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Muhammad Haseeb Asif
SID: 10036
CID: 107060
Assigned: by Sir Khalid Mehmood
Table of Content

1. Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------
2. Reason of growth of ERPs----------------------------------------------
3. Introduction of ERPs
3.1 NetSuite ERP--------------------------------------------------------------
3.2 Odoo ERP-------------------------------------------------------------------
4. First ERP: Oracle NetSuite-------------------------------------------------------
4.1 Introduction of the year----------------------------------------------
4.2 Specific Modules of NetSuite-------------------------------------
4.3 Popular Modules of NetSuite---------------------------------------
5. Industry in which NetSuite is popular-------------------------------
6. Installation prove and licensing----------------------------------------
6.1 NetSuite cost per user
6.2 NetSuite Support Level
6.3 NetSuite implementation cost
7. Specialty of NetSuite in market
7.1 NetSuite achievements
8. Market share of NetSuite
9. Second ERP: Odoo
10.Introduction of the year----------------------------------------------
11.Specific Modules of Odoo -------------------------------------
12.Popular Modules of Odoo ---------------------------------------
13.Industry in which Odoo is popular-------------------------------
14.Installation prove and licensing----------------------------------------
15. Specialty of Odoo in ERP market----------------------------------
15.1 A Complete Solution
15.2 Easy Integration
16. Market share of Odoo---------------------------------------------
16.1 Top Industry verticals------------------------------------------
16.2 Leadering Countries in which Odoo is acquired------------
17.Comparison of Two ERPs--------------------------------------------------
17.1 NetSuite---------------------------------------------------------------
17.2 Odoo------------------------------------------------------------------------
18.Criteria for selection of ERP-------------------------------------------------------
18.1 Reasons for selections-----------------------------------------------------------

Headmost, all the acclamation is for Allah who made us proficient for
concluding this report. The greater part of our devotions drives to our parents
for their endure support at each progression of our life. Their actions toward
our future development are constantly immeasurable. We highly admire and
acknowledge the efforts of our Faculty because it wouldn’t have been this far,
we would’ve never accomplish such difficult task. We want to pay our indebted
gratitude to our mentor and respected teacher Sir Khalid Mahmood for her
valuable advices, guidance, suggestion and directions in preparing the report
and no doubt without his enlightens, it wouldn’t have been possible to
complete this business plan in an effective way, her directions has contributed a
lot to establish our ideas in reality. We would also like to expand our deepest
gratitude to all those who have directly and indirectly guided us in writing this
project. This study has got support from a number of persons to flourish and the
involvement was by heart is truly encourage. We thank all the people for their
help directly and indirectly to complete our project.
1. Introduction:
Information technology is an extremely important and increasingly complex
component of business and professional organizations. Decisions related to
information technology and the related information systems can be a major factor
influencing an organization's survival. Information system, and cohesive set of
components for collecting, storing, and processing data and for providing
information, knowledge, and digital products. Business firms and other
organizations rely on information systems to carry out and manage their
operations, interact with their customers and suppliers, and compete in the
marketplace. Information systems are used to run inter-organizational supply
chains and electronic markets. Information systems help decision-makers at a
business to make informed decisions for the company. Information technology
helps get prepared data on all areas of the business as it offers current data,
background, and trend analysis. Businesses are using information technology to
sense and respond to rapidly changing customer demand, reduce inventories to the
lowest possible levels, and achieve higher levels of operational efficiency. Supply
chains have become more fast-paced, with companies of all sizes depending on
just-in-time inventory to reduce their overhead costs and get to market faster.
Managers at all levels must make decisions about which systems are best for
specific situations. The personnel within organizations today must have an
understanding of the role of information systems, as well as appropriate methods
for using the technology effectively. Using this text with its companion Web site,
along with the ten-week access to the Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition,
provides an enhanced introduction to information systems.
Information Systems are used to run inter organizational Supply chain, E
commerce, data bases and electronic markets. It is used in giant organizations for
financial accounts, customer relationship, warehousing and order planting, which
helps them to reach their potential customers online and digitally.
Major companies are surrounded by the MIS and DBMS for working of their
systems effectively. Government also uses information systems for providing
services to the people. Information system is used for every digital act and
movement nowadays with the developing and modern world.
2. Reasons for Growth of ERPS:
Since 1970, ERP is growing every year which you can find ERP history report.
Growing rate of ERP in the market is 30% every year. There are many reasons
behind this whose list, I am given below. ERP empowers businesses to enact
automated workflows throughout their enterprise. This results in faster, more
accurate operations. ERP implementation is not cheap but while using it in
organizations which give results to save money. An ERP unifies many systems
which are currently fragmented in your organization, i.e. Different system for
Product development, Supply Chain Management, IT Support and management
ERP ii systems continue to enhance operational excellence and start to introduce
a measure of the innovation value proposition. Through collaboration, direct
contact, social media, and various data streams within and outside of the
enterprise ERP iii integrates marketplace fans and critics into the extended ERP
and ERP ii organizations. From this integration of the customer and vendor a
constructive dialog and exchange of information is created to innovate, produce,
and then sell / distribute better products or services.
Companies offering SAAS: Software is owned, delivered and managed remotely by
one or more providers. To start, Software-as-a-Service, or SaaS, is a popular way
of accessing and paying for software. Instead of installing software on your own
servers, SaaS companies enable you to rent software that’s hosted, this is typically
the case for a monthly or yearly subscription fee. More and more CRM,
marketing, and finance related tools use SaaS business intelligence and
technology, and even Adobe’s Creative Suite has adopted the model. Cloud
computing is the delivery of various hardware and software services over the
internet, through a network of remote servers.
3. Introduction of ERPS:
3.1 NetSuite ERP:
NetSuite was established in 1988, it was an American company with headquarter
situated at San Mateo, California. In November 2016 NetSuite was acquired by
Oracle Corporation for 9.4 US$ billion dollar. The NetSuite is succeeded as Oracle
Cloud ERP for Mid-sized and small organizations. NetSuite provides a suite of
cloud-based financials / Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Omni channel
commerce software that runs the business of more than 18,000 customers in
more than 200 countries and territories.
NetSuite ERP runs all of your key financial business processes in the cloud:
accounting, inventory, and supply chain and order management. The service
involves no hardware, no large and upfront license fee, no maintenance fees
associated with hardware or software, and no complex set ups.

