Lecture 21 22199

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Lecture 21 221

Example Relative speed

Rocket A leaves a space station with a
speed of 0.826c. Later, rocket B leaves
in the same direction with a speed of
0.635c. What is the speed of rocket A
as observed from rocket B?
1) 0.0204c
2) 0.231c
3) 0.402c
4) 1.20c
Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 1 Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 2

Example Answer
Both rocket velocities measured in earth frame Thought experiment
B is the frame we want answer in let it be O and is
•Two equal masses in symmetric collision
moving away from earth at 0.635c let this be u
• with vx very large (relativistic) and vy small
A is measured from earth and let it be O’
dx v x1 + u
Vx’ = +0.826c = vx =
dt 1+ v1x u /c 2
u = - 0.635c as earth is moving back away from B
0.826c " 0.635c •Momentum conserved ? Or mass variable?
v= = 0.402c
!1+ (0.826)("0.635)
Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 3 Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 4
Consider symmetric collision in CM
Momentum conservation frame Momentum conservation
with mA = mB
1 vy v
vy = = y
# uv & "
" %1+ 2x (
$ c '
Consider same event in 2 other O frames, the 2 rest frames
m0vy = m’ vy’ = m’vy/ ! m’ = m0 !
A To conserve p implies m must change to cancel vy change
For symmetric collision
|vy| these velocities have m is larger when moving then it is in its
to be equal rest frame -- relativistic mass increase
|vy| m=
1" # 2

Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 5 Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 6

Relativistic p vs v
Example p conservation
As v " c, p and dp/dt "!
An electron collides head on with a proton moving at 0.60c.
To keep accelerating a particle What speed of the electron will cause both to be at rest after?
with m0 > 0 F "! Need p after = 0 so |pp| = |pe| before
" p m p v p = " e mev e
Can’t raise v to c 2
This makes all consistent (m v )
p p
(1836) 2 (0.60) 2 2 ( me v e )
m e=

1# $ p 2 1# (0.60) 2 1# $ e 2
#1/ 2
v e = c [1+ (5.3X10#7 )] % [1# (2.6X10#7 )]c
There is speculation about a whole family of particles that
If you ignored relativity to solve the problem
start out a v > c and stay there. No evidence for existence
m p v p = mev e Experiment can be done and
! relativity correct
Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 7 v e = 1100c Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 8

Energy in relativity From definition of F --
"p "(#m 0v) KE = m0c 2 (" #1) = "m0c 2 # m0c 2 = (m # m0 )c 2
F = =
"t "t
! = 1 for v = 0
This changes energy relation KE = TE - E0 = W = (m - m0)c2 = %mc2
in 220 ! always 1 now it depends on v !
! Assume that TE = mc2
%W = F %x led to KE = 1/2 m0 v2 Which implies that E0 = m0c2
If we replace m by !m0 the same sum leads to This is verified by nuclear fission

KE = m0c 2 (" #1) E = "E 0

( )= E
E 2 1" v 2

2 c2 0
E2 = 0 2 2

1# v
2 E 2 = E 02 + E 2 v 2 = E 02 + (m c 2 ) 2 v
c2 c c2
2 2
E 2 = E 02 + ( pc ) = ( m0c 2 ) + p 2c 2
Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 9 Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 10

! !

2 2

E vs p E = KE + E0 E 2 = E 02 + ( pc ) = ( m0c 2 ) + p 2c 2
Classical limit for # << 1 i.e. v << c
% 1 ( 1. KE = p2/2m is classical
KE = m0c 2 (" #1) = m0c 2 '
'& 1# $ 2
* + m0c 2 (1+ 1 $ 2 ) #1
2 ] ! limit for v << c

2. E approaches pc for
+ 1 2 mv 2 v$c

For light we found E = pc
! energy
Relativistic Therefore m0 must be 0
! for v > c Also true
KE vs v If an object has finite E
and m0 = 0 it must have
m 0c 2
E2 = 2
1" v 2 Finite E must have 0/0
Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 11
c Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 12

Examples Relativistic energy
E0 = m0c 2
2 satellites each of m = 4000 kg and v = 0.8km/s have a head on ! E0 is rest energy
collision. What is the mass increase after collision?
P = 0 before and after so KE = 0 after. Small v so 1/2 mv2 good ! m0 is rest mass

