Mahatma Gandhi QB

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Theme 13: Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement (Civil Disobedience and

Beyond) (Questions marked with an ** are to be done for H.W.)

1. Explain the circumstances in which Gandhi entered the Indian national movement.
How did his speech at the BHU announce the arrival of a new leader and style in
Indian politics?
2. ** Explain the meaning of the terms “ahimsa” and “satyagraha”. Assess the
significance of the early satyagraha campaigns (between 1916-1919) in the
national movement.
OR Explain the concept of satyagraha developed by Gandhi in South Africa.
3. When Gandhi returned in 1915, he observed a few changes in India. Mention any two
such changes.
4. Mention the difference between the early sayagraha campaigns and the Rowlatt
5. ** Discuss the factors leading to the Non-Cooperation Movement. State the major aims
of this movement. How did it proceed to become a popular movement? What led to the
ending of the movement in 1922? (Answer each part of the question under an
appropriate heading.)
6. Explain the significance of Gandhi’s encounter with the British judge in 1922. What
did Gandhi do after his release from prison in 1924? Explain.
7. ** How did Gandhi mould himself to become a ‘people’s leader’? Why were
miraculous powers attributed to him? Give examples. (pg.351-353)
8. What was “Gandhian nationalism”? Was it alone responsible for broadening the
base of the Indian national movement? Explain.
OR “Gandhi’s success in broadening the basis of nationalism was based on
careful organization”. Explain.
OR How did the coming of Gandhi help to make the Indian national
movement mass-based? OR “Gandhi was as much a social reformer as
he was a politician.” Explain.
9. Discuss the factors and developments that led to the Civil Disobedience
Movement. What were the significant decisions taken at the Lahore session of
the INC in 1929?
10. Explain the unique beginning of the Civil Disobedience Movement. Why did Gandhi
choose to adopt this method to launch the second mass movement? Explain the British
OR Assess the significance of the Salt March in India’s freedom struggle. How
did the British Government react to it?
11. What do sources of information for this period tell us about Gandhi and how the
Civil Disobedience Movement proceeded? (pg.358-360,1st para)
12. State the significance of the Civil Disobedience Movement. (pg.360- 2nd para)
13. Describe the developments taking place in the national movement between1930-1935.
14. State the significance of the “Gandhi-Irwin Pact” during the Civil Disobedience
15. Under what circumstances was the Quit India Movement launched? What was the
significance of this movement?
OR Examine the impact of World War II on the Indian national movement in the period
between 1939- 1942. Explain how these developments led to the Quit India Movement.
16. Describe the significant developments that took place in the Indian national movement
between 1942 –
1947.(pg.362-364, 387-391)
17. ** Describe Gandhi’s reaction to the events of 1947. Why do some scholars
describe the months after independence as being Gandhi’s “finest hour”? (pg.365-
366, 393-394)
18. ** How have public and private speeches and writings helped us in getting to
know Gandhi? To what extent is the information provided reliable?
OR Analyze the variety of information that is available about Gandhi from different
sources. (pg. 347- 348, 350-351, 352-353, 358-360, 365-366, 367-373)
19. ** Mapwork: Mark and label the following on a political map of India
(WRITE THE TITLE OF THE MAP; use a sharpened pencil; label using
capital letters; mark with a dot) –
Important centers of the national movement: Champaran, Kheda, Ahmedabad,
Benaras, Amritsar, Chauri Chaura, Lahore, Bardoli, Dandi, Bombay (Quit India
Resolution), Karachi.
20. Source/ Passage-based questions may come from the following pages:-
Page 352- Charkha Pg.353 & 354- The miraculous and the unbelievable Pg.357-
Why the Salt Satyagraha? Pg. 358- “Tomorrow
we shall break the salt tax law” Pg 360- The problem with
separate electorates Pg.361- Ambedkar on separate electorates Pg 367,368,369- One
event through letters
Pg 371,372,373- Fortnightly Reports of the Home Department (Confidential)

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