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Survey 1

Name : Santhosh
Gender : Male
Age : 27
Designation : Developer
Work Experience : 4
Have you ever faced any specific ethical dilemma during your job? yes If yes
What was that ethical dilemma?
I am working in a reputed company as a project developer and was assigned to a
project. I completed the work on time and submitted the first draft of the project,
upon submission I was told that the project no longer existed and the promised
raise for the project won’t be reflecting in my salary.
How has it affected you as a person?
I felt cheated and betrayed by the company. They took my work anyway but
refused to pay up. The management could have informed me about the
termination of the project but failed to.
What decision did you take to solve that dilemma?
I mailed a complaint to my manager attaching the proof of assigning the project
to me and the issue regarding the project remuneration. But unfortunately no
action was taken.
Survey 2
Name : Govind
Gender : Male
Age : 24
Designation :
Work Experience : 4
What was that ethical dilemma?
I was a newly joined employee in a corporate firm, after successfully completing
my work for one and a half years, I got a better offer from another company and
was planning to join them by next month. I informed the company about the new
job offer and they said the company had two years bond and can leave only if I
pay two lakh rupees in order to leave early. The HR had not informed me about
the bond at the time of joining and the new HR is forcing me to continue working
for the company.
How has it affected you as a person?
This was for the first time experiencing such an event hence I was confused what
action needs to be taken.
What decision did you take to solve that dilemma?
Since the company had not spent any money on my training and the bond was not
conveyed at the time of joining, I went to my friend who is a lawyer and explained
the situation and filed a formal complaint towards the company and sent it to
them. Later that week the company officially allowed me to leave the company
and completed all the formality.
Survey 3
Name : Shankar
Gender : Male
Age : 26
Designation : Assistant Manager
Work Experience : 3
What was that ethical dilemma?
I was working as an assistant bank manager in south India. As I was getting closer
to my manager, I started receiving phone calls during the working hours from
potential employees to transfer huge amounts without any cheque. As they were
very important to the bank, the manager insisted on completing the transaction
without the cheque.
How has it affected you as a person?
As an employee I was taking a huge risk and was afraid to take a stand.
What decision did you take to solve that dilemma?
I had no choice but to wire the transaction as the manager insisted on doing this.
I could not go against my manager as it would lead to a wrong footing and could
affect my future promotions.
Survey 4
Name : Manoj
Gender : Male
Age : 40
Designation : Chief Accountant
Work Experience : 15
What was that ethical dilemma?
As a Chief accountant I was asked by my superior to alter the company statements
of the sales in order to achieve the yearly targets. I could not make my own
decision and all my work was based on managerial pressures which was
unethical. I was forced to follow it.
How has it affected you as a person?
This completely changed how I looked upon my manager and the decision he
What decision did you take to solve that dilemma?
No decision was taken
Survey 5
Name : Kevin
Gender : Male
Age : 29
Designation : Relationship Manager
Work Experience : 7
What was that ethical dilemma?
I was assigned a project from a high potential client by my manager and upon
completion of the project I was asked to submit the project to the manager. Upon
enquiring the delivery of the project I was informed that it had already been done
and I came to know that the manager took all the credit all to himself.
How has it affected you as a person?
As a person I was angry at the manager for stealing my work and taking the credit.
What decision did you take to solve that dilemma?
As it was my superior manager I could not take any action as my future
promotions depend on his decision and dind not want to confront him.
Survey 6
Name: Rahul ramachandran
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Company associated with: Construction
Year of experience : 5
Designation: Site Engineer

What was that ethical dilemma?

