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An Educative Adventure

Health Organizations
 Characters

1. Narrator –
2. Ramya – Kruthika MH (Close friend 1)
3. Geeta – Phalguni M (Close friend 2)
4. Mayuri – Dhanvitha (Biology teacher)
5. Anjali – Sinchana CP (Friend 1)
6. Shalini – Suchitha K (Close friend 3)
7. Shruti – Deeksha (Librarian)
8. Vibha – Akshata K Inamdar (Friend 2)
9. Meera – Aditi A Kulkarni (Friend 3)
10. Ankita – (Friend 4)
11. Pallavi – Aditi R (Old Lady)

 Slide number and topic/heading

1. Introduction [to people and topic] (Narrator)

2. What are Health Organizations? (Kruthika MH)
3. What are its functions? (Phalguni M)
4. Why are Health Organizations important?
5. Why people should know and support Health
Organizations? (Sinchana CP)
6. How people can support Health Organizations?
7. Examples of Health Organizations and NGOs.
(Suchitha K)
8. WHO (Akshata K Inamdar)
9. Red Cross (Aditi A Kulkarni)
10. How Health Organizations and NGOs helped
during COVID-19 and other pandemics, etc.
(Samhitha Shree J)
11. How are Health Organizations, hygiene, etc.
are inter-connected? (Aditi R)
12. Contributions and Thank You (Narrator)
 Plot

 Narrator introduces the scene to audience ---

Ramya and Geeta talk --- Biology ma’am asks
about Health Organizations --- Ramya talks
about Health Organizations --- SLIDE 2
 Geeta talks about Health Organizations’
functions --- SLIDE 3
 Mayuri (Biology ma’am) talks about why Health
Organizations are important --- SLIDE 4
 Anjali talks about why people should know and
support Health Organizations --- SLIDE 5
 Ramya and Geeta go to Shalini and Anjali for
Biology project --- All four of them decide to go
to the Library --- They talk with Shruti (Librarian)
--- Shruti tells them about how people can
support Health Organizations --- SLIDE 6
 All four of them research for Biology project ---
Shalini finds examples of Health Organizations
and NGOs --- SLIDE 7
 All four return to class --- They meet Vibha and
Meera and talk with those two --- Vibha tells
them about WHO --- SLIDE 8
 Meera tells them about Red Cross --- SLIDE 9
 All six of them return to class --- Ankita tells
them that the class teacher made an
announcement when they go in --- the
announcement is that the class is going on a
field trip to a village where is educating and
training women
[At the village]
Everyone gets excited when they spot the
campaign --- the girls (Ramya, Geeta, Shalini,
Anjali, Vibha, Meera, Ankita) with their
Librarian(She was one of the only teachers who
were free) and Mayuri(Biology ma’am) go to an
old lady ---

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