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In this assignment, you will craft the appropriate communication channels based

on the following scenario:

The background. In any organization there are resources that many employees would
like to see distributed more liberally or fairly. For example, salaries, health benefits, tech
support, or office space. In a future job, you may be involved in in the process of
deciding how such resources should be allocated, perhaps asking fellow employees
about their interests and desires. If you do need to gather such information, you must be
careful not to raise employees' expectations or to imply any promises about future
allocations. Your task instead is to seek colleagues' input in order to aid the decision-
making process. The final decision might or might not meet employees' hopes.
In this assignment, you are the assistance to Voletta Williams, the facilities manager for
TrustUs Insurance Company. You have been asked to inquire about current and
anticipated office-space needs among a staff of 55 employees, 35 of whom currently
work in cubicles and 20 of whom have private, enclosed offices. The company has
leased more space in the adjacent building and will be able to expand the square
footage in some of the cubicles and provide separate offices to eight to ten of the
employees currently in cubicles.
The purpose. Voletta Williams wants you to obtain information directly from the
employees regarding their current work spaces so that she can devise a space-
allocation plan that makes sense for the daily business activities at TrustUs Insurance
Company. She needs practical workoad information and evidence from each staff
member so that she can present a plan of action to senior managers. She does not
want you to make any implicit promises regarding office facilities; she wants you to just
gather information.
The audience. All employees value their individual office spaces, so you can expect a
good deal of excitement and anxiety resulting from this inquiry. Consider how you will
write in a friendly and reassuring way to your colleagues and at the same time
encourage them to make fact-based case for their individual needs and desires. You do
not want to end up with an inflated, impassioned wish list of little use to your boss. At
the same time, you also do not want to unnecessarily incite panic among employees
regarding the future of their space.
The communication strategy. You will need to provide employees with the basic facts
(background) regarding current space distributions and the possibility of enhancements
to some of the cubicles and offices. Also let them know about the evidence they should
supply if they are currently in a cubicle and want to be considered for larger or enclosed
work spaces (for example, a business-related need for privacy, inadequate document
storage, communication patterns with other cubicles or offices, or technology needs that
affect work space). Be clear that you are gathering the information for Williams and the
senior managers and that you must receive the information by a particular deadline.
Throughout your written communication, cultivate a reassuring tone and a rhetoric that
shows your understanding of the issue's importance, but be careful not to make
promises or claims that have not yet been confirmed by your superiors.
The assignment will meet the APA 6th edition format criteria, 2 - 3 pages, and
follow the structure:
1. Title page
2. Body (use a heading for each thought idea and communication)
3. References (make sure that each reference is cited in the text)
4. Use the appropriate scientific writing skills to write the assignment

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