NDA ERB Leasing (Standard Template)

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NR. / /

Prezentul Contract de confidentialitate ( numit in This Non Disclosure Agreement (hereinafter

cele ce urmeaza “Contractul”), este incheiat astazi the “Agreement”) signed today, 18.01.2016,
11.03.2016, de si intre: by and between:

social in orsul Videle, str. Petrolului, nr. 16, jud. its headquarter at no. 16, Petrolului Street,
Teleorman, inregistrata la Oficiul Registrului Videle, Teleorman County, registered with
Comertului sub codul J34/202/1991, avand Codul Trade Registry under no. J34/202/1991, sole
Unic de Inregistrare RO1397872, reprezentata prin registration number RO1397872, represented
Viorel Belc, in calitate de Director General, by Viorel Belc – General Manager,
denumita in cele ce urmeaza “ Beneficiarul” hereinafter referred to as “ Beneficiary”

Si And

ERB LEASING IFN S.A., persoana juridica ERB LEASING IFN S.A., a Romanian
romana, cu sediul social in Bulevardul Dimitrie company incorporated pursuant to the laws of
Pompeiu, nr.6A, Et. 5, Camera 5.04, sector 2, Romania, headquartered in office at 6A,
Bucuresti, nr. de ordine in Registrul Comertului Dimitrie Pompeiu Avenue, floor 5, office
J40/9154/2005, C.U.I. RO17607105, reprezentata 5.04, District 2, Bucharest, Romania,
prin doamna Gina Constantin, in calitate de registered with the Trade Registry under
Director General si prin doamna Gabriela Oltean, number J40/9154/2005, Fiscal Registration
in calitate de Contabil Sef, denumita in cele ce Number RO 17607105, hereby duly
urmeaza “Compania de Leasing” sau “Parte represented by Gina Constantin as General
Transmitatoare” ”; Manager and Gabriela Oltean – Chief
Accountant,hereinafter referred to as the
“The Leasing Company” or “Disclosing
Party” ”

Denumite in mod individual “Parte” si in mod Hereinafter referred to as, individually, a

colectiv “Parti”, “Party” and, collectively, the “Parties”.

Avand in vedere posibilitatea ca Beneficiarul este Whereas, in connection with the possibility
interesat in achizitionarea de active vandute de the Beneficiary to be interested in acquiring
Compania de leasing in cadrul procedurii de assets under enforcement procedure run by
executare silita si in evaluarea necesarului de the Leasing Company and the evaluation of
munca in pregatirea unei propuneri pentru the potential scope of work by preparing a
Compania de leasing si tinand seama de proposal to the Leasing Company and
necesitatea evaluarii de catre Partea evaluation by the Disclosing Party of the said
Transmitatoare a propunerii facuta de Beneficiar , proposal from Beneficiary with a view of
pentru ca partile sa ia o decizie privind derularea Parties taking a decision on the execution of a
unui contract avand ca obiect prezentarea de oferte contract for rendering indicative offers
(“Scopul Permis”), ERB Leasing va dezvalui (“Permitted Purpose”) ERB Leasing shall
Beneficiarului anumite informatii confidentiale disclose to Beneficiary certain confidential
care sunt in proprietatea exclusiva a Partii information that is the exclusive property of
Transmitatoare the Disclosing Party ;

Astfel, Partile prin acordul si interesul lor comun, Therefore, the Parties through their agreement
au convenit ca anumite informatii furnizate and to their mutual interest, have agreed that
exclusiv in scopul realizarii obiectivului anterior certain information provided exclusively for
mentionat, a caror transmitere si/sau dezvaluire the purpose of the completing the
catre terti ar putea prejudicia grav interesele Partii aforementioned scope, whose delivery and/or
Transmitatoare sa fie considerate confidentiale si disclosure to third parties may severely
sa fie supuse urmatorilor termeni si conditii agreati damage the interest of the Disclosing Party
de ambele Parti, hotarasc urmatoarele: are deemed confidential and subject to the
following requirements and terms agreed
upon by both Parties, now, therefore, the
Parties agree as follows:

