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Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

Volume 2022, Article ID 6229947, 20 pages

Research Article
An Intelligent Multiattribute Decision-Support Framework
Based on Parameterization of Neutrosophic Hypersoft Set

Atiqe Ur Rahman ,1 Muhammad Saeed ,1 Alhanouf Alburaikan ,2

and Hamiden Abd El-Wahed Khalifa 2,3
Department of Mathematics, University of Management and Technology, Lahore 54000, Pakistan
Department of Mathematics, College of Science and Arts, Al-Badaya, Qassim University, Buraydah, Saudi Arabia
Department of Operations Research, Faculty of Graduate Studies for Statistical Research, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt

Correspondence should be addressed to Atiqe Ur Rahman;

Received 3 November 2021; Revised 5 January 2022; Accepted 27 January 2022; Published 24 March 2022

Academic Editor: Sheng Du

Copyright © 2022 Atiqe Ur Rahman et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Hypersoft set is a novel area of interest which is able to tackle the real-world scenarios where classification of parameters into their
respective sub-parametric values in the form of overlapping sets is mandatory. It employs a new approximate mapping which
considers such sets in the form of sub-parametric tuples as its domain. The existing soft set-like structures are insufficient to tackle
such kind of situations. This research intends to establish a novel concept of parameterization of fuzzy set under hypersoft set
environment with uncertain components of intuitionistic fuzzy set and neutrosophic set. Two novel structures, i.e., fuzzy pa-
rameterized intuitionistic fuzzy hypersoft set (fpifhs-set) and fuzzy parameterized neutrosophic hypersoft set (fpnhs-set), are
developed by employing algebraic techniques like theoretic, analytical, pictorial, and algorithmic techniques. After characterizing
the elementary properties and set-theoretic operations of fpifhs-set and fpnhs-set, two novel algorithms are proposed to solve real-
life decision-making COVID-19 problem. The results of both algorithms are compared with related already established models
through certain evaluating features to judge the advantageous aspects of the proposed study. The generalization of the proposed
models is discussed by describing some of their particular cases.

1. Introduction Moreover, if-sets are proficient at emulating the available

information more precisely and rationally. Many researchers
The conventional logic is not always significant in real-life made contributions regarding the extensions of f-sets and
state of affairs, where the accessible information is unclear or if-sets, but the contributions of Deli and Keleş [3], Mah-
indefinite. To cope with such sort of circumstances, a specific mood et al. [4], Ünver et al. [5], and Wang and Garg [6] are
class of sets recognized as fuzzy set (f-set) (initiated by more significant. They introduced novel extensions of if-sets
Zadeh [1]) is regarded as apt. In such set, a belonging grade and applied them in real-world problems through algo-
within [0, 1] is assigned to each element of the initial rithm-based decision-making techniques. Both f-sets and
universe. Nevertheless, to manage more complex and un- if-sets were observed to be incapable of considering the
certain real-life situations, f-set was found incapable, and grade of indeterminacy, so neutrosophic set (n-set) was
therefore Atanassov [2] established a novel model, i.e., instigated by Smarandache [7] to deal with such kind of
intuitionistic fuzzy set (if-set) which is more effective in limitations. The n-set is more proficient at preserving the
tackling vagueness of data. It assigns belonging and non- impreciseness in the contents of perceived data and may
belonging grades to each element of the initial universe assist rough reasoning behavior meticulously. Although the
subject to the condition that their sum lies within [0, 1]. expressive capacity of n-set is higher than that of the
2 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

conventional f-set and if-set due to the consideration of a 1.1. Research Gap and Motivation
neutral grade, they have reasonably higher computational
(1) The phrase “parameterization of fuzzy set” is actually
complication over f-set and if-set.
meant for dispensing the fuzzy value to each attri-
The above described structures showed some draw-
bute/subattribute in the domain of single-argument/
backs with respect to the consideration of parameteri-
multiargument approximate function
zation tool. To manage such insufficiency, Molodtsov [8]
developed soft set (s-set) as a new mathematical tool. In
s-set, an approximate mapping is used to map a set of (2) Many researchers discussed the parameterization
parameters to power set of universe. In order to enhance of fuzzy set-like structures under soft set envi-
the applicability of s-set in real-world uncertain sce- ronment with fuzzy set-like settings. The literature
narios, some of its hybridized structures like fuzzy soft set review of most relevant models is presented in
(fs-set) [9, 10], intuitionistic fuzzy soft set (ifs-set) Table 1. It can be observed easily that the above-
[11, 12], and neutrosophic soft set (ns-set) [13] were mentioned models focused on a single set of at-
developed. Ali et al. [14], Li [15], Maji et al. [16], Pei and tributes and used ordinary soft approximate
Miao [17], and Sezgin and Atagün [18] discussed the mapping to study the parameterized nature of
rudiments of s-set with numerical examples. Babitha and parametric domain. They are incapable of dealing
Sunil [19, 20] introduced the concept of relations, with situations having compulsion partitioning of
functions, and orders under soft set environment. attributes into their respective attribute-valued
Broumi et al. [21] and Deli [22] developed hybridized nonoverlapping sets.
structures of n-set with s-set with interval settings. They (3) The incapability of soft set-like models leads to
described some of their rudimentary properties and the demand for new structure; therefore, hs-set
applied different methods for their implementation in is initiated to manage such situations. As hs-set
certain cases. emphasizes deep observation of attributes,
In various real-life decision-making situations, it is hs-set can be considered as flexible and reliable
observed that nonoverlapping sets having sub-parametric model to have unbiased decision-support sys-
values corresponding to parameters are required to be tem. In Figure 1, the difference between s-set
considered, but the s-set and its hybrids are not projected and hs-set is presented with the help of an ex-
for such situations. Therefore, Smarandache [23] pre- ample for product selection through decision-
sented the notion of hypersoft set (hs-set) which is capable making.
of handling such situations by using a new approximate (4) Motivated by the above-mentioned literature in
mapping having multiargument domain. In order to general and [43, 44, 47–50] in specific, we construct
utilize hs-set in other fields of study, its various basic novel structures of fuzzy parameterized intuitionistic
properties, relations, and matrices have been investigated fuzzy hypersoft set (fpifhs-set) and fuzzy parame-
in [24] with the help of supporting examples. Debnath terized neutrosophic hypersoft set (fpnhs-set) and
[25] discussed the decision-making application based on characterize them with the help of algorithm-based
weightage operators of fuzzy hypersoft set. Deli [26] decision-support systems.
developed a novel hybrid of hs-set called “neutrosophic
valued n-attribute neutrosophic hypersoft set” which
generalizes most of the existing fuzzy set-like structures 1.2. Main Contributions. Main contributions of this research
for dealing with uncertainty, vagueness, and indetermi- are given below:
nacy. Kamacı and Saqlain [27] discussed the validity of
hs-set for the entitlement of multidecisive opinions under (1) The structures like those in [43, 44, 47–50] are made
expert set environment. Martin and Smarandache [28, 29] capable with the entitlement of maa-function by
discussed the hybridization of hypersoft set with plitho- characterizing fpifhs-sets and fpnhs-sets.
genic set and discussed its applications. Rahman et al. (2) The situations with sub-parametric-valued sets are
[30–33] studied various notional properties of complex managed for the environments of if-set and n-set by
set, convex cum concave sets, and parameterization by using fpifhs-sets and fpnhs-sets,
using the environment of hs-set. They also solved real- (3) Some essential rudiments, i.e., properties, elemen-
world decision-making problems with the help of tary laws, and aggregation operations of fpifhs-set
algorithms based on such hybrids. Saeed et al. [34–36] and fpnhs-set are investigated.
extended the concept by introducing the mappings and
(4) Two algorithms based on fpifhs-set and fpnhs-set are
graphs of hs-set with indeterminate settings and discussed
proposed to deal with daily-life decision-making
its implementation in product selection and medical
problems having uncertain data/information in
science. Saqlain et al. [37, 38] discussed aggregation op-
COVID-19 scenario.
erators, distance, and similarity measures of neutrosophic
hypersoft sets with application in decision-making. Zul- (5) In order to judge the distinction of this research, the
qarnain et al. [39] investigated generalized aggregate computed algorithm-based results are compared
operators for neutrosophic hypersoft sets with some with most relevant models by considering suitable
results. evaluating indicators.
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 3

Table 1: Literature review on the parameterization of fuzzy set-like models under soft set.
Authors Structure Domain parameterization Range setting
Adam and Hassan
Multi Q-fuzzy parameterized soft set Multi Q-fuzzy set Soft set
Alkhazaleh et al.
Fuzzy parameterized interval-valued fuzzy soft set Fuzzy set Soft set
Aydın and Interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy parameterized Interval-valued Interval-valued intuitionistic
Enginoğlu [42] interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy soft set intuitionistic fuzzy set fuzzy soft set
Broumi et al. [21] Neutrosophic parameterized soft set (nps-set) Neutrosophic set Soft set
Çağman et al. [43] Fuzzy parameterized fuzzy soft set (fpfs-set) Fuzzy set Fuzzy soft set
Deli and Çağman
Intuitionistic fuzzy parameterized soft set (ifps-set) Intuitionistic fuzzy set Soft set
Hassan and Al- Fuzzy parameterized complex multi-fuzzy soft set
Fuzzy set Complex multi-fuzzy soft set
Qudah [45] (fpcmfs-set)
Hazaymeh et al.
Fuzzy parameterized fuzzy soft expert set (fpfse-set) Fuzzy set Fuzzy soft expert set
Intuitionistic fuzzy parameterized fuzzy soft set
Joshi et al. [47] Intuitionistic fuzzy set Fuzzy soft set
Intuitionistic fuzzy parameterized intuitionistic fuzzy
Karaaslan [48] Intuitionistic fuzzy set Intuitionistic fuzzy soft set
soft set (ifpifs-set)
Riaz and Hashmi
Fuzzy parameterized fuzzy soft set (fpfs-set) Fuzzy set Fuzzy soft set
Zhu and Zhan [50] Fuzzy parameterized fuzzy soft set (fpfs-set) Fuzzy set Fuzzy soft set

Soft Set Model Hypersoft Set Model

Set of distinct attributes

Attribute-valued disjoint sets

•RAM (GB) RAM {4, 8}
•ROM (GB) Approximate Appropriate
•Battery Power Five function Selection of ROM {32, 64}
(mAh) kind H U
•Camera (Pixel) of F: A---->P (U) Mobile Battery {3400,
(Cartesian Five kinds of
•Screen Size (inch) Mobiles product) Mobiles
Power 4000}
{8, 16}
Most Multi-argument
Screen Appropriate Approximate
{5.7, 5.9}
Set of attributes Universe of Discourse Size Selection of Function
Mobile F: H-----> P (U)

Figure 1: Comparison of soft set model and hypersoft set model.