I am working in a construction company as a senior site engineer. One of my
works involves the procurement of raw materials as per the required construction
standard. During the work, I have to make sure that all the raw materials
(especially steel, cement, and aggregates) are included as per the requirement.
But once I was confronted with a situation that my project manager asked me to
reduce the quantity of steel reinforcement used in the concreting process to reduce
the cost of construction. And told me to make sure that it won’t be noticed by the
client. The thing is after the concreating process the used steel reinforcement
inside it will not be seen. But it will definitely reduce the strength of the concrete.
I was not a person who does not support these actions. Also, I cannot neglect what
my project manager says.
How has it affected you in person?
I was tense and got a negative view of the company and the senior.
How do you overcome this dilemma?
Still, I didn’t follow what exactly what my project manager said. I reduced the
quantity of steel but not to a big amount.
Any residual measure taken by the company?
Survey 7
Name: Prabhul Bhaskar
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Company associated with: Construction
Year of experience : 6
Designation: Quality control engineer

What was that ethical dilemma?

I am working as a quality control engineer in a construction firm. In our company
there is a procurement head, he used to buy and arrange materials for the
construction work. As a quality control engineer, I used to test different
construction raw materials to know their strength as per the company rules. If the
quality of raw materials is failed several times, then the contract and further
business with the suppliers will be terminated. The procurement head has a good
connection with one of the brick suppliers and continuously buys raw materials
from them. The brick from this supplier sometimes gets failed in the quality test
and I have conveyed the same to the procurement head. Still, he did not change
the supplier. Later on, I came to know that, this supplier used to give the project
head a certain amount of money in the form of a commission for the sales he
helped to do. I was very confused that I should inform to the project manager or
How has it affected you in person?
I felt I was very weak enough to respond to this as I was new to the company.
Informing the issue can cause conflict which is wont to good for my career.
How do you overcome this dilemma?
I didn’t respond to this, because the brick didn’t fail the test every time. So the
higher authority won't be noticing it much.
Any residual measure taken by the company?
Survey 8
Name: Ramani Radhakrishnan
Gender: Female
Age: 48
Company associated with: Education
Year of experience : 25
Designation: Principal

What was that ethical dilemma?

I was working as a principal in a private school. During any hiring process of
teaching faculties, we conduct personal interviews with the applicants. The panel
members include a few members from school management, senior teaching
faculty, and me. We usually hire the faculty based on their qualification and work
experience. There was one incident where there was a need for science teaching
faculty. I informed this need to the school management and to have the hiring
process including the personal interview. But after a few days, one of the school
management members called me and said to hire a faculty who is a daughter of a
senior management member. Later I checked her profile, but the qualification and
experience were less than what the job role was expecting. I was concerned about
the students who should be provided with the required quality education by the
school and as a principal, I have to make sure of it. So, I politely informed this to
the member who called me but his reply was the same and said management
wants her to be hired. Thus I couldn’t change the decision.

How has it affected you in person?

I felt bad after this situation that it was not morally correct to do it to the students.
How do you overcome this dilemma?
After appointing her, I said some criteria which should be followed for teaching.
These criteria include some standard contends to be referred so that the quality of
teaching will be maintained.
Any residual measure taken by the company?
Survey 9
Name: Gopika Narayanan
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Company associated with: IT
Year of experience : 8
Designation: Analyst

What was that ethical dilemma?

I am working as an analyst in a biotechnology firm. I am in the position of team
lead. We usually have a meeting with all teams with respective project leads and
managers regarding the work once n a week. I also have a team meeting usually
every day with all the team members and listen to their work status and progress
also the issues with work if any. Then during the weekly meeting with other team
leads and managers we discuss about this. Once during the meeting, I told about
the issues regarding certain steps taken by the manager regarding team allocation
(shifting of members to another team) and also the quantity of work given to the
employees. Also in the next meeting, I raised a few concerns again. Thereafter in
most of the meetings, I was not included. Which made me feel isolated in the
How has it affected you in person?
I felt isolated in the organization. My morale went low.
How do you overcome this dilemma?
I had a talk with my manager regarding this and tried to make him understand the
situation, which was not to hurt the steps taken by the managers but to increase
productivity by discussing the issues faced by employees regarding work.
Any residual measure taken by the company?
I don’t know. I moved to another company.
Survey 10
Name: Rajan
Gender: Male
Age: 54
Company associated with: Pharma
Year of experience : 22
Designation: Senior pharmacist

What was that ethical dilemma?

