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High Volume Gymnastics WL Low Intensity High Volume Carries and Unilateral Work Heavy day (High CNS) Cardio and Community
Dia 1 Dia 2 Dia 3 Dia 4 Dia 5
Conversa Inicial (5min) Conversa Inicial (5min) Conversa Inicial (5min) Conversa Inicial (5min) Conversa Inicial (5min)

Warm Up (10min) Warm Up (5min) Warm Up (5min) Warm Up (10min) Warm Up (5min)
“Roxanne” Burgener Warm-Up Pizza delivery (3min) Teams of 3 Apanhada com med ball
“Sally” 200m row
Skill (35min) Skill (8min) Partner A holds plank Pre Wod (10min)
Skill Snatch Farmers Carry Kettlebell Partner B holds isometric squat on the wall Review Standards
Kipping Clean Complex Double and Unilateral work Kb Swing
Kipping Pull up 40m Double Skill (5min) Toes to bar
Strict Pull up Snatch 20m Unilateral Back Squat
5x3 @70% review form, skill, cues. WOD
EMOM 15 rest 1min between sets rest 2min Team Wod (35min)
1- 10 kipping Focus on speed and the catch WOD (30min) 400m run together
2-5 kipping pull ups SKill (8min) Find a 5 RM Tempo Back Squat 50 Kb Swing Russian (each)
3- 3 Pull Up 3” excentric phase Clean Complex @60%-70% of max Clean Kettlebell OH Carry 3” 3” 1” 30 Burpees (each)
4- rest 4 sets (unbroken if possible) Double and Unilateral work 2min rest between sets [1] 10 Toes to Bar
Scaling accordingly (Jumping Pull Up, ring row) 5 Hang Clean Pull 40m Double
3 High Hang Power Clean 20m Unilateral Cool Down (10min)
Pre Wod (5min) 2 Hang Power Clean Passive stretching
Review Standars for 1 Power Clean Pre Wod (5min)
Push up rest 1min between sets Rowing technique
Pull up
Squat Wod Wod
3x3min on 1 min off 15min AMRAP
Wod 20 Dus Unbroken 500m row
“Cindy” 12 Wall Ball rest 90seconds

Cool Down (5min) Cool Down (5min) Cool Down (5min)

Passive stretching Breathing exercises Breathing exercises

Intensification phase
Moving day WL Metcon Test (High Intensity low CNS) Heavy day (High CNS) Cardio and Community
Dia 1 Dia 2 Dia 3 Dia 4 Dia 5
Conversa Inicial (5min) Conversa Inicial (5min) Conversa Inicial (5min) Conversa Inicial (5min) Conversa Inicial (5min)

Warm Up (10min) Warm Up (10min) Warm Up (10min) Warm Up (10min) Warm Up (10min)
PVC left and right Burgener Warm-Up Pizza delivery (3min) Teams of 3 2r
“Roxanne” 5min Motion 200m row 400m run
Skill (25min) 10 PVC Thruster Partner A holds plank 10 air squat (5 3 5)
Skill (6min) Snatch 7 Scapular Pull Up Partner B holds isometric squat on the wall 10 Dus
Farmers Carry Kettlebell 2x2 @75% 5 Burpee
Double and Unilateral work 3x1 @80% Skill (5min) Pre Wod (4min)
40m Double 3x1@85% Skill (12min) Back Squat Review Standards
20m Unilateral 3x1@90% Kipping (5min) review form, skill, cues. Deadlift
If less than 3 months in class work for sets of 3 for quality
Kipping Pull Ups (5min)
rest 2min If between 3 and 6 months work for sets of 3 for load WOD (30min) Team Wod (25min)
rest 1min between sets until 85%. rest 2 min between sets Pre-Wod
in 85%(5min)
and 90% Find 3 RM Back Squat (no tempo) 25min AMRAP
SKill (6min) Review Standards If less than 3 months in class work for sets of 8 to 10 for quality 500m row
Med Ball Carry Pre Wod (5min) Thrusters If between 3 and 6 months work for sets of 3 5or load 40 Dus
20m Unbroken Review Standards Pull up 2min rest between sets [2] 30 Pull Ups
if less than 3months Kb Front Carry Wall Ball Buroee Start @75% and increase weight each set if possible 20 Push Ups
Double and Unilateral work Kb Swing 10 Walking Lunge
WOD ( Bergeron Beep Test) Cool Down (10min)
Pre Wod (5min) WOD EMOM until failure Passive stretching
Rowing technique 10min AMRAP 7 Thrusters (35kg) Cool Down (10min)
5 Wall Ball 7 Pull Ups Passive stretching
Wod 7 KB Swing 7 Burpees
15min AMRAP Up in 2 reps each round
500m row Cool Down (5min)
rest 90seconds Cool Down (5min) Breathing exercises
Breathing exercises
Cool Down (5min)
Passive stretching
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