Tinand seama de faptul ca Beneficiarul se obliga Whereas the Beneficiary undertakes to

sa nu divulge catre terti aceste informatii handle in confidence any such Confidential
confidentiale, cu exceptia Clientului/Clientilor Information, except to his Client(s) received
sau/sai, pe care Partea Transmitatoare le from the Disclosing Party under the terms and
furnizeaza conform prezentului contract; conditions set forth herein;

Partile convin incheierea prezentului contract: Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual
covenants contained herein, the Parties agree
as follows:

“Informatii Confidentiale” reprezinta: secretul “Confidential information” shall mean:

bancar (adica toate faptele , datele si informatiile banking secrecy ( meaning any and all the
referitoare la activitatea desfasurata de catre Partea facts, data and information referring to the
Transmitatoare , precum si orice fapt, data sau business activities carried on by the
informatie, aflata la dispozitia acesteia, care Disclosing Party as well as of any fact, data or
privesc persoana, proprietatea, activitatea, information available to the Disclosing Party
afacerea, relatiile personale sau de afaceri ale regarding the person, property, activity,
clientilor ori informatii referitoare la conturile business, personal or business relationships
clientilor (solduri, rulaje, operatiuni derulate la related to the clients or any information
serviciile prestate sau la contractele incheiate cu related to the clients’accounts (balances,
clientii), know-how, tehnici, proiecte, specificatii, flows, operations-, to services or contracts
desene, planuri, schite, diagrame, modele, concluded with its clients), know-how,
diagrame, programe IT, documentatii de licitatie, techniques, designs, specifications, drawings,
planuri strategice, planuri de iesire din activitate, blueprints, sketches, diagrams, models, flow
acoperire teritoriale, planuri de charts, computer programs, bid documents,
marketing/financire/de afaceri, comisioane, strategic plans, rollout plans, territorial
proiecte de reglementari, informatii privind coverage, marketing/ financial/ business
salariatii, clientii sau alti parteneri contractuali, plans, commission fees, draft bill plans, data
precum si orice alte informatii dezvaluite in scris regarding employees, customers or other
sau in orice alta forma tangibila sau intangibila de contractors and any other information
catre detinatorul unor asemenea informatii, pe care disclosed in writing or in any other tangible or
Partea Transmitatoare le va dezvalui intangible form by the holder of such
Beneficiarului in scris sau pe orice alt suport information, which the Disclosing Party shall
tangibil sau intangibil. disclose to the Beneficiary in writing or on
any other tangible or intangible support.

1.“Informatiile Confidentiale” nu includ orice 1. “Confidential Information” does not

informatie care: include any information which:

a) s-a aflat in posesia Beneficiarului fara ca a) was in the Beneficiary ’s possession

acesta sa aiba nicio obligatie de a asigura without any confidentiality obligation, prior
confidentialitatea, inainte ca aceasta sa fie to the disclosure there of by the Disclosing
dezvaluita de catre Partea Transmitatoare;; Party; ;
b) a fost obtinuta in mod legal pentru alte b) has been obtained legally for purposes
scopuri decat cele legate de executarea other than in connection with this
prezentului Contract; Agreement;
c) a fost dezvaluita independent de catre c) was developed independently by the
Beneficiar in afara domeniului de aplicare Beneficiary outside the scope of this
a prezentului Contract. Agreement;
d) era deja cunoscuta publicului din alte surse d) was already publicly known from sources
decat Beneficiar , astfel incat la momentul other than the Beneficiary , as at the time
dezvaluirii ei Beneficiarului de catre Partea when the Disclosing Party discloses it to the
Transmitatoare sau ulterior devine Beneficiary or later becomes so available
accesibila publicului dar nu din vina through no fault of the Beneficiary ;
Beneficiarului; e) is acquired from a third party who owes
e) este obtinuta de o terta parte care nu si-a no obligation of confidentiality in respect of
asumat o obligatie de confidentialitate; the information; and/or
f) este declarata neconfidentiala prin acordul f) the parties agree in writing that it is not
exprimat in scris de catre parti; confidential;
g) se solicita a fi dezvaluita in conformitate cu g) are requested to be disclosed in
legislatia in vigoare sau prin ordin autorizat accordance with the legislation in force or
de catre o autoritate administrativa sau de by means of authorized order issued by any
autoritatile publice competente existand o administrative authority or other competent
baza legala care constrange la dezvaluirea public authorities under which there is a
acelei informatii. legal basis to constrain the disclosure of
such information.

