_kinshite- anerenently ++ a\so-set th ipl ior int sometimes legit phasic lauds, act to ine Sociology rou a ta Hp y Sh 1 defined and. soractir, gaia biologi rela mee ak tne fact tetceath ano! \ Descent is sca Lineage the Lins froro which de. cont is traced. 7 ad _ Based on _descenk ancl Lin: jp azemin fy | cetatianshtps. — and even sets cules an yaino can. marry anc. ‘ait ja Mondal in “kinship + Brice aed on engin.” Pei eople And defing ovather ‘and sister, or hushands and. wife, for example kinship also_co ie ie has aide Hs 4 ot u anol marrtay AS or trilodl soci . Why, iy | x) /3/1/) oe ty. Hama nous people My, //// 77” iff] 7) Leal = LS Note *wekealnpy ab Sa pnek wf BubtityS enulicae Ger WY Pati held dmpibmarsted tise OF ie 1Y Bods hed Sap aL ae polity. cumaing. thre Saclice ‘ L ? [Clomaihotad cla uman interactions a institution = term. cons “ac chant socialt ancl Long Test Social_Chang@-=——— _ Socfologtsis a sae a fh is sae sransfaxso_—c relationships that that pees ime anclot : al "i igre t As idecgoing. {proc oh it ts alalays un Continues = ieee oat mo change. j iia a hap plines $s tural diffusion. r= culture clothes, Ufestale ange in_steucture > Ek= fapethave no Vale nik Lien tt necaie =s Rupee it becomes Valuabl, ransformation - Ex = Jol i 4 Aocial and eultiral fnstthiton wl i Revolution - ex - frenoh tevolution ivf ant. nclusteiat evita. and cule eating played. “Wacand. ke, - ———tu moinisheative and — sde_and_agetent |e. p-APeC balte of Gusar Casas ee “ j2l-¢mporer Shan - Alam handed — 7 over the “Diwan rights? ~—he-alltharfiy tn collect ine land revenueiye ee [ jDual_admtatshatton “carne nia effect: ta Geogall ints te wi Caen “-_ J——-#tvecnance. tndew this the Authority to colléck land taxes cut and — | fudictary tere given inthe Indian setae —thereas the British retained.” f he Aviborij of manssiog he mevenue sallecton sis [eee | Tropa bs. sean {| _* Indians could devel lo P-Madernity , secularism | democratic attitudes id ratiz aevelopin= iS 5 5 : a fem of 2 feriodials started emerging Henabled, Indians to have wikc: te —s sae maid]! opinions an varfour is Ue, * New social an isi W_teformation movements emerged 4 * the thoughts of thinkers ike - 1.5 Mit, Rousseau and Mantessa ta | brought fresh thinking inthe mind of ———— * The freedoms: that were taleing place across +h lob. infurenerd the Indians also. Lentightenment, french revotubion Industefatisation | ane ere]

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