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NAME: Antoinette Mbabazi, MSc.BAJENEZA Jean Pierre






National Certification Division NCD/PRO/01

Title: Document Management Procedure Page 2 of 13


1. PURPOSE................................................................................................................................... 3

2. SCOPE....................................................................................................................................... 3

3. PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES...............................................................................................3

4. PROCEDURE DETAILS.............................................................................................................3

4.1 Documentation hierarchy.........................................................................................................3

4.2 Language................................................................................................................................... 3

4.3 Document creation and approval process..............................................................................4

4.4 Document Structure and format..............................................................................................5

4.5 Identification of documents......................................................................................................7

4.6 Review of draft document........................................................................................................8

4.7 Authorization and Approval of Documents.............................................................................9

4.8 Documents of external Origin..................................................................................................9

4.9 Control and Distribution of Documents..................................................................................9

4.10 Document Revision and Amendment................................................................................10

4.11 Periodic review.................................................................................................................... 10

4.12 Control of obsolete documents..........................................................................................11

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The purpose of this procedure is to describe how NCD controls the development, review, revision,
approval and distribution of its management system documents.


This procedure applies to all documentation to be used within NCD Management System. The
procedure covers the NCD documentation structure, preparation, control, distribution, updating,
retrieval, review and authorization of documents.

In addition, it describes methods of identification and control of documents of external origin.


Responsibilities for ensuring a proper document control are assigned as follows:

a) The Quality Management System Officer (QMSO) has the overall responsibilities for ensuring
that this procedure remains adequate for its intended purpose, such that authorized and relevant
documents are availed to the staff. The officer is also responsible for planning and coordinating the
scheduled reviews and any update as necessary.
b) All staff have a responsibility to develop, and implement and maintain documents that apply to
their work,
c) The unit Directors ensure the implementation of this procedure.
d) The NCD Manager is responsible for all aspects of archived controlled documents.
e) The RSB network and systemwebsite administrator maintains the integrity of the information in
electronic format presented on the website and the server.


4.1 Documentation hierarchy

Level 1: This consists of the NCD Policies, Manuals, contracts and agreements.

Level 2: The level consists of procedures.

Level 3: Consists of guides, work Instructions and competence criteria.

Level 4: consists of forms, calculation tables, logs, matrices, formats, registers, questionnaires,
schedules and programmes.

4.2 Language

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All documents of the Management System are written in English. Where deemed necessary, some
documents may be translated to Kinyarwanda language.

Some external documents may be in French.

4.3 Document creation and approval process

4.3.1 Document needs identification The need to create a document may arise so as to ensure effective planning, consistency in
operation and control of a process or processes in order to comply with standards requirements. A request for the creation of document is initiated by filling a document creation
/changerequest form NCD/FOM/11and approved by the quality management system officer. A
request for changes is initiated by sending an email to the QMSO indicating the change requested
and the reason for the change.

4.3.2 Preparation of draft documents

NCD manager in collaboration with the Quality Management System Officer appoints a team to draft
the required document. The appointed team drafting the documents conform to the following: Document format settings and style

a) Writing style

Documents are generated in a concise, step-by-step, easy-to-read format.

The information presented is unambiguous and not overly complicated. Information is conveyed
clearly and explicitly to remove any doubt as to what is required.

b) Font type and colour

The Arial font style in black colour is used.

c) Font size

The following font sizes are used in all management system documents: 11 for body text and 10 for
headers and footers.

d) Bolding

For Abbreviation, headings and Page numbers

e) Alignment of text

The following alignment is used in all NCD documents:

- Left- for all headings and sub headings

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- Left - for the institution logo on the cover pager Page lay-out

a) Paper size

All documents will be designed for paper size A4 - 210 x 297 mm

Page margins- normal; Left, right, top and bottom is set at 1’’. Footers and headers 0.5’

b) Line spacing: Single

c) Page Numbering: Page numbers are on the top right hand corner of every page excluding the
cover page.

4.4 Document Structure and format

All documents on the same level adopt a consistent layout and presentation.

