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Types and distribution of manufacturing industries in Ethiopia

Ethiopia's manufacturing sector has helped the economy by employing
many people and also plays an important role in the country's

3.1 Types of manufacturing industries in Ethiopia

We can classify the types of manufacturing industries im Ethiopia into
two we have the traditional/cottage manufacturing industry and the
modern manufacturing industry.

Traditional/cottage manufacturing industry in ethiopia

Traditional manufacturing industries refer to manufacturing principles
focused on producing certain set number of products each period and
holding a reserve incase of unexpected demand or shortage. These type
of manufacturing focus mainly on direct labour it is usually based on
the use of dedicated plant or production line with little or no flexibility
and it is also a source of income for many relying on the production of
handicrafts and small industry items.
Examples:- jewlery making, shoes and clothes
production,weaving,leather making,black smithering etc...

Characteristics of traditional manufacturing industry

These types of industries are home based units of production
dependent on human or animal propelled skills and technology.
 They are designed for specfic products
 The inventory of product in the production chain is low
 Eliminate costs more efficiently
 The variety of product is low
 They produce original products that are still intouch with culture
and tradition with genuine quality.

Modern manufacturing industries in Ethiopia

Modern manufacturing had begun in Ethiopia in the early 20th century,
mainly Following the construction of the Ethio-Djibouti railways.
Growing demand for manufactured imported goods on the one hand
and rising cost of transportation for the imported goods on the other
were believed to have necessitated domesticmanufacturing. The
Ethiopian fabricating segment is still distant from being
an motor of development and financial change. It plays
a negligible part in work creation, trades low-value and low-
technology. Modern manufacturing is a cleaner, leaner, and greener
industry than cottage industry. Today, modern manufacturing
environments are filled with advanced technologies, computer-aided
machines, and progressive software programs – This has taken a lot of
the laborious but in Ethiopia we still haven't reached this type of
modern manufacturing industry the country has modern
manufacturing industries but they aren't that advanced but ofcourse
easier simpler than the cottage industry.
3.2 Distribution of manufacturing industries in Ethiopia

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