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3 Phases to Every effective campaign

1) Lead Generation

4 Amateur Traffic Strategies

1) Social Media posts [Organic growth will keep declining as a platform matures]
2) Posting in FB groups hoping ppl click on ur profile
3) Bro "DM Me for more info"
4) Writing blogs, articles…

How to build your list forever for free?

Have a decent page that has a 30% conversion rate or higher
E.g. 1. 100 ppl visit ur page 2. 30 subscribers [30% conversions]

Start small, Scale big

Spend $100 to test an ad to landing page. If by spending $100 gets you 20 subs…
Your Cost per lead (CPL) is $5.
If you spent $100 a day for 30 days…
You would have 600 new subs but you would have spend $3000 in ads.

$100 Spent on Ads, 20 new email subs, $40 After they join ur list, given a chance to invest in ur offer for $40.
Out of 20 subs, 3 of them buy ur offer. $40 x 3 = $120 in sales

How to survive the IOS14 update?

Have a shallower conversion.
So that pixel can learn faster by having a bigger samples.
The rise of free. If they are willing to give info, that means they r interested in that something you mentioned.

2) Lead Nurture
Once they opt in there is an entire 30 day email sequence that automatically builds a relationship.
Most ppl don’t buy on 1st time.
The money is not in the list
But in the relationship you have in the list.

Unbreakable rules:
Never promote a product you haven't personally used
Would you recommend that product to a loved one?
Be in it for long term. Never trade trust for money.

3) Upsell
Add in offers to cover the ad spent.

Tracking Strategy
There is only one thing that we track i.e. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)
The next thing is the Average Cart Value of a customer.

Scaling Strategy
Scale through systems and processes
When the same audience keep seeing the same ads, they will get ad fatigue.
So, that’s why need different headlines, copies and creatives.

Evergreen strategy
One good ads that sell
Retargeting ads campaign

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