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Market leader workbook new – seh 14, calisma E – ilk 5 cumle

BVU test – 12.1 ilk 5 cumle

BVU test – 11.2 – metni ezberle (bezi sozler sinonimleri ile evez olunub, cavablar eynidir)

Market leader workbook new – seh 18, calisma A – ilk 5 cumle

Market leader workbook new – she 18, calisma B – ilk 5 cumle

BVU test – 3.4 ardi

7. A document describing your education, qualifications and previous jobsC_____V___(2 words, 15


8. To choose people to interview- s________(9 letters)

9. The time period during which you are at work- s_______(5 letters)

10.Be in charge of (a business, organization, or undertaking); run- m_______(6


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