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Need of Urban design in contemporary India

● Since India is a developing country,Urban Design has a significant role

in the urban development of the country
● Though there are many attempts from the part of government that leads to
the urban growth,there are numerous issues like rapid population growth
and a lack of adequate investment is making urban infrastructure growth
● Lack of affordable housing in India, transport and mobility, water and
wastewater management, power and infrastructure,rapid population growth
and a lack of adequate investment is making urban infrastructure growth
● Today, our cities attract investments. They have become hubs for
education, job creation, innovation, arts and culture.
Role of Urban Design in solving one identified issue in a city of your liking

● Urban design solve many issues like infrastructure,populaton

growth,transportation,sanitation problems…..
● When we consider Mumbai which is one of the commercial hub and rapidly growing
cities of India,the city face many problems like rapid population growth,lack of
affordable housing,transportation problems,waste water management…
● These problems can be solved by the proper planning and development schemes
● By introducing proper housing schemes, lack of affordable housing and thereby slums
can be eradicated
● These developments leads to proper sanitation and waste water drainage thereby
improving health and life conditions of people
● Sustainable solutions should be introduced to prevent the coasts from flooding.Either
by raising the street level or by inviting the excess water into the city by planning for it
instead of focusing on short term problems.

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