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Installation Guide
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RestaurantPOS Web extension built using Visual Studio. It offers more than 4 pages. Easy to
customize you can customize any page, as you want. This website is based on the RestaurantPOS
database. There is no separate control panel for Maintenance RestaurantPOS Web. Data must be
inserted, update & Delete through the RestaurantPOS desktop application. This data will appear on
the web page.

Windows Hosting Requirements

Any edition of Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016 or 2019.
You may use any edition of SQL Server 2008 or above.
IIS7 or above.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or above

Tools and Technology

Visual Studio 2013 or higher
SQL Server 2008 or above.

Import Project in Visual Studio

Open Visual Studio > FILE - > Open -> Project/Solution (Web extension\Source File\RestaurantPOS\
RestaurantPOS.sln )

Setting up Web extension
Web.config overview
Form the solution explorer you'll able to get started or configure some options.
Go to solution explorer
Double click on Web.config file
You can change server infromation <add name="dbRestaurantPOSconstr"
connectionString="Data Source=(local);Initial
Catalog=dbRestaurantPOS;Integrated Security=True"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> from <connectionStrings> tag.

Change Web Page Details
Go to solution explorer
Double click on SiteMasterPage.Master

Email Configuration
Go to solution explorer
Right click on Contact.aspx
Click On View Code
Now change your email & SMTP information

Change Home Page Information
Go to solution explorer

Double click on Default.aspx
Find <div class="container-fluid"> and change text by H3, P, Div tag
Change & Click on save button.

Change Contact Page Information

Go to solution explorer
Double click on Contact.aspx
Find <div class="container-fluid"> and change text by H3, P, Div tag
Change & Click on save button.

Build Application
Go to solution explorer
Right click on RestaurantPOS
Click on build.

Publish Web Page
Go to solution explorer
Right click on RestaurantPOS
Click on Publish
From Profile Tab -> New Profile
Enter FileSys as profile name & click OK button

Host Your ASP.NET on Server
We will explain to you how to host your website to Server. We will also explain how you can create a
database. Let's start step by step.

Go to Windows Hosting Server panel and login with your account credentials.

Now, your Account page will open. Click on Files.

Clicking on httpdocs

Remove all files & folder from httpdocs (Backup before deleting the file.)

Go to your computer directory where you have been put web extension after publishing from visual
studio. Select all files and folder and create a zip file.
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Now, upload this compress file.

It may be take a few minutes to uploading.

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All files and folders can be seen here.

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Now you have to create a new database.

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The database has been created successfully.

Now, Click on Connection info

<add name="dbRestaurantPOSconstr" connectionString="data source=.\

MSSQLSERVER2012;initial catalog= user_dbRestaurantPOS;user
id=dbusername;password=databasepassword;persist security info=True;"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

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Now upload database local to server. Run local SQL Management Studio as administrator.

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Now Import database (dbRestaurantPOS.bak) local to server.

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Click on Web.Config. Change the connection string in Web.config.
That is as follows:

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Now finally, run your website with your domain.

Please drop us a note with your feedback, suggestions or questions. For technical support or general queries you can
contact us via: Email:


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