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Why Take Chances? By Floris R.



By Floris R. Freshman, BFA

WHY TAKE CHANCES? By Floris R. Freshman, BFA


Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Chapter One: The Legacy of Eyesight Dimming- “Air Warfare”- pgs. 3 - 29

over 6’ high wall warm LED light pollution

Chapter Two: ‘Smart’ utility meters – 30 - 41

virtual reality scam

Chapter Three: ESD (electric shock drowning) – 42 – 47

References: pg. 48 Florie Bio: 48 Images from World War One: 49 – 51

Claire Edwards interview on 5G with Sir Julian Rose-

Mark Steele video link for Apocalypse5G:

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Chapter One: The Legacy of Eyesight Dimming- “Air Warfare”

over 6’ high wall - warm LED light pollution

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Chapter One: The Legacy of Eyesight Dimming- “Air Warfare”

LED lighting, 5G, Microwave Irradiation, Cumulative Eye Damage, and

the Epidemic of Blindness… No more Bullets, just Laser.

In 2016, the AMA (American Medical Assn) sent out an alert to the hazards of LED lighting (light
emitting diodes) for the ocular vision. The report stated that LED lights cause ‘retinal damage’ and
‘discomfort or disability glare and light pollution’, Disability Glare is a medical term for being suddenly
blind while driving or doing anything, usually happens after exposure to LED lighting. Other
industryfunded research says LED is pretty safe if used correctly. Light was meant to illuminate
things, not to be looked into.

I found out thru the grapevine that LED is actually a form of diffused or softened laser. The LED and
laser light share the same eye injury chart, so it seems. Level 4 of 4 levels is irreversibly blind. Any
reflected light can catapult the eye injury level to a more dangerous level, if you read the chart
attached at the end of this chapter (laser classes). Damage to the eyes is cumulative.

Please watch Dr. Wunsch’s video on the link here: Alexander Wunsch, photo biologist link: -wunsch-in-english/video/270946568

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Below are the frequencies of the flicker in, fluorescent, incandescent and LED lighting. If you click on
Dr. Wunsch’s videos, he hooked up an audible converter and you can actually hear the flicker. Notice
the flicker is constant and huge on the LED.

The photo above shows retinal damages from sources of ‘ultraviolet light’ that can damage the retinal
tissue. I read on various other sites that when the Retinal enzyme is burnt it turns into a poison, which
then poisons the entire body. Makes sense- the survival of the fittest? Running from danger without
any ocular vision?

Rock Concerts can lose their laser light show license if any lasers face anyone in the audience
directly. I have no desire to see a laser light show. Can’t even take the glare from them when shown
on television. I have an old TV.

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

The close-up above of the retinal damage shows the enlargement of the blind spot area the “Fovea”. I
experienced this happening to me while driving at night a short distance away and coming upon a
truck in the facing lane, at a red light, blaring the LED headlights right at all of us, and then unable to
see the red and green traffic lights. It was as if they weren’t even there, I had to blink to locate and
see them.

As Dr. Wunsch once corrected me, ”…the fact that LED light appearance depends on the blend of
the driver spectrum, which is located in the blue in most cases and the fluorescence spectrum
between green and orange, peaking somewhere in the amber or orange between 590 and 630
nm. What is true for most LEDs with warm white appearance is the fact that the blue peak is well
above the blue content found in the spectrum of thermal light sources with similar correlated color
temperature. …”

I have so much more to learn about Photobiology. I find that the LED’s made to look amber are
actually may have more ‘blue content’ in the Ultraviolet spectrum. When I see a neighbor’s warm LED
umbrella string lights over the six-foot high back alley wall, they actually look amber with a hint of
violet. Very cute. So I looked at these lights to see if they were as painful to look at as the bluerich

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

LED lights of the other neighbor, and I tended to look longer at the glint inside the warmer amber
ones, then I felt the light burning my eyes. So it’s very deceptive.

