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Subject Ronelyn T. Sobriano Date November 14-18,2022

Checked Ma. Regina A. Tan Grade 9
by Level
Quarter 2 Time/ Class CADMIUM/6:00-6:55(Tuesday- Friday)
Section DYSPROSSIUM/ 6:55-7:50(Monday- Wednesday &
Friday) GOLD/7:50-8:45((Tuesday-Friday)
-10:55(Monday, Wednesday-Friday)OHSP/10:55-
Week 1 Learning
MELCS Explain how the Quantum Mechanical Model of the atom describes the energies and
positions of the electrons
Day Objectives Topic/s Activities
1 Recite at least 50 name Graded A. Preliminary Activities
and symbol in the Recitation 1. Prayer
periodic table of 2. Checking of Attendance
elements 3. Classroom Rules
B. Recall
C. Motivation
D. Discussion
E. Generalization
F. Evaluation
- The teacher will call a name f a students to
recite the names and symbols of the different
elements in the periodic table
- The students will have 2 minutes to do the task
G. Extend
- What is Electron Configuration?
2 Describe electron Electron A. Preliminary Activities
configuration and write Configuratio 1. Prayer
the correct electron n 2. Checking of Attendance
configuration of given 3. Classroom Rules
elements B. Recall
- The students will the “Let’s Recall” part

Draw the structure of the atomic model of the

following scientists.
1. Dalton atomic model
4. Bohr’s Planetary model
2. Rutherford’s atomic model
5. Charged- cloud model
3. Thomson’s Plum-Pudding model
C. Motivation
- Let the students arrange the jumbled letters
D. Discussion
- The students will describe electron
- The students will write the correct electron
configuration of an element

E. Generalization
- Let the students ask questions about the topic
- One student will give an element and let
another student write its electron configuration
F. Evaluation
Write the Electron configuration of the
following elements:
a. Au
b. Hg
c. Cu
d. C
e. Zn
G. Extend
- Write the definition of the following terms
a. Period
b. Group
c. Valence electron
d. Core electrons
Supply the following Electron A. Preliminary Activities
data from the electron Configuratio 1. Prayer
3 configuration such as:  n 2. Checking of Attendance
period number, group 3. Classroom Rules
number, number of B. Recall
paired and unpaired - Let the students write the electron
electron/s, number of configuration of the following elements
valence electron/s, and 1. Co 2. Mn 3. Na
number of core C. Motivation
electrons  D. Discussion
- Let the students identify the period number,
group number, paired and unpaired electrons,
number of valence electrons and number of
core electron of an element using its electron

The period of an element corresponds to the

principal quantum number of the valence shell.
The block of an element corresponds to the type
of orbital which receive the last electron.
The group of an element is predicted from the
number of electrons in the valence shell or/and
penultimate shell as follows:
a)For s block elements ,group number is equal to
the number of valence electrons.
b) For p block elements ,group number is equal to
10+number of electrons in the valence shell.
c)For d block elements ,group number is equal to
the number of electrons in a (n-1) sub shell + the
number of electrons in valence shell.
- Let the students ask questions about the topic
- Let the students answer the questions given by
the teacher
What is the importance electron
E. Evaluation
- The students will complete the table below.

F. Extend
- Let the students answer the following:
a. What is a Quantum Number?
b. What are the types of Quantum Number?
Define each.

Describe the set of Quantum A. Preliminary Activities

quantum numbers and Numbers 1. Prayer
4 complete the given set 2. Checking of Attendance
of quantum numbers for 3. Classroom Rules
each given element B. Recall
- Let the students complete the table below.

C. Motivation
- Let the students describe the energy of their
seatmate. They will rate it from 1-10. 1 being
the lowest and 10, the highest.
- Let the students discuss how they rate their
D. Discussion
- Let the students define a quantum number
- Let the students identify the set of the quantum
numbers in each element.

Quantum Numbers - a value that is used when

describing the energy levels available to atoms and

● Principal quantum number (n) – corresponds to

energy level numbers. It can have positive nonzero
integers as values, such as 1, 2, 3, and so on.
● Orbital quantum number (ℓ) – represents the
sublevel of a particular n, whose values are
integers from 0 to (n-1). Thus the orbital quantum
number (ℓ) describes the shape of the atomic
● Magnetic quantum number (mℓ) – describes the
orientation of the atomic orbital in space.
● Electron spin quantum number (ms) – describes
the spin direction of an electron. There are only
two possible values for the electron spin quantum
number, and these are + ½ (for clockwise spin)
and – ½ (counterclockwise spin)

E. Generalization
- Quantum numbers are important
because they can be used to determine the
electron configuration of an atom and the
probable location of the atom's electrons.
Quantum numbers are also used to
understand other characteristics of atoms,
such as ionization energy and the atomic
F. Evaluation
- Supply the missing parts of the table below.

G. Extend
- Let the students do the activity in “Let’s
Create” part.
Create a planetary model of the
atom. Use materials that can be
easily obtained from your home.
Recycled materials are always
welcome. Pay attention to the
details of your atomic model. Your
presentation will be rated based on
the following criteria:


Prepared by: Checked:

Subject Teacher Subject Coordinator

Noted by:
Principal III

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