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f u )» Solutions Afternoon Session . {| Structural tat. me 11-23 consists of an HS20-14 dosugn truck omined with a G10 Ili lane fond. The resulta of the tive whet loads for an HS20-44loadieg 72 ipa force located 4.67 fe from tne 32 kips conte ferce r (32 Kips} (14 ft) + (8 kip - Par _ (92 u 9.39 4 Maxirnuin wheehload tending moment ocguré when the midspan lies halfvos. between the teaitan, andthe Cental 29 kipe force. Thus the posivon for maxi “thee oad bending moments U wa I T | ty =| | wosiser 5 fe Maximum wheebLond bending emoment from the truck occurs under the 3 kip load tothe right of mkdspan we (72 kips)(30 + (05/467 f ng wee H( ) T w : 8.8 kis Alana =S7F = (98.8 ips) (30+ (05)(467 1) = (02 kips(na 07 fekips The maximum moment due to the lane loding is (0510 82) 00 0? 2 (0600 FP ) (60 ay a — {] = 288 f-kips a 105 The AASHTO specification requir wieel-load bending, moment to aceout for dynam foading, but this = not applied to the dead or Inne Toading’ A multiple presence factor, MPP. 1s requires when only one lane # loaded, IM (dynamic load allowance) a MPF ( multiple presence factor) = 1.2 DG (component dead land factor! LL. (live load factor} + (LLWMPP) x (™ # (1+ IM) Mua (1.2) = (1.25){500 felaps) + (1.7 ve (288 fLekips + (1 + 0.39)(807 faye = 3183.8 f-kins (3500 f-kips) The ansiver is (C) 122, The resultant lateral force is =xe=(04 Jae =Ut kips This resultant force acts 80 ft from te west wall. canter of rigidity of the wall group is, Dis, _4R(O A) +3R(000 4) 4 9G ay a+ ans aR 84 f [fom che westside of wall A (This disregards the aucidental torsion of 5% thal, be ezquired by code or ASCET.) From syrmmet F=30f from ehe south wall ‘The all stom issubjeted to losonsl mont b 2) 56 Kips =v 160 fey 1 up (a 8 ‘clockwise 106 S1vit PE PRACTICE EXEMINETION “The polar moment of inertia for tive walls rating thu vorsoaal moment is JEL (Ryd + Res!) =AR(-84 fe)! + 5AM 84 HY? + 3R(160 = 84 fe} 4 RG + ROOD FY? = 51,2408 £2 The maximum lateral force resisted by wall A is the combined direct force plus the force caused by the tore Sonal moment, both acting in the same sense 96 Fekips) 46 ST 240K fe (4 ) = (FB )lor ips) + = 27.3 kips (27 kips) The answer Is (C). 123, ‘The plywood diaphragm is considered Nesible and the lateral f ansfer to the shear wall on Ue basis of chei width. Thus, the lateral foree acting on the shear wall at line 2 is 1) (208) (ao Kips} bearer I. Moo Vh = (21 een 8 ‘The axial force in the shear wall boundary members is 124. Lising te dumme load method, the unit virtual force ® applied at D the direction of the required toad system P| toad system 0 Phe member forces for thu real loads, load svatam P, and for the dummy load system, system Q, are found using Nob Np mmber (bf Gin)_Chapetitas) AB To 130700 Ac 0° 150 @ AD 0 as aK ° BC thn 71502 co ey ee mar Applying the Iipslbf-in) (Livan, = 3 (AeA) in (enon #8) 4p = 0.0386 in to the right (0.04 fa to the right) ‘The answer Is (C). 125. The height of the roof above the base is als he fof ‘The building does not have monent-resulting frames, so the period can be approximated froma the fllowing formula. T= Ca! (0.020)¢26 6) = 0.23 sec The seismic dead load for NS ground mation includes the dead weight of second floar, roof, and exterior walls W (up + wp) BE+ 2iegi(B + Eh =cao = (30 Pf 4.20 8) ¢120 £y(60 fe) + (2)(15 He) rac= Mor = (30 BE +20 8 (x20 (0) + (29(15 8) 123 kips (12 ips) «(Me r2.04.9 8) (60 8+ 120.) ‘Te answer (8) = £78,800 161 (479 kis) ieee - g = & Por a building frame system consisting of lighteframe wally with wood stractural 5. The base shear is given as vaca 1.2 Fins TThe hase shear need not be greater than (479 kips) the snagnitude of the rnust be In the expression above. period and is dimensioniess. The base shear greater than V = 00 eSo5 0 = 12.6 kis (0.084)(1.09(0.6)(479 kips) Therefore, = 44.2 kins (45 kins) The answer Is (8). 