2. Utilizarea “Informatiilor Confidentiale” 2. Use of the ’’Confidential Information’’

2.1. Beneficiarul se obliga sa utilizeze Informatiile 2.1. The Beneficiary undertakes to use the
Confidentiale dezvaluite de Partea Transmitatoare Confidential Information disclosed by
numai conform prezentului Contract si numai in Disclosing Party only pursuant to this
scopul realizarii obiectivului mentionat in Agreement and only to achieve the purpose
preabulul prezentului Contract, specified in the preamble to this Agreement.

2.2. Partile declara si cunosc ca, in baza 2.2. The Parties declare and acknowledge that
prezentului Contract, Beneficiarul porneste de la under this Agreement, the Beneficiary starts
prezumptia ca toate datele, informatiile si from the assumption that all data, information
documentele furnizate de Partea Transmitatore and documents provided by the Disclosing
respecta legile in vigoare, inclusiv drepturile Party comply observe the applicable laws,
tertelor parti si ca ele sunt corecte si complete. including any rights of third parties and that
Partile inteleg si accepta ca Beneficiarul nu va they are accurate and complete. The Parties
efectua nicio analiza si nu va oferi nicio asigurare
understand and accept that Beneficiary will
in acest sens. In baza prezentului Contract, Partea
not perform any analysis and will not provide
Transmitatoare isi asuma raspunderea fata de
any assurance in this respect. Under this
Beneficiar in ceea ce priveste caracterul complet,
adevarat, legal si corect al unor asemenea Agreement, Disclosing Party assumes full
informatii si documente, precum si in legatura cu liability towards Beneficiary in relation to the
orice consecinte care pot rezulta din punerea completeness, truthfulness, legality and
acestora la dispozitia Beneficiarului si/sau accuracy of such information and documents
utilizarea lor de catre Beneficiar in baza as well as in relation to any consequences that
prezentului Contract. may result from making them available to
Beneficiary and/or their use by Beneficiary
under this Agreement.
3. Confidentiality
3.1. Beneficiarul se obliga sa respecte
confidentialitatea si sa protejeze informatiile 3.1. The Beneficiary shall observe the
confidentiale primite de la Partea Transmitatoare confidentiality and shall protect the
in conformitate cu dispozitiile Legii nr.93/2009, Confidential Information received from
privind institutiile financiare nebancare, cu Disclosing Party according to Law
modificarile ulterioare. In acest sens, Beneficiarul no.93/2009, regarding non-banking financial
intelege si cunoaste importanta deosebita a acestor institutions with subsequent changes. In this
informatii confidentiale si se obliga sa ia toate respect, the Beneficiary understands and
masurile rezonabile din punct de vedere comercial acknowledges the special importance of such
cu scopul de a preveni accesul neautorizat la Confidential Information and shall therefore
Informatiile Confidentiale, precum si pentru a take commercially reasonable measures
preveni pierderea, distrugerea, alterarea sau meant at preventing unauthorised access to
transmiterea neautorizata a acestora in Confidential Information, as well as the loss,
conformitate cu reglementarile in vigoare. destruction, alteration, or unauthorised
transmission of the same according to the
regulations in force.
3.2. Beneficiarul poate dezvalui Informatiile
Confidentiale primite de la Partea Transmitatoare 3.2.The Beneficiary may disclose
numai in urmatoarele conditii: Confidential Information received from the
Disclosing Party in the following
3.2.1 cu consimtamantul scris obtinut in prealabil circumstances only:
de la Partea Transmitatoare ; 3.2.1. with the prior written consent of the
Disclosing Party ; or
3.2.2. salariatilor, reprezentantilor, furnizorilor,
clientilor si agentilor care trebuie sa cunoasca 3.2.2. to its employees, representatives,
aceste informatii pentru a negocia cu Partea contractors, subcontractors, clients and agents