3.2 Odoo ERP: Odoo was founded in the year 2005 February by Fabian
pinckaers. They started to develop the first software product named as Tiny ERP.
After three years later the name of company was changed to Open ERP. The
company develops very efficiently and in the year 2010 Open ERP become a
company of 150 plus employees. In the year 2013 the company was rewarded
with Deloitte award for being the best fastest growing company in Belgium. After
one year in 2014 the company was renamed as Odoo for the diversification and
with the changes they done in their business. Odoo get placed in top 5000 fastest
growing companies in Europe.
Open ERP (now known as Odoo) is a popular open-source ERP software used
globally by thousands of organizations. The software serves as one solution for
your entire business, covering activities such as Sales, CRM, Accounting,
Inventory, Project Management, Manufacturing, E-commerce, and more.
As an open-source software, Open ERP is extremely customizable and easy to
integrate with other software. Partners can, therefore, tailor the solution to fit a
client’s industry and their unique requirements.


4.1 Introduction of the Year:
NetSuite was established in 1988, it was an American company with
headquarter situated at San Mateo, California.
In November 2016 NetSuite was acquired by Oracle Corporation for 9.4
US$ billion dollar.
The NetSuite is succeeded as Oracle Cloud ERP for Mid-sized and small

4.2 Specific Modules of NetSuite:

ERP's modular design permits to adapt a company's changing demands,
which is one of the reasons it has developed so popular. Only the modules
that are significant for an organization's business model, operations, and
foremost issues and matters can be acquired. The benefit of modular ERP
software is that a company can improve this functionality while possessing
the same groundwork in place.