126, ‘The Influence line for the moment at Ds obtained byscutting though point D and giving a smell unit displacement so that only he unknowa moment at D does internal wark, The corresponding displaced shape tg shown as the dashed fine and ig the influence line for the moment at D From the illustration, a += 1. The work done by the ‘moment through the small displacement is W= Moa + Mod = Mp(a+ 9} =My From geometry (small angle theory}, the vertical dis- placement at point D is, So = (12 ha = (8 )5 SOLUTIONS aFTE AWOON SESSION STRUCTURAL 107 Substicating The ordinate of the influence line at point D is Ap =(8 4) 3) (, kip’ (i) me hifin (te =e 136; inst) The answer is (C). 4127. 7) sfective span longth is defined in AASHTO Sex. 0.7-2.3 asthe clear distance between Mang» tips phus the overhanging wideh of one flange s+ %a(5n-1hj+theson For a concrete deck slab that is continuous over ehren for more supporting girders, AASHTO Table At1 ives the controling positive and negative tines caused by a 32 kips axle load, amplified for «ly tata loud allowance per AASHTO See. 3.6,1.1.2, aud dis tributed over the equivalent strip a devised in AASHTO Table 4.6.2 1.3-1. For positive monwnt 1 deck with an 8,0 f effective span, AASHTO Val sod 1 gives Musi = 5.09 f-kip/tt. Thus, the factorrd jos tive moment for strength check (case 1) 1 given AASHTO Table $.4.1-1 and Table 3.4.1-2 as ME = 1.25ifoc + 1.5Mow + L 75M usu c.29)(v0 =) +(05)(09 8) a + (.79)(509 i) = LT fckips/ft (12 f-kips/te) The answer is (C). 428. For the segment AB, wot op _*(@ 7 7 30 in® Ar For the segment BC, _ RDB _ (3 in)? wee 108 Clvit Pe PRACTICE exiwin The tension stress segment AB is Since the force in segment BC is smaller tha in segient AB and since seginent BC has & larger crase-sectional area tivan segment AB, BC is not che contrulling section for stress. The limit on the tip deflection is A <8 in 07 in) (29000 82) (301m) ogg Kins ) } ‘The stress in the segment. AB cantsols The answer is (6), 129, The influence line for shear midway between B nd C, point B', is obtained by cutting the beam and giving ita unit displacement such that only the shear at Unst. point does any work, The resulting influence line is Absolute maximum shear force at BY occurs with dead load over the full length and che wniform live load only over those regions where the ordinates of te influence line are positive [fo oa G | t wh 1 The reaction at point Cis found by summing. the moments about the moment is positive loft support. Assumne clockwist DM =0 (2 822) (90 oer a) ri *) (ar mee +(3 =] M4) ~(22 Re =O 5 tt) Re 5 hips (39 kips) The absolute maxiuuum shear at Bis [395 bins (: (15 kips) The answer is (8) 190. The rotation i obtained by applying a unit dummy couple at jomt C and spplying the virtual work principle a For load system P, the moment for member AB is setae he moment for member BC as Me r bk ‘To maintain equilibrium under the dummy loading, ae upward force of (03 ip must act at A. with au equal Fp) and opposite force at. C. Since the moment in member BC is zero throughout in load system P. the moment in member AB is needed only for load system @ 9 Mg = (0.05 kip)z lL onsssmk gy The rotation at C is Mod nl ET (005 kip fp 1 {20 KiB) p09 4)? kip (Ce e200" (04 BP 3 \ «(12) (2.000 282) 00 int 0102 rad [counterclockwise (0.01 rad counterclockwise) The answer fs (0). 