I remember a checkout gal at the local home improvement store about a year ago, in 2018; I
mentioned to her that I couldn’t look at her laser scanner because I was blinded by a driverless car in
May 2017. She was 28, and when she was 7, I guess she was born in 1990, so in 1997, she saw
sparkling things in the night sky and watched them twinkle and she was color-blind ever since.
Another checkout gal said in ROTC training they were given laser pointers and someone in the class
pointed his at her eyes and it burned her and she said it took a long time to see again without pain.
Another checkout gal at the new bigger checkout scanners had three eye operations so after we
spoke they transferred her to stock detail. Another gal in Sebastopol, California, who worked in
checkout of a large health store chain, died suddenly at age 41 last year, leaving a child and a pet.
Her apartment complex never had electric smart-meters, but there are two celltowers closeby. So sad
that when I went to one of these chains, the checkout scanners were so strobe-like, I haven’t been
back since. Last year I accompanied a friend to a local casino. I sat in the cafeteria and ate a nice
plate of food while my friend played some machines. As I was finishing my last bite, all of a sudden
without warning, some blue flshing lights came on all over the area, encircling me with high intensity
LED lights and radiation, too…I felt dizzy and nauseous and my vision became blurry. I skidoodled
out of there as quickly as I could grab my bags and the ‘To Go’ food. I felt that their guards, or the
computers felt I was staying too long in the dining area, indicating a vagrant type person? Did they
really have to use a ‘people pusher’ on me? Never went back.

This ‘Light and Hormones” chart displays how the blue-rich LED lights are unnatural and circumvent
normal ocular channels and affect the brain and gland function adversely.

I first learned about Dr. Wunsch thru an interview with Dr. Mercola, (link on page 32), who stated that
if people don’t learn about this threat, that we look forward to ‘an epidemic of blindness’. Already I see
people I know in their 60’s getting cataracts, macular and vitreous degeneration. It’s not only the
lighting, but the heat created by microwave irradiation running rampant thru the air waves, invisible to

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

most. Imagine how animals feel and hear these frequencies, even I can hear them…especially thru
the smart-metering utility grid warfare, where the frequencies target various organs, as do the cell
towers. I read Barrie’s report here:

Here’s a video of LED streetlights adjusting to motion detectors: The

LED lighting does not seem to save any electrical power or energy in the least, doesn’t save money.
The bulbs cost more; they are incompatible with AC (alternating current) and can deteriorate the
wiring in your edifice. An electrician I know told me the LED’s use more power, because, without a
transformer, changes AC into DC inside the bulb, noting there are various LED models. Sort of what
the SMART utility meter does. LED lighting is measured in ‘joules’, not in watts.

I drew up some cartoons and graphics to clarify and enlighten people in a different way than just
reading tens of thousands of millions of scientific reports on the hazards of radio frequencies,
electromagnetic fields, lighting, wireless devices, electricity, electric shock drowning, and the
insurance companies no longer covering the results of these hazards. Smart-meter fires? I average at
least two per day in Arizona. (SMART= Secret Militarized Armaments for Residential Technologies).

Like Barrie states in many of his numerous videos, (, the eyes and the ovaries
are the moistest organs and therefore feel electrocution most because water is an electrical
conductor. Barrie states that with this runaway rollercoaster of microwave irradiation, in 60 years we’ll
be down to approx. one-eighth of our healthy children’s population, if that. See his paper, “Wifi- a
Thalidomide in the Making – Who Cares?”.

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

On the left is the plastic head with fluid in it used for many years as a safety level for humans on a
cell-phone. If the fluid didn’t heat up more than one degree in six minutes of the phone turned on it
was safe for all wireless technology. There is no info on if there were any batteries in the phone. SAR
is ‘specific absorption rate’ but was originally named for radar ranges as ‘simulated aperture radar’ for
newly invented microwave ovens. Dr. Andrew Marino and his team of scientists tested these ovens
out in 1951 for cooking levels using animals. Pigs, monkeys, dogs, rabbits, rats and mice. The
industry needed to know what to write on the label for cooking times, to learn what medium rare steak
requires for microwave oven cooking, since it cooks from the inside out (boiling the oil and water in
our bodies), and is unnatural... SAR= Approx. 1.6 watts per kilogram of dead tissue (muscle, skin, fat,
organs, etc.) and is still measuring wireless radiation per pound of dead tissue. His report stated they
did not test the animals while they were dying. I can’t find that report but there’s others (1969, etc.),
and Dr. Marino made videos and wrote a book, “Going Somewhere”. In his videos he calls SAR levels
a cooking level, issued by the FDA, who gave this level to the FCC that uses it as a safety level. SAR
is irrelevant to wireless emissions, unless you want to cook everything.