4.3 Popular Modules of NetSuite:

i- Finance: It is an important module of NetSuite which offers the
features of accounts payable, accounts receivable and general ledgers
etc. Offers and assists the enterprises an option of financial planning
and analysis.

ii- Procurement: It is a module which helps enterprises to secure the

records of constituents and products for manufacturing and vending
goods. The procurement module helps the purchasing department
organize and send out purchase orders. This module is also known as
NetSuite Purchasing module.

iii- Manufacturing: This module helps manufacturing and production

plans. The specialty of this module is to keep the check and balance
for planned production runs. It offers organizations the tracking of
output against their production and status of goods, raw materials and
machine capacity. The NetSuite Manufacturing module is very
accurate in capturing real time information on the usage of goods and
associates the supply with estimated demand to propose adequate

iv- Inventory Management: The NetSuite Inventory Management module

facilitates inventory mechanism by tracking items quantities. This
module works with the procurement tool and offers the incoming
inventory through an incorporation. This module assist to prevent
delays and stock outs. This module can also use by the businesses as
an alternative to supply chain management module for handling sales
orders, purchase orders and shipping.

v- Order Management: This module manage the order procedures and

formalities. It tracks the order from receipt to delivery and maintain
every detail of the order with timely updates. This ERP feeds all
orders to the warehouse, distribution center and retail store after
customers place them and tracks their status as they’re fulfilled and
shipped to the customer. The order management module prevents
orders from being lost and boosts on-time delivery rates to keep
customers delighted and cut unnecessary costs for expedited shipping.

vi- Supply Chain Management: The Supply chain Module of NetSuite

ERP includes a lot of modules like procurement, inventory
management, ware house management and order management. Supply
chain module have functionality beyond the core competencies of
these segments. This Module of Oracle NetSuite track each and every
steps of supplies and goods. Tracking the whole chain of Supply chain
for example:
Suppliers Manufacturers Distributors Retailers


vii- Customer Relationship Management: All client and prospect

information is stored in the customer relationship management (CRM)
module. This includes a person's purchasing history as well as the
company's communication history with them the date and time of
calls and emails, for example. When interacting with a customer, a
Customer relationship management enhances customer services by
allowing employees to quickly access all of the information they
NetSuite CRM is widely used by many enterprises for managing sales
lead and target opportunities. It may keep track prospects of
communications and recommend which consumers should be targeted
for certain promotions or cross sell possibilities.

viii- E-Commerce: NetSuite Commerce enables businesses to move from

online, in-store and phone shopping channels to an integrated
commerce solution that effortlessly connects ecommerce and in-store
to order management, inventory, merchandising, marketing, financials
and customer service.
NetSuite Commerce was created with the concept that ecommerce is
no longer a stand-alone channel, but rather a critical component of a
company's overall approach. It also ensures all transactions are added
to the ledger, out-of-stock items are removed from the site and orders
ship on time.
5. Industry in which NetSuite is Popular:
The companies consuming NetSuite ERP are most often found in United States
and in the Computer Software industry. NetSuite ERP is most often used by
companies with 50-200 employees and 1M-10M dollars in revenue.
Oracle NetSuite ERP is commonly used by Software houses, Software solutions
companies, Information technology services and Retail enterprises.
Here is the Graphical Representations which shows the percentage of NetSuite
ERP acquired industries.

NetSuite Industry %






Computer Software Information Technology Retail Service Computer Hardware

Mostly companies that uses NetSuite ERP are located at United States or Canada.
This Graphs shows the Top Industry percentage in which NetSuite are mostly used.
The other industries in which NetSuite ERP are used but not at that extent are
Wholesale industry, Financial Services, Healthcare & Hospitals, Marketing and
Advertising, Consumer goods, E-commerce and Medical devices. Oracle NetSuite
ERP concentrates on large, mid-sized or small Enterprises.

6. Installation Price and Licensing:

The Pricing of Oracle NetSuite is tailored to the customer which mean it is very
substantially. The Cost of NetSuite ERP depends on three aspects:
 The Costs depends on the modules you implement or installs.
 The number of people you have accessing and retrieving the system.
 The level of provision you want and how well you can negotiate.

6.1 NetSuite Cost per User:

As with most Software as a service (SAAS) solutions, you’ll also have a
component of pricing that is linked to the number of people retrieving the system.
The list price for each general user is $99/month. It base license cost 999$ per
month. The NetSuite license is a subscription-based service that may be renewed
yearly and at extended intervals.