Transmitatoare sau care sunt/care vor fi implicati that have a need to know such information to
in furnizarea serviciilor ce vor fi contractate cu conduct negotiations with Disclosing Party
Partea Transmitatoare (fara consimtamantul and/or who are / will be involved in the
acesteia) sub rezerva ca toate aceste persoane provision of services to be contracted by the
respecta obligatia de confidentialitate sau Disclosing Party (without latter’s consent)
provided that all these persons comply with
confidentiality obligation or
3.2.3 tertelor parti cum sunt consilierilor
profesionali (incluzand consultantii fiscali si 3.2.3. to third parties such as professional
avocatii) care vor fi implicati in furnizarea advisers (including tax consultants and
serviciilor ce vor fi contractate cu Partea lawyers) who will be involved in the
Transmitatoare sub rezerva ca toate aceste provision of services to be contracted by the
persoane respecta obligatia de confidentialitate. Disclosing Party provided that all these
persons comply with confidential obligation.
In situatia in care relatia contractuala dintre parti
va implica prezentarea/dezvaluirea de catre Partea If the working relationship between the
Transmitataore a Informatiilor Confidentiale Parties will involve presentation / disclosure
detinute de sau apartinand altor parti, direct catre by Disclosing Party of Confidential
Beneficiar , Partea Transmitatoare autorizeaza Information held by or belonging to other
transmiterea Informatiilor Confidentiale si parties, directly to the Beneficiary , the
dezvaluirea acestora conform prezentului Contract Disclosing Party authorizes the transmission
si confirma ca Partea Transmitatoare este of the Confidential Information and disclosure
indreptatita sa transmita aceste informatii as provided in this Agreement and confirms
apartinand tertelor parti. that Disclosing Party is and will be entitled to
process and transmit data and information
belonging to the aforementioned
entities/persons or relating thereto.
3.3. Beneficiarul se va asigura ca toate
persoanele/entitatile carora le dezvaluie Informatii 3.3. The Beneficiary shall ensure that all
Confidentiale primite de la Partea Transmitatoare persons/entities to whom it discloses
conform art.3.2.1., 3.2.2., 3.2.3 de mai sus (i) Confidential Information of the Disclosing
constientizeaza natura confidentiala a Informatiilor Party pursuant to clauses 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3
Confidentiale, precum si restrictiile privind above (i) are aware of the confidential nature
utilizarea si dezvaluirea lor; si (ii) ele vor folosi of the Confidential Information, as well as of
astfel de Informatii Confidentiale in mod the restrictions on use and disclosure thereof;
corespunzator, astfel incat sa nu puna and (ii) they shall use such Confidential
Beneficiarului in situatia de a nu respecta Information in an appropriate manner so as
obligatiile asumate prin prezentul Contract. not to put the Disclosing Party in breach of its
obligations assumed hereunder.
3.4 Beneficiarul este responsabil pentru
confidentialitatea informatiilor si se va asigura ca 3.4 The Beneficiary is responsible for the
toate persoanele mentionate in articolele anterioare confidentiality of the information and will
sunt informate si avertizate cu privire la obligatiile ensure that all of the aforementioned persons
Beneficiarului in conformitate cu articolul 3.1, sub at Article 1.2. are informed and advised of the
sanctiunea de daune interese stabilite prin hotarare obligations of the Beneficiary as per Article
judecatoreasca definitiva si irevocabila si sunt 3.1 under the liability of damages established
obligate prin contracte existente sa respecte through a definitive and irrevocable decision
clauzele corespunzatoare de confidentialitate. issued by a court of law, and are contractually
bound by existing obligations of confidence.