4.4.1 The structure and format of the Manual, Procedure, competence criteria, work instructions and
Guide bear the following:

a) Cover Page

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b) The subsequent pages bear the following format:

The Header and Footer

4.4.2 Structure and format of Level 4 documents Level 4 documents bear the header and footer without the water mark. Guides, work instruction and competence criteria may include a table of contents for the ease
of navigation where the document has more than 3 pages (cover page and table of contents
excluded). The general structure of Procedures is as follows:

- Table of Contents
- Scope
- Principle Responsibility

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- Procedure details All associated documents are hyperlinked.

4.4.3 Numbering and heading levels

Numbering and heading levels are done in Arabic Numerals:

Eg. Heading 1.

Sub Heading 1.1

4.5 Identification of documents

4.5.1 Each management system document is uniquely identified both by the area of operation,
Division/Unit represented by three letters “Document type” represented by three letters, and
identification number with two digits.
Eg. NCD/PRO/01National Certification Division; Procedure number 1

4.5.2 The certificates of registration and Licence to use the mark are identified by a unique code as
shown below:

Eg.1. For License to use the mark: 10/RSB/DG/NCDCER/HLI/15-16, where:

- 10 represents the serial number for the certificate in the financial year when the certification
was granted
- RSB: Rwanda Standards Board(Certification Body)
- DG: Director General (the issuing office)
- NCDCERT: National Certification Division (Division responsible for certification)
- HLI: HACCP License (this part of the code identifies the scheme and the document type),
hence for the respective schemes: QLI (QMS License), FLI (FSMS License) and , ELI (EMS
License) and PLI(Product License ).
- 15-16: Financial year when the certification was granted.

Eg.2. For certificates of registration: 10/RSB/DG/NCDCER/HCE/15-16

All identification details apply as above except HCE which stands for HACCP Certificate of
registration. In accordance to respective schemes, this part of the code becomes QCE (QMS
Certificate of registration); FCE (FSMS Certificate of registration) and , ECE (EMS Certificate of
registration) and PCE (Product Certificate of Conformity). Identification codes by location

NCD: National Certification Division
PCU: Product Certification Unit
SCU: System Certification Unit
FIN: Finance

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Title: Document Management Procedure Page 9 of 13 Identification codes by document type

CAT: Calculation table
CES: Certification scope
CAG: Confidentiality agreement
CFC: Certification Flow Chart
COC : Competence criteria
CTC : Certification terms and conditions
FAT: Format
FOM: Form
GID: Guide
LIC: Licensing Contract
MAN: Manual
MAT: Matrix
PME: Programme
POL: Policies
PRO: Procedure
QER: Questionnaire
REC: Record
REG: Register
SED: Schedule
SEC Service Contract
WIS: Work Instruction
OST: Organisational structure

4.5.3 The details of the document identification

4.5.4 ion are reflected on the master list NCD/REC/01.

4.6 Review of draft document

4.6.1 A draft document is water marked ‘Draft’ in blue colour and sent to draft review team which is
headed by the Quality Management system officer who issues the final draft. If the document is
under review changes are maintained as track changes.

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4.6.2 The part of document that is deleted is shown as in black colour, whereas the insertions are in
black and underlined. Hand written amendments are not permitted on level 1, 2 and 3 documents.
For level 4 documents also hand written changes are not permitted to the document. The QMSO
forwards the final drafts to the relevant authority for approval and issue.

4.7 Authorization and Approval of Documents

4.7.1 The QMSO watermarks the document ‘’controlled’’ in blue colour and submits the document for

4.7.2 Prior to issue, the documents are reviewed by authorized individuals to ensure clarity,
accuracy, adequacy and proper structure.

4.7.3 Level 1 documents are approved by the DG while level 2 and level 3 are approved by the NCD
Manager. Level 4 documents are approved by the directors of the certification units as appropriate.
The status of approval is reflected on the Masterlist.

4.7.4 Master copies of level 1, 2 and 3 (softhard copies) are maintained on the server.

bear the endorsement of the relevant authority.will be by email massage or attendance list of the
review team which will be maintained as evidence

4.7.5 The QMSO writes the approval date which is also the issue date on the document and ensures
stamps on Level 1 and level 2 documents are stamped on.

4.7.6 The QMSO in consultation with the NCD Manager or Director as applicable decide the
appropriate channel of ensuring effective communication of changes to enable correct use of the
document by the NCD personnelusers.

4.7.7 All approved documents are uploaded on RSB server. The QMSO is the custodian of the
master copies which are the only controlled hard copies.

