Codium, Bset 2a (Journal #11)

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Structural Journal- 11 - Climate Change

As a human being we are all scared of the climate change. We all know that when the
mother earth is abused it will create a crisis that we cannot forget. Climate change is a
long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns are referred to as climate
change. These changes might be caused by natural processes, such oscillations in the
solar cycle. But since the 1800s, human activities—primarily the combustion of fossil
fuels like coal, oil, and gas—have been the primary cause of climate change. In
addition, the heat from the sun gets trapped on Earth as a result of greenhouse gas
production. Global warming and climate change result from this. As of the discussion,
I have learned how to prevent it although it is unstoppable we as human can slightly
stop this phenomenon. Furthermore, it is the possible action we can help, eat less meat
and dairy, respect and protect green gases. As I conclude, Sustainable development is
increasingly threatened by climate change. The anticipated impacts of climate change
might gravely jeopardize agriculture's capacity to feed the globe and seriously impede
efforts to end hunger, malnutrition, and poverty. For the agricultural sectors to be
ready for the possibility of quickly changing environmental circumstances, immediate
action is required. Reducing agricultural emissions is crucial since the agriculture
industries contribute to the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that cause
climate change. The world's agriculture and food security confront enormous
problems even in the absence of climate change.

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