“The Cooking of Humanity” 2013, here’s the link is the interview between Deb Tavares and Barrie

Here are the photos of an LED bulb after being sledgehammered open.

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Attached are photos of 2012 Boeing’s test on potatoes for Wi-Fi safety levels for human passengers.

Elana Freeland, in her videos and books, likens the vitreous fluid in the eye to the albumen of an egg,
which when hard-boiled, by heat, or microwave emissions, heat up the eyes into hard-boiled eggs.
The ovaries and the eyes conduct electricity the most because they are high in water content.

I have been besieged by several years of driverless cars, most with drivers. I have been blinded,
burned and shocked by several of these vehicles, they use the Arizona desert to test their weaponry
because the Lidar doesn’t work well in the rain. Lidar= laser + radar. They also use strobe, sonar and
video. The radar is from underneath, the laser spins on top to blind you. They are a directed energy
weapon (DEW). see two nuro links Oct. 2019- the first one from 9-18-19 you can hear the sonar, the
second video ten minutes later you can see the ‘light pollution’ and ‘discomfort or disability glare’. and

Here’s one of many links to my videos of the sun being lasered creating blue-rich light in the sky:
skylaser link:
Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

The purpose of the ‘Blinding of America” is to render us all blind and helpless. The groups hired to do
this are very anti-western civilization and are taught to hate at early ages and then told they will be
immortal in Heaven for disabling the “Heathen’’. The New York City Hotels were bought out and the
plan is to shut down bars and pubs. The driving at night with discomfort glare and disability glare from
HID/LED headlights make it near impossible to party at night. Concerts, Events, Showings, Films,
Theatre, Fashion shows, everything and anything visible to us now will be shadows and obscurity.
(High Intensity Discharge). I found a document from the U.S. Coast Guard, in 1999, asking the FCC
not to force the RF light bulbs to be placed under bridges because the emissions interfere with
Maritime emergency communications equipment. So in 2009 the response was ‘sorry’ but they
agreed to put a warning on the back label of the RF bulbs. Some LED bulb labels warn not to look
directly into the bulbs.

The Smart metering grid is also designed to violate and circumvent all Real Estate building codes,
pool safety codes, fire, electrical and easement codes. The constant pulsing and vibration crumble
foundations and loosen gas pipelines and fittings. The Smart-meters burn out every 6 – 8 years; they
use power to run on so they are an appliance and no longer a meter with no surge protectors and no
codes. See Chapter Two.

Should agents disclose this? Watch my Rosie the Realtor video- (sorry the sound is rather low):

Here’s the link to the 2018 U.S. Army Lidar and Aerosols Report, giving the chemicals they spray in
the sky and how it works with the Lidar vehicles (laser + radar), maybe a ‘Lidar chip’ or Strobe hidden
inside our headlights.

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

The Velodyne Company bought Strobe Inc. June 2018. They also make the laser ‘Lidar’ spinners
involved in the fatality of a pedestrian by a self-driving vehicle being tested in Arizona, namely Elaine
Herzberg as she crossed a narrow road not far from my house. I believe she was blinded, as I had
been, these cars have LED headlights. I have been bombarded with these vehicles for over four
years. (More on Lidar: photos and videos in this chapter). The laser rotates 360 degrees so it’s not
directly into anyone’s eye for a quarter of a second or less, to make these Lidar spinners legal. The
strobe only rotates 180 degrees. Laser scanners and similar must legally have a cover, like on a CD
player, but that means an opaque cover, not translucent nor transparent, which is what’s is going on.

On LED response to AMA report:

Survey of ophthalmology Nov/Dec 2000 vol. 45 issue iii Lidar reported to be excellent 'air warfare' weapon for
visual incapacitation of the enemy.

Laser article also:

Solar Simulators by NASA are a huge threat, lasering the sun and nano-particulating out the chemical trails.
SAI = stratospheric aerosol injections and SRM = solar radiation mgmt. for SOLAR DIMMING = NO
photosynthesis or natural vitamin D!

