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Realistic Fiction - Process Paper Rubric Name___ryan maier_________________________

Standard W.7.9 Draw evidence from literary or informational text to support analysis, reflection, and inquiry.
Developing Approaching Proficiency Proficient Exemplary
1 2 3 4

Reflection Student demonstrates little Student inconsistently Student demonstrates an Student demonstrates a
Supported by understanding of the text and demonstrates an understanding of the text clear understanding of the
Evidence does not draw evidence to understanding of the text and and text and
(4 pts) support their ideas. Response is draws evidence from the text draws logical evidence from consistently draws logical
more summary than analysis. to support attempted analysis, the text to support true evidence from the text to
Textual evidence is not used. reflection, and/or inquiry analysis, reflection, and/or strongly support true
questions. Textual evidence is inquiry questions. All textual analysis, reflection, and/or
inaccurate and/or not cited. evidence is accurate and inquiry questions. All textual
cited. evidence is accurate and
properly cited.

Depth Paragraph responses do not Some paragraph responses Most paragraph responses All paragraph responses
(4 pts) have depth nor explain the have depth and explain the have depth and explain the have good depth and explain
writing process. writing process. writing process the writing process.

No specific examples are Specific examples are rarely -Specific examples are Specific examples are
included in my writing. used in my writing and/or do sometimes used in my always used in my writing to
not support my responses. writing to support my support my responses.

Conventions Many distracting errors are Errors in grammar, Errors in grammar, Very few, if any, errors in
(4 pts) present in grammar, punctuation, capitalization punctuation, capitalization grammar, punctuation,
punctuation, capitalization and/or spelling are present and/or spelling are present capitalization and/or spelling
and/or spelling distract the and some distract from but don’t distract from
reader and make the text difficult meaning meaning.
to understand.

Grade Scale: A: 12-11 B: 10-9 C: 8-6 D: 5-3

Student self-assessment: Total points: _____ Grade: _____

Teacher assessment: Total points: _____ Grade: _____

Title: ______space ship___________________________________________
Name______ryan maier________________________________


Directions: Tell me everything you can about how the final draft of your realistic fiction story came to be. Please be sure to use
specific examples/textual evidence to support your reflections about EACH question below. Type your responses in the doc. below.

1) What type of problems did you encounter while writing your story and how did you solve them?

I struggled with how the character was feeling and overcame it by showing how excited he was for his first project. The
project was to show that he can show how he can surface his dream and be great at what he doses to succeed and to go
and explore things non earthly. Lastly Kakashy did this from hard work, and determination it can be your chois to be good be
good at something.

2) What mini lesson(s) helped you the most to make your realistic fiction story as strong as it could be?

Boot camp because I was able to create the character and show what he would look like. Then I was able to make him realistic
and conectit more in to his life. Also this helped me relize that i can make thing a littel different but still connect it to the story

3) What qualities or features make your story effective?

It show the qulityis to never give up and never give up on a dream. Then continue and push onward even when there are
obstacles in the way.

4) OPTIONAL: What do you want me to know about your realistic fiction story that I might not know just from reading it?

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