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Institute for Health Research

Compassionate Use Alternative Treatment Center Business Plan

Abunda Life Center Asbury Park, NJ

56 High Street Summit New Jersey 07901 973.300.4594

Table of Contents
Executive Summary ...................................................................................... 3 Business Description and Vision .................................................................. 4 Definition of the Market ............................................................................... 5 Description of the Products and Services ................................................... 6 Organization and Management ................................................................... 7 Marketing and Sales Strategy ...................................................................... 8 Financial Management ................................................................................. 9

Executive Summary

The Institute for Health Research, Inc is a New Jersey nonprofit NGO (nongovernmental organization) with web site at In cooperation with the Abunda Life Center (in Asbury Park, NJ since 1975) the Institute is sponsoring an Alternative Treatment Center in New Jersey under the New Jersey Compassionate Use Statute.

Business Description and Vision

The primary Mission of the Institute is to provide a central information resource for holistic, advanced therapy healthcare research. To further that Mission we have resolved to sponsor the Alternative Treatment Center -- the IHR ATC. The Trustees of the Institute are its President, Karen Horbatt (of the Green Turtle Bay Vitamin Company, Inc,; Dr. Richard Podell, MD, and Ralph Fucetola JD, Botany Director of the ATC program is Brian Petruzzi, Dr. Robert H. Sorge of the Abunda Life Center is our mentor regarding Advanced Healthcare Practices. The ATC is intended to provide full nutritional and holistic health care services to individuals who qualify under the New Jersey compassionate use statute.

Definition of the Market

The market for holistic and nutritional services is significant. The number of people who will qualify for compassionate use in New Jersey is unknown, but very substantial. The Trustees and others involved in the project have national reputations in the field.

Description of the Products and Services

The ATC will provide holistic and nutritional wellness services together with access to Medicinal Hemp (Marjiuana) for those who qualify under the New Jersey compassionate use statute.

Organization and Management

The business of the ATC will be directed by Brian Petruzzi, Executive Director under the overall supervision of the Trustees of the Institute. The actual ATC locations will be overseen by the ATC Director. In the case of the Abunda Life Center, that would be Dr. Sorge.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

The market for the ATC holistic and nutritional services will be any person who qualifies for compassionate use under the New Jersey statute.

Financial Management
The Financial Management of the ATC will be overseen by the Trustees who have a proven track-record of success in herbal marketing. In the case of the Abunda Life Center, Dr. Sorge has operated an Alternative therapy Center facility in Asbury Park, NJ since 1975.We estimate that up to $100,000 will be needed to fully implement the development of the ATC and the cultivation of the Medicinal Hemp (Marijuana).

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