Se-Extc Sem4 SS May15

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cesak ene ee] Lots ag | 8 2016 QP. Code: 3621 (3 Hours) | Total Marks : 80 N.B.: (1) Question no.l is compulsory. (2) Attempt any three questions out of the remaining five. (3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary. (2) Determine the fundamental period of the following signals. 20 feel (i) x(t) = 14 + 40cos (60nt) (ii) x{n] = cos | 4°} (b) Compare the nature of ROC of Z transform and Laplace transform. (c) For the given system, determine whether it is, (i) memory less (ii) causal (iii) linear (iv) time-invariant yln}=x{-n] (@) Find out even and odd component of the following wo signals. t. Ostsl tcc dts 2 (2) x(t) = cos’ 7 (2) x(t) = { (e) Determine whether the signals are power or energy signals. Calculate energy/ power accordingly. (i) x(= Ae*ut) or if) x{n]-ufn] (a) Expand the periodic gate fiction as shown in the figure by the exponential 19 Fourier Series. Also plot the Fourier spectrum (Magnitude and phase spectrum). Abo) >t “7, a (&) Find the inverse Laplace ‘Transform of the following, 7 . O XO) = Fy as+3 Ss'= 158-11 Gi) XS) = Gea JP-Con. 12404-15. [TURN OVER 3. @) (b) 4. (a) (b) 3s. (a) (b) Q.P.Code: 3621 2 Obtain inverse Laplace transform of the function 10 S X() 7 Write down and sketch possible ROCs. Find out inverse Laplace for all the possible ROCs. Using the z transform method, solve the difference equation 10 yln] ~ 4y[n-1] + 4y{n — 2] = x[] - [7-1] When y(-I) = y(-2) =0 Explain. Gibbs phenomenon. Also explain conditions necessary for the 5 convergence of Fourier Series. Find out Fourier Transform of f(t)= 10 8(t-2). Sketch its amplitude and phase spectrum 7 Perform convolution of (i) 2u(t) with u(t) 5 (ii) e* u(t) with e* u(t) 4 a iii) tu(t) with e* u(t) YY q Convolve x{n]= (3) ufn] with A[n] = (4) u{n] using Fourier transform. 19 A system is described by the following difference equation. aT 3 la] = Gln 1- 2 y[n - 2] + x[n] Determine the following (i) The system Transfer function H(z) Gi impulse response ofthe system h{n] Step response of the system s[n] A discrete time signal is given by x[n}= {1,1,1,1,2}. Sketch the following 10 signals. t (a) x{n] (b) x[n—2] (c) x{nJeu[n-l] (a) x[3-n} (©) x[nle8[n-1] For the periodic signal x[n] given below, find out Fourier series coefficient. 4 9 Qn 2x > x(n] =1 +sin( 22) n+seos( 22) atcos ( 4, _ - ( n™*3) JP-Con. 12404-15.

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