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Thuesly Onctrbbe Ono. ye Ge! Fig — Eane ica Liane Cont) Frame ater \ aie euttural clinaensiens owen Distance Tdalyencks \ A Divi ducelignn vs Ms Reson ¢ seen \ \ { 1 ) f sna, andl IIsng Us Sheet \\ Vasculinity, vs mae Orieotztion Femi oraty pe 24@5 Sigh Pe Bohne — lf Pe ae eRe eae | Power_clistane_index F Russia > Ue Power distaace % ee | Gaemany _ 3S) USA (40) High /Lharcge LD ew, iy. ae — | Triequcebcsp Fquale — 4 Coote bac egantoatens Bier oy A _ alten tle, ras om. | CRABIT Scanned with CamScanner be Death y, thigh oy Low Power. Diblence. a, encase Abovld he mintmteed. BR. Tacquadihies are sxpected and. clesired.. eA. Teachers take tnctiteivein_class. B. Teachers expect inthtative from shidents_ an class, bw. Gualety of Araining depends on sxcelleneo-Kacher. | 6. Qualety-o) dawning depends m two-way, communi tah an | and excellence, 6 shud ots. = | AA. Subordinates_xxpect 4ty_be_emsutted. | . Guberdinedes expect be deld_what40 do. TA. Less. powerpulpeeple_shauld he clepenclot. B®. Thece should be ioferelependine between besg_and_ mave_powerpul_peqle.__ et CA. Paceats treat childrerray_equale — B. Parents! teach _cheldren_obeclienee. i -CPildcen play ro rebe-in.old = ug Seourtthy. ay paceo pchildren_art_ainue of d_doe secunty 1» perents 3A. Educational pati / focuses om Seesrlaay Atherls “b_. Educa onel_pelity focusses _univern - | of. Tadiiduabism vs. Cl vise se | Calleetivist «responsible far. Pelividual: responsible, fer Seciety > 9 oop yey | —onesdly. =r weale carne cho Trdevidualsm ameleyct: USAVC94), Germany (67). — 0 tna (2). eri C48 i) f ot —A.tsey the sited "0" ts. avast bf eet = B.Use_g. te vied “t* istncowrnged FAH;B-L° 6 A-L; 8-H; “FAL BHerasir @ AL BH Scanned with CamScanner BAP am mare_inpertant. ——Soetety, it_men_impactact. St AL wan ce. cespmreiblo\ for nucell onl 2 Lt tagpteapainlle bide ‘ TA. Slower viene’ tpad. 6A Stial-nrhsek_0 He pring toe g ifereti |B. Medial is the primary veureo7 infecoet a ae : by enw Ney lL 4Arce B-P 'o& A-T B-C BATB-C LAAT BG CAG BED 1.6 A-c B-T Which. ptatesectcescribes Endi vidual. Gocict os : 4 Oceupatienallrmobility is Lows lot Relectionships are_qyjtea_seeaos mere etabl, and permanent Ib The purpasen 9p educator is leaning how fr learns A. Tasks prevails oversctlechon. ip FE - ® Diceet “oppraitall oy subordinades spl Aarmeny, . 6 Space_ael_priva aut? inopotctac Es People are move Ailely. “bo chico family. idea Prends—fer_mppart_ducng de rout mes, [2- feqph are senses indlepenchent and __aurter omoous— —___|9, fearleare—cgeasxpenteel a” pull tflemselves CRABIT Scanned with CamScanner = / up_bi ic = algabe, thay Bocenctor — am fens ae | Any wer oy 2 3 A 6,8 9 —— 3. Maswéinify vs. Pemiaini- ambition, wealth & | 2 tleenship tesinetmtnt,— _dlippecentiatee gender alts} - 18 pluiel_gende dacvales MASCULINITY , Eee. _ Competition 2 tgo_orisotadee +.