134. For V2 in diameter, 270 ksi strands, the area of one strand is 0.153 in®, and the modulus of elasticity is 28,500 ks:. The modulus of elasticity of the concrete at time of release is $3,870,000 lotfia® (8370 kips/iu?) EEFERROSW ESSIOW STRUCTURAT 109 {rae : | Use a trial and error anethod! to compute Joss dun: 1 elastic shortenmng. As a fist tral, assume Of,= 10 ksi 2) ovo say Pa Tyce = 110 kips Following the usuat assumptions for presteesse\l oe crete, the wominal axial stress in the conerete 1s based ‘an the gross concrete ates Py 116 taps. A. ~ (2 iny(l2 in) 806 kip in? For pretensioned members, the change in strat i) th strands i the same as in’ the surrounding epi vote Therefore. the computed loss of prestress w tli sty in strain rwultiplied bythe modulus of elast.i) 3370 RIBS J int J 8 kips fin? The nctusl value of Af is between the trial vals, 1s! fand the value corputid using that trial value, 5 hoi For a second tral, assume 7.0 ksi Pom (200 E70 EEE) ayo a?) 118 kips Ofe=5 /18 kim (12 in){12 in) ( kips'\ = { BENGE) (5, HY | sino i oF) 69 kips/in® (7 ksi) The answer Is (8). EPL wee 110 132. The pile group is subjected ta combined nial compression plus biawal bending, Maximum com pression occurs in the pile farthest fraw Ue pile grep featroid at the location where the foreesciue va bending, isial compression are ndditive = Poy = (800 kins) (16 fe) 280 fips My= Pe 960 fips 800 Late ‘Pies distance from che centeoid of the pile group to the first Tine of piles is 1.6 ft, and the distance to the se Tine & 4.5 fe pile group are cond The centroidal moments of inertin of the Fest, = (2314) ((4.5 1" + (1.5 f)*) = 180 07 16 = 106 kips (110 hips) The answer is (0). 43, dy oe a i i ‘The truss has 3 external bers, and 10 joints. action components, 17 mem= nt ne =) 17 =3= (210) The necessary condition for a statically detetminat truss is satisfied, but this is not sufficient to prove the truss is statically determinate. There is « problera with the support arrangement. The three reaction compo- hhents are concurrent at joint B. Ifa nonconcucrent force is applied at any joint, It is impossible to satisfy’ the equilibrium condition that the summation of moments about joint B must equal zero. Therefore, the truss is unstable, The answer is (6) 194. For a thin-walled pipe with sateenal pressure and negligible lougtukinal sesteatat, the maximum sre ‘occu in the excumferential direction and ei lived using the membrane theory of thin-scalled pressiru 4 60H 80 tin? (29.00 6500 Ib fi Since te longitudinal diredtion ss unrestrained, the Strain in the circumferential direction es found From the G00 BE The change is diameter is diteetl proportional to the diange in circumferences = (0.00022}(60 in) =o013 1 (0.013 in The answer is (2). 435. Release the reaction al point B to create a stable deterrainate beam 35 kipal (Foro. ss ‘The downward displacement in te released st B caused by the applied uniformly distribu: 1 toad is (as 22) 60 t(2 BY (30 (29a00 HE Yas 1.59 in The Mexibiity coefficient, fis obtained by applying a tunit force upward st the released pelat and computing the displacement caused by that force at the released point. Ber wwwopelfpeeticom SOLUTIONS AFTERNOON SESSION STRUCTURAL = A.1645 inf Bor consistent displacement at poin: 5+ Ruf =-05 0 21.59 n+ Ro(0.104s HY = 0.5 fn (014s 5) = 128 hips (130 ips) The answer is (C). 