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BUS205- Business Law

Self-Reflective journal- Chapter 2

In the last three weeks we analysed the relationship of business with Human Rights, discrimination
law, in the form of the Equality Act 2010, and environmental sustainability.
Find a news article, from an established newspaper, not a blog nor an Internet news agency (not
BBC, Al Jazeera, CNN or the sort online news services, it MUST be a newspaper), that
exemplifies the relationship of business with Human Rights or discrimination or environmental
sustainability, and explain in 600 words (+/- 10%) why that article relates to the selected topic,
using appropriate sources of law. The article needs to be no older than 1 October 2022.
You need to add to your submission a copy of the article or a link to it.
The task requires that you support your views with examples and use relevant sources of law.
The ideal article will NOT be about a legal issue, as it will be difficult for you to add to what it is said.
A good article will be about a business operation or decision and you will make the link to the law.
It is important to remember that, at academic level, expressing one own views implies the use of
facts, data and theories, when relevant, and not just writing what it comes to one’s mind. The
self-reflection demands informed thought and engagement with the module’s materials.
There is no need to use references in this submission, and cases can be named with the
parties and the year in brackets only.
Your submission will be marked using the following criteria and the feedback will consist of
stating in which category is the work situated.
Submission 2/2 Very poor Poor Satisfactory Good Very good Excellent Exceptional
Find and No Student The The The The The submission
analyse a submission submits a submission submission submission submission includes a
newspaper or attempt, or blog entry or includes a includes a includes a includes a newspaper
article related to vaguely Internet newspaper newspaper newspaper newspaper article that is
business and related news agency article that is article that is article that is article that is related to the
Human Rights or submission. article with a related to the related to the related to the related to the topic, with a
discrimination or vague topic, with a topic, with an topic, with an topic, with an critical
environmental explanation superficial explanation explanation explanation explanation
sustainability about the explanation about the about the about the about the
relationship about the relationship relationship relationship relationship to it
with the relationship to it using to it using to it using a using a wealth of
topic. with it and no one or two more than substantive sources of law,
sources of sources of two sources number of academic
law. law. of law. sources of opinion, and
The style of The style of The style of law and external data.
the writing the writing the writing academic The style of the
overly mainly mainly opinion. The writing
colloquial colloquial professional style of the professional
and not and not writing
professional completely professional
0~19 20~39 40~49 50~59 60~69 70~79 80~100

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