-tutenans any +_celationvby Meaty, Ai ie aact + Gall dpe torte be Econo. gout. “ Enviteoment Tradex: Japa (65) US. (62). > valcac) Seon (33) carte Wana oer _ebamercrivtes_ op Feminine — Geceties? Peak "Tesh tludend 8 48) crn pnt polit. Studects |_o2. Bath_raea_and, Juseten abet be! meclest _5.Challeniye., Larnings cocegoitin .and_advanemeot ou fenpoctarnp Ae Tn the family fatbers deal_wwifi_factr, _and rv thes— witty per viv | 5 A pleat ilde - tS Couples spp ina estes ee A eet ee: play, cto_cornplate. iclste_be gether. = in Gn chat to caster, ak riety 8; _onviceieneat_prettetion aot zeman. ceag vn —— | 0. Fw omen in tbat pei eC es CRABIT Scanned with CamScanner Cake dU [ne taioly. Ava anak NG ULAL) aa “pt "4 29. ! Kise aa CTD 9g + against —___ Tigi — Talos Japan_(92) >Keae (98)2 uscae) ovntey JA.) au thi | alg hompirgmerae ____ septate iE active: > Relaxed | Lpetebeargbaoate I la oAteaphoek [ert fbb LS ee te flow — Le Clantty, Be shnuctit _ Arbiqucty Ae chavs tor thigh UA. a a ee dae taggin _ 8 Peeps. perl shoppy.. Le An lho is_doperent_ig_eurteus |B What o_clifpereot is _clangermus _ [3 AL. Fami. erebedy h a | 8G pe shang oo AA Teachers may_fe Thin lena fiw. Ft bifoactbve alan ee te hove oll the answers, pas Ky. 4 Hob pl bonis -L-t pap bh CRABIT Scanned with CamScanner TA Conplts—aee_oteepted. — — - 8. Shee it_a_need_foragreem cot. CA. More laws and_nules; ff ailes_conast be haps — sxe_clo_wemng ei ea as, —and_oiles + A Phong belie in_cemmenrense-— J tb. Shreog. blu {a_expects. and nowledge. LA Ca Racy ing_jobs_me_problum | Plog jobs suey Aisle 2 key S LTH; CHL; tle y tort | F_ Jong x Shad term, Onsotetion- (Pre mache vs._Noema tive.) sn - Chock terre on'ented Long tro oiented . ethavagant, nationalistic. Feaf 1 ee -) yp a 3 di (61). atin (5).Catma.ny £135, Fyre 4 Fopan.18)_Kerga_Croy_) patente Shroct Tem Clore oh = ea nto ening Pst throm exer rk ave meni — 2 Gecd ni Sritl order oblgrtons—Platmal seanty rights looey Tetra Scanned with CamScanner NAthioh_statemert repcestats Leng.” Teem es ere invesments =H | of. for iovestments Le gal cto_presecve one's own fare LA Do. acy ting to cee ist eget ich of-9 ee ae eaten perseverance. | .Stident euccess attributed —p luck |B. Student puccess attributed. to 2 apport | 9. @fel age, is seen ae @erving Later: Ao... 6fd age oh terrae but aS sorting penrioe Ha nod at Te eas ae ae ison Mi > Koy: As 6 a, LO 42 Rb sttrmpnfos ne A pasa abot alfa lite Tal exe (ell we) Mexico (92), USAL68)NINI35), fa_(osh = JL Restraint [_Passienismr—_] A, hich statement represents Restraineel - aulure A Gcietres have _werl_eth ie f ot. Most_peaple_ pacheipae actualy ee ports. 2. Potovect- . : - “cRABIT Scanned with CamScanner a ee ligne rel betes gL | revctage of of obese people a ade de b Fewer ver wy py peop th lpi _Spendicy _éoe_—wushes 10. (Macntacning frder in dhe_natioa_ is iapectant————— keys 4 4,3,4,4,40 rrrpare| Website Ee I$ wan, /hol stede=casty brs. ceuertny = cempacition- a Match the behowers ta the let eolumo. with Th notntr Hht-_cclurna in_the_igl \ oer A fictiel lant | age joane aren cele xp is informal ___| pa Ba eh ee ie.peplare gxharagant. | 8. Toternal Lows o constant 5 Pweuld anver_ctedt hthe| —C. Jaw pewer ch ‘dane ; jin Cpl leat acdsee i aly own uch. ___|_D. Pfino i Eth yey i ithe Te de arian At, 2E, eae pee Tt RES the statement are Towerarel Pig Hey ase, folie ad it sa Aagh-_pomchshn oy ani Zabenracne mit id Lven_enc nar_cleecsions pte eae ed tele pad (n_ehangeable_gnvicenments bundy athe ie ah fow-otlesas-patishle. in low unset) eee a pp A peced, Scanned with CamScanner / dt. Femi ninety stands dara scesty, tn which focal gender roles overlap ly tk Te SAL low george onthe Tndutyene wide 4 the Dodubjeoor), Kye, Rephaint index. guggest! that emp sm brace o Aigesty lo fhar_values “both personal zndleavers os much as propesstanal accomplishment. by Tf Been SER iz i a LA. _ctpers p_the_exteat tewhich