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Street Lighting
Background Many streets and roadways in Canada are changing their approach to lighting. Numerous regions
are exchanging traditional street lighting in favour of LED technology and fixtures. While the new technology
offers lower maintenance costs and reduced energy consumption, LED lighting may negatively impact eye
health and vision.

Policy Issue Most LED lights emit a cool white light that is brighter and more likely to create glare than
traditional lighting. LED lights can also emit a large amount of blue light which is known to scatter in the
atmosphere and make it harder for the human eye to focus. This glare may be especially debilitating for drivers
and pedestrians with less than perfect vision.

Policy Position As decision-makers consider the cost and the environmental impact of lighting solutions for
streets and roadways, the Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends they should also attempt to

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

choose lighting and lighting distribution that reduces light pollution and glare, and limits high energy blue
light emissions.

References: American Medical Association news release. June 14, 2016. AMA adopts community guidance to reduce the harmful
human and environmental effects of high intensity street lighting. Accessed August 23, 2016 at:

Carnegie Mellon University. LED street light research project. September 2011. Accessed online August 25. 2016 at: Chou, Ralph. Personal communication. October


Dick, Robert. Applied scotobiology in luminaire design. Light Research and Technology, 2013; 0:1–17, doi: 10.1177/1477153513505758

Dick, Robert. LEDs in outdoor lighting. Jnl of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Special Issue 2012, p18-21.

Hiscocks, Peter. Improving street lighting. October 2016. Contact

Whitaker T. Light and human health: LED risks highlighted. LEDs Magazine. 2010. Accessed online August 25, 2016 at: May 2017

The Canadian Association of Optometrists l 234 Argyle Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2P 1B9 l Toll-free: 1:888.263.4676 l

Hazards of Ultrasound- involving electrical interference of fetal development with non-emergency

pregnancies. Many excellent medical devices use electric shock or radiation of one form or another,
but it’s being over-used and this can be very harmful. Ultrasound, for example, is unnatural radio
waves, a form of less obvious energy as an x-ray, but can be just as harmful, if not more. I drew this
illustration for a book a friend wrote on the hazards of Ultrasound. Dr. Mendelsohn has a short and
very informative video on this technology that he feels is over-used and over-rated. Here is the link:

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Note date exactly one year after Pearl Harbor was attacked.

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Barrie terms these ‘glowing wires”.

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Here’s some graphics you can also share.

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

10-25-19 Robots at NAU- Northern Arizona U. I saw several wireless Bots that day.

Ive seen these Lidar vehicles both with and without drivers for four plus years and Elaine Herzberg
was killed by an Uber-Lidar 3-18-18, exactly 60 days after I spoke to Scottsdale City Council. The
speaker at the end of the 15 min clip public video, has since resigned as well as his co-worker, appx
Sept 2019.

Here’s the link:

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Chapter Two: – ‘Smart’ utility meters

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Chapter Two: – ‘Smart’ utility meters vs Mechanical Analog

photos of

mechanical analog meter with no antenna or transmission box…magnetic. Sometimes they put a sticker over the digital
meter that looks like the little wheels. Some analog mechanical meters have a number dial that turns. Debris and
moisture can get under those too. Best to get rid of antiquated greedy meters altogether and charge by average or
square footage. More solar, wind tunnels and insulation. No Wi-Fi.

SMART= special military adapted receiver transmitters. Notice the Warning labels. Many state
“Do Not Touch…may cause injury, shock or death. Another label states ‘may or may not
cause unintended interference’…or ‘do not tamper’.

above…new apts for disabled veterans. AZ

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

More Real Estate professionals must attest to the fact that there are huge and deadly code violations
with smart-meters etc....I was in the field as an agent, property manager, and safety inspector from
2005-2015. I didn’t activate the license because I do other more enjoyable things. I did my due
diligence as a Good Samaritan, and notified the Police, Fire Dept., City Planning, City Water, Real
Estate Board, Appraisers Board, Chamber of Commerce, my groups I belong to, local people and
shop owners, the Arizona Bd. of Health (about the plastic head scam used in measuring safety of
irradiation from a cellphone for humans), the JCC, and more. Nothing.
Mechanical meters are also outdated, but by far profoundly safer. Solar and Lunar light should give us
electricity without power lines or nuclear.

