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All Clear 2 Progress Test Extra Unit 4

Name: __________________________________________________ Result: __/100


1 Complete the sentences with character adjectives.

1 Amy never does any work. She’s ______________ .

2 Jim only thinks about himself. He’s ______________ .
3 Thomas tells good jokes. He’s ______________ .
4 Diana often helps people. She’s ______________ .
5 Fiona always smiles and looks happy. She’s ______________ .
6 Eddie doesn’t like meeting new people. He’s ______________ .
7 Simon says horrible things and makes other people cry. He’s ______________ .
8 Sue never does what you ask her to do. She’s ______________ .
9 John is old and very intelligent. He’s ______________ .
10 Emily is always strong in dangerous situations. She’s ______________ .
Score __/10

2 Complete the sentences with verbs of movement.

1 ______________ the button to start the machine.

2 Football captains usually ______________ their team on to the pitch. They go out first.
3 Please ______________ down in this chair and make yourself comfortable.
4 Can you ______________ the cork out of the wine bottle? I’d like a glass of wine.
5 Andy is very strong. In the gym, he can ______________ very heavy weights above his head.
6 Please ______________ your bike. It’s in the middle of the road and people can’t go round it.
7 Be careful when you ______________ the road. Look right and left because it is very busy.
8 When there are no free seats on the bus, you must ______________ and hold on.
9 I always ______________ when the phone rings.
10 Be careful. Don’t ______________ the vase when you are carrying it. It is very expensive and it
breaks easily.
Score __/10


3 Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 We ____________________ (watch) TV.

2 Sara ____________________ (study) Geography.
3 They ____________________ (swim) at the pool.
4 Myra ____________________ (go) home.
5 I ____________________ (celebrate) the end of term.
6 Colin ____________________ (play) outside.
Score __/6

4 Write sentences in the past continuous.

1 Ruth / not wash / her clothes.

2 The monkeys / not eat / the bananas.
3 Wendy and Sue / not walk / home.
4 He / not listen to me.
5 You / not help / your parents.
6 I / not ride / my bike.
Score __/6

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5 Write questions in the past continuous. Then complete the short answers.

1 you / do / your homework ?

No, ______________ .
2 Sam / drive / home ?
Yes, ______________ .
3 the twins / enjoy / the film ?
Yes, ______________ .
4 it / rain / outside ?
No, ______________ .
Score __/8

6 Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous for of the verbs in brackets.

1 While we ____________________ (drive) home, we ____________________ (see) an accident.

2 Mandy ____________________ (do) her homework when Adam ____________________ (phone)
3 Sally ____________________ (drop) her bag when she ____________________ (hear) the news.
4 I ____________________ (find) an old coin while I ____________________ (help) my mum with
the gardening.
5 Jenny ____________________ (have) an accident while she ____________________ (play) in the
6 What ____________________ (you / see) when you ____________________ (look) into the
7 When I first ____________________ (meet) Ruth she ____________________ (live) in a small
8 Shelley ____________________ (be) kind to me while I ____________________ (grow) up.
9 While he ____________________ (clean) the ceiling, Tim ____________________ (fall) off his
10 Joe ____________________ (walk) in the countryside when it ____________________ (start) to
Score __/10


7 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

The Abominable Snowman

In 1921, while he was leading an expedition up Mount Everest, the explorer Charles
Howard-Bury suddenly found some unusual footprints. At first, the explorer believed they
were from an enormous wolf, but when he asked his local Tibetan guides to look at the
footprints, they had a very different idea. ‘Metoh-kangmi!’ they shouted.

Howard-Bury didn’t know what they were saying, but later when the expedition returned to
Darjeeling in northern India, a journalist interviewed the Tibetan guides and translated their
words into the ‘abominable’ (which means ‘very horrible’) snowman. It wasn’t a very good
translation, but it didn’t matter. The legend of the ‘abominable snowman’ was born.

In the Himalayan countries of Tibet and Bhutan, people already believed in the ‘snowman’.
They called it ‘metoh-kangmi’ or the ‘yeti’ and they didn’t doubt that it existed up in the
mountains. They told stories about meeting the ‘snowman’ while they were hunting, and, in
one of the monasteries in Tibet, they had some skin from the head of an ‘abominable

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In the 1950s, people from the west led expeditions into the mountains to try to find an
‘abominable snowman’. They saw hundreds of strange footprints and sometimes saw an
unusual-looking creature in the distance, but they never caught one. The ‘snowman’
remains a mystery.

1 Howard-Bury thought the footprints belonged to ____ .

a) an unusual man b) a large animal c) a local person
2 The name ‘the abominable snowman’ was invented by ____ .
a) an explorer b) a local guide c) a journalist
3 ‘Metoh-kangmi’ and ‘abominable snowman’ mean ____ the same.
a) exactly b) approximately c) not at all
4 Local Tibetan people ____ .
a) weren’t sure the ‘yeti’ existed b) believed in the ‘yeti’ completely c) knew that the ‘yeti’
only existed in stories
5 Explorers in the 1950s ____ .
a) saw a ‘snowman’ b) weren’t sure they saw a ‘snowman’ c) didn’t see anything
Score __/10

8 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 What was Charles Howard-Bury’s job on the 1921 expedition?

2 Where were the European explorers when they found out what ‘metoh-kangmi’ meant?
3 When did Tibetan people start believing in the ‘abominable snowman’?
4 When did westerners start sending expeditions to search for the ‘abominable snowman’?
5 How many ‘abominable snowmen’ did the western expeditions catch?
Score __/10


9 You are going to write a short story about something funny or frightening that happened to you
recently. Write about 100 words. Start the story with One day and finish the story with In the
end. Use then, later and when to link the events in your story.

Score __/10

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10 Listen to the conversation and rewrite the underlined words with the correct information.

1 Jill saw the ghost at midnight.

2 Jill thought the ghost was cruel.
3 The ghost had a lot of things to say.
4 The ghost wasn’t there in the morning because it was too dark.
5 Matt thinks Jill’s story was true.
Score __/5

11 Listen again and answer the questions.

1 Where was the ghost standing?

2 What expression did the ghost have on its face?
3 What colour was the ghost’s hair?
4 What was the ghost wearing?
5 What does Jill plan to do later that night?
Score __/5

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12 Ask and answer questions and talk about the past.


a) Ask Student B questions about his / her last weekend and complete the table below.

Where / go? Who / go with? Where / stay? What / do?

Student B

b) Now listen to Student B’s questions about your last weekend and answer him / her using the
information in the table below.

Where / go? Who / go with? Where / stay? What / do?

Student A the beach my parents in a hotel swim in the sea
build sandcastles
Score __/10

Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100

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12 Ask and answer questions and talk about the past.


a) Answer Student B’s questions about your last weekend using the information in the table

Where / go? Who / go with? Where / stay? What / do?

Student B the forest my friends at a campsite walk in the forest
visit a museum

b) Now ask Student A about his / her last weekend and complete the table below.

Where / go? Who / go with? Where / stay? What / do?

Student A

Score __/10

Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100

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