I am working as a senior pharmacist for a multi-specialty hospital in Kerala.
During covid time there was a great demand for a few products like surgical
masks and sanitizers all over the place. During the initial time of covid, the
pharmacy used to get these products at a cheaper price but they sell them at a very
high margin. They get surgical masks at Rs 3 but they sell it for Rs 12 or 13 as
there was less availability of surgical masks and the demand was very high.
Likewise, they also sell locally made sanitizers for high margins. It is mandatory
to wear the mask for everyone. Also, many financially low patients come to the
hospital but the price remains the same. That was the time I felt even the hospital
is taking advantage of the situation and using it to increase the profit without
considering basic ethics.
How has it affected you in person?
I felt morally bad because as a hospital they should consider basic human ethics.
They can make profit but they should not take advantage of the situation to a large
How do you overcome this dilemma?
I had a talk with a manager of the hospital regarding this, he said he will talk with
the management and will take a decision.
Any residual measure taken by the company?
Name- Sreehari
Gender- Male
Age- 33
Company associated with- IT firm
Designation- Assistant Manager
Overall image or experience within the company- Good experience
Have you ever faced any specific ethical dilemma during your job? Yes
What was that ethical dilemma?
I was working as assistant manager in an IT firm. There was a woman in my team
who is talented in the IT field and did a lot of successful projects which gave her
a good reputation in the organization. Unfortunately, she had to take a long leave
because her mother was suddenly affected by stroke. She re-joined after the leave
and she had a lot of work pending to complete. Even after joining she failed to
come to the office at time and was absent in some of the important team meetings.
Her team members were totally unhappy about this. Some of the team members
came to me and complained about her as she is not completing her work on given
time. I already knew the condition of her mother as she is the only daughter who
takes care of her mother. I said these issues to the senior managers and they also
know that she is talented and needed employee for the organization. The general
rule of the organization is to terminate those employees who fails to complete the
work and attend important meeting. The other team members want me to act
against her. Now I must take the final decision. This is the ethical dilemma I faced
as a manger in my organization.
How did it affect you as a person?
I was in a dilemma that whether I stand with the other team members and act
against her give her one more excuse as she is a talented employee.
Any residual measure taken by the company?
No measures were taken by the company
What decision you take to the solve the dilemma?
She was happy with that and she was able to complete her work at the same time
she can take care of her mother.
Survey- 12
Name-Hari Krishnan
Gender- Male
Age- 38
Company associated with- Manufacturing of bags
Designation- Sales Manager
Overall image or experience within the company- Good experience
Have you ever faced any specific ethical dilemma during your job? Yes
What was that ethical dilemma?
I was the assistant sales manager in a private company which sells all types of
bags. There so many sales men working under me. There was one person who
have extraordinary skills who always completes his targets within the given time
and many times became the best sales man in team. One time he faced severe
health issues and took leave. When he came back after the leave, he became tired
because of the health issues and was not able to perform well in the job. He failed
to complete his targets. My senior managers became unhappy with his
performance and they want to dismiss him from the job. They discussed the
situation and gave order to dismiss him. But I was disappointed as I knew him
very well and I was sure that he can do better and completes his targets, Thus I
became confused and this was the ethical dilemma that I faced in my organization.
How did it affect you as person?
It affected me emotionally as he has health issues but still, he is ready to work.
