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Waterfall Methodology Vs Spiral Methodology

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High-quality software at a low cost can be produced in the shortest time possible with the

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). It is the goal of the SDLC to create software that

exceeds the needs of its customers. There are six different types of SDLC methods; among them

are waterfall and spiral methodologies. They are two commonly used methods in the software

engineering industry (Alshamrani, & Bahattab, 2015). Below is a discussion of their differences.

The waterfall method is a sequential model separating development into pre-defined

segments. Before the next phase can begin, the previous step phase must be completed.

Methodology in a spiral an iterative approach to risk management is utilized in conjunction with

features of the Waterfall method (Boehm, & Hansen, 2000). The two ways have several


In Nature, the waterfall model is a step-by-step process that follows a linear path.

Iteration and evolution characterize the spiral model, which goes through the same four stages

multiple times, each with increasing levels of complexity. Client interaction is minimal to non-

existent in the waterfall methodology. Customer input is solicited at every step of the spiral

model, allowing for a better match between client needs and the final product.

In Phase revisitation, since in the waterfall method, each phase must be completed before

the next can begin, there is no way to revisit and revise work done in a step once it's finished. On

the other hand, the spiral model allows developers to review issues from past iterations whenever

they choose. Determination of the frequency of testing for potential risks in Spiral development

incorporates risk identification and testing into each iteration rather than waiting until testing is

complete like the waterfall approach.

Gathering requirements, Project requirements are collected and determined only once in

the waterfall model, which then serves as the foundation for all subsequent project tasks. The

developers gather requirements at the beginning of each spiral method iteration.


Alshamrani, A., & Bahattab, A. (2015). A comparison between three SDLC models waterfall model, spiral

model, and Incremental/Iterative model. International Journal of Computer Science Issues

(IJCSI), 12(1), 106.

Boehm, B., & Hansen, W. J. (2000). Spiral development: Experience, principles, and refinements.


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