(6) The particular cases of the proposed models are generalization and merits of proposed work. The paper is
discussed along with graphical representation to summarized with future directions in the last section.
show their generalized aspects.
(7) The paper is summarized with the description of its 2. Preliminaries
merits and future scope.
This portion of the paper presents some elementary terms and
definitions by reviewing the existing literature for clear un-
1.3. Paper Organization. The rest of the paper is organized as derstanding of the proposed study. Throughout the rest of the
follows: In Section 2, some essential definitions of ele- paper, the symbols U, P(U), and I denote universe of dis-
mentary nature are reviewed from literature for better course, power set of U, and closed unit interval. Furthermore,
understanding of the main study. Theories of fpifhs-set and F (U), IF(U), and N(U) denote the collection of f-sets,
fpnhs-set are developed along with their decision-support if-sets, and n-sets over U, respectively. In 1965, Zadeh [1]
systems in Sections 3 and 4, respectively. In order to observe initiated the concept of fuzzy set as a generalization of classical
the advantageous aspect of the proposed study, a compar- set (crisp set) to deal with uncertain nature of data. This set
ison is presented with some existing relevant models in employs a membership function which maps set of objects
Section 5, and Section 6 presents the discussion on (alternatives) to unit closed interval.
4 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

Definition 1 [1]. soft set and to handle the situations with multiargument
A fuzzy set P is defined as approximate function (MAAF).
P �􏼈 u
􏽢 , TP (􏽢 u ∈ U􏼉,
u)􏼁|􏽢 (1)
Definition 5 [23].
such that TP : U ⟶ I where TP (􏽢 u) represents the A hypersoft set over U is a pair (W, H), where H is the
membership grade of u 􏽢 ∈ P. Cartesian product of Hi , i � 1, 2, 3, . . . , n, Hi ∩ Hj � ∅ for
Fuzzy set emphasizes degree of membership only for all i ≠ j having attribute values of h􏽢 , i � 1, 2, 3, . . . ,
dealing with uncertain scenarios, but there are many situ- i j
ations where it is necessary to consider nonmembership n, h􏽢 ≠ h􏽢 , i ≠ j, respectively, and W: H ⟶ P(U).
degree; therefore, into adequate fuzzy set with such situation, For the sake of proper use of hypersoft set under un-
Atanassov [2] introduced intuitionistic fuzzy set as a gen- certain environments, the hybrids of s-sets like fs-sets,
eralization of fuzzy set. It provides due status to both ifs-sets, and ns-sets are further modified for hypersoft set
membership and nonmembership degrees of an alternative. environment so the following novel structures are
Definition 2 [2].
An intuitionistic fuzzy set Q is defined as Definition 6 [23].
A hypersoft set (W, H) is called fuzzy hypersoft set,
Q �􏼈 u
􏽢 , < TQ (􏽢 u ∈ U􏼉,
u) > 􏼁|􏽢
u), FQ (􏽢 (2) intuitionistic fuzzy hypersoft set, and neutrosophic hyper-
soft set if P(U) in W: H ⟶ P(U) is replaced with F (U),
such that TQ : U ⟶ I and FQ : U ⟶ I, where TQ (􏽢
u) IF(U), and N(U), respectively.
and FQ (􏽢u) denote the membership and nonmembership For more details on hypersoft set and its operations,
􏽢 ∈ U subject to the condition that
grades of u please see [23, 24].
0 ≤ TQ (􏽢 u) ≤ 1.
u) + FQ (􏽢 (3) Before presenting main results, first necessity of the
proposed study is discussed. In various daily-world sce-
Both fuzzy set and intuitionistic fuzzy set are insufficient narios like product selection, supplier selection, and medical
to tackle the various uncertain scenarios where the con- diagnosis, the decision-makers face the following problems:
sideration of indeterminate grades is necessary. In order to
(1) The chosen parameters (attributes) need to be fur-
manage such situations, Smarandache [7] characterized
ther partitioned into their respective attribute-valued
neutrosophic set which not only considers membership and
disjoint sets.
nonmembership grades but also provides due status to
degree of indeterminacy of an alternative. (2) A new type of function (mapping), i.e., multiargu-
ment approximated function, is needed to tackle the
Definition 3 [7]. attribute-valued disjoint sets collectively as its
A neutrosophic set R is defined as domain.
(3) The computed tuples have uncertain nature and need
R �􏼈 u
􏽢 , < TR (􏽢
u), IR (􏽢
u), FR (􏽢 u ∈ U􏼉,
u) > 􏼁|􏽢 (4) a fuzzy membership value to depict their uncertainty.
such that TR (􏽢 u), IR (􏽢 u): U ⟶ (− 0, 1+ ),where
u), FR (􏽢 (4) The approximate elements of multi-approximate
TR (􏽢 u), and FR (􏽢
u), IR (􏽢 u) represent the grades of mem- function are assessed in the form of intuitionistic
bership, indeterminacy, and nonmembership of u 􏽢∈U fuzzy values or neutrosophic values.
subject to the condition that In order to manage all above problems collectively,

0 ≤ TR (􏽢
u) + IR (􏽢 u) ≤ 3+ .
u) + FR (􏽢 (5) parameterization of hypersoft set with fuzzy setting is re-
quired under intuitionistic fuzzy set and neutrosophic set
Fuzzy set, intuitionistic fuzzy set, and neutrosophic set environments which lead to the demand for the proposed
depict some kind of insufficiency regarding the consider- study.
ation of parameterization tool. In order to manage this
limitation, Molodtsov [8] developed soft set as a new 3. Fuzzy Parameterized Intuitionistic Fuzzy
mathematical tool to tackle uncertainties and vagueness in Hypersoft Set (fpifhs-Set) with Application
the data.
In various real-world decision-making scenarios, the deci-
Definition 4 [8]. sion-makers are uncertain about the nature of selected
A soft set over U is a pair (FS , G), where parameters under hs-set environment with approximate
FS : G ⟶ P(U) and G ⊆ E (a set of parameters). elements having intuitionistic fuzzy values. Such type of
More details on soft set and its operations can be seen in parameters is known as fuzzy parameters, and such sce-
[10, 16]. In many real-world scenarios, the classification of narios are tackled with the help of fpifhs-set. The meth-
attributes into sub-attributive values in the form of sets is odology of the proposed study is explained in Figure 2. In
necessary. The existing concept of soft set is not sufficient this section, firstly theory of fpifhs-set is constructed, and
and is incompatible with such scenarios, so Smarandache then decision-making problem is discussed with the help of
[23] introduced hypersoft sets to address the insufficiency of proposed algorithm.
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 5

As a universe of discourse, some Hand-Sanitizers (Alternatives) are ranked Comparison of proposed study is
kinds of hand-sanitizers are by using algorithm based on decision made with some existing relevant model
considered as alternatives -support system of fpifhs-set. to judge its advantageous aspects

Appropriate distinctparameters are

chosen and then they are further Decision-support system based on Hand-Sanitizers (Alternatives) are ranked
classified into their respective fpifhs-set is developed and an algorithm by using algorithm based on decision
attribute-valued disjoint sets is proposed by using this system -support system of fpnhs-set.

Cartesian product of attribute- Decision-support system based on

valued disjoint sets is computed Fuzzy parameterized intuitionistic fuzzy fpnhs-set is developed and an algorithm
which has elements in the form hypersoft set ( fpifhs-set) is characterized is proposed by using this system.
of tuples

The uncertain nature of selected

Some suitable tuples are chosen parametric tuples is judged by assigning Fuzzy parameterized neutrosophic
as a subset of tuples for further fuzzy membership degree to them, called hypersoft set (fpnhs-set) is characterized
evaluation fuzzy parameterization

Figure 2: Methodology of the proposed study.

Definition 7. Let X1 , X2 , X3 ,. . ., Xn be parameter-valued called universal fpifhs-set, denoted by ΨG􏽥 .

sets with Xi ∩ Xj � ∅, i ≠ j respective to parameters
x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . , xn , xi ≠ xj , i ≠ j, respectively. A fpifhs-set ΨB
Example 1. Consider
over U is defined as
U � 􏼈u 􏽢1 , u􏽢2 , u
􏽢3 , u 􏽢 5 􏼉 and Y � 􏼈Y1 , Y2 , Y3 􏼉 with
􏽢4 , u
L (􏽢g) Y1 � 􏼈y 􏽢 12 􏼉, Y2 � 􏼈y
􏽢 11 , y 􏽢 22 􏼉, Y3 � 􏼈y
􏽢 21 , y 􏽢 31 􏼉; then, G �
ΨB � 􏼨􏼠 B , ψ B (􏽢 􏽢 ∈ G, ψ B (􏽢
g)􏼡: g g) ∈ IF(U)􏼩, (6) (􏽢y11 , y􏽢 21 , y􏽢 31 ), (􏽢
y11 , y􏽢 22 , y
􏽢 31 ),
g Y1 × Y2 × Y3 , G�􏼨 􏼩
y12 , y
(􏽢 􏽢 21 , y
􏽢 31 ), (􏽢 􏽢 22 , y
y12 , y 􏽢 31 )
where G � 􏼈g
􏽢1, g􏽢2, g􏽢3, g 􏽢 4 􏼉.
(i) G � X1 × X2 × X3 × . . . . × Xn . Case 1. When B1 � 􏼈0.2/􏽢 g2 , 0.0/􏽢
g3 , 1.0/􏽢
g4 􏼉,
(ii) B ∈ F(U) with LB : G ⟶ I. ψ B1 (􏽢
g2 ) � 􏼈(0.2, 0.4)/􏽢 u2 , (0.3, 0.5)/􏽢 u4 􏼉, ψ B1 (􏽢 g3 ) � ∅,
(iii) ψ B : G ⟶ IF(U) is known as approximate func- and g4 ) � U,
ψ B1 (􏽢 then ΨB1 �
tion of fpifhs-set. ⎪

⎨ 􏼠0.2/􏽢 (0.2, 0.4)/􏽢u2 , ⎪

g2 , 􏼨 􏼩􏼡, ⎬
⎪ (0.3, 0.5)/􏽢
u 4 ⎪ .
Note that collection of all fpifhs-sets is represented by ⎩ ⎭
(0.0/􏽢g3 , ∅), (1.0/􏽢g4 , U)
⊎ (U). The vivid comparison of the existing model Case 2. When B2 � 􏼈0.0/􏽢 g2 , 0.0/􏽢g3 􏼉, ψ B2 (􏽢g2 ) � ∅ and
fpifs-set and the proposed fpifhs-set model with the help of ψ B2 (􏽢
g3 ) � ∅, then ΨB2 � ΨΦB .
Example 2 can be viewed in Figure 3. Case 3. When B3 � ∅ for all elements of G, then
ΨB3 � ΨΦ .
Definition 8. Let ΨB ∈ ⊎ (U). If ψ B (􏽢
g) � ∅, LB (􏽢
g) � 0 Case 4. When B4 � 􏼈1.0/􏽢 g1 , 1.0/􏽢 g2 􏼉, ψ B4 (􏽢g1 ) � U, and
􏽢 ∈ G, then ΨB is called B-empty fpifhs-set, denoted
for all g g2 ) � U, then ΨB4 � Ψ 􏽥 .
ψ B4 (􏽢
by ΨΦB . If B � ∅, then B-empty fpifhs-set is called an Case 5. When B5 � U for all elements of G, then
empty fpifhs-set, denoted by ΨΦ . ΨB5 � ΨG􏽥 .