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman


-Building codes- no codes for electronic metering- thus tampering- thus uninsurable, unmortgagable,
and uninhabitable.

-Pool safety codes- dirty electricity over water

-Electrical codes- sm uses power to run on so it becomes no longer a meter but an Appliance with
no easement codes.

-Vibration code - uncoded 24/7/365 of up to or more than 900 million cycles of energy per second on
60 cycle wiring. It will burn out your wiring, and vibrate the pipe fittings loose and dehydrate the
mortar in the foundations. That’s why I had the gas abandonment of service. They sealed it off with
cement at the alley. Also there’s only codes for ‘intermittent vibration’ (e.g. dance studio, construction
site), not for constant vibration.

-Privacy violations- the Focus meter has 10 stations with a 2-way radio that has a microphone and
can taze you, pulsed or not, with more than one organ-targeting frequencies at the same time. The
smart gas and water meters are also very harmful signals 24/7. -defective part in taser watermeters
that can allow moisture to get into the battery operated circuit board.

- Uninsurability- from Lloyd’s of London and other insurers following suit: EXCLUSION of coverages
for EMF/RF related bodily injury or structural damages.
- Thinner prongs than original magnetic-mechanical ‘analog’ meter, allows for gaps and arching inside
the meter base resulting in a fire. New digital-electric meters aka ‘Trojan Horse’ meters, still use
power and also have a LCD digital readout display. The readers have to read them but exposure to
these emitting microwaves could damage their optical and general health. A reader that holds a
smartphone to his head anyway impairs vision and more.
- Dept. of Energy (DOE) gives 8 billion in grants to partly subsidize the smart grid- responsible for
crimes against Humanity, Violation of International Law (Geneva Conference)- NO biological or
chemical weapons, and then without informed consent. This smart-grid is designed to be remotely
shutdown, and create a blackout of huge proportion thus nuke plants will have no chance ultimately
but to explode.
- 1996 Federal Telecomm. Act is Treason and gives permission for microwave towers to be placed
anywhere with full easement to maintenance, also without regard to public health or safety except
for the installers and maintenance people.
- Lloyd’s of London spokesman stated that some digital electronic utility metering devices were
tampered with holes drilled to cool the ‘appliance’ (underwriter’s lab- only for appliances- I saw a few

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

meters with the “u/l” logo on them when I worked in Real Estate) to the legal 84 degrees From 89
- Jerry Day states 4 items on sm’s:
1. Dirty electricity
2. Radiation
3. Fire Hazard
4. Surveillance

- Frequencies purposely designed to target various organs – Scientist Barrie Trower videos.
Audiological Engineer Erik Anderson stated in 2017 the smart-meters emit an audible noise. Thus
people thinking they have tinnitus. ..Or sleep on mattresses with metal springs that can reverb the
wireless microwave irradiation.
- A smart-meter is really 2 smart-meters in one
- LED lighting is found to be incompatible and detrimental to Alternating Current (AC/DC).
- LED/RF lighting, faulty dock lite wiring, smart-meters, Wi-Fi, cell-towers, etc. can induct amperage
into water bodies that may be attributed to a rash of ESD- electric shock drowning. See Chapter
- Laser-pointing terrorists assault our hikers, and our pilots. It is illegal to distract, glare or flash-blind a
driver/pilot. LED headlights and 5G duckbills, Lidar cars and Lidar jets are making way for the Big
Blue-out where only those wearing high intensity welding goggles will be able to see. Burnt retinal
tissue becomes poisonous to the entire body.
- I count average of 2 sm fires per day in Arizona. People and animals have died. Neighbors’ homes
were damaged. The Fire Dept. only has to write a report if it’s arson. ‘’Hazardous Voltages’’ Warning
Labels or ‘’Tampering’’ Warning labels and some other labels can read, “may cause unintended
interference…” the unsuspecting public would never think the utility companies would be allowed to
harm you in any way.
- Covering up the sun with nano-particulates of sulfuric acid, soot ash and powdered chalk dust is
unacceptable blocking photosynthesis and poisoning the air, soil and water…aka
Aerosols/Chemtrails. Much evidence on that, too.