4.Dreptul de proprietate asupra materialelor

4. Ownership of materials
4.1 Partea Transmitatoare va pastra dreptul de
proprietate asupra Informatiilor Confidentiale pe 4.1. Disclosing Party shall retain ownership
care le va dezvalui Beneficiarului in conditiile over the Confidential Information that it will
prezentului contract. Beneficiarul va putea utiliza disclose to the Beneficiary in accordance with
Informatiile Confidentiale cu scopul de a purta this Agreement. The Beneficiary will be able
negocieri cu Partea Transmitatoare sau in scopul to use the Confidential Information in order to
de a pregati si incheia un contract de prestari carry out negotiations withDisclosing Party ,
servicii cu Prtea Transmitataore pentru scopurile or in view of preparing and signing a service
stabilite aici (de exemplu, pregatirea ofertei, contract with the Disclosing Party for the
pregatirea unor materiale interne etc.). purposes set forth herein (e.g. preparing an
offer, preparing other internal materials etc).
4.2 Partile sunt de acord ca, Partea Transmitatoare
va detine, la orice moment, dreptul de proprietate 4.2 The parties agree that the Disclosing Party
asupra informatiilor confidentiale, asa cum sunt shall at all times retain ownership of all
ele stipulate in acest Contract, iar Beneficiarul nu Confidential Information as disclosed under
are nicun drept derivat cu privire la informatiile this Agreement, and the Beneficiary shall
confidentiale, prin divulgarea lor de orice natura. derive no rights in relation to the Confidential
information by its disclosure of whatsoever
5. Durata. Incetarea Contractului
5. Duration. Termination/cessation of this
5.1. Prezentul Contract intra in vigoare la data
semnarii de catre ambele parti si va ramane in 5.1. This Agreement enters into force upon its
vigoare pe o perioada nedeterminata. signature date by both parties and shall
remain in full force and effect for an
undetermined period of time.
6. Raspunderea contractuala
6. Contractual liability
6.1 Pentru neexecutarea totala sau partiala, 6.1. In case of total or partial non-
executarea necorespunzatoare sau cu intarziere a performance , improper performance or
oricarei obligatii din prezentul Acord, Partea in performance with delay of any obligation
culpa va datora daune-interese celeilalte Parti,
arising from the present a Agreement, the
pentru orice prejudiciu creat. In cazul aparitiei Liable Party will owe indemnities to the
unui Caz de Culpa, Partea prejudiciata ii va other Party, for any prejudice. In case of an
trimite Partii in culpa o Notificare scrisa, prin Event of Default will intervene, the
scrisoare recomandata cu confirmare de primire, Prejudiced Party will sent a Notification by
prin care o someaza in legatura cu remedierea recommended letter with acknowledgement
cazului de Culpa. Daca Partea in culpa nu confirmation, by which the other Party is
remediaza Cazul de Culpa intr-o maniera summoned in respect of remedial of the Event
satisfacatoare pentru cealalta Parte Contractanta, of Default. If the Liable Party will not repair
in 15 zile lucratoare de la receptia Notificarii, the Event of Default in a satisfactory manner
atunci aceasta din urma este indreptatita sa for the other Party within 15 business days
considere prezentul Acord reziliat de plin drept, from the reception of the Notification, then
fara nicio alta formalitate si fara interventia the latter Party is entitled to consider the
vreunei instante de judecata/arbitrale. present Agreement terminated by law, with no
other formality and without the intervention
of any Court.
7. Forta majora
7. Force majeure
7.1 Forta majora exonereaza de raspundere Partea
care o invoca in conditiile legii. 7.1 The force majeure holds harmless the
Party who invokes it under the law.
7.2 Forta majora, convenita ca fiind evenimentul
imprevizibil si de neinlaturat, petrecut dupa
intrarea in vigoare a prezentului Acord, si care 7.2 The force majeure event, namely an
impiedica Partea sau Partile sa-si indeplineasca unforeseeable and insurmountable event
obligatiile contractuale, exonereaza Partea care o occurring subsequently to the entry into force
invoca pe durata de existenta a cazului de forta hereof and preventing the Party or Parties
majora, confirmat de Camera de Comert si from fulfilling their contractual duties, holds
Industrie a Romaniei.
harmless the Party who invokes it throughout
the duration of such event, confirmed by the
Romanian Chamber of Commerce and
7.3 Notificarea aparitiei cazului de forta majora se Industry.
va face de catre Partea interesata in termen de 48
(patruzeci si opt) de ore de la producerea 7.3 The interested Party shall notify the force
evenimentului invocat, iar confirmarea acestuia de majeure event within forty-eight (48) hours as
catre Camera de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei se
of its occurrence and its confirmation by the
va comunica celeilalte Parti in termen de cel mult
5 (cinci) zile de la data notificarii aparitiei Romanian Chamber of Commerce and
evenimentului. Industry shall be communicated to the other
Party within at most five (5) days as of the
notification date related to the occurrence of
7.4. Partea care invoca Evenimentul de Forta such event.
Majora va lua toate masurile pentru eliminarea
efectelor acestuia, astfel incat sa nu fie depasita
perioada de 30 de zile calendaristice de la data 7.4. The Party who invokes the Event of
confirmarii evenimentului de forta majora. In Force Majeure undertakes to take all the
cazul neindeplinirii acestei obligatii, cealalta measures to eliminate the related effects, so as
Parte Contractanta este indreptatita sa actioneze to be not exceeded the term of 30 calendar
conform art 6.1. days from the data of confirmation of the
Event of Force Majeure. In case of non-
fulfillment of this obligation, the other Party
is entitled to act based on Article 6.1.
8. Notices
Toate notificarile in baza prezentului Contract vor
fi facute in scris si vor fi trimise prin fax, mail sau 6.1.All notices under this Agreement shall be
curier, cu confirmare de primire, si vor fi in writing and shall be sent by fax or by
transmise la adresa, adresa de e-mail sau numarul regular mail or courier, with acknowledgment
de fax al fiecareia dintre parti asa cum sunt acestea of receipt, to the address or fax number of the
mentionate in preambulul Contractului. Parties specified at the beginning of the