2E K mv 2 8.0X10 3
E = E0 + K ! E is Total energy
! K is Kinetic
"m = 2 # 2 # 4000 = 0.003g
3X10 8 energy
E02 2
c c
An object at relativistic speed with total E before
E= + ( pc)
E = !E0 = !m0c 2 = mc 2
of 2E0 what is |v|?
! E = 2 E 0 = "E 0
" =2
v = 0.886c
K = m0c 2 (" ! 1) = E ! E0
Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 13 Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 14

Begin quantum
Photo electric observation
•Relativity dealt with the very fast
•Quantum deals with the very small
Charged spheres
•We don’t normally experience either discharge only
•Only in modern times is this noticed when ultraviolet
light shines on them
•It is now important

Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 15 Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 16

Photoelectric Effect Classical prediction
The photoelectric effect occurs when If the E of the incoming EM wave accelerates the
light shining on a metal surface has enough energy to “knock” an electrons to escape velocity
electron loose, which can be detected as a current. Then KE of e’s should be maximum for larger E
Some aspects of the photoelectric effect
And lower frequency as one needs long period before
have no explanation in classical physics:
• Brighter (more intense) light causes more electrons to be reversal of E field to avoid cancellation and to get large KE
ejected, but does not cause the individual electrons to have
more energy. Classically, the electrons should have more What is observed, no KE dependence on E or Intensity
• The maximum kinetic energy for an electron increases with The opposite to the predicted KE dependence on frequency
frequency. Classically, this should be the other way around Number of e’s emitted depends on Intensity
• Below the threshold frequency, f0, no electrons are emitted.
Classically, there is no explanation for this. It has to be a one e interaction as it would take of the order of seconds
if absorption energy were distributed over space
Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 17 Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 18

Einstein’s photoelectric effect KE increases with frequency above a

cutoff f0
Can attract or
repel e’s
Can measure e KE
by if they can
reach anode against
negative voltage

Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 19 Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 20

Simplest assumption Energy of light in quanta

Universal effect One quantum interacts with one electron transferring

energy to it
The energy of the photon is hf get h from the slope
The cutoff hf0 measures the needed escape energy
Escape energy is called
the work function &
& = h f0
h is Planck’s constant
Slope of all lines the same -- some
universal constant sets slope For f < f0 electron can’t escape metal
Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 21 Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 22

Photoelectric Effect Intensity of a quantized beam of light

Einstein’s photoelectric equation accurately describes the
photoelectric effect. Total energy = N h f N is number of photons
An electron absorbs one photon. Some of that energy is used to Energy density = <n> h f <n> is number per volume
break free from the metal. The rest of the energy is left over,
and becomes kinetic energy.

K max = hf " # I = c <n>hf

As volume of length c is swept up
Kmax is the maximum kinetic energy of an emitted electron. per unit time
hf is the energy of the absorbed photon.
&! is the work function of the metal:
the amount of energy that must be supplied to the electron
for it to break free (value depends on type of metal).
Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 23 Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 24
Example Photoelectric effect example
The minimum energy required to remove an electron from a
metal is 2.60 eV. What is the longest wavelength photon that Given that the work function & for sodium metal is 1.82
can eject an electron from this metal? eV, what is the threshold frequency for sodium?
Convert & from eV to Joules:
K max = hf " # 1.82 eV x 1.602x10-19J / eV = 2.92x10-19 J
Threshold occurs when KE=0, so & =hf0.
K=0 f0 = & /h = 2.92x10-19J / 6.626x10-34J s
! ' = 2.6 eV f0 = 4.40x1014Hz
2.6X(1.602X10#19 )
f = " /h = = 6.286X1014 Hz

"= = 477nm
! f
Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 25 Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 26

Example answer
What is the maximum kinetic energy Use h in eV h = 4.136 X10-15 eV*s
in eV that an electron can have if light
of ( = 6.60x1014 Hz (2.73 eV) shines on h( = 4.136 X 10-15 X 6.60 X 1014 = 2.73 eV
sodium (work function 1.82 eV).
KE = h( - & = 2.73 - 1.82 = 0.91 eV
1) 1.82 eV
2) 1.27 eV
3) 2.73 eV
4) 0.91 eV
5) 0.72 eV

Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 27 Phys. 221 E. W. Prohofsky 28

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