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Writing Instruction for Junior High School Students: Challenges and

Strategies from Mati City English Teachers

Significance of the Study

The study focused on writing instruction for Junior High School Students and the Challenges and

Strategies of English Teachers in Mati City. Moreover, the results of this study will be beneficial to

the following:

Teachers. The findings of this study will aid in encouraging the teachers to come up with concepts

or options that will properly guide the students, particularly in teaching writing to their students.

This might also help them become proficient. Additionally, it can aid in raising awareness of

potential difficulties so that people are prepared to overcome them or discover solutions to make

the most of them.

Junior High School Students. This will benefit not only the teachers, but more importantly, the

students. Their learning will be shaped by this study, which will also assist them in using the

knowledge to improve their pedagogy. It will also nourish them as students in becoming creative,

mindful, and proficient in their writing skills.

Future Researchers. The findings of the study will serve as reference material and a guide for

future researchers who wish to conduct the same experimental study or any study related to Writing

Instruction for Junior High School Students: Challenges and Strategies from Mati City English

Teachers. Future researchers can use this study to employ different data collection methods to

gather more specific data, such as monitoring the progress of a chosen problem; this can also be

used by researchers in data analysis. 

Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on English teachers in Mati City and addresses the difficulties and solutions

related to teaching writing to junior high school students. The respondents to this study are five

junior high school English teachers across chosen schools, including Matiao National High School,

Mati National Comprehensive High School, Bobon National High School, Regional Science High

School, and City of Mati National High School. The time allotted for this study will be from

December 2022 to January 2023.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally for the benefit of this study:

Challenges. This refers to the problems or difficulties that the teacher experiences during the

course of the study, specifically in the aspect of writing.

Junior High School Students. They serve as the basis for our main respondents when teaching or

enhancing their writing instruction. We, the researchers, will explore various conditions that occur

throughout this study.

Junior High School Teachers. This refers to the respondents to our research, who will be

subjected to an interview and observation. They will be the main source of qualitative data.

Mati City. This refers to the location where the study will be conducted and where the data will be

gathered. Junior high schools across this city might be observed and explored by the researcher


Strategies. This refers to the solutions that we, the researchers, will take action on.

Writing Instruction. This refers to the directive discipline of our observers throughout the study.

This aims to provide guidance in their writing instruction.

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