136. Dov 10 symmetry, there are only two posshle collapse nechanisms. In! the first mechanism, plastic hinges form in the end spans, = 25 kins als Wea = Gin Pub, = 3M,6 (12 Ryo= 301,0 Af, = 100 f-kips In the second mechanisin, plastic hinges f interior span, fm the = 25kips (25 ips\(14 ft 87.5 fkips Collapse is controlled by the exterior spans, 59. My 100 f-kips The answer Is (0) ULL 197. Lex & cepresent the force prod applied at suds i # nit midspan deflection Gente _ = 315 kips/in 2 = 29,000 psi 1600 Conservation of energy reat energy of the 0.5 kip weight tenergy in the beam 5 Wy = (0.5 kip)(48 in +5) ips oa coy =(00)(a10 88 costnn -8 =(05(08!) (as ele =6=48 in=0 ‘The falling weight causes a maximum mijn ; x | 1 ~(0.59)¢0.01) | —— { como BE in Thien aceaf A, =ptd =(0.00)(12 #2)732 i) =0.88 in?/ft {0.90 in*/fu) The answet I (0) 142, According to ACI 318, reinforced normal-weight concrete exposed Le seawater is limited to a maximam water-to-cementitious-materials ratio of 0.40. The answer Is (6). 443. AASHTO LRFD Boiige Design Specifications (AASHTO) Sec. 5.4.2 describes the method of detertix- ing creep, Calculate the volume, V, of the girder. Vv =npWw = (45 £)(9.0 AY(L.S A) 2202.5 #2 —sorurions arreRNe 113 Caleulate the total surface area, Sof the girder 5 =%ALD+ DW + LW) (45 1G. B) + BON ) = (3.0 )IL5 te) + (45 (LS Fe) sel ciffect of the volume-to-strface area ratio, &, rust by at least 0. @ 24s ~0.13(Z) = 145 — (013660) Je1.0, Use 10 in oT to find the hunsidity Fae= Use AASHTO Fa. 5.4 tor for creep) ye = 1.56 ~0.008 = 1.56 ~ (0.008)(80%) 0.92 Use AASHTO Bq, to find the factor for cffect of concrete strength, ky Use AASHTO Bq. $. to find the ine development factor, ku hae br af+e . 45 days — 95 days a-cai(s Be) + (45 days — 86 oh =0182 From AASHTO Eq. 5.42 Ficient Wis 1, the ereep oor ¥ Dskrekykasti" 2.9}(1.0)(0.92}(1.0)(0.182)(45 days n2 The answer Is (8). 114 144. Balanced st conditions exist whe the steait in thw steel on the tension side reuches yield and, at the sine time, the strain in theextreme compression edge of Ihe concrete is at the ulkitmate value of 0.005 No.9 rebers (21.5 in)(0.008) 00s 0.00207 0.003 (127 in= 5 in}(0.003) = 0.0024 > 4 Thu strain fa the compression steel exeveds yield. Thus, the stress in the compression steel iste yield stress, ad he force tu the compression steal ts (3.00 i = 180 kips The answer is (2). 145. For a concenicically loated tied column, design strength is given by OP a SolO85f4(4, — Aad) +f, For a specified longitudinal steel ratio of 0.02, Aa = 0,4, = 00" Substituting gives 1090 Kips = Papas = (0840.65) co. irs Nore (0.024) p= 391 in? b= JA = VOTH = 98 in (20 in} The answer Is (C). 4146. Use the appropriate reinforced concrete interac- tion disgram from Design of Concrete Structures, or the ‘equivalent, For a column with a 20 in cross section in the direction that resists bending, the steel placement constant, “is found using, ahah 2d 4 (20 in) =20 in ~(2)(3 in 1207 The reference Parameters, Interaction diagram requires two Eat AN Me Ag «7s p12 2) (089 (4 18) ao nina on 575 hips (0.05) ( $82) 20 inj in) Ke = 093 OF As From the interaction curves. interpolation at the point (0.11, 0.93} gives a longitudinal steel ratio, yp, of 1.022 The tequited stool area is 2)(20 nya be = yd = ia? (St) The answer is (B) 147. The development leng:l can be cateul the equations given in either ACL S18 Sec. L 1c, 