He is a hard-working guy who can do better for the organisation?
Any residual measure taken by the company?
What decision take to solve the ethical dilemma?
I had a long discussion with the higher officials and made them understand his
capabilities as a sales person. The higher officials told me to give a final warning
to him. I had a personal conversation with the sales person and he told me to work
hard to achieve the targets. He succussed in achieving the targets and he is still a
successful employee in the organization.
Survey- 13
Name- Shyam
Gender- Male
Age- 38
Company associated with- Manufacturing firm
Designation- Regional assistant Manager
Overall image or experience within the company- Bad experience
Have you ever faced any specific ethical dilemma during your job? Yes
What was the ethical dilemma?
I was working as sales head in a private organization in Madhya Pradesh as sales
head. I got transferred to another state as the regional assistant manager in sales
and my subordinates in the team were from that state. I faced a lot of
discrimination as I am from another state and does not speak their language. They
were I complained to my manager but he supported my subordinates by saying
that the discriminations are quite common in organization. I became
disappointed. I face ethical dilemma whether to raise this issue in the organization
and inform to the higher officials or stay silent as it can create enmity between
me and my manager.
Any residual measure taken by the company?
What decision take to solve the ethical dilemma?
I decided to adjust with the situation and within a few months I was transferred
back to my state.
How did it effect you as a person?
It affected me emotionally as I do not have much friends in the organization to
share my problems.
Survey- 14
Name- Prem Krishnan
Gender- Male
Age- 38
Company associated with- IT firm
Designation- HR manage
Overall image or experience within the company- Average
Have you ever faced any specific ethical dilemma during your job? Yes
What was the ethical dilemma?
I am working as HR manager in a It firm. The recruitment of new employees
generally takes place in the month of March to June. During one of such
interviews, I faced an ethical dilemma. My boss relative is also there for the final
interview. So, my boss already called me and told me that his selected in the
interview. There was only two vacancies. There were twenty candidates for the
final interview. I interviewed all the candidates and I understood that there are lot
of candidates who are more talented than my boss relative. I cannot disobey my
boss request as it can create enmity with my boss. This is where I faced an ethical
Any residual measure taken by the company?
What decision take to solve the ethical dilemma?
I have no other option so I finally chose my boss relative and I believed the other.
candidates will get better opportunities
How did it effect you as a person?
This incident hurt me emotionally and I lost the trust in my job ethics.
Survey- 15
Name- Varun
Gender- Male
Age- 35
Company associated with- IT firm
Designation- Assistant manager
Overall image or experience within the company- Average
Have you ever faced any specific ethical dilemma during your job? Yes
What was that ethical dilemma?
I am working as assistant manager in an IT company. I am the next one to get
promoted a manager because of my performance and perfection in completing
the assigned duties. Unfortunately, my promotion was withheld the organization
and other person who is junior in experience than me got promoted. It is because
that employee is a close relative of one of the directors of my organization. I felt
disappointed and now I am in an ethical dilemma whether to react to this unethical
act the organization or to stay silent.
How did it effect you as a person?
It affected me emotionally and I felt dissatisfaction in my job.
Any residual measure taken by the company?
What decision you take to solve the dilemma?
I remained silent and try to focus on my work and I believed that I will be
promoted shortly because of my job performance.
Scenario 16
Name: Ratheesh R
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Company associated with: Ed-tech
Years of experience: 2 years
Designation: Team head- Renewals
Have you ever faced any specific ethical dilemma during your job? Yes
If yes, what was that ethical dilemma?