6.2 NetSuite Support Level:

NetSuite has a variety of support levels that differ in terms of what hours help is
available, what communication channels are available, and whether or not you will
get a dedicated support agent, among other things. If you have a skilled NetSuite
administrator, you may avoid needing help for a lot of difficulties.
The cost of NetSuite Support level is around $7000 a year.

6.3 NetSuite Implementation Cost:

The basic charge for installing Oracle NetSuite ERP with simple three modules
done by NetSuite tag around $35,000 to $45,000 at least. Since the implementation
involves labor hour costs so there is no discount or any perks for recurring the
NetSuite Enterprise Resource Planning Services. The cost also depends on
complex an implementation you choose either to have it implemented by NetSuite
or by Value Reseller. In this things price gets a little variety because sometimes a
reseller charges more than the NetSuite and occasionally some resellers charges a
little less. Overall, NetSuite might be well worth the money, it does come at a
reasonable price. And, to ensure that you get the most out of your investment, you
might want to start with only a few modules and make sure you're getting the most
out of them.

7. Specialty of NetSuite ERP in Market:

In 2021 according to many sources and reports NetSuite has been named as a
leader for Cloud Core Financial management for midsize, small and larger global
enterprises. NetSuite has been very versatile in offering the Financial management,
Supply chain management and Inventory management modules, because they
offers and updates an excessive service in these cores relentlessly.

7.1 NetSuite Achievements:

 NetSuite is ranked a top leader amongst a large market of competing
software solutions.
 NetSuite is the ONLY leader that serves businesses of all sizes across all
 NetSuite has more customers using cloud financials than any other
solution in the quadrant.
 NetSuite is one of four software vendors in the Leaders Quadrant.
 NetSuite has been recognized for its completeness of vision and ability to
NetSuite is committed to its clients, continues to invest in its products, and
provides a growing network of NetSuite partners to help support, service, and
integrate the software. NetSuite demonstrates a market-defining perspective of
how transferring key financial management systems and procedures to the cloud
can support and improve them. They have a significant market presence and are
increasing their revenue and market share. Leaders in this industry consistently
obtain transactions with businesses of all sizes and have a strong depth of
Oracle NetSuite provides customers with the flexibility, scalability, and ease of use
they need to expand with their business. With real-time analytics, simplified
procedures, and a 360-degree perspective of performance throughout the
organization, NetSuite Enterprise Resource Planning may provide substantial
advantages. Customers are constantly on the newest version of the technology with
two gratis software upgrades each year. NetSuite is fast to deploy, easy to use and
flexible enough to support all aspects of your business. Net Suite has been
dominant in the previous years of cloud software especially in FMS.

8. Market Share of NetSuite:

NetSuite ERP is one of the finest and best financial management, supply chain
management and demand planning system, which are increasing at the reckless
rate worldwide.
 NetSuite's financial management system market share is growing at a 45%
annual pace globally. This is more than three times the rate of growth of its
closest competitor in terms of market share.
 NetSuite is the only cloud software supplier among the top fifteen
worldwide financial management system vendors.
 NetSuite's worldwide financial management system sales increase was
40.3%. This is approximately four times faster than the closest competitor of
the service.
NetSuite ERP is an accessible and comprehensive ERP system geared at quick
progress for both large and mid-sized businesses. Financial management, order
management, Customer relationship management, demand planning, inventory
management, and billing are among the front and back-end office processes that it
automates. Here is the Graphical Representation:

Top Countries







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The above Graph represents the market share of NetSuite ERP in the top countries.
The list is very decent which shows that in United States 3161 enterprises acquire
NetSuite ERP system, after that United Kingdom having 300 consumers, Canada
having 200 consumers, In Australia there 115 businesses that procures NetSuite
Enterprise Resource planning system.

Distribution of Companies that uses NetSuite:

In Distribution of Companies
this 1400







1 to 10 10 to 50 50 to 200 200 to 500 500 to 1000 1000 to 5000 5000 to 10000

Graph it is clearly shown the distribution channel of companies that acquires

NetSuite ERPs, by which of all the customers that are using NetSuite ERP, a
majority (52%) are medium-sized, 16% are large (>1000) and 31 are small (<50).
The distribution of NetSuite is very decent and also covers the mid-range, small
enterprises and larger businesses. NetSuite is very affective in financial
management, Demand planning, Supply chain and inventory management. That is
the reason NetSuite is most liked ERP system in the computer software market
because it offers a great quality assurance effort in very decent subscription.

