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PART 1st 1

Picture 1 Parts of Conveyor Belt with all its components

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Drive Pulley Return Pulley Cleaners type I Press Pulley Divert Pulley Return Roller Tension Pulley Cleaner type V Loading Rollers

10. Loading Hopper 11. Conveyor Rollers 12. Covers

Introduction in the Conveyor Belt Systems

The aim of the conveyor belt systems is the transport of various materials in small or big distances. The size and the type of material vary and it can be homogenous or heterogeneous. Distance of transport can be from few meters up to enough kilometers. Today we can find compound conveyor belts up to 8km length while in Africa there are conveyor belts composed by individual departments and reach the 100km length. The dimensions of the conveyor belts are manufactured in this way so as to cope with the transport of material with big hypsometric differences with relation of length and height up to 2:1 for their small length and 10:1 for their big length. Nowdays technology allows transport of big carriages weight that can reach also the 40.000 or even 50.000 m3/h and speeds that exceed the 5m/s. As far as it concerns the economic profit that results in combination of the traditional ways of transport, in a lot of cases it can exceed 1:2,2 that is to say profit > than 120%. In the superior percentage has been included the deterioration of moved parts of (rollers belt-bearing houses-pulleys) in the worked out temporally intervals that gives the construction company.

The main sectors of a conveyor belt are:

a) Drive unit b) Return unit c) Tension unit

d) Support upper and down section e) f) Point of loading material Point of leaving or deposition

of material g) Belt of transport

a) Drive Unit
Traditionally it is constituted by the drive pulley and the essential gearbox for the creation of movement. The drive pulley is located suitably in
Drive unit

housings aiming at the transmission of circular movement of the gearbox. Mission of the drive pulley is also the creation of big factor of friction for the uniform and continuous transmission of movement simultaneously with the continuous effort of withholding of axis of the belt.

b) Return unit
It is consisted of the return pulley with its essential seating-housing. The necessity of this point aims to help
Return unit

the return of the upper sector of the belt with smooth way, without provoking any problems with the position of the belt.

c) Tension unit
It is consisted of the tension drum and the foot drums and is of type U. The tension drum is usually seated in a proper provision-position with suspension of weight and the continuous tension of belt in all conditions of loading of the conveyor belt. In cases where the length of the conveyor
Tension unit

belt is small usually the tension unit and the tension unit are considered as a unique unit and the tension is succeeded with regulating screws.

d) Support the upper and the down sector

It is succeeded with conveyor rollers or with transfer rollers in case of upper sector and with return rollers in case of down sector. Especially at the loading points it is succeeded with the impact rollers. The rollers of the upper sector are seated in particular bases that are usually called roller

idlers and usually there are 3 kinds of roller idlers. Those with: a) One roller idler b) Two roller idler c) Three roller idler

In particular circumstances the roller idler can be replaced with roller garlands. The roller idler of the down sector are accordingly to the roller idler of the upper sector. In this case we usually have one roller array of return rollers and in special circumstances (where the length of the conveyor belt is really big, with big carriage weight) we have two rollers array, or roller garlands. The rollers of the upper sector vary to their array and to their technical characteristics accordingly to the needs of the conveyor belt and also to the characteristics of the working environment, the transferred material, the speed of the belt etc.
Support of the upper and down sector

e) Point of loading material

The point where the material is being loaded, we find the loading hopper in a
Point of loading material

proper position for the best reloading of the transferred material at the entrance point of the conveyor belt and its smooth transferring on the belt. The point where the material is being transferred from the hopper to the belt, is being supported by impact rollers (at the whole length of the rollers there are rubber rings in order to avoid throbs of the fallen material) or by garlands.

f) Point of leaving or deposition of material

It is being done with the same way as above. We find again the loading hopper in a proper position for the best reloading of the transferred material to a new sector or deposing the material in particular spaces.

g) Belt of transport
It is a mean of transferring the material at the whole length of the conveyor There are different kinds according to the transferred material that depends on its temperature, the degree of the conveyor belt, the speed etc. So we find fire-proof belts, chevron, non-skid, non-corrosion, those which are made of caoutchouc, with chemical accessionals or polyesteric, with different kind of plies, from polyesterics, with abb and warp, with steel-wires for long distances and carriage weight.


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