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an addition of 10 or 15%.

A bird's-eye view over the effect is

fifth district, occupying a considerable area south of the

EQ.M. Equitum magister.

Kabul, fled across the Oxus into Bokhara. Shere Ali threw

palaeolithic type have been discovered, notably at Tlemcen and

century and more after the Mongol invasion the whole of the

Thasos. In 422 B.C. Cleon led an unsuccessful expedition

Club, the University Club, the City Club of Albany, the

when, on the 20th of May 1381, the university decreed that

in the great india-rubber districts of the Mayutata and

Acetylene is readily decomposed by heat, polymerizing under

and last of his pitched battles in Asia, the one which put

nail manufactories, and trade in agricultural produce.

of the plan thereupon determined to form a separate society,

by the Spaniards in 1762. During the Peninsular War (q.v.),

recognized as belonging to the sultan a continuous strip of

is fertile, yielding wheat, barley, maize, flax, hemp and

of the trade of the whites. In some tribes this would bring

the store pigs accounting for less than one-tenth of the total

of his church and as an evangelist. In 1712 he lost his wife

being his history of the German wars of Gustavus Adolphus,

the Voyage of Bougainville, and so on. However, in all

the constructive study of Acts almost to a deadlock.

reached by the water for many days. Algae of more delicate

multifidum,'' Ber. d. deutschen bot. Gesellsc. Band

three. Jay and Adams distrusted thc good faith of the French

empire as covering over 700,000 sq. m. was not challenged.11

RO2. The oxides of type RO are soluble in water, the solution

steel. The weight of the usual projectile for this mortar is 850

system, the first of those rotations which dispense with

pleasurable ones, in such a manner that in the end the

from the parent country, who continually intermingle with

TABLE IV.--Areas of Grass Land (excluding Heath and Mountain

(dead) (Judith) (daughter)

end of Minoan Period II.; but it probably brought about no

both economical and just, he was able to diminish the

the expense of the military. An effort was made to attract

ibn Tumart, a member of the Masmuda, a Berber tribe of the

are the Guapore or Itenez, the Baures and Blanco, the Itonama

Acarnania. Herodotus (i. 145) mentions the twelve cities Of

motive. It is said that the pelage of the New Zealand specimens

(Cairo, 1906); S. Passarage, Die Kalahari: Versuch einer

mercenary. By the lex Cineia, passed about two centuries

Stantienite, a brittle, deep brownish-black

Spiraculum tubarum . . . . (1633), a mystical interpretation

November. The festival was retained at the Reformation in

and Times of Alfred the Great (Clar. Press, 1902). Of earlier

Amontons, who through disease was rendered almost completely

be usefully consulted for particulars as to the requirements

and white complex represents the eutectic. It is not safe

nearly to the boiling-point--an operation requiring great

The central ganglion of the nervous system lies in the

his advertisers cannot be dismissed without reference to the

his brother is dated 1550. It is a complete and systematic

it, they have been multiplied in number to a very large

but of Western and wandering journalistic experience as a

among the contraltos of the century, the old Italian school

1481); Commentaria super lib. ii. decretalium (Bologna, 1481);

special nerve supply and musculature by which the cirri can be

Stomach.--Where the oesophagus passes into the stomach, the

a lawyer: his delight was in knotty points of the law, and

a gradually falling temperature. But when solidification

milk-fat, or less than 8.5% of non-fatty solids, it shall be

practice it is necessary to go to a rather higher temperature),

except the eutectic mixture C will have two halts in its

freedom from malaria it has been chosen as an acclimatizing

Decatur. Rodgers would have preferred to keep his command

The exports of live stock and its products have increased

country, accompanied the British army, but died during the

(1847), Sacramental Addresses (1854), The Revival and

east of the church and cloister, from which it is divided by

home consumption or a local market to a producer for a world

age qualification for the Reichstag is twenty-five. In

where his childhood was passed. Eleusis was the centre of

spring. On farms of moderate size it is usual to hire steam

he kept the sea and did not even return to the French islands

are collected into large oval patches, known as agminated

C.F. Causa fiduciae, Conjugi fecit, Curavit faciendum.

the Rhone in Lake Geneva. Alluvial deposits may be of great

The religion of the country throughout is Mahommedan. Next to

worshippers, was a sacramental act. Other instances of a

building, and served as the palace of the deys until the French
killing the murderess, and protects him when after the deed he

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