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Elana Freeland warns that the Smart-grid is designed to be hacked remotely and shut it down.
Therefore the Nuclear plants cannot cool down without water, which is electrically generated, and
they could all blow up.

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman …Dr. Klinghardt 10-24-19 - 8 min. Interview on pineal gland

interference from Wi-Fi, Aluminum in Geo-engineering (aka aerosols), Glyphosate sprayed on crops
and Fluoride in the drinking water.

Attached are photos of defects in the new battery-operated Smart-water meters. Already
there’s lawsuits on flooding, overbilling and a murder charge based on water usage.
Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Note tear in seal

I managed to get the mechanical water meter re-installed. I hope it’s still there!

Dec. 8, 2016 A friend alerted me to the new ‘taserlike’ water-meters being deployed as electrocution and
surveillance enemies. The utility guy said I just need to request the old safe meter back so I did. The water
meter had been placed on my water pipeline in a ‘pre-taser’ mode, not fully calibrated yet- only to see a rip in

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

the sealer upon removal. Then I find out that they cost a lot of money to make, and there’s a tiny battery inside
the circuit board to run the digital number display and after the battery wears out they throw the whole unit
away. This mini-computer inside the meter is supposed to give utility and whomever else – hackers- robbers -
a report on what time you use your water, how much, how long, if it’s doing dishes or a flush, bidet, hose etc. to
watch and record your every drip. The rip in the plastic would allow moisture to get into the board and possibly
electrocute you slowly thru the metal in the water pipeline as well as using water as an electrical conductor. In
my opinion, these were designed to tear upon insertion. Then I receive an email from the Police dept. that all
water-meters will be electronic within three years. The meter on the top left is the same as the meter on the
bottom right and is the old, safe mechanical meter that probably costs pennies in comparison, and has no
electronic parts and only gives total water usage. I have found no codes, laws or easements allowing an
electronic transmitting meter on your waterline.

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Chapter Three: ESD (electric shock drowning)

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Chapter Three: ESD (electric shock drowning)

ESD- electric shock drowning, diagram shows how dirty electricity can get into the water table.
ESD or Electric Shock Drowning, and Electrocution itself is primarily an invisible electrical current
flowing thru metal, water, (of which are bodies compromise about 85% water), or another conductor,
paralyzes and/or burns the body with induced amperage that can be manmade or the result of a
lightning storm, which can also be manmade.

This diagram I found online illustrates a form of electrical current being misplaced by faulty grounding.
Other forms of ESD I have studied might have been related to dock lighting with loose or eroded
wiring, faulty pool lights wiring, RF or LED bulbs introducing radio and micro waves, wireless digital
utility metering grids that communicate with each other over vast distances, cell towers that send
electromagnetic and microwave voltages through the air so that cellphones can function. Actually, my
research indicates that only 10% of the towers (aka masts) are actually used for wireless
telecommunications. The rest is weaponry for an intentional genocide by a perverted group of wealthy
persons who feel the sadistic and uncompromising need to depopulate the planet, down to 10%,
destroying all nature and wildlife it its’ tracks. This inbred and insane group uses our tax dollars to do

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Here are some recent fatalities, I have noted, that in my opinion, might be the result of electric shock
drowning. I have suffered through manmade electrocution several times since the advent of cell
towers and the smart utility meters and the Wi-Fi (wireless fields). I’ve studied ESD possibilities, from
Alabama, Phoenix, Tennessee and Arkansas.


April 24 2022


May 2022


Data from the Arizona Department of Health Services reported that there were 100 deaths
from accidental drownings and submersions in 2019.

Canoe 2022 2 boys lk pleasant

2021 2 yr old girl dies in pool


“Sheriff's Office: Modified boat electrical system caused fatal drownings of 2

brothers in Lake Pleasant … 7-13-2020

Alana Minkler 7-15-20 Arizona Republic

Investigators with the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office determined that two brothers who drowned at
Lake Pleasant on Sunday intentionally bypassed their boat's electrical safety features and improperly
modified the electrical connection system, officials said. 

MCSO officials said Michael Miller, 50, and Timothy Miller, 53, drowned in the lake after Michael
jumped into the water to save his brother while he was being electrocuted in the water.

