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1. There is a great misconception exists among the common men about life of
the men in uniform who lives in cantonment & Military camps. Despite multi caste,
creed, language and religion an unique harmony exists among men and women
drawn from rural areas and towns who live in military camp,

2. Through this book the author has attempted to make our civilian countrymen
to recast their picture about our life and work which consists of incidents from his
own past and also from lives of some of his friends. It is a collection of tales of
adventure, relationship of officers among themselves and with troops written over a
period of three decades.

About The Author

3. The book is written by Maj Gen Surjit Singh, AVSM, VSM who was born in
1941. He was commissioned into the corps of EME through NDA1961. He has a
Master degree in Electronics from IIT, Delhi. He has a vast experience of regimental
and command appointments. He has served two terms in the Army HQ, one in the
Directorate of General, EME and the other in pay cell of the Adjutant General’s
branch. He was commended by the Chief of the Army Staff in 1985. He has
published two novels and a book on salary structure, “Wages Down the Ages”.

About The Book

4. “Dispatches from Soldier Oases” is a hardbound book containing 161 pages

and first published in India by Lancer Publishers Pvt Ltd in 1996. Also published in
England and United states.

5. The Book contains 16 tales revolving around real life of men and women
whom the author has known in his career spanning over nearly four decades. The
stories are exceptionally readable and will give varied readers a first hand account of
life as it obtains in cantonments and military camps.

The Contents

6. The book contains 16 tales with a preface and conclusion with each tale
having its own message. To start with “Sergent Major Yadav” depicts managerial
skill of an young officer in a typical unit. The life of a GC in Academy has been
described through “OLQ’s”. The “living doll” depicts about commercial/ corporate life
as seen by an officer. “The Juggi Dwellers” gives one real experience of an officer
traveling in train without reservation and about life of these kids brought up in slums.
“Honourably Condemned to live” is about how an officer faces death in a MH. “My
Pilonidal Sinus” brings out the professional jealousy in the service. “The witch” & “An

incarnation of Brahma” displays the belief and prejudice in Army. “Pakeezah”

depicts about the chaste and respect of women in Army. “The Dogra Top” explains
about a unit administration. “A blue handkerchief” tells us about straightforwardness
of an young officer to select his wife. “Personal computer” portrays about peculiar
personality of an army officer wife. “A Square Parachute” is an adventure personal

7. Author has also given out some of dictums for soldiers in form of clues for a
hockey game in his epilogue. He has very rightly compared the “work” with a “ball”
of game and same is applicable to all level of organizations.

Comments On The Book

8. The stories have been written in a simplest of language and each tales give
out a message to the reader. Author has tried to bring out various issues i.e man
management in Army, Belief and Prejudice in service, professional jealousy in
service, lives of army wives, adventure, simplicity of officers, officers and men
relationship and relationship among officers.

9. Each story has been picked up from an experience or an incident. Each one
of us can identify himself with the characters given out in each stories. The lay
reader will no doubt get a first hand account of life obtains in Cantonments and Mil
camp in India. No doubt the stories are eminently readable.


10. The book is highly recommended for all Officers Mess and unit library. Young
officers may be encouraged to read the book to learn about the officers & men
relationship. Dictums given out in the epilogue are must for all officers serving. No
doubt a pleasure to read.

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