122.8. The simplified equations in ACL 31S Sec 1222 ieorporate default values in the caleula- Won of the confinement ters, (ey + Ke) fée, which fesill ih more conservative (ic. larger} developmen lengths than those ealeulated wsing ACE S18 Eq. (2-1 and Eq. 12-2, To determine the minimum develop: ment length, use the equations in ACL 318 See, 12.2.4 ‘There are faur possible in location ating eracks, which are labeled nd ey, "The initiating erack represents the here the beam will most likey split Brst ands indicated by Une smallest cs value, ey i the horizontal cistance fron the center of tne bar to the nearest concrete surface; cj is one-half of the horizantal center-io-center spicing) cy one-half of the vertical center-to-center spacing, and cy is the vertical distance from the tension bar to the nearest hotizontal surface, Cracks ¢; and cx are associated with horizontal splitting planes, and cracks ‘ead a. ate assoefated with vertical split planes SOLUTIONS AFTERNOON SESSIC ON STAUCTURAL 115 The mitt ing = 1125 in feontrot! y= 26 in = 21.28 in ~ 2.25 in = 2.9.0 Since cay controls, the initiating crack will mo:* likely ccur along the vertical center-to-center distance vet. the bars, resulting is a vertical spicing plane se $s While ess may oceur in four different locations au welt in ¢wo vertical splituing planes (shown as plas vl B), the dimensions of the planes are the same plane A plane There igonly one stiup leg along the probabl plane, Therefore, the total transverse reinforcit st Within a spacing of ss equivalent to the sie ol oi ro. 3 stirrup, O11 in! There are two bars that dew inp bong the vertical sphiting plane. Although ACI 318 See. 12.23 allows the uso of Ki, = sing 2er0 will reste in © development length lane than the minimum. From ACI $18 Bq. 122, the trans verte reinforcement inde is 4D Acg _ (40)(0.11 aN” (in) Ky 073 iv 116 S1vit Pe PRACTICE EXAMINATION - Prot ACI 918 Sec. 12.23, the confineinent teem 25 in + ULF ie 118 in the adjustinent factor values using ACI 318 4 Since oniy 1.5 an {< 12 in) of concrete is cast below the lowest row of no. 9 bass (ie. the bars are bottom bars, not top bars), the reinforcement location factor, ¥, 8 1.0. For uncoated bars. the epoxy coating factor, Wy 18 1.0. "The reinforcement size factor. Wy is 10 for no. 7'and larger bors. The lightweight aggregate factor, 4,18 1.0 for normal weight concrete Using ACT 318 Bq. 12:1, ealeulate the development ength Sf teeth soryp (eke (1.128) (00,000 84) 10x. 910.0 (40(1.0) 9000 soo Be 65) $56.25 in [212 is, OK) From. ACI 318 See. 12.2.5, the developmen: length can be rexiuced by the ratio Asrny/ Azgrn- Therefore, the ‘mum developinent lengeh is (0.74)(56.25 in) 1.6 in (42 in) 2 OK] The answer is (B). 148. The equivalent force system acting at the con troid of the footing is Pa Pie Py+ wont 400 kips + 200 kips + (018 BP) me Since the resultant force on the footing acts within the middle third of the footing’s length, the entire area beneath the foating isin camipression, G47 kips , (47 kips)42.3 4) 156 oR = 63 kips/ft The answer is (0). (6 hips /fe*) 149. Se SS = Per unit length of wall (1 ft), the force components resisting overturning are the weight of the soil, the weight of the wall stem, and the weight of the footing. The force exerted by the soil is Ws m7ah( ft) a (100 Res 5 Fe)(8 YC) = 2800 ‘The force exerted by the wall stem is We mrctuh(l i) = (150 Ba fe)(8 C1 fe) =1200 06 “The force exerted by the footing is Wy = relat e+ Hw) wn =(100 4) 1463 1b (1.5 (8.5 +1 +2 ANI fe) ==} — sm mm os a = = See => = “The resisting nonenabout the toe ofthe footing is Me = Dita = (2500 1E}A.75 4 = (1200 1109¢2.8 ey + {286 THE} .25 fe 21,055 fut The active earth pressure at the base is thy is) yh anc = (6 Bes 19 aK =a The total ve earth pressure is WE) is 4.8 hy) Ha fe psp op =(05)(509 882 Ibe The overturning momunt i Het) O10 Albt M, 52 oy (BRAS 1982 wn (BRS 13 BY The factor af safety is The answer is (0). 