9. Intregul Contract
9. Entire Agreement
9.1 Prezentul Contract reprezinta intreaga
intelegere a partilor cu referire la Informatiile 9.1. This Agreement constitutes the entire
Confidentiale dezvaluite de catre Partea understanding and agreement between the
Transmitatoare Beneficiarului Prezentul Contract Parties relating to Confidential Information
inlocuieste orice alta intelegere, comunicare, disclosed by the Disclosing Party to
reprezentare anterioara, orala sau scrisa, intre parti, Beneficiary.. It supersedes any and all
referitoare la informatii confidentiale. previous oral or written representations,
communications, understandings and
agreements existing between the Parties,
written or oral, having the subject matter
specified herein.
10. Legea aplicabila

10.1 Prezentul Contract, precum si orice disputa, 10. Applicable law

controversa sau diferenta ce apare in legatura cu
prezentul Contract vor fi guvernate, interpretate si 10.1 This Agreement and any disputes,
solutionate in conformitate cu Legea Romana. controversies and differed arising out or in
connection with this Agreement shall be
governed, construed and settled in accordance
with the Romanian law.
11. Solutionarea litigiilor

11.1 Partile vor actiona cu buna-credinta pentru a 11. Dispute resolution

solutiona pe cale amiabila orice disputa,
controversa sau diferenta dintre ele care poate sa 11.1. The Parties shall act in good faith to
apara in legatura cu prezentul Contract si vor resolve amicably any dispute, controversy or
actiona in comun pentru a asigura toate conditiile different between them that may arise from or
necesare pentru indeplinirea corespunzatoare a in connection with this Agreement and shall
obiectului prezentului Contract. In situatia in care act in common to ensure all the conditions for
partile nu pot ajunge la o rezolvare amiabila a the proper fulfilment of the object of this
situatiei conflictuale aparute, litigiul va fi supus Agreement. If the Parties cannot reach an
spre solutionare instantelor de judecata competente amiable settlement, the litigation shall be
din Romania. resolved by the competent courts of law of
11.2 In cazul nerespectarii obligatiilor contractuale
asumate, Beneficiarul va despagubi integral pe 11.2. In case of breach of this Agreement, the
Partea Transmitatoare pentru prejudiciul cauzat Beneficiary will reimburse Disclosing Party
acesteia. for the damages directly created.