Definition 10. Let ΨB1 , ΨB2 ∈ ⊎ (U); then, ΨB1 is an

Definition 9. Let ΨB ∈ ⊎ (U). If ψ B (􏽢 g) � U, LB (􏽢g) � 1 fpifhs
􏽢 ∈ G, then ΨBfpifhs
for all g is called B-universal fpifhs-set, fpifhs-subset of ΨB , denoted by ΨB 􏽦 2
⊆ f ΨB 1 2
denoted by ΨB􏽥 . If B � G, then the B-universal fpifhs-set is ifLB1 (􏽢
g) ≤ LB2 (􏽢
g) and ψ B1 (􏽢
g) ⊆ if ψ B2 (􏽢 􏽢 ∈ G.
g) for all g
6 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

fpifs-set Model fpifs-set Model

Set of
attributes Attribute-
disjoint sets
{x1, x2}
•Manufacturer Quantity of
(Company) {75.15, 80.00} H
U Ethanol (%)
•Quantity of Single Appropriate
Ethanol (%) Argument Selection of Quantity of product)
•Quantity of Eight kinds Approximate Hand Distilled Water {23.425, 18.425}
Distilled Water (%) of Hand function Sanitizer (%)
•Quantity of Sanitizers F: A---->IF (U)
Glycerol (%) Quantity of
{1.30, 1.45}
•Quantity of Glycerol (%) Fuzzy Parameterization
peroxide (%) Quantity of
Hydrogen {0.125}
peroxide (%)
Universe of U
Discourse Eight kinds
Set of of Hand
attributes Sanitizers
Most appropriate Multi-argument
Intuitionistic Fuzzy
selection of Hand Approximate
Sanitizer Function
Fuzzy Parameterization F: H---->IF (U) Intuitionistic Fuzzy

Figure 3: Comparison of fpifs-set model and fpifhs-set model with the help of Example 2.

Here, 􏽦⊆ f and ⊆ if represent fuzzy subset and intuitionistic 􏽢 ∈ G:

Proof. For all g
fuzzy subset notations, respectively.
(1) Since
Definition 11. Let ΨB1 , ΨB2 ∈ ⊎ (U); then, ΨB1 and ΨB2 􏽥c
fpifhs 􏼒L 􏽥 􏼓 (􏽢 g) � 1 − L 􏽥 (􏽢g)
are fpifhs-equal, represented as ΨB1 � ΨB2 , if and only if B ∪B 1 2B ∪B 1 2

LB1 (􏽢 g) and ψ B1 (􏽢
g) � LB2 (􏽢 g)�if ψ B2 (􏽢 􏽢 ∈ G.
g) for all g � 1 − max􏽮LB1 (􏽢
g), LB2 (􏽢

Definition 12. Let ΨB ∈ ⊎ (U); then, complement of ΨB g), 1 − LB2 (􏽢

� min􏽮1 − LB1 (􏽢 g)􏽯 (7)
(i.e., Ψ􏽥cB ) is an fpifhs-set given as P􏽥cB (􏽢
g) � 1 − LB (􏽢
g) and 􏽥 􏽥
� min􏼨PcB1 (􏽢
g), PcB2 (􏽢
ψ􏽥c (􏽢
B g) � U∖ ψ (􏽢 g).
if B

Proposition 1. Let ΨB ∈ ⊎ (U); then, � P􏽥c 􏽥 (􏽢

fpifhs B ∩B 1 2

(1) (Ψ􏽥cB )􏽥c � ΨB .

(2) Ψ􏽥cϕ � ΨG􏽥 .
Definition 13. Let ΨB1 , ΨB2 ∈ ⊎ (U); then, union of ΨB1 􏼒ψ g) � U∖if ψ 􏽥 (􏽢
fpifhs B1 􏽥∪ B 􏼓 (􏽢 B ∪B
and ΨB2 , denoted by ΨB1 ∪􏽥 f ΨB , is a fpifhs-set defined by 2 1 2
� U∖if 􏼐ψ B1 (􏽢
g) ∪ if ψ B2 (􏽢
(i) L 􏽥 (􏽢 g) � max􏽮LB1 (x), LB2 (􏽢 g)􏽯.
B1 ∪ B2 (8)
(ii) ψ 􏽥 (􏽢 g) � ψ B1 (􏽢
g) ∪ if ψ B2 (􏽢 􏽢 ∈ G.
g), for all g g)􏼑 ∩ if 􏼐U∖if ψ B2 (􏽢
� 􏼐U∖if ψ B1 (􏽢 g)􏼑
B1 ∪ B2
� ψ􏽥cB1 (􏽢 􏽦if ψ􏽥cB (􏽢
g) ∩ 2
Definition 14. Let ΨB1 , ΨB2 ∈ ⊎ (U); then, intersection of
ΨB1 and ΨB2 , denoted by ΨB1 ∩ f ΨB2 , is a fpifhs-set defined
� ψ􏽥c 􏽥 (􏽢
B ∩B 1 2
(i) L 􏽥 (􏽢
B1 ∩ B2
g) � min􏽮LB1 (x), LB2 (􏽢 g)􏽯. similarly, (2) can be proved easily. □
(ii) ψ 􏽥 (􏽢 g) � ψ B1 (􏽢
g) ∩ if ψ B2 (􏽢 􏽢 ∈ G.
g), for all g
B1 ∩ B2
Proposition 3. Let ΨB1 , ΨB2 , ΨB3 ∈ ⊎ (U); then,
Remark 1. For ΨB ∈ ⊎ (U). If ΨB ≠ f ΨG􏽥 , then 􏽥 f (ΨB ∩
(1) ΨB1 ∪ 􏽥 f ΨB ) �
􏽥 f Ψ􏽥cB ≠ f Ψ􏽥 and ΨBfpifhs
ΨB ∪ 􏽥 f Ψ􏽥cB ≠ f ΨΦ .
∩ 􏽥
2 3
􏽥 f (ΨB ∪ 􏽥 f ΨB ).
G (ΨB1 ∪ f ΨB2 ) ∩ 1 3
􏽥 f (ΨB ∪
(2) ΨB1 ∩ 􏽥 f ΨB ) �
Proposition 2. Let ΨB1 , ΨB2 ∈ ⊎ (U); then, the following 2 3
􏽥 f (ΨB ∩
􏽥 f ΨB ) ∪ 􏽥 f ΨB ).
fpifhs (ΨB ∩
De Morgan laws are valid: 1 2 1 3

􏽥 f ΨB )􏽥c � Ψ􏽥cB ∩
(1) (ΨB1 ∪ 􏽥 f Ψ􏽥cB .
2 1 2

(2) (Ψ ∩ 􏽥 Ψ )􏽥c � Ψ􏽥c ∪

B1 f
􏽥 Ψ􏽥c .
B2 B1 f B2
􏽢 ∈ G:
Proof. For all g
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 7

(1) Since

L g) � max􏼚LB1 (􏽢
(􏽢 g), L (􏽢
B1 􏽥
∪ 􏼐B2 􏽥
∩ B3 􏼑 B2 􏽥
∩ B3

g), min􏽮LB2 (􏽢
� max􏽮LB1 (􏽢 g), LB3 (􏽢
� min􏽮max􏽮LB1 (􏽢 g), max􏽮LB1 (􏽢
g), LB2 􏽯(􏽢 g), LB3 (􏽢
g)􏽯􏽯 (9)

� min􏼚L (􏽢
g), L (􏽢
B1 􏽥
∪ B2 B1 􏽥
∪ B3

�L 􏽥 (􏽢
􏼐B1 ∪ B2 􏼑 􏽥∩ 􏼐B1 􏽥∪ B3 􏼑


ψ (􏽢 g) ∪ if ψ
g) � ψ B1 (􏽢 (􏽢
B1 􏽥
∪ 􏼐 B2 􏽥
∩ B3 􏼑 B2 􏽥
∩ B3

g) ∪ if 􏼐ψ B2 (􏽢
� ψ B1 (􏽢 g) ∩ if ψ B3 (􏽢
g) ∪ if ψ B2 (􏽢
� 􏼐ψ B1 (􏽢 g)􏼑 ∩ if 􏼐ψ B1 (􏽢
g) ∪ if ψ B3 (􏽢
g)􏼑 (10)
�ψ g) ∩ if ψ B U􏽥B (􏽢
(􏽢 g)
B1 􏽥
∪ B2 1 3

�ψ (􏽢
􏼐B1 􏽥∪ B2 􏼑 􏽥∩ 􏼐B1 􏽥∪ B3 􏼑

in the same way, (2) can be proved. □ Definition 17. Let ΨB ∈ ⊎ (U); then, a fuzzy decision set
of ΨB (i.e., ΨD
B ) is
Definition 15. Let ΨB1 , ΨB2 ∈ ⊎ (U); then, OR-operation represented as
of ΨB1 and ΨB2 , denoted by ΨB1 ⊻ 􏽥 ΨB , is an fpifhs-set TDB (􏽢
B �􏼨 􏼩, (11)
defined by 􏽢∈U
􏽢: u
(i) LB 􏽥⊻B (􏽢 􏽢 2 ) � max􏽮LB1 (􏽢
g1 , g g1 ), LB2 (􏽢g2 )􏽯, where TD
1 2 B : U ⟶ I and
(ii) ψ B 􏽥⊻B (􏽢 􏽢 2 ) � ψ B1 (􏽢
g1 , g g1 ) ∪ if ψ B2 (􏽢
g2 ), for all 1
1 2
(􏽢 􏽢 2 ) ∈ B1 × B2 .
g1 , g B (􏽢
u) � 􏽘 T (v)ΓψB (v)(􏽢
u), (12)
|U| v∈S(B) B
Definition 16. Let ΨB1 , ΨB2 ∈ ⊎ (U); then, AND-opera-
fpifhs where |•| denotes set cardinality with
􏽥 ΨB , is an fpifhs-set
tion of ΨB1 and ΨB2 , denoted by ΨB1 ⊼ 􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌

