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MTAC-Alameda County East Branch

Board Meeting For Board of Directors and Chairs

Monday, August 20, 2018 9AM at JW Pepper, Dublin
Minutes from 06/10/2018 Meeting: Mary Beth Cheney
Presidents Report: Ewen Tsai
Competition 2/3/2018. Voce will use the venue?
CM is the only time we see most teachers. Allocate 20 min meeting time to promote and instruct
teachers our programs.
Board meeting in February 2019?
Master Class/Lecture: Tai-Cheng Chen
#1, Lecture on Oct. 8, Monday by Gail Lew ( Just transferred to our branch, she was our
branch's member long time ago).
Promoting New Music Exploration: A Review of New Publications for 2018
#2, Lecture on Jan. 14. Monday by Omri Shimron ( The judge of our competition 2018,
professor in Cal State East Bay)
What's There and What's Not There: Learning Tips on Interpreting the Piano Score with
Treasurer Report: Lauren Goodall
Blankenship is down $2,000, but still has $4,600.
CM is down. We've been letting it drop each year because we had accumulated a surplus. We
may have to raise the fee next year (2019-2020), but for this year we're fine.
Competition lost money. Maybe this year we'll make it back or break even?
General Fund is fine.
Programs Fund is fine.
Recitals is down, but we planned for that and used money from this fund to pay for our 30th
Anniversary Concert. No need to raise recital fee this year. We'll check again next year.
Certificate of Merit: Sushan Chi, Velma Chan
Theory Test: February 16-17
Performance Evaluations: March 2-3
Branch Honors Recital: March 16
MANDATORY CM Information Meeting (Choose one to attend):
1. September 17 (Monday), 10:00 AM~ Noon
at J.W. Pepper Music (limited seating at their NEW address: 6545 Sierra Ln, Ste E.,
Dublin, CA 94568)
2. September 23 (Sunday), 3:00 PM~ 5:00 PM
at Livermore Library (1188 S Livermore Ave, Livermore, CA 94550)
Piano Competition: Masako Udagawa
1.The Alameda East Piano Competition
Venue : Amador Theater
Date : Feb 3 on Sunday (Super Ball Sunday) from 9:30am to 3:00pm
Amador Theater has opening only the day next year 2019. I’m planning that the competition
will start at 9:30am and end 3:00pm. I want to use the theater from 9:00am.
For example:
A & B 9:30-11:30am
C& D 12:30am-3:00pm
*Voce can use after the piano competition from 3:30pm
*Probably Makiko will be Co-Chair, Michelle and Kayo will give me advices.
*I ask the board members to help me to find the judges.
**I would like to ask the board members for any suggestions and their consents.
2.YAG Concert September 8
Need help to set up and clean up. Especially I need at least 5 -6 people for clean up.
(This year my husband will be out of town on his business trip, so I need many helpers.)
I think Michelle already mention to you that we have to pay $100 for use the kitchen.
I prefer to use the kitchen. Because we need tap water, ices and water pitchers, otherwise I have
to prepare water over 150 people. However, I will be able to prepare the foods without using the
kitchen if someone bring the water. Could you please ask the board member which is better?
3.This is not on my agenda, but I would like to remind our members that YEA (Youth
Excellence in Art Awards for 2018) will be held on September 30th, which is sponsored by
PCAC(Pleasanton Cultural Arts Council). The competition seems very unique and only the
students at Pleasant high schools (Amador and Foothill ) can participate.
YAG: Michelle Rank
Performer: Hannah Lin. Asbury UMC in Livermore has graciously agreed to co-sponsor the
YAG Concert with us again. The scheduled date is Saturday, September 8th.
VOCE: Kai-Li Cheng
Newsletter: Megan Mui
Dates and Deadline for Newsletters.
Recitals: Swan Lo
10/20/2018, 1/26/2019, 4/27/2019 dates we have this coming year. Will apply Lynnewood
church once confirmed today. Another recital?
Aiko Levine: Teen Recital
Membership Report: Jing Yang 112 members
Blankenship: Mary Beth Cheney
Blankenship- our amount of money went down for the first time in many years last year. We
need to discuss whether we want to get more through grants or a fundraiser or let it deplete.

Next Meeting: 10/8/2018 9AM

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