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the increased influence of the sun's rays.

Still, even with

south. Our chain bends north-east near the Radstadter Tauern

of the Brazilian part of the river, as far up as the rapid of

AMBROSE (AMBROISE), AUTPERT (d. 778), French Benedictine

Barrow the annual mean is 7.70 F'., monthly means -18.6 deg.

branch of the river Purus. Of the rubber production of the

Third Crusade, author of a work called L'Estoire de la

2nd ed., sec. sec. 906, 784). The effect of fronting is seen in

mother, Antoine in 1810 and Arnaud in 1815. The parents

of an accumulator is obvious from his declaration that the

with precipitous sides, and these early citadels became in many

The investigations of James Clerk Maxwell (Phil.Mag., 1856;

fellow-men. He, more than any other single writer, reunited

Father of Danish Painting,'' was born at Copenhagen, the

Coutinho crossed the river, attacked the Makololo chiefs

considered the most truly African belongs to the two first.

treason of General Benedict Arnold (q.v.), and the consequent

about 150,000 (over 100,000 being Europeans and some 15,000

Holland. It is a large, handsome and finely situated building

considerable number of persons have been found to propagate

and in the epic of Gilgamesh we find Etana in the nether

gives rise to fresh riddles. How comes it that Adam's ruin

some of the longer guns, the exterior of the cartridre

nature has carved in the sides of those high mountains, the

all the cells of the colony. The Ulvaceae, the thallus of

Britain (Wm. Carew Hazlitt's edition, 1905).

continuously from Mogador to Cape Blanco. From here they are

established a custom-house at Puerto Alonso, on the Acre

Zanzibar is absolutely correct. Her Majesty's Government, on

containing principally salts of lime, used with success

the identification of the king and his country is far from

they represent cavities originally produced by the disengagement

is restored by an unlimited supply of the causes of disturbance.

In the United States the organization of professional

on an ecclesiastical mission to Rome. On his return he held

crops grown and to the degree of original strength in the

outside their own frontiers, and Albany agreed to a truce

m. N. of Alghero (Notizie degli Scavi, 1904, 301 seq.).

organism into what will subsequenctly be available in the

father in 1112, and was placed under the tutelage of his

AIGRETTE (from the Fr. for egret, or lesser white heron),

is small, and is largely restricted to animals for breeding

prolonged absence of their leader, demanded a god, it was at

find an adequate single principle of beauty, are unsatisfactory.

accordance with which all hemp-smokers consider themselves

remaining books of the Metaphysica. His commentaries were

He was promoted rear-admiral on the 30th of December 1878;

famous war against Thebes for the restoration of his son-in-law

have joined the community from Switzerland and Germany in

literary work, written in Persian, is called, consists of two

gunshot wounds of the abdomen had best not be interfered with.

apparently a certain Eliezer of Damascus3 (xv. 2, the text is

adjusting taxation; he gave the strictest instructions to

the relief of disiressed artists and their families. From

layers of the body-wall in Coelenterata. He became a fellow

situated among low wooded hills at the junction of the small

of the Board of Agriculture and the desire to assist farmers

its course southwards), and then stretches away in an uneven

province of Ciudad Real; situated in mountainous country 55

danger of being cut off, until Colonel Bailey suggested, and

good imitation of coral has been produced (alabaster coral).

boilers, breakage of shafts, or any latent defect in the machinery or

developed. The colouring matter is absorbed by the porosity

washed, then again worked up with water and salt, care

unsuitable conditions, and also to the decomposing action of

Commons, and in the admiralty and ecclesiastical courts. He

prove to be complexes of two or more materials, and the patterns

The Alaskan flora is less varied than the fauna. The

charter. The barons, on their part, covenanted to claim from

which cold water is made to flow. These vessels, as well as

in a lowest point C. It will be seen that as we increase

1458. Of his many mistresses the one for whom his passion

ft.), it offers the most striking contrasts of landscape and

citizens, but where in or near the limits of the assignment

arise by two successive divisions, in which case the arrangement

of ores and the methods of their treatment. His thorough

300 m. above its mouth, but it is extremely tortuous. Canoes

almond are used only as vehicles for other drugs. The

management, conducts investigations regarding the best method

Bangweulu. From this lake issues the Congo, known in its

colonies. In 1664. with the transfer of New Netherlands

this truth does not, however, affect the validity of our

convention which (February 1788) ratified for that state the

With regard to the literature of advertising, in addition

beautiful Howe of Alford. Peace was temporarily restored

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