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S.NO Name of Program Page Date Signature


1. Write a C program to calculate area and

circumference of a circle

2. Write a program to perform addition,

subtraction, division and multiplication of
two numbers.

3. Write a program to swap values of two

numbers with and without using a third

4. Write a program to take input of name,

rollno and marks obtained by a student in 4
subjects of 100 marks each and display the
name, rollno with percentage score secured

5. Write a program to reverse a three digit

number without using any loop.

6. Write a C program to input the amount

from the user and print the minimum
number of notes (Rs. 500, 100, 50, 20,
10, 5, 2, 1) required for the amount.

7. Write a C program to check leap years

using if else. How to check whether a
given year is a leap year or not in C

8. Write a C program to print all Fibonacci

sequence up to n using loop.

9. Write a C program to find the sum of all

prime numbers between 1 to n using
for loop.

10. Write a C program to print an

equilateral triangle or Pyramid star
pattern series of n rows using for loop.
(a) * * * * *
* * *

(b) 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
10 11 12
13 14

11. Write a C program to create a menu

driven calculator that performs basic
arithmetic operations (add, subtract,
multiply and divide) using switch cases.

12. Write a C program to input a number

and check positive, negative or zero
using the switch case.

13. Write a C program to input elements in

array and sort array elements in
ascending or descending order.

14. Write a C program to read elements in

two matrices and add elements of both

15. Write a C program to read elements in

two matrices and multiply them. Matrix
multiplication program in C.

16. Write a C program to count the total

number of alphabets, digits or special
characters in a string using a loop.

17. Write a C program to convert string

from lowercase to uppercase string
using loop.

18. Write a C program to compare two

strings using loop character by

19. Write a function in C to find the factorial

of a number.

20. Write a C program to find maximum

and minimum elements in an array
using recursion.

21. Write a C Program to Calculate Total and

Percentage marks of a student using

22. Write a C program to find the reverse of

a given string using a pointer.

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