the_menbecs op cculhice, ee unknown grhucion and Aave_eceated_| elingsond_instinchons that ty avord these A Mhasactinity B_Tndulyeae C.lncarain; 1 anerdlao) WL. Tadependenu, Kt reléane, and _pecmal, freedom __| an igh dsc L iad doce [Atlee Bacteindadlat colleetivist 3. People _are_toleraot bor arobiquityin low unactuiot, | ale altace. = my me oe An tie 6 Falic iy - Lt) A low individualism rmoling. by plfres_sncixhies oe ces everyone alee! respon bility, foc dello members oy ThuL gp, Fan ? AAT Me ealell atts. LTA lew fower Distance ranking, ‘indreates. thar poorer inequalcties. oy power and _wealtty ora cxsprtecl_in_gorichy, F A aa 4 Palys 7 S.A lew Mas utincty ranking inelecates— thors le jord. treate tially mal eins ns pect ie soasty : AL Toy ___ 9. fale. ee AC RB 3A PA 5B CA CRABIT Scanned with CamScanner ——T £: nage end Fo_rovero manage..anel_s00— none ecst do the “ wie pene B Jow_power cliston, <— 2 ‘eit verti and pecplechane many. A. Loais sd alum B.Colleeh vista. 7 9. Manager — “tlle —elasbip 0 lnfne! | A. Low_pawer— ne h-thigh func 0, Oollectivisen Luggesht_a an_sat€rclepen ndeny.aumang,Ampeyn AT ® Fale A. Prenininine_srcitty, “pipects_men_te_hebaws mre assertively Ran vw AT. B fale ja sh Power| Divtaacty bewraot uth os VTi (Chinw—, perl ts certo lonc nh po. depeodd on boss for-direchan. | ner B fale. f She cg, peoototion ie hagedl an output, recaetiahle vegeta aes sonal & | An Ddtvedualeima __B, cwlleetivimaz _| ine ol gta oid py 4 power clestance- B. “sath _ poser cles tance. _ CC teak unurdos Sage ae _ Stands_« _ falas 2 1g far. the de Le Miceli cc ailty oy if 7 A IA TA MOA MB 113), UAB Teng Scanned with CamScanner : / Ab. Cultucesvsettr Argh uncertacaty _ aundanceprefer— move_extensive rales aind regulation meals ae scttmge and. sank setk_ consents abner geal awe An Tat. B. Falg& \ 4 | [%. Dr counties with collechvist vweews , rorkat_ace— Cipeeted to perges cxctain jobs. vacth clearly cepsocel |-esponat bilities. A._Tne 8 Falfe. 12." The chain. of commancl_is.macnly pecemyenien co" Listy proul 9 ——— Pati eh es: |_A.hegh_pawere eléstance_-B. lw power cestance 119 Caundries. yucth Long. ternton'eatation are alto called" pragmatre." while these. auth Ahert_fecor ecientetrnenermahve = : A Tow Bs False kw. Givin negative< aveiled a A Cofeotidisi —\C. Praate Dadiuclu ales ke Modl. 1s_peccoi ved. at_a_wichye A. Beminntty B+ Macueleachy, P-face cman tae — rou us, . an : i A Retina yl Bsdalpones 1 _ 23 | Practice ecunts mere than _pmecples.. A. Unwctamty -blerane. sind _ LB. Waar teins a 3 Ap yk Le Tr Gubltuces, people ace eter —cxpected pull tense lve el Tented ahe n they — Aneevnter_A et baal. 2 AL. individuates __. collee tins — IGA AWB BBR WA 2A 321A 29 B BABA ofp, Scanned with CamScanner ws. Ei alo. not_make_gxephens-; ete becouse, oy Mieve. swhoar nig Atte pak ee A Taw B. fale ruboas_almest always couse mee paoblens — “Hon hen DNetacLtscet pein 60 EBT | A. Dadiiduolim s _._B_ Collective sma ______ ~The oganizahens fovsr_decetatizatian Ac Lower pow AR thi gher power clita. as k ae (so. threat fat must_be Wwer_unertar'a’ -svothe eg |—B.._thaher aie lee | teaseceteil Mealy face bomen b pra fh deal. Bo, A lin ny a whery ont tales nl SE ee 0S, vir group BLA society. thot ows_telaty, eahon_ gy la an oti duende aise yt Of. B Tadul, [33 heb smi das tlds See A Hitt eenahencl dena habwina 5 up > Thete (sock Bae ae des. Scanned with CamScanner 