ERP System Market:

ERP Market 2020



NetSuite Oracle Microsoft Dynamics SAP FIS global Intuit Inc.

In this Chart the ERP system market is portrayed through line graph, Intuit Inc.
tops the list of ERP systems through approximate Revenue in market. Oracle
Cloud seconds the list and SAP ERP comes at third in the market through revenue
Second ERP

10. Introduction of the Year:
Odoo was founded in the year 2005 February by Fabian pinckaers. They started to
develop the first software product named as Tiny ERP. After three years later the
name of company was changed to Open ERP. The company develops very
efficiently and in the year 2010 Open ERP become a company of 150 plus
In the year 2013 the company was rewarded with Deloitte award for being the best
fastest growing company in Belgium.
After one year in 2014 the company was renamed as Odoo for the diversification
and with the changes they done in their business. Odoo get placed in top 5000
fastest growing companies in Europe.

11. Specific Modules of Odoo:

Odoo is an open-source enterprise resource planning software that includes
customer relationship management, e-commerce, accounting, billing, inventory
management, project management, warehouse management, finance management,
manufacturing, and buying, among other business modules. These modules are
designed to communicate with one another in an efficient and seamless manner.
Odoo is made up of around 30 core modules that are updated on a regular basis.
Odoo is available in two versions, which are:
 Odoo Community.
 Odoo Enterprise.

11.1 Popular Modules of Odoo:

Odoo and its features and modules may be customized at the code level to fit a
user's particular needs. Sales, invoicing, point of sale, email marketing,
subscription management, and more are all covered by its extensive tool set. The
Odoo ERP's functionality is represented by the following modules:
E-Commerce: This is an integrated platform. E-Commerce is one of the modern
and trending field that is doing a fine line of businesses with digital skills,
knowledge and soft wares. Odoo suggests automatic stock changes and reporting
which make it simple to keep track of inventory and sales. Customers can obtain
invoices and delivery orders from dedicated customer websites, which assist keep
customer data organized with order tracking and claims. Odoo offers a very
appreciable service and system in this module. Odoo updates their E-commerce
module with time to time features and specifications in these fast modern days.
Customer Relationship Management: Odoo has a sales-specific user interface and a
dashboard that provides a high-level overview of sales activity. It also includes
helpful hints and best practices to help customers setup and implement their CRM
wisely. Members of a scattered sales force may utilize Odoo's mobile user interface
even if they don't have access to the internet.
Odoo’s Customer Relationship Management is widely used by many enterprises
for managing sales lead and target opportunities. It may keep track prospects of
communications and recommend which consumers should be targeted for certain
promotions or cross sell possibilities. Odoo uses modern user interface, larger
screen view and online acquisition. It also reduce data entry and also offers lead
imports. Live chat option and call to actions service in this module.
Inventory Management: Odoo's double-entry inventory management system
provides for complete material and product tracking from the supplier to the client.
Customers can pack and deliver orders with barcode scanners or without them.
Customers' delivery orders are prepared by Odoo depending on availability. This
module assist to prevent delays and stock outs. The unique Odoo double entry
inventory management allows full traceability from the supplier to the customer.
Nothing is lost, everything is moved. Odoo uses the simple transfer interface to
move products from one location to another.
Accounting: Odoo automates the whole billing procedure, saving time on data
entry for clients. On their mobile devices, users get quick access to all accounting
features. Companies may also track assets and depreciation boards automatically,
create amortization entries, and handle all asset-related events with only a few
clicks. Create and send professional invoices and receive payments online. Send
reminders to your debtors in just a few clicks. Simply set-up and automate follow-
ups to get paid more quickly. Automatically create invoices from sales orders,
delivery orders or base them on time and material.
Easily create your earnings report, balance sheet or cash flow statements. Quickly
filter, zoom, annotate and compare any data. Use business intelligence's cubes to
report across any dimension. Odoo accounting also manage bills and control
supplier invoices and get a clear forecast of your future bills to pay.
Human Resource Management: Odoo discover all of the crucial information for
each department. Restrict access to critical information to HR managers only, or
make other information, such as a personnel directory, available to all workers.
Receive notifications when new leave requests, allocation requests, applications,
appraisals, and other items are submitted. Keep track of the employee hours
worked and sort by project, client, or tasks. Easily access statistics to record and
analyze timesheets as well as check each employee's attendance. Integrated
accounting automatically posts reports based on time spent in projects providing
real-time data. Odoo offers some key features in this module which are:
 Leaves.
 Allocations.
 Time sheets.
 Attendance.
 Appraisals.
 Recruitment.
 Expenses.
Odoo Human Resource manage all these key features and specifications timely
with no bugs.
Manufacturing: Companies can use Odoo to manage all their assembly and/or
manufacturing operations. Odoo automatically triggers quality checks for the
manufacturing department. Odoo Manufacturing helps you schedule, plan and
process manufacturing orders. With the work center control panel, put tablets on
the shop floor to control all your work orders in real-time and allow workers to
trigger maintenance operations, feedback loops, quality issues, etc.
Key features of Odoo’s manufacturing:
 Create bills of materials.
 Sell set of product as kits.
 Manage BOM for product variants.
 Manage semi-finished products.
 Uses an alternative work center.
 Use the master production schedule.
 Set routines on bills of materials.
12. Industry in which Odoo is Popular:
Today, there are several top companies developing custom solutions for Odoo.
Odoo is a platform where software development businesses construct unique
enterprise solutions since it is open source and has a large number of apps. Several
major firms are now operational on Odoo bespoke solutions. You may use Odoo to
its greatest capacity in your business by outsourcing to an Odoo development firm.
In the couple of years, Odoo has covers almost every industries towards to them.
The industries in which Odoo software is acquired are following:
 Auto Mobile
 Manufacturing
 Service Sector
 Trading company
 Marketing
 Education sector
 Health Care
 Apparel
 E- Commerce.
 Solar
 Real Estates.
Because Odoo provides an all-in-one solution, they don't have to deal with several
software to satisfy their business's various departments' job progress and analysis.
The fact that it is open source means that anybody may improve it by customizing
it to their company needs, nation standards, and government laws.
There are thousands Odoo available over the globe, who provides services in
Odoo, which is very big achievement for Odoo.
Indsutry Share by Year