defined by ⎨ 􏼌􏼌􏼌TψB (􏽢
⎧ u)􏼌􏼌􏼌, u
u) − FψB (􏽢 􏽢 ∈ ΓψB (v),
ΓψB (v)(􏽢
u) � ⎩ (13)
(i) LB 􏽥⊼B (􏽢 􏽢 2 ) � min􏽮LB1 (􏽢
g1 , g g1 ), LB2 (􏽢g2 )􏽯. 0, 􏽢 ∉ ΓψB (v).
1 2
(ii) ψ B 􏽥⊼B (􏽢 􏽢 2 ) � ψ B1 (􏽢
g1 , g g1 ) ∩ if ψ B2 (􏽢
g2 ), for all With the establishment of ΨD
1 2 B , optimal single selection
(􏽢 􏽢 2 ) ∈ B1 × B2 .
g1 , g from the set of alternatives can easily be evalauated.
Therefore, the following algorithm is proposed to make
Proposition 4. Let ΨB1 , ΨB2 , ΨB3 ∈ ⊎ (U); then, appropriate decision.
fpifhs Figure 4 presents the flowchart of Algorithm 1.
􏽥 ΨΦ � ΨΦ .
(1) ΨB1 ⊼
(2) (ΨB1 ⊼􏽥 ΨB )⊼
􏽥 ΨB � ΨB ⊼􏽥 (ΨB ⊼􏽥 ΨB ).
2 3 1 2 3
􏽥 􏽥 􏽥
(3) (ΨB1 ⊻ΨB2 )⊻ΨB3 � ΨB1 ⊻(ΨB2 ⊻ 􏽥 ΨB ).
3 3.1.1. Problem Scenario. Hand sanitizer is a fluid or gel that
is utilized to kill germs on the hands. As per the World
Health Organization (WHO), excellent sterilization and
3.1. Fuzzy Decision Set of fpifhs-Set. In this part, fuzzy de- actual detachment are simply the most ideal approaches
cision-support system based on fpifhs-set will be established. to rescue the individuals from COVID-19 in the ebb and
8 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

(1) Consider U as universe of discourse
(2) Consider B as set of n parameters
(3) Classify n parameters into disjoint parametric-valued sets B1 , B2 , B3 , . . . , Bn
(4) Determine Q � B1 × B2 × B3 × · · · × B5
(5) Take R ⊆ Q
(6) Determine B � 􏼈 < TB (qi ) > /qi : TB (qi ) ∈ I, qi ∈ R􏼉,
(7) Find ψB (qi ),
(8) Compute ΨB over U,
(9) Compute ΨD B,
(10) Choose the maximum of TD B (􏽢

ALGORITHM 1: Optimal selection of hand sanitizer by using fpifhs-set.

Finding decision set

of fpifhs-set
appropriate subset
of set obtained by
disjoint attribute-

Construction of
Partitioning of
attributes into

Assuming an
valved sets


Presuming a set of





function of fpifhs-set
Cartesian product of
Consideration of

disjoint attribute-
Determination of

Construction of
Universe of

valued sets

Construction of
Fuzzy set

Figure 4: Decision-making algorithm for fpifhs-set.

flow illness circumstance. This infection is communi- proteins, like microscopic organisms and infections,
cated by reaching somebody who is debilitated. We from working ordinarily. There are two kinds of for-
cannot be excessively cautious with this infection on the mulations (see Figure 5) recommended by WHO for the
off chance that we do not isolate ourselves totally. Ac- production of large quantities of hand sanitizer from
cordingly, great disinfection can be the best way to guard chemicals available in developing countries, where
us against the infection. WHO suggests alcohol-based commercial hand sanitizer may not be available. The
hand sanitizers (ABH-sanitizers) for eliminating the interest in hand sanitizers has expanded drastically in
novel corona virus. ABH-sanitizers prevent germ light of COVID-19’s critical situation. Thus, discovering
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 9

Formulation 1 3.1.3. Statement of the Problem. Professor John is the head of

Ingredient Volume required (10-L prep.) Active ingredient % (v/v) an educational institution. He is very concerned about the
Ethanol 96% 8333 mL 80% health of the students as well as the faculty members of his
Glycerol 98% 145 mL 1.45% institution in view of the current coronary epidemic. He
Hydrogen peroxide 3% 417 mL 0.125% wants to buy good and useful hand sanitizers for his in-
Distilled water added to 10000 mL 18.425% stitution, but he is also worried about the nonstandard hand
Formulation 2
sanitizers available in the market. Therefore, he decides to
call for bids from different potential suppliers for this
Ingredient Volume required (10-L prep.) Active ingredient % (v/v)
purchase to fulfill the departmental official compliances and
Isopropyl alcohol 99.8% 7515 mL 75.15%
to avoid any expected loss. Some suppliers are scrutinized by
Glycerol 145 mL 1.45%
adopting proper procedure already framed by relevant de-
Hydrogen peroxide 3% 417 mL 0.125%
partment. For the sake of satisfaction, he constitutes a
Distilled water added to 10000 mL 23.425%
committee consisting of some staff members with good
Figure 5: Formulations of hand sanitizers, figure source: Wiki- procurement experience to evaluate the items (hand sani-
pedia ( tizers) offered by scrutinized suppliers. The following ex-
ample elaborates the whole procedure of such evaluation:

great and powerful hand sanitizers in local markets is

troublesome. Because of the expanded interest, inferior Example 2. Input and Construction Stages (1–5):
quality hand sanitizers have additionally been dis- Suppose there are eight kinds of hand sanitizer
patched. The fundamental objective of this application is (options) which form the set of discourse
to utilize fpifhs-set and fpnhs-set theories to track down a
successful sanitizer to stop the spread of COVID-19. U � 􏼈U1 , U2 , U3 􏼉, (14)

where U1 � 􏼈H1 , H2 , H3 􏼉, U2 � 􏼈H4 , H5 , H6 􏼉, and

3.1.2. Operational Role of Constituents of ABH-Sanitizers. U3 � 􏼈H7 , H8 􏼉 are the collection of hand sanitizers
It is clear from Figure 5 that ABH-sanitizers have four major made by manufacturers X1 , X2 , and X3 , respec-
constituents that are given below with their brief operation tively. With their mutual consensus, the committee
role in sanitation process: members (experts) agreed on a set of parameters
after observing various attributes for this evalu-
(1) Ethanol: It is an organic chemical compound and ation. The finalized evaluating attributes are
majorly used in medication as antiseptic, antidote, b1 manufacturer; b2 quantity of ethanol (per-
and medicinal solvent. It is the major constituent of centage); b3 quantity of distilled water (percent-
ABH-sanitizers, and it ranges from 70% to age); b4 quantity of glycerol (percentage); and
80%(V/V) as an active ingredient. b5 quantity of hydrogen peroxide (percentage).
(2) Glycerol: It is a nontoxic viscous liquid having no After observing the opinions of various profes-
color, no odor, and sweet taste. It is mildly anti- sionals and other relevant sources on the com-
microbial and antiviral. It prevents skin dryness position of hand sanitizers, these attributes are
with its moisturizing properties. It draws moisture further classified into attribute-valued sets which
up through skin layers and slows or prevents ex- are given as
cessive drying and evaporation. It is added to
ABH-sanitizers to prevent drying of the skin, and B1 � 􏽮b11 � X1 , b12 � X2 , b13 � X3 􏽯,
it ranges from 1.35% to 1.45%(V/V) as an active
ingredient. B2 � 􏽮b21 � 75.15, b22 � 80􏽯,
(3) Hydrogen peroxide: It is a very pale blue colored B3 � 􏽮b31 � 23.425, b32 � 18.425􏽯, (15)
chemical compound having viscosity slightly more
than water. Usually as a dilute solution (3–6% by B4 � 􏽮b41 � 1.30, b42 � 1.45􏽯,
weight) in water, it is used as an oxidizer, bleaching
agent, and antiseptic for consumer use. It can be B5 � 􏽮b51 � 0.125􏽯.
used for industrial purposes with high concen-
trations. It is used in ABH-sanitizers as sterilizer, Then, Q � B1 × B2 × B3 × B4 × B5 ,
and it ranges from 0.120% to 0.125%(V/V) as an
Q � 􏼈q1 , q2 , q3 , q4 , . . . .., q24 􏼉, where each
active ingredient.
qi , i � 1, 2, . . . , 24, is a 5-tuple element. For con-
(4) Distilled water: It is an essential ingredient of ABH- 16
venience, take R � 􏼈q1 , q2 , q3 , q4 , . . . .., q􏼉 ⊆ Q.
sanitizers. It ranges from 15.425 % to 23.425%(V/V)
Computation Stage (6–9):
as an active ingredient. It is used as cleansing agent to
prevent the interaction of chlorine and other con- (6) The graphical depiction of Table 2 can be seen in
taminants with the alcohol and other ingredients in Figure 6.
the sanitizer. From Table 2, we can construct B as
10 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

Table 2: Degrees of membership TB (qi ).

TB (qi ) Degree TB (qi ) Degree TB (qi ) Degree TB (qi ) Degree
1 5 9
TB (q ) 0.1 TB (q ) 0.5 TB (q ) 0.9 TB (q13 ) 0.35
TB (q2 ) 0.2 TB (q6 ) 0.6 TB (q10 ) 0.16 TB (q14 ) 0.75
TB (q3 ) 0.3 TB (q7 ) 0.7 TB (q11 ) 0.25 TB (q15 ) 0.65
TB (q4 ) 0.4 TB (q8 ) 0.8 TB (q12 ) 0.45 TB (q16 ) 0.85

Fuzzy values attached with domain elements

Output Stage:
of approximate function of fpifhs-set (10) Since maximum of TD i
B (H ) is 0.1676, hand sani-
1% tizer H is selected.
11% 3% 4%
8% 6% 4. Fuzzy Parameterized Neutrosophic
9% 8% Hypersoft Set (fpnhs-Set) with Application
4% 9%
fpifhs-set is quite better to tackle real-world decision-
making scenarios where the decision-makers are uncertain
3% 10% about the nature of selected parameters under hs-set envi-
11% ronment with approximate elements having intuitionistic
fuzzy values. However, it is still insufficient to manage the
situation when approximate elements are needed to be
assessed with indeterminacy degree; therefore, this short-
1 6 11 coming demands another structure to deal with these sit-
2 7 12
uations. Therefore, in this section, the theory of fpnhs-set is
developed with the characterization of some of its essential
3 8 13
rudiments and decision-support system.
4 9 14
5 10 15 Definition 18. Let S1 , S2 , S3 , . . . ., Sn be parameter-valued
Figure 6: Graphical representation of Table 2.
sets with Si ∩ Sj � ∅, i ≠ j respective to parame-
terss1 , s2 , s3 , . . . , sn , si ≠ sj , i ≠ j, respectively. A fpnhs-set ΨD
over U is defined as

⎧ 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 ⎫ ⎪ AD (􏽢

⎪ 1, 2, 3, 4, ⎪
⎪ ΨD � 􏼨 􏼠 , ψ D (􏽢 􏽢 ∈ G, ψ D (􏽢
g)􏼡 : g g) ∈ N(U) 􏼩, (18)

⎪ q q q q ⎪
⎪ 􏽢

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪ where

⎪ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 ⎪ ⎪

⎪ , , , , ⎪

⎪ q 5
q 6
q 7
q 8 ⎪
⎪ (i) G � S1 × S2 × S3 × . . . . × Sn .