Officials shut down electricity to the dock A at Scorpion Bay Marina following the incident, allowing
for Lake Patrol detectives and divers to safely recover the bodies and inspect the source of electricity,
MCSO spokeswoman Norma Gutierrez said in a statement. 

MCSO attempted to identify the source of the electricity on Monday alongside the Peoria electrical
inspector and an electrician specializing in marina construction, Gutierrez said.”

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

What finally made me realize that I had gathered enough independent research to write this article, I
surprised myself with having to write next about the proliferation of tourists falling into canyons and
sliding off rocks in State Parks.

Nevertheless, the recent death of a young father diver in the Phoenix, Arizona area was enough to
force me to write this report. In case the links disappear, I have summarized each link for
convenience and for communication ease.

Note: I was told the old buoys are still there, by the restaurant - most likely made of metal. The newer
buoys might be made of fiberglass.

Photo of Josh Rosen, 31

“This past weekend, Rosen came to Lake Pleasant to dive around the old Waddell Dam. Other
experienced scuba divers say the area takes skill. Under 200 feet of water lay piles of rebar and
concrete. Divers compare it to a shipwreck. Something happened, and Rosen never resurfaced. His
body was recovered Tuesday night. Exactly what happened is still being investigated. “


I phoned the Tucson Scuba Club and said that Scientist Barrie Trower had me research ESD a few
years ago (electric shock drowning). Actually, I have been and Lake Pleasant had four drownings I
know of so far I attribute to the groundwater being electrocuted by the old hydroelectric plant on
the lake, it has a dam and an old submerged dam as well with metal rebar and I did a search of the
area very scary the old buoys are metal, not fiberglass. The last wire of the smart grid they throw
Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

into the ground and it electrifies the ground and gets into the water which is an electrical
conductor. The metal scuba tanks could be a conductor. If there are celltowers there, Wi-Fi or
smart-meters, it could electrify any metal in any water at any time like an electric eel. What
happens is you get paralyzed and your diaphragm stops breathing so you die and they say it’s
drowning but you died from lack of breathing before the drowning. The antiquated hydroelectric
plant there should be shut down.

June 2015 -

identifiedlake-pleasant/28814363/Damien Serrahn - The 16-year-old and his friends went Monday to
Lake Pleasant to beat the heat. - Damien went underwater and did not resurface after shouting and
flailing his arms, according to Deputy Joaquin Enriquez, a spokesman for the Maricopa County Sheriff's
Dive teams found his body late Monday night.
March 2016
A young man has passed away after he fell into Lake Pleasant Saturday afternoon. …The Maricopa
County Sheriff’s Department said 18-year-old Clayton Waggle of Prescott, Arizona passed away
Saturday evening. …the Peoria Fire Department said the teen was a non-swimmer who was not
wearing a life jacket when he fell into the water. He said Waggle was attempting to cross the lake by
walking across some buoys when he slipped and fell into the water…

March 2019

lake-pleasant/ Teenager dies after drowning incident at Lake Pleasant

Lake Pleasant is pictured on Friday, June 1, 2018 at Lake Pleasant Regional Park in Peoria. (Jacob
Stanek/Independent Newsmedia)
Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

A teenager has died after a reported drowning at Lake Pleasant. The Peoria Fire-Medical Department
said it responded to the lake Friday afternoon, where two bystanders had pulled the 16-year-old teen
from out of the water. Battalion Chief … said the teen was not breathing and had no heartbeat. …The
investigation remains open.

Two more in May 2019 -- Lake Pleasant tragedy strikes with 2 drownings during Memorial Day
weekend- A man fell off a jet ski on Sunday and never resurfaced. On Memorial Day, a 20-year-old
man was pulled from the water, but couldn't be revived.

In addition, most ESD are never related to dirty electricity. Many people were found floating dead in
their pools, in lakes, and just with feet immersed in a puddle. Even in a Spa. This is one of the ESD
websites: Electric Shock Drowning Prevention Assn.
Herein is a warning label from their website.