150. Use the customary nomenclature and methods of analysis of the PCY Design Handbook. Replace the Prestress by the statically equivalent force system act- ing at the centroid of concrete. The eccentricity, 2, of the strands is their distance from midheight, or (34 inf2} ~ 2 in = 15 in, P, JA = 165 kips Pie = (165 kips)(15 in) 2475 inckips = 830i Fy fosoo BE = (59(110 4) osm BF (000 Ue /in® pa be _ C4 in) (3 in)? ~ 2 = 45,854 int 117 (14 int) =3.3t i wen = (100 eat a = ot mi 0.364 kipih _\ eC [TTI T TTT rr ds P= resins The midspan camber is the algebraic sutn of thy bis tions caused by the end moment and transvers bei (o)(oa08 ae) oe fy" lige 48854 =0 203 in —0.601 in =~0488 in (05 in 1) The answer is (8). 151. From AASHTO Sec. 36.3, the cent" calculation requires the front axle weight ot uck, oneade amd the factor C. From -* Fig. 36.0225, the front axle weight, ovens, Us design truck is 8 kips. From AASHTO See. 3.6.5 tions other than fatigue all load contine Use AASHTO Bq. 36.3-1 to caloulate the factor (ly radius of curvature, A, of 400 ft BY) (5200 & m2) (0 2 =) 400 118 CIVIL PE PRACTICE EXSMINATION Erom AASHTO Table 3.6.1-12-1, far one loaded lane. Uke multiple-lane presence factor, m, 8 1.20, sin’ % AASHTO Table 3.4.1-1, for a strength I load comb 05 in tuor, Ure load factor, CE. is 78 Caleutare the factored centeifugal force, F, The region above the plastie newsral sues & under wn form compression stress, F, and the region below is F = Cwpeneaner( CE} under uniform tension strese which 4 also Fy. Taking Bests oun 20K 7% moments of the aise resutams gives Ue plate (0.5918 kins ) moment capacity: For exheenkanc, take the moments The answer Is (0) Re taie 152. 15% in fae Kips’ A eS 1 een) * (00 M88) F105 mye iso n= 25 Pa : (0.5 1n)(36 in}(18.5 in) » eT 9012 fekips (300 feaips) | The answer I (Ch ‘Og im | | 483. The design load i controlled by th = 12up +15 =0 a(2 i 5.88 kis/te tia i For a uniformly loned simple beam, LL | Thm My, Mybe_ wae The sortion consists of three rectangles having areas Ay, Aa, and Ay A= bh (16 in)(1.5 in) 4 in? 05 in(48 in) Ma= z in? is ea 5 1) y= (12) (t in) say ; z = 12 in! 17 ft-kips: For the uly plas condition, the plastic neutral axis is ioe positioned such that the aoa in compression equal the 5.06 HES) a6 ayia 8) tree in tao 2 EA Aang = Ai = Bt (598 Be8)c0 my" Min? a 5714 fehips 30 int? Pele www pelee eal sa ole — - aa => = = a= = = 895 f-kips “The late:slsorstonal buckling madifieation factor |A/SC Manual Eq. Fl is The answer is (0) 154. The strength of the backing plate is FyyiAuns and the strength of the wold metal is Pyr4y. Ta find che minimum thickness, set these two strengths equal to ack other. The electrode is £70, so is strength fs 70 ket. Aw (0.6Fexx0.707wL.) Fowdans (0.5 }(tLw) (0.707){0.25 in)(2 welds) 5 ibs 43 in (04 in) The answer is (C). 