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Emergence of Muslim Nationalism

(Muslim League) and its relationship

with Feudalism, Capitalism and
Market Economy
Formation of Muslim League: An Elite
• Its Founders, General Secretaries were Elite, formed at
Palace of Nawab of Dhaka, Khwaja Salimullah.
• Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk Kamboh and Nawab Mohsin-ul-
Mulk (the Secretary of the Muslim League)
• Sir Agha Khan was its first president (Leader of Ismaili
• Majority of its Members were Elite.
• Its first objective was to be loyal to Britisher
• To serve the interests of Muslim (The origin of
• Later it changes some of its points.
Elite Structure of Muslim League
• Loyal to Colonial Empire
• Based on Feudal Lines, no common man was
in founding Member
• Nawabs, Jagirdars, Professional and Salaried
Class was part of Muslim League.
• No labor-working Class vision
• Opposed the revolutionary parties
• Opposed the Muslim parties in India
Feudalism and Muslim League
• The leadership of the Pakistan Muslim League,
the political party that established Pakistan in
1947, was dominated primarily by feudal
landowners such as
the Taluqdars, Zamindars, Rajas, Rais, Mahers,
Maliks, Chaudries,
Khans, Jagirdars, Nawabs,Awans Nawabzadas
and Sardars. The sole exception was
the Jinnahs.
Impacts of Feudalism on Pakistan
Politics and Society
• All the Economic Structure are Feudal-cum-
• Only Feudal and Capitalism are controlling the
Country Politics
• Main Jobs are Captured by the Feudal and
Capitalism in Pakistan
• State Structure Functioned for Feudal and
always act as anti-people.
• Economic Policies are for the Feudal.

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