⎨ ⎪

B �⎪ . (16) (ii) D ∈ F(U) with LD : G ⟶ I.
⎪ ⎪

⎪ 0.9 0.16 0.25 0.45 ⎪ ⎪
⎪ (iii) ψ D : G ⟶ N(U) is known as approximate func-

⎪ , ,⎪
⎪ tion of fpnhs-set.

⎪ q9 q10 q11 q12 ⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ Note that collection of all fpnhs-sets is represented by

⎪ ⎪

⎪ 0.35 0.75 0.65 0.85 ⎪
⎪ ⊎ (U). The pictorial self-explanatory comparison of the
⎪ ⎪
⎩ 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 ⎪
⎪ ⎭ fpnhs
existing model fpns-set and the proposed fpnhs-set model
q q q q
with the help of Example 4 can be viewed in Figure 8.
(7) Table 3 presents ψ B (qi ) corresponding to each
element of G. Definition 19. Let ΨD ∈ ⊎ (U). If ψ D (􏽢
g) � ∅, AD (􏽢
g) � 0
(8) ΨB can be constructed with the support of step 6 􏽢 ∈ G, then ΨD is called D-empty fpnhs-set, denoted
for all g
and step 7 as performed previously. by ΨΦD . If D � ∅, then D-empty fpnhs-set is called an
(9) From Table 4, we can construct ΨD empty fpnhs-set, denoted by ΨΦ .
B as

⎧ 0.0406 0.0950 0.1006 0.0800 ⎫ ⎪

⎪ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ,⎪
⎪ g) � U, AD (􏽢
Definition 20. Let ΨD ∈ ⊎ (U). If ψ D (􏽢 g) � 1

⎪ H H H H ⎪
⎪ fpnhs
D ⎨ ⎬ 􏽢 ∈ G, then ΨD is called D-universal fpnhs-set,
for all g
ΨB � ⎪ ⎪ . (17)

⎪ ⎪

0.1006 0.1676 0.0728 0.0358 ⎪

denoted by ΨD 􏽥 . If D � G, then the D-universal fpnhs-set is
, , , called universal fpnhs-set, denoted by ΨG􏽥 .
H5 H6 H7 H8

For its pictorial representation, please see Figure 7. Example 3. Consider

Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 11

Table 3: Approximate functions ψB (qi ).

qi ψB (qi ) qi ψB (qi )
q1 􏽮 (0.2, 0.1)/H1 , (0.3, 0.2)/H2 􏽯 q9 􏽮 (0.4, 0.3)/H2 , (0.6, 0.4)/H7 , (0.5, 0.4)/H8 􏽯
2 10
q 􏽮 (0.1, 0.2)/H1 , (0.5, 0.4)/H2 , (0.1, 0.4)/H3 􏽯 q 􏽮 (0.2, 0.1)/H6 , (0.6, 0.4)/H7 , (0.4, 0.3)/H8 􏽯
3 2 3 4 11
q 􏽮 (0.4, 0.3)/H , (0.5, 0.4)/H , (0.6, 0.3)/H 􏽯 q 􏽮 (0.5, 0.4)/H2 , (0.6, 0.3)/H4 , (0.7, 0.2)/H6 􏽯
4 12
q 􏽮 (0.6, 0.2)/H4 , (0.7, 0.3)/H5 , (0.8, 0.1)/H6 􏽯 q 􏽮 (0.7, 0.2)/H2 , (0.8, 0.1)/H3 , (0.9, 0.1)/H6 􏽯
q5 􏽮 (0.2, 0.1)/H6 , (0.1, 0.2)/H7 , (0.4, 0.3)/H8 􏽯 q13 􏽮 (0.2, 0.1)/H3 , (0.4, 0.3)/H5 , (0.6, 0.1)/H7 􏽯
6 2 3 4 14
q 􏽮 (0.4, 0.2)/H , (0.3, 0.4)/H , (0.4, 0.5)/H 􏽯 q 􏽮 (0.2, 0.5)/H1 , (0.5, 0.4)/H3 , (0.6, 0.2)/H5 􏽯
7 15
q 􏽮 (0.2, 0.3)/H1 , (0.3, 0.4)/H3 , (0.4, 0.3)/H5 􏽯 q 􏽮 (0.6, 0.3)/H5 , (0.4, 0.3)/H7 , (0.2, 0.4)/H8 􏽯
8 2 3 7 16
q 􏽮 (0.1, 0.4)/H , (0.3, 0.5)/H , (0.5, 0.4)/H 􏽯 q 􏽮 (0.3, 0.6)/H4 , (0.5, 0.4)/H5 , (0.7, 0.1)/H6 􏽯

Table 4: Membership values TD i

B (H ).

Hi TD i
B (H ) Hi TD i
B (H ) Hi TD i
B (H ) Hi TD i
B (H )
1 3 5 7
H 0.0406 H 0.1006 H 0.1006 H 0.0728
H2 0.0950 H4 0.0800 H6 0.1676 H8 0.0358


0.095 0.1006 0.1006

0.08 0.0728

0.0406 0.0358

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Memership Valued of Fuzzy Decision Set on fpihss

Figure 7: Fuzzy decision system on fpifhs-set.

fpns-set Model fpnhs-set Model

Set of
attributes Attribute-
disjoint sets
{x1, x2}
•Manufacturer Quantity of
(Company) {75.15, 80.00} H
U Ethanol (%)
•Quantity of Single Appropriate
Ethanol (%) Argument Selection of Quantity of product)
•Quantity of Eight kinds Approximate Hand Distilled Water {23.425, 18.425}
Distilled Water (%) of Hand function Sanitizer (%)
•Quantity of Sanitizers F: A---->N (U)
Glycerol (%) Quantity of
{1.30, 1.45}
•Quantity of Glycerol (%) Fuzzy Parameterization
peroxide (%) Quantity of
Hydrogen {0.125}
peroxide (%)
Universe of U
Discourse Eight kinds
Set of of Hand
attributes Sanitizers
Most appropriate Multi-argument
selection of Hand Approximate
Sanitizer Function
Fuzzy Parameterization F: H---->N (U)

Figure 8: Comparison of fpns-set model and fpnhs-set model with the help of Example 4.
12 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

U � 􏼈u 􏽢1 , u􏽢2 , u
􏽢3, u 􏽢 5 􏼉 and Z � 􏼈Z1 , Z2 , Z3 􏼉 with
􏽢4 , u Proposition 7. Let ΨD ∈ ⊎ (U); then,
Z1 � 􏼈z􏽢11 , z􏽢12 􏼉, Z2 � 􏼈z􏽢21 , z􏽢22 􏼉, Z3 � 􏼈z􏽢31 􏼉; then, G �
(1) (Ψ􏽥cD )􏽥c � ΨD .
(􏽢z , z􏽢 , z􏽢 ), (􏽢z11 , z􏽢22 , z􏽢31 ),
Z1 × Z2 × Z3 , G � 􏼨 11 21 31 􏼩, G � (2) Ψ􏽥cϕ � ΨG􏽥 .
(􏽢z12 , z􏽢21 , z􏽢31 ), (􏽢z12 , z􏽢22 , z􏽢31 )
􏼈g 􏽢2, g
􏽢1, g 􏽢3, g􏽢 4 􏼉.
Case 1. When D1 � 􏼈0.2/􏽢 g2 , 0.0/􏽢 g4 􏼉, ψ D1 (􏽢
g3 , 1.0/􏽢 g2 ) � Proof. The verification of the above parts can be easily
(0.2, 0.4, 0.6)/􏽢
u2 ,
obtained from Definition 23. □
􏼨 􏼩, ψ D1 (􏽢
g3 ) � ϕ, and ψ D1 (􏽢 g4 ) � U,
(0.3, 0.5, 0.7)/􏽢
then Definition 24. Let ΨD1 , ΨD2 ∈ ⊎ (U); then, union of ΨD1
and ΨD2 , denoted by ΨD1 ∪􏽥 ΨDfpnhs
, is a fpnhs-set defined by

⎪ ⎪
⎧ (0.2, 0.4, 0.6) ⎫⎪ ⎫ ⎪

⎪ ⎜

⎪ ,⎪

⎪ ⎟
⎞ ⎪

⎪ (i) A 􏽥 (􏽢 g) � max􏽮AD1 (􏽢 g), AD2 (􏽢g)􏽯.
⎪ ⎜

⎜ ⎪
⎪ 􏽢
u ⎪
⎪ ⎟

⎟ ⎪ D1 ∪ D2

⎪ ⎜
⎜ ⎪

2 ⎪
⎬ ⎟
⎟ ⎪
⎪ 􏽥

⎪ ⎜

⎜ 0.2 ⎟

⎟ ⎪
⎪ (ii) ψ 􏽥 (􏽢 g) � ψ D1 (􏽢
g) ∪ n ψ D2 (􏽢 􏽢 ∈ G.
g), for all g

⎪ ⎜

⎜ , ⎟

⎟ , ⎪
⎪ D ∪D
⎪ ⎜ 􏽢
g ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎟
⎟ ⎪

1 2

⎜ 2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎝ ⎪
⎪ (0.3, 0.5, 0.7) ⎪
⎪ ⎠
ΨD1 �⎪ ⎪
⎩ ⎪
⎭ ⎪ . (19) Proposition 8. Let ΨD1 , ΨD2 , ΨD3 ∈ ⊎ (U); then,

⎪ 􏽢4
u ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ fpnhs

⎪ ⎪
⎪ (1) 􏽥 ΨD � ΨD ,
ΨD1 ∪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ 1 1