12. Alterarea clauzelor contractuale

12.Entire agreement and alteration
Prezentul document stabileste intregul acord al
Partilor cu privire la obiectul acestuia. De This document sets forth the entire agreement
asemenea, inlocuieste orice intelegere anterioara of the Parties related to the subject matter
facuta intre cele doua Parti cu privire la obiectul hereof. Also, it supersedes all other prior
acestui Contract, fie ea scrisa sau verbala. Nu agreements, oral or written, related to the
exista alte intelegeri aditionale intre Parti. Nicio subject matter hereof made between the
amendare, modificare sau variatie a termenilor parties. There are no additional agreements
stipulati in prezentul Contract nu vor fi considerate between the Parties. No alternations,
valabile, decat daca vor fi facute in scris si modifications or variations of the terms of this
semnate de reprezentantii legali autorizati ai Agreement shall be valid unless made in
fiecarei parti. writing and signed by the duly authorized
agents of each of the Parties hereto.
13 Separare
Daca oricare dintre sectiunile acestui Contract
trebuie considerata nula sau inaplicabila, acea If any part of this Agreement should be held
sectiune va fi tratata separat, lasand restul to be void or unenforceable, such part will be
continutului prezentului Contract valabil si treated as severable, leaving valid and
executoriu pentru intreaga perioada de valabilitate enforceable the remainder of this Agreement,
a acestuia, prin derogare de la partea sau sectiunile notwithstanding the part or parts found void
gasite nule si inaplicabile. Partile sunt de acord ca or unenforceable. The Parties agree with
orice sectiune a prezentului Contract care va fi respect to any part of this Agreement which is
considerata nula si inaplicabila, se va renegocia si held to be unenforceable or void, that they
va fi inlocuita cu o dispozitie valabila, intr-o shall renegotiate such part and replace it by a
maniera conforma cu intentia initiala a partilor. valid provision in a manner consistent with
the original intent of the Parties.

14. Modificarea Contractului

14. Amendments
14.1 Orice modificare a prezentului Contract poate
fi facuta numai prin incheierea unui act aditional 14.1. Any amendment to this Agreement must
semnat de ambele parti. be in writing through an addendum signed by
both parties.
In considerarea celor prezentate, fiecare parte
declara ca a citit, a inteles pe deplin si accepta in Considering the above, each Party declares
mod expres toate clauzele prezentului Contract (in that it has read and that it fully understands
conformitate cu dispozitiile art.1203 Cod Civil) si and expressly accepts all the clauses of this
accepta sa incheie prezentul Contract in aceste Agreement (according to Art. 1203 Civil
conditii, astazi, 11.03.2016, in doua exemplare, Code) and agrees to validly conclude this
cate un exemplar pentru fiecare parte. Fiecare Agreement under these conditions, today,
parte declara si garanteaza celeilalte parti ca 11.03.2016, in 2 (two) copies, one for each
reprezentantii sai, ale caror semnaturi apar mai jos, Party. Each Party declares and warrants to the
au fost si sunt pe deplin autorizati sa semneze other Party that its representative, whose
prezentul Contract. signature appears below, has been and is at
In caz de neconcordanta intre versiunea in limba the date of this Agreement duly authorized to
romana si cea in limba engleza, versiunea in limba sign this Agreement.
romana va prevala. In case of discrepancies between the
romanian and the english version of the
agreement, the romanian version will prevail.

Data si semnatura Date and signature



Emanuel Breaban,
Director Comercial


Gina Constantin,
Director General

Gabriela Oltean,
Contabil Sef

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