33D iE C. The success the group eovures dhe_well = bein lentes beat uta 7A Atl_q_are_cemrect -+ ! te se iypec_on-tfe. amennt_@- co_tRey Arave og unpre deta be lity. ____ BuoMasadinity. | |_@ Waray “cwerdane |_D. Sawer distano | lite) aun A 13Su wathveh a dhe mast valued coo chert term onoclaten Laultuice.? LOU ; t 6 Daverkioy in childrén 's tduccechion 1 D-Alene iS correc te fi 136.Belew aro the club cleorentions iclentip'cd by. | Getoct Hopslede, Axapt: De a | AL Power Dictance Culbuies B. Colleetst £.Irdividual Cubbies. : | C. Pohreharnie: & menochnrmic Cubhures D. Maseudine 4 Feminrae CulArces BA. Fabian is a supervise in_asceteilenmpany.. Whenever Ae_encountersa problem , he never clecicles the._| ee ee pe cults fous supensr Ne matter Aow uty e4 1 Khiahim is. warett_cultuce._| ee fe ints Fron_ uber _culrace. A_Reshaned wl dure Bo thgds power distance calfue. | @, las wibine culture 340 3D) 360 39K. 3g 2) CRAB. Scanned with CamScanner cae ak ea s Woh “Which cnot dhe chamekeashe,of- mas.ortiag cultia ) A. 2quality, solidarity ty Kaun pie i 8. matenal success —1s_importaa 2. penple “Give 4a work oa D._-unnen_deal_othclameshe. chores Tao Masein eultue it is acceptable foc anyane ty join the a ema a. AO-X aie ig 5 me ey a have. a a lh Tag Ho 0. People don’t fel responsable. Ahe_accy. other, D. a Kile. ila tag ome AA. ith an sand 9 igh loctiy Aten Lbohonioye 9 sina coobetgt? oo | A. Planntag oftad. 4. Bang. ible CBee mq_eUnious Apltimentng. D_ Bein Apmntancous, Al: \ — OY pe ia te aching gealy L Ce iat a ee 0 saseuliacty / Permiioety. Euniniathy, D. lant nd t ge Ab. thy My ge isa chocesenshe more by mmasardine cul Mien J ae C Achievement ——__|B.. Competi pe PA fe 390A 39B 40A AIA 4a 480 ~ eRABIT Scanned with CamScanner | CONTENTS 222 Fe one ere The: workplace shee an te ey aD. TRe_cros¢_—wubtaralperspeedive. |____a. Descriptinn _or_Ln tec pretatiéa rhefue? tN Dn |__2. Gages cultural awarene t$is ae CE Dimension’ of culture in the wert place ___ Propet a) buythigh fleece Cabarty Positive! {Slaptreal___ Patines hater LC precy ; Retulty thumeny, (Gera) ; Abchiwest Ascribed LA. Power ditane: attitude toward inequality Ue Padice |Guemony_US Tepae Africa pericg SE* —< 7 > Low Pb tab PD = ee eee aa Scanned with CamScanner / A Mothiehy behavtewr ts mare Cen M5. teat_with_dow PD? "A. The. chainof Cemmand_is_gacrosenct ob daaderscire_pestten alishe. 3. Manas Arsh onto pawer. + 4. Gubodioutes tale inchtatve. “5 Deciston- it convuldacrve, = ——_________— 6. Enplsysrs dle cot disagrersutthtf_boss.— _ x. Posple. in_power_hone prisileges 2 9. Dectsion._is_mocle_ot the trp 4. Amana is_pust neo} the seam, - | Ao. Subereledates and barsesi are interclepencknt. +} a> Key 4S 40 —|} Oxi Y bohaview. t_more_emysteot swt. dew PD _| | A Taternction berwaun boss and cuberdhinatie ti icgetmels |, Pecple_are_less likely to question the boss; Shaders don _questhen teachers _ | Pale_npraiade. aern __and_tep= dover shack, 4. Expressing s_epenly is_tnccurnged . - eet oot pee | _C. Werlers_preper_preocye tastnch ans from _supenien._ +t, Bosses_are “independent; subsrdinate_are depecdent.,. | ee ee ee ee ae | —9.Coovaltachteand_democcactie. roanagsmen: f thle is i tiha dharani utun sranigha and ailee inet — | 40. The distance betw gps and _sthordinatts— ts un phasized , m ec 9 Keys AA “| Le Atle teal cto = - i == CRABIT Scanned with CamScanner Like risks, experiments _ Pwveiel_cisks