Outlining A Lesson Writing Assignment 2

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FELT course assignment 2 Mohamed Abd Elaal Ayyad 31ST July, 2011.

Course: FELT Name: Mohamed Abd Elaal Ayyad. Date: 31st july,2011. Submitted to:

Outlining a lesson
A. (1)

Lesson plan
Course title: Way Ahead book 3 Level: Elementary Lesson objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: 1Talk about their daily routines. 2Write about their usual habits. Enabling The students should be able to: objectives: 1Form sentences in present simple tense correctly. 2Use adverbs of repetition in sentences. Learners' Young learners in 4th year primary. profiles: Timetable fit: The lesson comes after 3 sessions of the course which is totally about 30 sessions. Assumed prior The students dont know how to express habits and routines in the knowledge: appropriate tense. They may know about the subject-verb agreement in present simple, but they definitely dont know how to put the " endings of the verbs properly. Students are likely aware of the vocabulary necessary to describe simple daily habits. Anticipated The students may find it difficult to place the adverbs of repetition in their Problems: correct location in a sentence. Teaching Aids: 1Technical teaching aids: AV: (a computer with a data show device & audio facilities) 2Non-technical teaching aids, (The students themselves, the text books, flash cards, pens & the board.

FELT course assignment 2 Mohamed Abd Elaal Ayyad 31ST July, 2011.




Tasks - The students watch the pictures & try to describe them in the same way as the teacher does.

5 minutes

1- The students should notice how to speak about repeated actions.

1- The teacher writes the title of the lesson "routines" 2- The teacher shows the students a sequence of cartoon pictures, showing different daily activities which (Jack) does, saying some of them (You know what Jack does every day? He and eliciting sentences expressing the other activities from the students 3- The teacher writes the objectives on the board.


12 minutes


Presentation (pre-communicative)

- The students should be able to spot the present simple verbs and notice the form & subject verb agreement. - Students should be able to identify present simple form, use (talking about routines) and endings. - The teacher Makes sure that all students are able to use present simple form correctly - To enable students put adverbs of repetition in their correct places

- The teacher gives the students a rhyme about daily routines to read, with all the verbs in present The students read the rhyme and simple, asking them to underline underline the verbs, noticing when the verbs and notice their the "s" is added and when it is not endings, and when the "s" is added. added and when it is not added.


- The teacher gives a brief explanation of the form and use (meaning)

Students listen carefully, and ask questions if they dont understand.

Concept questions

- Concept questions are asked to make sure students could notice the form, agreement and endings of present simple tense. The teacher re-explains if students can not answer properly. - The teacher asks the students to read the sentences on activity 3 on their text books, which have missing adverbs of repetition, then listen to the story of (Ben) which consists of statements including words like "sometimes" or "often." As they listen, they have to fill in the space. The teacher interferes to correct any mistakes.

- Students answer the concept questions according to their understanding.

Controlled practice

Task 1

- Students read the sentences, listen to a story & fill in the gaps.









FELT course assignment 2 Mohamed Abd Elaal Ayyad 31ST July, 2011.

Task 2

- To enable students to describe someone's habits.

- To enable students to talk about their own and their friends' habits using correct present simple sentences.

Freer practice:

- To be able to ask and answer about habits.

- To be able to give a full account of a person's daily routine - To help the teacher to know the students levels and thus be at the same page with them.

- The teacher displays a succession of photos about - Students see a number of people doing certain habits and pictures showing some habits and asks the students to describe try to describe them. them, the teacher corrects their mistakes. - The teacher asks each student to write 3 habits of him then, the - Students write three sentences, teacher collects the papers and expressing habits, each student is gives each student another's given another student's paper, he paper. Each student is asked to reads it and tells the rest of the tell the rest of the class about his class about his friend's habits. The own habits and his friend's rest of the class should guess who habits, the rest of the class he is talking about. should guess he is talking about. Mistakes are corrected. - The class is divided into groups of four. Each group should - Each group of students should discuss their daily habits and try discuss their own habits together, to find the 5 most common then come up with the five most habits which they do then the common habits and say them out group leader says them out loud. loud to the rest of the class. No interference on the part of the teacher. - The teacher asks a student to - A student is chosen to give an talk freely about his own daily account of his daily routine while routine, and asks the others to the others listen carefully, then listen carefully then he chooses another student is chosen to talk other students to talk about their about him, then the whole activity colleague's routine. is repeated Monitoring the students responses and answers throughout the lesson provides ample evaluation results

Task 3

Task 1

Task 2







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