I was working as a team leader for Toppr Technologies Pvt. Ltd. One day my
boss gave me a lead and asked me to call that customer, saying that it was a
worthy customer and that I needed to get a renewal from them. As per the
instruction from the manager, I called him. But when he attended the call, he was
saying such abusive things. The issue was that he had bought the product for a lot
of money earlier and the company did not service him properly, so he was not
able to use it. He had raised so many complaints, and the company didn’t look
into them.

I had complained directly to the boss and senior authorities about the customer
being rude and abusive. But the superiors said in a way that it was my duty to
handle such customers, whatever the scenario is and whatever it takes to get the
renewal from them.

How has it affected you in person?

I was in a situation where I was not knowing what to do.
Any redressal measure taken by the company?
Scenario 17
Name: Akhil Thankachan
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Company associated with: Service
Years of experience: 3.5 years
Designation: Mentor and Customer service head
Have you ever faced any specific ethical dilemma during your job? Yes
If yes, what was that ethical dilemma?

In the company, I used to meet at least four customers daily and needed to have
a meeting with them. For that, I need to call and fix the meetings according to the
time schedule given by the customers. One day, my team leader said that he had
already fixed a meeting for today evening, but because of an emergency situation,
he wanted to leave early, and I wanted to go and meet that customer. I said OK
as I was not able to refuse the order from the boss.

When I got into the customer’s house, they locked me inside the house because
they were a very rude customer and had already asked for a refund, which the
company refused to give. They were not allowing me to leave the house until the
cash had been refunded to them. When I called the boss at the time, he initially
did not answer the phone, but after a long time, he finally did and said he couldn't
do anything and advised me to leave the house. At the time, I had no idea what to

How has it affected you in person?

I really hated the company and my superiors as they were not supporting when
an issue had come.
Any redressal measure taken by the company?
Not probably. But, I was able to make justice to the customer.
Scenario 18
Name: Arjun Bhaskar
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Company associated with: Insurance
Years of experience: 6 years
Designation: Senior relationship manager
Have you ever faced any specific ethical dilemma during your job? Yes
If yes, what was that ethical dilemma?

I was working for an insurance company. I used to travel a lot for my work in
order to visit the customer. The travel allowance was paid in such a way that we
will not be paid the full amount of the bill. But I was fine with it. After some
months, my teammate called me one day and said that the allowances and
expenses we are getting are very low here as we are already working at maximum
capacity. So, I'm going to make more fake bills and claim them so that I can get
a consistent amount to him as well, or else he'll be caught and punished for the
malpractice he's committing.

I was in a dilemma and didn’t know what to do. If I go the ethical way, I’ll lose
my relationship with him, who is very useful, and if I don't, I’ll be unethical to

How has it affected you in person?

Somewhat like losing my self-morality to the work I’m doing
Any redressal measure taken by the company?
It was not addressed to the company
Scenario 19
Name: Abhijit K Nair
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Company associated with: financial service
Years of experience: 3 years
Designation: Supervisor
Have you ever faced any specific ethical dilemma during your job? Yes
If yes, what was that ethical dilemma?

I was employed by a financial services firm. The work was going very smoothly
there. We are in the process of calling specific customers for targeted purposes.
It was more like or similar to what BPO does. We had so many customer bases
at different companies, which is very confidential. Sometimes my colleague
sends the data to other sources to earn money. But when I enquired further, I
discovered that it was common among everyone in my team, and even the
superior was completely supportive.

How has it affected you in person?

I was in a situation where I don’t know what to do. And lost the trust in the
Any redressal measure taken by the company?
Reported to the higher superiors and don’t know wat happened next.
Scenario 20
Name: Hari
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Company associated with: Insurance
Years of experience: 7 years
Designation: Area head
Have you ever faced any specific ethical dilemma during your job? Yes
If yes, what was that ethical dilemma?

I had been working as the senior relationship manager for 4 years. My work is
usually to get sales from customers through the bank channel. I was one of the
top performers in the entire state and had won several awards and recognitions
for that. I like the work very much, and I was doing my work very sincerely for
the company, and I’d brought tremendous change and revenue to the company

As part of my general employee rights, I was also enrolled in the company's

family insurance plan. But even after performing this much, when my father was
affected by a serious disease and needed to undergo a major surgery that would
cost a huge amount of money, the company was not ready to claim the insurance.
Even when I met with my immediate and superior managers, they said, "We
cannot do anything in this," and they were not in favour of my filing an insurance
claim. "If you're already earning so much in incentives, do you really need this
money?" they asked. I was totally confused by the behaviour of the organisation
and my superiors, and I was not able to claim my rights.

How has it affected you in person?

I lost the trust in the company
Any redressal measure taken by the company?
I stepped out of the company and joined other

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