prtals rene i clangeccus — Lo on. _is Lindecesting--— aot sl relbege Ae doa, “ee hve — és The cae . Pe oy —piadenk pe US—UK SEA Prada fipiret Nexteg shige ~Shoptical- [sitive : “Lin pli CPPS L Pheu} perplein o tod, Ss frciat havea. poritive acttitude pwacels daditaa Z 3. Attihde to al a a Lp Met vedcl_ by achievement — Mobivaded by Compre fu teers. :_cespeet ——___ fo Puecess_+.greater_pow er lo Wien fom + Family 29 = Worl |p Live dv_oerle $< pygyres Nive pyle, tat Fp ys UE Dole fea Hiya Achievement = ae |-cA_Key to ol a : “Ply pgesn aces ic Aaemeny/Ley zoe » [Skills Li fuitinctase a = Ret atm. bn fetal ll feel —____ Scanned with CamScanner of ioe. : Grmrany, UK Tela. Mecieo Teper nl ¢ J =>- Bent bat A armaap Renu ny 5 Sure ag-thabs miter Absccibed| L. Meri: fe ry fa et alti . i (peferons,achinement) ) _Cfanoily bietle 2 +—Fary dr move up __ rc pea tus, Ly Lf 7 Figher rene Ah ' p Agher rok Abould |, Pesple heute aot-behave pee a Wiser L = [Germany US. UIe Fopan._ eae Dndliappriee— Sealine . 4 > Apbitved — oles _ah a Age hed aes Scanned with CamScanner kent ad Saye Hassan: Ves, a) Pn ee eur Aull. approve. Amanda: ell, that§ one ve ae. AWh i Mike poluctant when esp iy ie To of. val ie Fjulve. aera theic_werkio cc ic Julie: ike. youto by xaterle_ with Peter Miles de naam Julie: De femstBing wuoerg 2 Mile Becuse mes ma'am, bur T clen't work well TSG Hc Saale Tee ls —___ | judie: bout Pete. He's a tittle. eases coos _ prngrrawnming Arnel thealg qihot chants eG vobebntbe | Telentigy te wlbucal de ypocerrcer_betvsan ho speabecs | Jide? T hear the bearel has choserz a new CEO, | Carles, ¥/. lis, Ses they've appooted_De._nanuel Cabeza de heen fhe cleLem family Jule stifao is he? | Carles: Eth an of ihy with Large landhAclinge lin. _Gradalajera prowinee Fulie_Bus_vubas 4 his_bacleg mad Pie BET Carles T just tet Al ne | Ju ik. mean _4 os Ae wracked 4 bo peed Da | claean | Does he have _any cxpen. (n_the burns Carlos : Leclon't lunow a Ves deca, iy? Do oes think te! sa ged la: De cle Lean? ni? Tea euce! | fue. CRABIT Scanned with CamScanner IC Phe Cos —Cculburall “Pers; pata | Dascct; petaben Pesotlt | is & en eae acto fhe. physial leans op an_act witheut_assignia i > Interpreten =. id aaty Phi 4 As Description. stubott To gee Ny ey leah <2. Darbecpretebon «_nihat Don! ot | —3-Rvaluation: har T perl al Me A Hel yan 1 wf oP meee ere 3. Positive. at} oh Ldlert Negadbve. ae He theuldl Astd ee Te jar im pil Octet Detaphdn aidiabs Bocgct fa Eo eeeee a nay Thect eran won) ct 1g_quite ing quik evdly LAC That saoman _ stands these falas uleesy Abe spealas_to me. 8h Thor wom an catd ancl cesecved. | 3 n't Rave opinions | eo nee HAL. Hp furl to ene ae oer C.D, AAL BD a Scanned with CamScanner cara 7 TA. She wasnt Listening to B Li oe pelese and gestured a lo-wher pee tes wary ag geestve. \wlhieh it _ingerprataton ? ty bs da + dnt Pes subsrdinat-cs ob. Jhdt-_can cwer Cankra duets hs bors in public. — Lae That wierkec i lazy A. Gb doesnt share topsrmatin awitk er suberdinaties.. | 5. She _ceucel ures body language when tpealeng bqhy ace “Quite bad Oc bays A Bub ote [Discussions --Desibe tentang in. yr ltt thon ing. in year oultuce thor ctBere don't us wacerstand_or aera Ty yo coal explairy. f Mu sshat_would_yousay 2 fa thet MF Clexdeo ore lune SA-F 5B-p CA-D B-E “crasit Scanned with CamScanner Ae a “Yromicins Taconpe bn lap h gas ay — Niet aware_op_ _oultu tucal cliypecen pa cae ts ae Gk i a) £ compettou_| ling eran.) ao (lin fe deenahe-boow Se occa Net sure_oy ca tuition 9. sao _ Celi ot Jesse is Cin on ree Callas otty) — nclaess | Unconsciats ly Uncwes- nite deste. 