⎪ ⎪
⎪ 􏽥 ΨΦ � ΨD ,

⎪ 0.0 1.0 ⎪
⎪ (2) ΨD1 ∪

⎩ 􏼠 , ∅􏼡, 􏼠 , U􏼡 ⎪
⎭ 1

g g􏽢4 (3) 􏽥 Ψ􏽥 � Ψ 􏽥 ,
ΨD1 ∪ G G
(4) 􏽥 ΨD � ΨD ∪
ΨD1 ∪ 􏽥 ΨD ,
2 2 1
Case 2. When D2 � 􏼈0.0/􏽢 g2 , 0.0/􏽢g3 􏼉, ψ D2 (􏽢
g2 ) � ∅, and 􏽥 ΨD ) ∪􏽥 ΨD � ΨD ∪ 􏽥 (ΨD ∪􏽥 ΨD ).
(5) (ΨD1 ∪
ψ D2 (􏽢
g3 ) � ∅, then ΨD2 � ΨΦD . 2 3 1 2 3
Case 3. When D3 � ∅ for all members of G, then
ΨD3 � ΨΦ . Proof. (1) Taking D1 � D2 in Definition 24, we have
Case 4. When D4 � 􏼈1.0/􏽢 g1 , 1.0/􏽢 g1 ) � U, and
g2 􏼉, ψ D4 (􏽢 A 􏽥 (􏽢 g) � max􏽮AD1 (􏽢 g), AD1 (􏽢g)} � AD1
D ∪D 􏽥 n ψ D (􏽢
g2 ) � U, then ΨD4 � Ψ 􏽥 .
ψ D4 (􏽢 (􏽢g)1 and1 ψ 􏽥 (􏽢 g) � ψ D1 (􏽢
g) ∪ 1
g), for
D4 D ∪ D1
all g 􏽢 ∈ G, 1 which implies ψ 􏽥 (􏽢 g) �
Case 5. When D5 � U for all members of G, then D1 ∪ D1
ψ D1 (􏽢g).
ΨD5 � ΨG􏽥 .
Parts (2)–(4) can be proved in a similar manner.
(5) Since
Definition 21. Let ΨD1 , ΨD2 ∈ ⊎ (U); then, ΨD1 is an
fpnhs-subset of ΨD , denoted by ΨD 􏽦 ⊆ f ΨD A 􏽥 g) � max􏼚AD1 (􏽢
(􏽢 g), A 􏽥 (􏽢g)􏼛
D ∪ 􏼐D 􏽥
2 1 2
1 ∪D 􏼑 2 3 D ∪D 2 3
ifAD1 (􏽢
g) ≤ AD2 (􏽢
g) and ψ D1 (􏽢
g) ⊆ n ψ D2 (􏽢 􏽢 ∈ G.
g) for all g
g), max􏽮AD2 (􏽢
� max􏽮AD1 (􏽢 g), AD3 (􏽢
Proposition 5. Let ΨD1 , ΨD2 , ΨD3 ∈ ⊎ (U); then,
fpnhs � max􏽮AD1 (􏽢
g), 􏽮AD2 (􏽢
g), AD3 (􏽢
(1) Ψ D1 􏽦
⊆ f ΨG􏽥 .
� max􏽮􏽮AD1 (􏽢
g), AD2 (􏽢
g)􏽯, AD3 (􏽢
(2) ΨΦ 􏽦⊆ f ΨD1 .
(3) Ψ D1 􏽦
⊆ f ΨD1 . � max􏽮max􏽮AD1 (􏽢
g), AD2 (􏽢
g)􏽯, AD3 (􏽢
(4) If ΨD1 􏽦
⊆ f ΨD2 and ΨD2 􏽦
⊆ f ΨD3 , then ΨD1 􏽦
⊆ f Ψ D3 . � max􏼚A 􏽥 (􏽢 g), AD3 (􏽢
D1 ∪ D2

�A (􏽢
Definition 22. Let ΨD1 , ΨD2 ∈ ⊎ (U); then, ΨD1 and ΨD2 􏼐D1 􏽥∪ D2 􏼑 􏽥∪ D3
are fpnhs-equal, represented as ΨD1 � ΨD2 , if and only if (20)
AD1 (􏽢 g) and ψ D1 (􏽢
g) � AD2 (􏽢 g)�n ψ D2 (􏽢 􏽢 ∈ G.
g) for all g
Proposition 6. Let ΨD1 , ΨD2 , ΨD3 ∈ ⊎ (U); then: ψ g) � ψ D1 (􏽢
(􏽢 􏽥 nψ
g) ∪ (􏽢
fpnhs D1 􏽥
∪ n 􏼐 D2 􏽥
∪ n D3 􏼑 D2 􏽥
∪ n D3
(1) If ΨD1 � ΨD2 and ΨD2 � ΨD3 , then ΨD1 � ΨD3 .
� ψ D1 (􏽢 􏽥 n 􏼐ψ D (􏽢
g) ∪ 􏽥 n ψ D (􏽢
g) ∪ g)􏼑
(2) If ΨD1 􏽦
⊆ f ΨD2 and ΨD2 􏽦
⊆ f ΨD1 then ΨD1 � ΨD2 . 2 3

� 􏼐ψ D1 (􏽢 􏽥 n ψ D (􏽢
g) ∪ 􏽥 n ψ D (􏽢
g)􏼑 ∪ g) (21)
2 3

�ψ 􏽥 n ψ D (􏽢
g) ∪
(􏽢 g)
Definition 23. Let ΨD ∈ ⊎ (U); then, complement of ΨD D1 􏽥
∪ n D2 3
(i.e., Ψ􏽥c ) is an fpnhs-set given as P􏽥c (􏽢
g) � 1 − A (􏽢
g) and �ψ (􏽢
􏼐D1 􏽥∪ n D2 􏼑 􏽥∪ n D3
ψ􏽥cD (􏽢
g) � U∖n ψ D (􏽢
g). □
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 13

Definition 25. Let ΨD1 , ΨD2 ∈ ⊎ (U); then, intersection of Proposition 10. Let ΨD1 , ΨD2 ∈ ⊎ (U); then, the following
fpnhs fpnhs
De Morgan laws are valid:
􏽥 ΨD , is a fpnhs-set defined by
ΨD1 and ΨD2 , denoted by ΨD1 ∩ 2
􏽥 ΨD )􏽥c � Ψ􏽥cD ∩
(1) (ΨD1 ∪ 􏽥 Ψ􏽥cD .
(i) A 􏽥 (􏽢 g) � min􏽮AD1 (􏽢 g), AD2 (􏽢 g)􏽯. 2
􏽥Ψ ) �Ψ ∪ 􏽥c
􏽥 Ψ􏽥c .
D1 ∩ D2 (2) (Ψ ∩ D1 D2 D1 D2
(ii) ψ 􏽥 (􏽢 g) � ψ D1 (􏽢 􏽥 n ψ D (􏽢
g) ∩ g ), 􏽢 ∈ G.
for all g
D ∩D 2
1 2

􏽢 ∈ G:
Proof. For all g
Proposition 9. Let ΨD1 , ΨD2 , ΨD3 ∈ ⊎ (U); then
fpnhs (1) Since
(1) 􏽥 ΨD � ΨD .
Ψ D1 ∩ 1 1
􏽥 ΨΦ � ΨΦ . 􏽥c
(2) Ψ D1 ∩ 􏼒A 􏽥 􏼓 (􏽢 g) � 1 − A 􏽥 (􏽢g)
􏽥 Ψ􏽥 � Ψ 􏽥 . D ∪D 1 2D ∪D 1 2
(3) Ψ D1 ∩ G D
(4) 􏽥 ΨD � ΨD1 ∩
Ψ D1 ∩ 􏽥 ΨD . � 1 − max􏽮AD1 (􏽢
g), AD2 (􏽢
2 2 1

(5) (ΨD1 ∩􏽥 ΨD ) ∩􏽥 ΨΨ � ΨD ∩ 􏽥 (ΨD ∩􏽥 ΨΨ ). g), 1 − AD2 (􏽢

� min􏽮1 − AD1 (􏽢 g)􏽯 (24)
2 D 1 3 2 D 3

g), P􏽥cD2 (􏽢
� min􏼚P􏽥cD1 (􏽢 g)􏼛
(1) Taking D1 � D2 in Definition 25, we have � P􏽥c 􏽥 (􏽢
A 􏽥 (􏽢 g) � min􏽮AD1 (􏽢 g), AD1 (􏽢 g)􏽯 � AD1 (􏽢 g) and D ∩D
1 2
D ∩D 􏽥 n ψ D (􏽢
ψ 1 􏽥 1(􏽢 g) � ψ D1 (􏽢
g) ∩ 1
g ), for all 􏽢
g ∈ G, which
D1 ∩ D1
implies ψ 􏽥 (􏽢 g) � ψ D1 (􏽢g). and
D1 ∩ D1
Parts (2)–(4) can also be shown in a similar manner. 􏽥c
􏼒ψ 􏽥∪ 􏼓 (􏽢g) � U∖n ψ (􏽢
(5) Since D1 n D2 D1 􏽥
∪ n D2

� U∖n 􏼐ψ D1 (􏽢 􏽥 n ψ D (􏽢
g) ∪ g)􏼑
A 􏽥 g) � min􏼚AD1 (􏽢
(􏽢 g), A 􏽥 (􏽢 g)􏼛 2
D1 ∩ 􏼐 D2 􏽥
∩ D3 􏼑 D2 ∩ D3
� 􏼐U∖n ψ D1 (􏽢 􏽥 n 􏼐U∖n ψ D (􏽢
g)􏼑 ∩ g)􏼑 (25)
g), min􏽮AD2 (􏽢
� min􏽮AD1 (􏽢 g), AD3 (􏽢
� ψ􏽥cD1 (􏽢 ∩ n ψ􏽥cD2 (􏽢
g) 􏽦 g)
� min􏽮AD1 (􏽢
g), 􏽮AD2 (􏽢
g), AD3 (􏽢
� ψ􏽥c 􏽥 (􏽢
� min􏽮􏽮AD1 (􏽢
g), AD2 (􏽢
g)􏽯, AD3 (􏽢
g)􏽯 D ∩
1 n D2

� min􏽮min􏽮AD1 (􏽢
g), AD2 (􏽢
g)􏽯, AD3 (􏽢
g)􏽯 By adopting the same method, the second part may easily
be proved. □
� min􏼚A 􏽥 (􏽢g), AD3 (􏽢
D ∩D 1 2

�A (􏽢
g), Proposition 11. Let ΨD1 , ΨD2 , ΨD3 ∈ ⊎ (U); then:
􏼐D1 􏽥∩ D2 􏼑 􏽥∩ D3 fpnhs
􏽥 (ΨD ∩
(1) ΨD1 ∪ 􏽥 ΨD ) � (ΨD ∪ 􏽥 (ΨD ∪
􏽥 ΨD ) ∩ 􏽥 ΨD ).
(22) 2 3 1 2 1 3
􏽥 (ΨD ∪
(2) ΨD1 ∩ 􏽥 ΨD ) � (ΨD ∩ 􏽥 (ΨD ∩
􏽥 ΨD ) ∪ 􏽥 ΨD ).
2 3 1 2 1 3
ψ g) � ψ D1 (􏽢
(􏽢 􏽥 nψ
g) ∩ (􏽢
g) 􏽢 ∈ G:
Proof. For all g
D1 􏽥
∩ n 􏼐 D2 􏽥
∩ n D3 􏼑 D2 􏽥
∩ n D3