155. The net area is the gross aren less the area of four flange holes and two web holes. Since holes he hole diameter fastener diameter. A Ag = 44D = 24D 144 in? ~ (4)(0.56 in) (0.875 in) ~ (240.34 in)(0.875 in) 11.85 int 119 Since all elements are connected. the shear hug coetl Gent, U. is 10 vA, =(0.0)111.85 in’) = 1085 i? The axial tension ips) (44am?) (50 \ =720 kins For the ASD option, the allowable toreale aril | Pau For tensile yield, 2, =1.67 = 81 kips For tensile rupture, 2, =2.0, Pa _ THO ips — 65 4 $2 = LBS 380 kins The conteallini valve is Pa 485 kips (390 kips) For the LRFD option, the design tensile streagitt is éyPy For tensile yielding, = 0.90 GPa = (0.90}(720 kipis) = 548 hips The controlling value is @:Pa = 578 kips The answer is (6). 120 STvIE FE FRAC TIES EKAWINATION 156. Since the plate and channels des not experrence differential movement relative to one another, AISC E6 (built-up members) does not apply. The proper C1590 are A=B8lin’, t= 0.31 in 162in* (strong axis), fy =5.12iné (weak axis), and oid is locate 0.674 in from the outside edge of the web. For che buillup section, Denes ae) =@21 ont Wye Lye + Ad (11 im)(0.8 sm}? \ — + (11 in)(0.8 (6.25 in +162 in } ‘The radius of gyration about the 2axis controls Khon {He a} eam(n2 8) =m) Thin max (57,56) Checks STS 134 (OK Calculate the eritical stress 0.658)" Py 2(sa.00 88) 2 ( 2.000 te) Pom Fke= (208 For the ASD option, Pe _ 875 kips 2-167 524 kips (580 ips} For the LRED optian, GPa = W9)(87S kips) 788 kips 90 kips) The answer is (4). 157. For the 5. in x 225 in section, 5 in)? ‘The allowable tending sts is obtained by multiplying Vasic stress by the leer of the volume fete, Co tad the lateral stability factor, (22) (22) 8025 (AEA) 0.0((Se) Gad Gee) 99 ma 2 «as ay(12 8) sin ft Ses a= 3 a = ee oe = ‘Vierefare bem LOL, = Bd = (LGSV(IG II? 2) « Y(RZS IN) S808 ia (SL 19) = 080 Allowable bending strese is controlled by the stability factor, Cy (0.39) (son 1) 2 it) Mp2h SSCs s——— we Th) (iy (1000 (28) 7 ftekips (80 ft-kips) The answer is (Ch 56, 02HR one he { ‘s he TOONS AFTERNOON SESSTO 121 The slusar an the diaphr wall Bs, mm just wo the right of shear ME rao fe Vere a (00 = 19200 thr ‘The shear distributes wuformily over the wideh of 4 saphragin 19.200 tbe “on He Van vw = “8 18 The variation in diaphragm shear between [aril \ is aan Wi (Se), - fe 120 ft. The limits of che cegion where the absolute valle Jess than 240 Ibi/fU ate given by the following eysstom 5 Het fg Ibfy 80 =f Per the AISC Manual App. 3 Eq. Al, th strass range is determined by ta=($)" 20m The battom flange will experience alternatiny (1 sizess adjacent to the transverse weld, whirlh sr { LQELLL Li fou Somtn ef arem cxnury i Nene uttucae ecto woe cue cams teu aeuetagecer ennai Band Farrer * gory £*, constant Cy is 3.9% 108, and tie Liitesivol we] ae suc one, A 26 ow ss Fad wort coe he -(2) = \ 56,260 cycles, Feet eee career etree ey tse cone es Eade Basten er aren eee Pana 122 ciVit pe PRRETICE EXAMINATION 160. Design on unitclength basis (h-=12 in) (20 8) 15.39 ty . 20 P50 4 5 8 felbf (588 fetbf} For wall reinforcement masonry wall, mntered in a woininal 8 in ae 31 in For grade 60 reinforcement subject to wind load, a one- Lire increase in allowable stress is permitted = 667 lof in? ‘A trial value of 4, is found using a internal lever arm of Tino the effective depth, run (ve (coo 3)Q) 0.066 is? (0.0 int The steel ratio is As ___007 int bg ~ TP i BsT my 0.00183 From ACI 530 Sec., Em = 900fy, The modular ratio is aspon.eo iooo(aae BP mans (8.00153})(21.48) 0.0329 ay? + (23(0.0329} ~ 0.0329 ‘The stress in conerete is ‘The trial valve of 4,= 0.07 ‘The answer is (5). 601 Ibtfint < F 4s sufficient Pewee apes a ==> = q

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