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adBa-avm ic Itip:/ Teal No of Questions 8} Roel No.of Prine Pages :3 ROINO ssn IT-503 (A)(CBGS) B.Tech. V Semester Examination, November 2019 Choice Based Grading System (CBGS) ‘Theory of Computation Time : Three Hours ‘Maximum Marks :70 ‘Note: i). Atemp any five questions. fer ofa met at ea HR i) Each questions carry equal mars, ef eat bs ar si ‘yin case of any doubt or dispute the English version ‘question shoud be treated as final oft ee i ee ag A RUA i Serer at ofa arr oT 1.) Explain Melay and Moore machine wth aking suitable example. olay sx Moore machine ®t Sree er HHI 1) LetM, and M, be the finite automata in fig, Tbelow for ‘he language, and find L,UL and LL ere FM, SRM, AR fr er reer BL se L Mads LLL shea LL, wea : ao ©-3-@ oh , 1f-503 (A) (CBGS) Pawel PTO. hupi/twtb depvontine.e onda avyany adBarava ic Itip:/www al 2, Dign the following automata (DFA) over the alphabet 0,1} eta 40,1} PR stomata (DA) Pe = (Mod), Even number of 0'sand odd numberof t's nding with three is 3. a) State and prove the Pumping Lemma theory of regular Tanguag. hep ws Pumping Lemma Rg @t Frag ak ee @, gular language ferti 1b) Wit the closure property of regular language Regular language closure property Ft 4. Covertthe following grammar into GNF ‘Pram at GNP A ee SaAan A2SSII 5. Designa following CRG grammar FR CEG ogra Day n20 ii) athe nm20 iii) at" m20 6. Design the following PDA, a PDA) free eft ) em n20 i) WOW" We la bk ii) ao wz 1503 (e865) coma bupyhwww.repvonlin onda ava woo auruondiravavaycdny >i 7. Explain Pand NP type of Problem? Write any three example of Pand NP type problean? and NP type area a rag Pate NP type SRE AF wa ser ren oe 8. White a short notes fany fous): ‘aftear a ate et (ah oe) a » ° a 2 503.) ccBGS), Decidable problem ‘Turing machine NRA DPDA Conversion CFG to PDA. &® hip:/ woo aunuosd3y avanyy

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