􏽥 n 􏼐ψ D (􏽢 􏽥 n ψ D (􏽢 (1) Since
� ψ D1 (􏽢
g) ∩ 2
g) ∩ 3
􏽥 n ψ D (􏽢 􏽥 n ψ D (􏽢 A 􏽥 g) � max􏼚AD1 (􏽢
(􏽢 g), A 􏽥 (􏽢 g)􏼛
g) ∩
� 􏼐ψ D1 (􏽢 2
g)􏼑 ∩ 3
g) D1 ∪ 􏼐D2 􏽥
∩ D3 􏼑 D2 ∩ D3

�ψ 􏽥 n ψ D (􏽢
g) ∩
(􏽢 g) g), min􏽮AD2 (􏽢
� max􏽮AD1 (􏽢 g), AD3 (􏽢
D1 􏽥
∩ n D2 3

�ψ (􏽢
g). � min􏽮max􏽮AD1 (􏽢
g), AD2 (􏽢
􏼐D1 􏽥∩ n D2 􏼑 􏽥∩ n D3
(23) max􏽮AD1 (􏽢
g), AD3 (􏽢

� min􏼚A 􏽥 (􏽢g), A 􏽥 (􏽢g)􏼛

Note. It is pertinent to mention here that Propositions 5, D ∪D D ∪D
1 2 1 3

6, 8, and 9 are also valid for elements of ⊎ (U). □ �A (􏽢

fpifhs 􏼐D1 􏽥∪ D2 􏼑 􏽥∩ 􏼐D1 􏽥∪ D3 􏼑
Remark 2. Let ΨD ∈ ⊎ (U). If ΨD ≠ ΨG􏽥 , then (26)
􏽥 Ψ􏽥cD ≠ Ψ􏽥 and
ΨD ∪ ΨD ∩ Ψ􏽥cD ≠ ΨΦ .
􏽥 and
14 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

ψ g) � ψ D1 (􏽢
(􏽢 􏽥 nψ
g) ∪ (􏽢
D1 􏽥
∪ n 􏼐D2 􏽥
∩ n D3 􏼑 D2 􏽥
∩ n D3

g) ∪
� ψ D1 (􏽢 􏽥 n 􏼐ψ D (􏽢 􏽥 n ψ D (􏽢
g) ∩ g)􏼑
2 3

g) ∪
� 􏼐ψ D1 (􏽢 􏽥 n ψ D (􏽢 􏽥 n 􏼐ψ D (􏽢
g)􏼑 ∩ 􏽥 n ψ D (􏽢
g) ∪ g)􏼑 (27)
2 1 3

�ψ (􏽢 􏽥 nψ
g) ∩ (􏽢
D1 􏽥
∪ n D2 D1 􏽥
∪ n D3

�ψ (􏽢
􏼐D1 􏽥∪ n D2 􏼑 􏽥∩ n 􏼐D1 􏽥∪ n D3 􏼑

􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌
⎨ 􏼌􏼌􏼌TψD (􏽢
⎧ u) + IψD (􏽢 u)􏼌􏼌􏼌, u ∈ ΓψD (v),
u) − FψD (􏽢
The same method may be used to prove the second ΓψD (v)(􏽢
u) � ⎩
part. □ 0, 􏽢 ∉ ΓψD (v).
Definition 26. Let ΨD1 , ΨD2 ∈ ⊎ (U); then, OR-operation
fpnhs Whenever ΨD D has been established, it might be relevant
of ΨD1 and ΨD2 , denoted by ΨD1 ⊕􏽥 ΨD2 , is a fpnhs-set defined to select the suitable single substitute from the available
by options. Therefore, the following algorithm may lead to the
final decisive selection.
(i) A 􏽥 (􏽢 􏽢 2 ) � max􏽮AD1 (􏽢
g1 , g g1 ), AD2 (􏽢 g2 )􏽯. Figure 9 presents the flowchart of Algorithm 2.
D1 ⊕ D2
(ii) ψ 􏽥 (􏽢 􏽢 2 ) � ψ D1 (􏽢
g1 , g 􏽥
g1 ) ∪ n ψ D2 (􏽢
g2 ), for all
D ⊕ D2
􏽢 2 ) ∈ D1 × D2 .
g11, g
Example 4. Input and Construction Stages (1–5):
Considering the data given in Example 2, we have
Definition 27. Let ΨD1 , ΨD2 ∈ ⊎ (U); then, AND-opera-
fpnhs Computation Stage (6–9):
tion of ΨD1 and ΨD2 , denoted by ΨD1 􏽦
⊗ ΨD2 , is a fpnhs-set
(6) The graphical depiction of Table 5 can be seen in
defined by Figure 10.
(i) A 􏽥 (􏽢 􏽢 2 ) � min􏽮AD1 (􏽢
g1 , g g1 ), AD2 (􏽢 g2 )􏽯. From Table 5, we can construct D as
D1 ⊗ D2
(ii) ψ 􏽥 (􏽢 􏽢 2 ) � ψ D1 (􏽢
g1 , g 􏽥 n ψ D (􏽢
g1 ) ∩ g ), for all 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 ⎫
2 2 ⎧

⎪ ⎪

1, 2, 3, 4, ⎪
D1 ⊗ D2

⎪ ⎪
g1 , g
(􏽢 􏽢 2 ) ∈ D1 × D2 . ⎪
⎪ p p p p ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

Proposition 12. Let ΨD1 , ΨD2 , ΨD3 ∈ ⊎ (U); then,

⎪ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 ⎪ ⎪

fpnhs ⎪
⎪ , , , , ⎪

⎪ p 5
p 6
p 7
p 8 ⎪

(1) ΨD1 􏽦
⊗ ΨΦ � ΨΦ . ⎪
⎨ ⎪

D �⎪ . (31)
(2) (ΨD1 􏽦⊗ ΨD2 )􏽦⊗ ΨD3 � ΨD1 􏽦
⊗ (ΨD2 􏽦⊗ ΨD3 ). ⎪

⎪ 0.9 0.16 0.25 0.45 ⎪
􏽥 􏽥 􏽥 􏽥
(3) (ΨD1 ⊕ ΨD2 )⊕ ΨD3 � ΨD1 ⊕ (ΨD2 ⊕ ΨD3 ). ⎪

⎪ , , ,⎪

⎪ p9 p10 p11 p12 ⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

Proof. The above parts can easily be verified with the help of ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎪ 0.35 0.75 0.65 0.85 ⎪

□ ⎪ ⎪
Definitions 26 and 27. ⎩ 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 ⎪
⎪ ⎭
p p p p
4.1. Fuzzy Decision Set of fpnhs-Set. This section presents the
conceptualization of fuzzy decision set for fpnhs-set to solve (7) Table 6 presents ψ D (pi ) corresponding to each
decision-making problems via proposed algorithm and element of G.
example. (8) ΨD can be constructed with the help of step 6 and
step 7 in the same way as step 8 of Section 3.
Definition 28. Let ΨD ∈ ⊎ (U); then, a fuzzy decision set (9) From Table 7, we can construct ΨD
fpnhs D as
of ΨD (i.e., ΨD
D ) is represented as 0.0431 0.1825 0.1588 ⎫

⎪ ⎪

⎪ 1 , 2 , 3 ,⎪ ⎪
D (􏽢
u)〉 ⎪
⎪ H H H ⎪

D �􏼨 􏼩, (28) ⎪

􏽢: u
u ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎨ 0.1606 0.1656 0.0964 ⎪

where TD ΨD � ⎪ , , , ⎪. (32)
D : U ⟶ I and ⎪
⎪ H 4
H 5
H 6 ⎪

⎪ ⎪

1 ⎪
⎪ ⎪

D (􏽢
u) � 􏽘 T (v)ΓψD (v)(􏽢
u), (29) ⎪

|U| v∈S(D) D ⎪
⎪ 0.1588 0.1231 ⎪

⎩ 7 , 8

where |•| denotes set cardinality with
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 15

(1) Consider U as universe of discourse
(2) Consider B as set of n parameters
(3) Classify n parameters into disjoint parametric-valued sets B1 , B2 , B3 , . . . , Bn
(4) Determine Q � B1 × B2 × B3 × · · · × B5
(5) Take R ⊆ Q
(6) Determine D � 􏼈〈TD (pi )〉/pi : TD (pi ) ∈ I, pi ∈ R􏼉,
(7) Find ψD (pi ),
(8) Compute ΨD over U,
(9) Compute ΨD D,
(10) Choose the maximum of TD D (􏽢

ALGORITHM 2: Optimal selection of hand sanitizer by using fpnhs-set.

Table 5: Degrees of membership TD (pi ).

TD (pi ) Degree TD (pi ) Degree TD (pi ) Degree TD (pi ) Degree
1 5 9 13
TD (p ) 0.1 TD (p ) 0.5 TD (p ) 0.9 TD (p ) 0.35
TD (p2 ) 0.2 TD (p6 ) 0.6 TD (p10 ) 0.16 TD (p14 ) 0.75
TD (p3 ) 0.3 TD (p7 ) 0.7 TD (p11 ) 0.25 TD (p15 ) 0.65
TD (p4 ) 0.4 TD (p8 ) 0.8 TD (p12 ) 0.45 TD (p16 ) 0.85

Table 6: Approximate functions ψD (pi ).

pi ψD (pi ) pi ψD (pi )
p1 􏽮 (0.2, 0.1, 0.2)/H1 , (0.3, 0.2, 0.1)/H2 􏽯 p9 􏽮 (0.4, 0.3, 0.2)/H2 , (0.6, 0.4, 0.3)/H7 , (0.5, 0.4, 0.3)/H8 􏽯
2 1 2 3 10
p 􏽮 (0.1, 0.2, 0.1)/H , (0.5, 0.4, 0.3)/H , (0.1, 0.4, 0.3)/H 􏽯 p 􏽮 (0.2, 0.1, 0.2)/H6 , (0.6, 0.4, 0.5)/H7 , (0.4, 0.3, 0.2)/H8 􏽯
p3 􏽮 (0.4, 0.3, 0.1)/H2 , (0.5, 0.4, 0.3)/H3 , (0.6, 0.3, 0.2)/H4 􏽯 p11 􏽮 (0.5, 0.4, 0.3)/H2 , (0.6, 0.3, 0.2)/H4 , (0.7, 0.2, 0.3)/H6 􏽯
4 4 5 6 12
p 􏽮 (0.6, 0.2, 0.3)/H , (0.7, 0.3, 0.4)/H , (0.8, 0.1, 0.4)/H 􏽯 p 􏽮 (0.7, 0.2, 0.5)/H2 , (0.8, 0.1, 0.5)/H3 , (0.9, 0.1, 0.7)/H6 􏽯
p5 􏽮(0.2, 0.1, 0.1)/H6 , (0.1, 0.2, 0.1)/H7 , (0.4, 0.3, 0.1)/H8 􏽯 p13 􏽮 (0.2, 0.1, 0.2)/H3 , (0.4, 0.3, 0.2)/H5 , (0.6, 0.1, 0.4)/H7 􏽯
6 2 3 4 14
p 􏽮 (0.4, 0.2, 0.3)/H , (0.3, 0.4, 0.3)/H , (0.4, 0.5, 0.3)/H 􏽯 p 􏽮 (0.2, 0.5, 0.4)/H1 , (0.5, 0.4, 0.6)/H3 , (0.6, 0.2, 0.5)/H5 􏽯
7 15
p 􏽮 (0.2, 0.3, 0.4)/H1 , (0.3, 0.4, 0.4)/H3 , (0.4, 0.3, 0.4)/H5 􏽯 p 􏽮 (0.6, 0.3, 0.3)/H5 , (0.4, 0.3, 0.4)/H7 , (0.2, 0.4, 0.5)/H8 􏽯
p8 􏽮 (0.1, 0.4, 0.3)/H2 , (0.3, 0.5, 0.6)/H3 , (0.5, 0.4, 0.7)/H7 􏽯 p16 􏽮 (0.3, 0.6, 0.5)/H4 , (0.5, 0.4, 0.8)/H5 , (0.7, 0.1, 0.6)/H6 􏽯

Table 7: Membership values TD i

D (H ).