2010 2014 2018 2020 2021

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

This chart shows the Odoo’s industry share by year which increases sublimely
every year efficiently. Odoo’s customer increases very rapidly because it is an
open source ERP and very easy, accessible and sustainable.

13. Price for Basic Installation:

Odoo Community edition is available for free.
Odoo Enterprise edition costs $20 per user/month (annual billing) or $25 per
user/month (monthly billing), and apps can be added individually to fulfill your
custom needs.
A complex Odoo manufacturing implementation may take place within a period of
6 months to 9 months, where multiple resources to be add up such as Project
managers, Sr. Odoo developers, Quality & testers, Onsite training, etc. Which can
sum up your Odoo pricing between 10,000 USD$ to 1, 00,000 USD$

14. Specialty of Odoo in Market:

Here are some reasons why Odoo is special in market.

14.1 A complete solution:

Functions such as accounting, human resource, CRM, sales, warehouse, etc. are
common in every business. To manage them effectively, companies keep multiple
software systems.
Sales, CRM, inventory, finance, manufacturing, human resources, and other
modules are included in the Odoo ERP integration. Furthermore, this Open ERP
suite comes with over 10,000 applications to meet all of your business's demands.
As a result, Odoo doesn't require much modification.
14.2. Easy Integration:
Integration of Odoo ERP with other software systems is simple. Users will find it
simpler to operate with Odoo if it has a user-friendly interface. Furthermore, its
API-friendly user interface makes it simple to incorporate. Odoo is simple to
integrate with third-party apps. The layout is more straightforward and uncluttered.
It also has a pleasant user interface and a simple navigation menu.
15.Odoo’s Market share:
Today almost every organization is in need of an Odoo ERP software. It is a
comprehensive business management solution which streamlines the core business
processes to achieve a level of organization in the company. Through automation,
the companies can take the excess workload off their shoulders. It completely
eliminates the requirement for manual-based labor, reducing the chances of errors
and mistakes. Odoo ERP is an accessible and comprehensive ERP system geared at
quick progress for both large and mid-sized businesses.
It is power-packed with advanced features which enhances its functionality and
performance. It handles activities from all departments of work from HRM to
finance and accounting, sales, purchase and delivery, inventory and warehouse
management, everything work is handled professionally by the Odoo ERP