4.8 Documents of external Origin

4.8.1 Documents from external sources in NCD context include standards,testreports,laws and
regulations. They are identified by their respective authors.

4.8.2 Control of standards with regard to current revision status is under the NSD. NSD updates the
Standards catalogue through the MIS accessible online and on the server. For any standard not on
the Theserver, the NCD staff access the documents by requesting for the current version or new of
the standards by sending an email to the QMSO. The QMSO requests the librarian for the maintains
the standard(s) to be uploaded on the server.

4.8.3 Relevant government Laws, rules and regulations and decrees are maintained by the RSB
Legal Affairs Officer. NCD staff access the legal documents from RSB website, through emails the
on the outlook or by sending a request in an E-mail to the Legal Advisor.

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4.8.4 After the reception of standards, laws and regulations from NSD and the legal affairs Office,
they are uploaded on the server by the QMSO.

4.9 Control and Distribution of Documents

4.9.1 The QMSO converts the electronic copies of the approved level 1, 2 and 3 documents to “read
only” word document formatto PDF. The documents are uploaded to the server, only the QMSO is
permitted to upload the documents. documents are uploaded in word format.

4.9.2 The documents are read only. It is prohibited to copy or print Level 1,2 and 3 documents.

4.9.3 Uncontrolled document of Level 4 can be printed. The documents are only accessed by NCD
staff. Any printed copy of the controlled document is deemed as uncontrolled.

4.9.4 Each NCD staff downloads Level 4 document every time it is needed to be used to avoid copy
and paste errors.

4.9.5 The NCD’s QMSO sends an email to RSB IT Office through public relations and commutation
office, any information that needs to be publicly available on the RSB website, to RSB IT Office
through an E-mail for approval and uploading to RSB website. The QMSO ensures that only current
information is available

4.9.6 The standards, laws and regulations are uploaded by the QMSO in their respective folders on
the server.

4.10 Document Revision and Amendment

4.10.1 The need for a revision may result from internal or external audits, process control
measures, inconsistent process or service results, change in organization or method of work, staff
observations or changes in requirements.

4.10.2 The QMSO informs the NCD Staff of the document under review and requests for inputs.
The track changes of technical inputs of the previousare maintained while editorial changes are
accepted the version are accepted a new revisionnext revision number made of two digits serial
number is assigned to the new revision. All the amendments are maintained as track changes and
approved by the relevant authority..

4.10.3 For level 4 documents (used to generate records in daily certification activities, the relevant
authority approves the changes), and then the QMSO accepts changes and updates the revision
status. For level 4 documents to be uploaded on the website the track changes are accepted for the
convenience of external users.

4.10.4 The relevant stakeholders are informed of the new revision.

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4.11Periodic review

4.11.1 Level1 documents are reviewed every 52 years while Level 2&,3 every 3 years whileand
level 4 are reviewed every 12 months .Documents may be reviewed when deemed necessary.
Documents are reviewed to assess the adequacy, to check whether the documents remain
appropriate for their purpose and to ascertain whether document used, clearly describes the process
operation or service.

4.11.2 Reviews ensure staffworkers have the most current, complete, and accurate information to
do their job. Results of document reviews are maintained as track changes on the relevant
document. A review does not necessary result into a revision of the document, however this acts as
evidence that the document was seen, and is still fit for purpose.

During scheduled reviews the previous track changes are maintained but are accepted when the
review leads to a change in revision status and the current changes are maintained as track changes
in the revised document.

4.11.3 Document reviews are also conducted during internal audits

4.11.4 Changes to management system documents are reviewed and approved by the same
functions that performed the original review and approval.

4.12 Control of obsolete documents

4.12.1If a document describes a process that is no longer followed(this may arise from changes in the
requirement or organization structure), the document ceases to be used. The obsolete document is
removed from the server. The obsolete documentrevision status is removedupdated ofrom the master
list. The QMSO decides whether to retain a copy of the superseded document for reference.

4.12.2 Any obsolete document not destroyed is clearly marked "OBSOLETE DOCUMENT" in red

4.12.3 The master copies of the obsolete documents that are not retained are destroyed by
shredding or incineration and the destruction is supervised by the QMSO to prevent unintended use.

4.12.4 An obsolete document may be maintained for reference purposes.

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