Hi TD i
D (H ) Hi TD i
D (H ) Hi TD i
D (H ) Hi TD i
D (H )
H1 0.0431 H3 0.1588 H5 0.1656 H7 0.1588
H2 0.1825 H4 0.1606 H6 0.0964 H8 0.1231

Please see Figure 11 for its pictorial depiction. partitioned into their respective disjoint attributive sets.
Output Stage: Decision-making techniques based on existing soft set-like
models are inadequate for such cases. Therefore, our pro-
(10) Since maximum of TD i
D (H ) is 0.1825, the hand
2 posed models not only emphasize the due status of such
sanitizer H is selected.
partitioning of attributes, but also enable the decision-
makers to deal with daily-life problems with great ease.
5. Comparison Analysis Tables 8 and 9 present a clear comparison of our proposed
models with some existing models under the evaluating
There are many cases where consideration of attributes only indicators MD (membership degree), NMD (nonmember-
is not sufficient; all available distinct attributes are further ship degree), ID (indeterminacy degree), SAAF (single-
16 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

Finding decision set

of fpifhs-set
appropriate subset
of set obtained by
disjoint attribute-

Construction of
Partitioning of
attributes into

Assuming an
valved sets


Presuming a set of





function of fpifhs-set
Cartesian product of
Consideration of

disjoint attribute-
Determination of

Construction of
Universe of

valued sets

Construction of
Fuzzy set
Figure 9: Decision-making algorithm for fpnhs-set.

0.9 0.1825
0.8 0.1588 0.1606 0.1656 0.1588
0.6 0.1231
0.4 0.0964
0.1 0.0431
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
13 14
15 16

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Memership Valued of Fuzzy Decision Set on fpnhss
Fuzzy values attached with domain
elements of approximate function of
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.16 0.25 0.45 0.35 0.75 0.65 0.85 Figure 11: Fuzzy decision system on FPNHS-set.

Figure 10: Graphical representation of Table 5.

both interconnected and interrelated. The proposed work

argument approximate function), and MAAF (multiargu- has elaborated (for example, see Figure 12) how the results
ment approximate function). Figure 12 depicts the com- are affected by the omission or consideration of some un-
parison of reduced fuzzy values obtained from our proposed certain components while dealing with the real-world
structures. problems under any decisive system. Two models fpifhs-set
and fpnhs-set have been proposed and characterized. The
6. Discussion latter one is very useful, flexible, and reliable in dealing with
problems having uncertain information and data. The fol-
Decision-makers consistently face a type of uncertainty and lowing discussion shows the generalization of fpnhs-set as it
the decision taken by overlooking uncertainty might have fulfills all the characteristics, features, and properties of
some degree of tendency. Indeterminacy and uncertainty are many existing soft set-like models. In Definition 18:
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 17

Table 8: Comparison with existing models under consideration of data given in Examples 2, 4, Definitions 7, and 18.
Type of
Domain Range
Authors Structure approximate Ranking under hs-set environment
parameterization approximation
Çağman et al. Fuzzy set
fpfs-set Fuzzy soft set Single-argument Inadequate
[43] parameterization
Deli and Intuitionistic fuzzy set
ifps-set Fuzzy soft set Single-argument Inadequate
Çağman [44] parameterization
Joshi et al. Intuitionistic fuzzy set
ifpfs-set Fuzzy soft set Single-argument Inadequate
[47] parameterization
Karaaslan Intuitionistic fuzzy set Intuitionistic fuzzy
ifpifs-set Single-argument Inadequate
[48] parameterization soft set
Riaz and Fuzzy set
fpfs-set Fuzzy soft set Single-argument Inadequate
Hashmi [49] parameterization
Zhu and Zhan Fuzzy set
fpfs-set Fuzzy soft set Single-argument Inadequate
[50] parameterization
Proposed Fuzzy set Intuitionistic fuzzy
fpifhs-set Multiargument H6 > H3 � H5 > H2 > H4 > H7 > H1 > H8
model parameterization hypersoft set
Proposed Fuzzy set Neutrosophic
fpnhs-set Multiargument H2 > H5 > H4 > H3 � H7 > H8 > H6 > H1
model parameterization hypersoft set

Table 9: Comparison with existing models under appropriate features.

Authors Structure MD NMD ID SAAF MAAF
Çağman et al. [43] fpfs-set ✔ × × ✔ ×
Deli and Çağman [44] ifps-set ✔ ✔ × ✔ ×
Joshi et al. [47] ifpfs-set ✔ ✔ × ✔ ×
Karaaslan [48] ifpifs-set ✔ ✔ × ✔ ×
Riaz and Hashmi [49] fpfs-set ✔ × × ✔ ×
Zhu and Zhan [50] fpfs-set ✔ × × ✔ ×
Proposed model fpifhs-set ✔ ✔ × ✔ ✔
Proposed model fpnhs-set ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔











1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Memership Values of Fuzzy Decision Set on fpnhss

Memership Values of Fuzzy Decision Set on fpifhss
Figure 12: Comparison of membership values of fuzzy decision sets on fpifhs-set and fpnhs-set.
18 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

(i) If N(U) is replaced with IF(U), it becomes fpifhs-set fpifs-set fpfs-set

(ii) If N(U) is replaced with F(U), it behaves as fpfhs-set fpfs-set fpifs-set
pfnhs-set fphs-set fps-set fpifs-set s-se
(iii) If N(U) is replaced with P(U), it converts to
fphs-set. pfs-set fs-set fpifs-set

(iv) If G � S1 × S2 × S3 × · · · · ×Sn is omitted and fpns-set

only set of parameters is considered, then it is
called fpns-set. Figure 13: Generalization of the proposed structure.
(v) If only set of parameters is considered after
omitting G � S1 × S2 × S3 × · · · · ×Sn and degree), SAAF (single-argument approximate
replacing N(U) with IF(U), then it is called function), and MAAF (multiargument approximate
fpifs-set. function) (see Table 9).
(vi) If only set of parameters is considered after
omitting G � S1 × S2 × S3 × · · · · ×Sn and
replacing N(U) with F(U), then it is known as 7. Conclusion
fpfs-set. The key features of this work can be summarized as follows:
(vii) If AD (􏽢 g is replaced with g
g)/􏽢 􏽢 , then it is called
nhs-set. (1) The fundamental theory of fpifhs-set is developed,
and its decision-support system is constructed. A
(viii) If AD (􏽢 g is replaced with g
g)/􏽢 􏽢 , and N(U) is real-world problem (an optimum selection of hand
replaced with IF(U), then it is called ifhs-set. sanitizer) is discussed with the support of the pro-
(ix) If AD (􏽢 g is replaced with g
g)/􏽢 􏽢 , and N(U) is posed algorithm and decision system of fpifhs-set.
replaced with F (U), then it is called fhs-set. (2) The rudiments of fpnhs-set are characterized, and its
Similarly, fpnhs-set transforms to s-set by ignoring all decision-making based system is developed. A real-
uncertain components and considering only set of attributes. life problem (an optimum selection of hand sani-
From Figure 13, it is obvious that the proposed structure is tizer) is studied with the help of proposed algorithm
the most generalized structure satisfying all the main and decision system of fpnhs-set.
characteristics of existing relevant structures. (3) Both proposed models, fpifhs-set and fpnhs-set, are
compared professionally via inter-cum-intra-strat-
egy with some existing relevant models in view of
6.1. Advantages of Proposed Research. Now, some advantages important evaluating features.
of the proposed structure (i.e., fpnhs-set) are presented
(4) The particular cases of the proposed models
fpifhs-set and fpnhs-set are discussed with the
(i) The proposed technique took the importance of the generalization of these structures.
concept of parameterization along with the nhs-set for (5) Although the proposed structure is generalized and
dealing with decision-making problems. The consid- reliable for decision-making scenarios, it is flexible due
ered parameterized fuzzy degree mirrors the possi- to some limitations; for example, it is inadequate for the
bility of the existence of the level of acknowledgment situation when the inclusion of nonmembership grade
and excusal; along these lines, this association has and indeterminate grade in the domain of multi-
marvelous prospective in the legitimate representation argument approximate function is mandatory.
inside the space of computational incursions. Therefore, future work may include the following:
(ii) Due to focus on deep observation of parameters and
(i) The extension of this study to develop intui-
respective attribute-valued sets, the proposed model
tionistic fuzzy parameterized neutrosophic
may assist the decision-makers to have flexible and
hypersoft set and neutrosophic parameterized
reliable decisions through decision-making.
neutrosophic hypersoft set to tackle the situa-
(iii) It validates all the qualities and properties of the tions having mandatory inclusion of non-
predefined models so it is not irrational to consider membership grade and indeterminate grade in
it as the generalized version of these models. the domain of multiargument approximate
The advantage of the proposed structure can easily be function.
judged from Tables 8 and 9. The comparison is evaluated on (ii) The application of this study to discuss real-
the basis of two different aspects: world problems using multicriteria decision-
making approaches like TOPSIS, PROM-
(1) Main features discussed in the study (see Table 8). ETHEE, and MULTIMORA.
(2) Features like MD (membership degree), NMD (iii) The application of this study to discuss real-
(nonmembership degree), ID (indeterminacy world problems (e.g., pattern recognition) using
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 19

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