15.1 Top Industry Verticals:


Computers Electronics and Techs

6% 5% Manufacturing and Automobile
8% Science & Education
43% Health care
11% E-commerce and Appearel
Real Estate


15.2 Leading Countries in which Odoo is acquired:

Market share in Countries:

100 Series 3
50 Series 2
0 Series 1
USA France Spain Belgium Mexico India Germany Canada

In this Graph the usage of Odoo globally has been portrayed. Odoo ERP is very
excessive in use. Odoo ERP is very popular is European countries, especially in
big giant European nations like Germany, Spain, France, Italy etc. In American
Region Odoo leads and offers a great type of service and features.

16. Comparison of the Two ERPs:

NetSuite: Cloud computing, in my opinion, is the future. Just like we pay for
electricity as we use it, and do not have our own power generation plants, I believe
the future of enterprise computing is a pay-as-you-use service. NetSuite has been
doing it since 1998. They clearly have a leg-up over all of these other companies.
Perhaps a highly specialized organization with lots of custom software might not
be a good fit. Customization of the platform is robust to extend and there are many
tools available for customization. However, native support for common languages
like Python do not exist and the back-end totally customizable JavaScript platform
does require some advanced skills. In fairness, we have not encountered a situation
yet that the standard cloud customization tools were unable to solve so for us, this
description is a problem we just don't have.
Odoo: Odoo is good for different departments but it is extremely helpful when
running the costs of the quarter from a Sales and Marketing perspective and
managing the budget to ensure we stay within our means. Everything is well
detailed, and the support from the team is good so when we are creating reports to
check spend, they are able to build customized reports and dashboards for us and
allow us to simply tweak them. It is less appropriate when we require something
drastic changed, as although they can build customized items for us, they are quite
limited in what criteria can be added.

Odoo: NetSuite:
Pros: Pros:
 Great to control  Integration.
finance From
 Simple system & Accounting to
implementation ERP to CRM
 Track applicant  Accessible for
process small, medium
 Great success
working with
specialists and
directly at
Cons: Cons:
 Not enough  Support is not
customization terrible but often
options available. works in
 Limited different time
documentation on zones and at
support different levels
 Documentation

and training.
Key Features: Key Features:
 The community  Many modules
version is free as are available to a
most modules. wide variety of
 It is easy to configure business.
products with  Custom records,

accounting, fields and forms

everything is smooth.  Workflow
Support Rating: 5 Support Rating: 5.5
Usability: 7 Usability: 8.5
Return on Investment: Return on
 Streamlined the Investment:
process of  Increased
requesting/approvin Finance team's
g leaves. efficiency while
 Provided a carrying out
centralized place for salary payment
all employee pay tasks.
slips.  The controls and

available are
17. Criteria for selection Of ERP:
I will select Oracle NetSuite because firstly Oracle NetSuite is an existing player of
the market and are working from long haul times. NetSuite also offers a bit more
professional work as compared to Odoo. There are some reasons why I have
selected NetSuite ERPs.

17.1 Reasons:
1. NetSuite ERP has more sophisticated user interface and hence on the basis
of this system, it is one of the preferred ERP system which helps in
management of the matters of the business. Hence, it is considered to be
2. It is more flexible ERP system as well which gives the modified level of the
information system of the association. It bends to the organization
professionally and also helps in the versatile supervision.
3. NetSuite is better than Odoo in Four general aspects which are very basic:
 Ease of Use.
 Customer Service.
 Value for Money.
 Special Features.

4. The business intelligence and reporting of NetSuite ERP is also very

excellent and it is easy to expand the use of the software and add new
companies as business grows.

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