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

How many more? Coincides with tourists at the Grand Canyon and other state parks being lasered in
their eyes with easy to find laser-pointers (usually foreign-made with lax safety codes), stepping back
and falling off cliffs. I’ll do research of that on another report. Same outstanding numbers. A writer, a
young couple, 3 guys, 3 gals, a child….I have two eye witness reports. I ask, how does stray voltage
combine with your metal water pipes and other metal piping? Truth is, it does! Wires are
insulated….we are not. Our heat sensors are on the outside of our body, and the invisible frequencies
heat up water and oil from the inside out, so you don’t see a burn (non-ionizing aka non-thermal).

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman


Dr. Alexander Wunsch, photo biologist, Dr. Mercola interview link:

Wikipedia, Scientist Barrie Trower, Curtis Bennett - , Jerry Flynn, Laser classes
chart (ANSI, IEC, FDA), Author Elana Freeland, Dr. Andrew Marino, Warren Woodward, Joe
Esposito, Donna Bohannon, Dr. Martin Blank, Dr. Magda Havas, Dr. Harald Kautz, Dr. Deitrich
Klinghardt, Professor Olle Johanssen, Mark Steele, Alli Larkin, EMF Linda Berk, Patricia Burke,
Jeanice Barcelo, Deb Tavares… , Senator Patrick Colbeck, Representative Derby of Oklahoma, Josh Del
Sol, Joshua Hart, Donald Berry, Marine Insurance, Jerry Day, Canadian Association of Optometrists,
Jerry Day, and many others.

Warren Woodward Smart-meter and ECG 2017:

PLEASE SIGN: Ban Blinding Headlights and Save Lives! - Donald Berry:

Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge I write this report, I am not a medical professional nor an
engineer or physicist. Forgive if my terminology isn’t exact as I am writing this as an urgent state of
emergency and there’s little time to spare since we have but five years of plankton left in the ocean. I
do not claim to cure any issues, just following the precautionary principle for the healing of the
planet…Floris R. Freshman …Please check out my You-tube videos and Facebook page.

Bio: Florie grew up in New York on the Seagate Beach. She graduated the High School of
Performing Arts ’72 and earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Theatre Arts from Purchase
College ‘76. She studied Voice with Lou Rodgers, Dance with Justin Ross and Piano with Les
Horan. She also studied Spanish, Computer Art and Fine Art and draws caricatures and
cartoons. Her forthcoming book, “Uncle Hershel Overmine Shoulder” will be published soon
by Inkwell Books LLC. She currently resides in Arizona.

photo of Florie by Karen Kanefsky

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Images from World War One:

Mustard Gas
Mustard Gas (Yperite) was first used by the German Army in September 1917. It was one of the most lethal of all
the poisonous chemicals used during the war. It was almost odourless and took twelve hours to take effect. Yperite
was so powerful that only small amounts had to be added to high explosive shells to be effective. Once in the soil,
mustard gas remained active for several weeks.

British soldiers blinded by mustard gas

British Gas Casualties: 1914-18 Deaths Non-Fatal
Chlorine 1,976 164,457
Mustard Gas 4,086 16,526
The skin of victims of mustard gas blistered, the eyes became very sore and they began to vomit. Mustard gas
caused internal and external bleeding and attacked the bronchial tubes, stripping off the mucous membrane. This
was extremely painful and most soldiers had to be strapped to their beds. It usually took a person four or five weeks
to die of mustard gas poisoning. One nurse, Vera Brittain, wrote in her autobiography, Testament of Youth (1933): "I
wish those people who talk about going on with this war whatever it costs could see the soldiers suffering from
mustard gas poisoning. Great mustard-coloured blisters, blind eyes, all sticky and stuck together, always fighting for
breath, with voices a mere whisper, saying that their throats are closing and they know they will choke."

Print shop training for veterans UK

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Basket makers at work at James Robinson Limited,

Leighton Buzzard 1919 [Z50/72/221]Source: Leighton Buzzard Observer 17th July 1917

Above on right: World War I soldiers- blinded by poison gas, making baskets; ca. 1917-19

French artists chose from a

variety of plaster casted face masks to then match to features of those vets who lost part of their
It was the beginning of modern plastic surgery
Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman

Loss of mouth and lip repaid with skin grafting and a


WW1 vets playing cards with prosthetics

on right- Jean-Marie Caujolle, one of the first French

soldiers to be wounded during World War One, when both his legs were blown off by a shell at
Champagne, 1915

Why Take Chances? By Floris R. Freshman


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