Proprioceptive Activities

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Proprioceptive Activities/Heavy Work

What is heavy work? Anything that provides deep pressure or resistance in joints! Short,
frequent bursts of movement tend to be better. Have the student do 30-60 seconds of
seated movement every 5 minutes. Have them do 3-5 minutes of standing movement
every 20-30 minutes. Have them take a longer 10-minute break every 40-60 minutes.

Bigger Space
● Crawling through a tunnel
● Push-ups while balancing on an exercise ball
● Log roll (arms wrap around upper body, legs straight -> roll down the hallway)
● Stack and unstack chairs
● Move heavy tables
● Crab walking down the hall
● Somersaults down the hall
● Sweeping

Any Room
● Wall Push Offs
● Floor Push-Ups
● Planks (hold for 2 minutes)
● Toss heavy ball, either by swinging between legs or by thrusting from chest
● Lunges
● Squats while holding weights
● Jumping jacks
● Burpees
● Mountain climbing

● Chair Push-Ups
● Push hands together (“push-of-war”)
● Try to squeeze thighs together while pushing apart with hands
● Try to separate thighs while pushing together with hands
● Try to lift knees up while pushing down with hands
● Eagle arms
● Weighted blanket

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