6 -awaseness (tind. 3, these — = obsocvach avs e hfe Fell i ak Baa ‘uanerd 0 a | fe, Al sat i auth thee hile Wee awa see lrg oo —— 1 x» fs PE ae a pie a CRABIT Scanned with CamScanner Ou wen rls ot ths Gs ee sca tr he able enh and be myseh arvurd these 4. ‘Hi 4 figaet.. bane pbepl aaa have no toeble eda 7 p= = 3 AH 2S ee me tea \ie . Ss A. B. uniquely C._partia oles “Menachon peopl. value. ieee — [hses_becy an. oppei tint_ond plac far every thing A Tae False. | 3. Th ached shalt veremcn¢anenta [perth thet family pee lise ale A Tne Fyn np ep bey | brother's ertme., A. factiowlanst B. Unveaalst Sin ha aohtudletasicllacacinan > peapleaz=—_ He Slupticalpal_averel_dalaing nsls_pecause—“ bye \ them change, a4 thieatenmg Ss AL Tue. B. False LC. Peeplu 1A menoedbic_ culture fend fo muthitask _ A. Tew &, False. ides erecta rom mencechn_ tnarcchrarac seubhiee belie culde't let eiruums tances Or un poresterr. owe intecpete with their plaos A.Tnu_B.Falle _ A bh Se yA SA GB FA CRABIT Scanned with CamScanner / aa 3 —To—pactiulaas bh, dfere_are_no-abiolutes, and_whay 11g ht cle citoum stanceg AL Tou____b. Fale 19 My ecl_ grades ace resulted fron bacl Hachers __ at Sern d Veal gs anda stena sands Boo | be. Exteenal frcws oy eontrofp Ad. A_mangec's_oppite in a_enonochrnce typical, ee a conat the same tne =~ ATi b Falte. 4 Peeple. with ——afifiuletrwacd —Uneectaicdy, (believe. tRat_cxpecimensing is_ how they lear ane) iccy Le oes ore : ie Ad. Univessalists behave. ir wen situation, | depends onthe aeaeetip i f i ee : |43_ Peapl blame poverty Ziness OA Tottinnl, Leas tact or ud. \Xthen a coo i en_dhe." ascribe " pott_oy the gore. | felis, jad dna doe ee | Hair yituation in Lie, _| = a vane — ASfeeplt_with flows oy. c0n bably believe thar — fie lows 9. atuce ace ulhireel Patio La —er ; be manipulated. 7 _| 6. AM sxample dais When the son, bors cl sort ue to__ffun Soa nd is_addrmctte tage “ule the ott mp queling- fe thar hen, ii A facts Manta 3) By nivanaban os —— %A 98 WB AA posiPVe 128 BA Al oBABEL, |P> Scanned with CamScanner / 4a. Which. is_sepresendactive oq Meno chemi -brne ? A TTeneis_beot tr gut the needs. : || Tue Aisa Aimited \commachity no @._Deadllioes ean be changed. D. People live_by an intecral clock. LAL_Awhich chasacteo'she_cprestots Mevenalets 2 __ | AL. What it ctfieal iq_a given sntuoken depends on | sally. sthuy.ace. clea wut th. |B. They cate: abinct a. person's family. chen Arcing sei C. Thuy den’+ comprimeie en princes. LD. Per tec iced cl pling ole ene |Ad Peeple with internal rows believe that appiness_15 0 natural part qd a A an iB Fale So 20. Friends axpeet prep ten: _preecential dreectoect. A pasta ; Gitnat— et. Girne _problims are beyond \ owe bile} Frigate: A Taternal, Locus. ? nt fe B Extecaal fro Le bial ftek.._Dt is. impectant nor come: distracted or cligress — |in_a.masting ora een ve Bato = A__menochrmic. 8 patychoruic attitude toward Unectainty - jdonot iy, gomuttxing new _verty Hey know ict willie. A positive B_ skephial > SA. The phrase “the early bil gets thesworm "is _ceplechiveoy the cultural “Weepoint 1 Menecfamic. 8 foly chanic. Lr 1@; thigh = power destanw. 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