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was demonstrated 5 days after operation. The 1965, v119, 557.

specific activity of the acid mucopolysac- 5. Foster, T. S., Pearce, R. H., Can. J . Biochem.
charides was lowered during the first 11 diays. Physiol., 1961, v39, 1771.
6. Dische, Z., J. Biol. Chem., 1947, v167, 189.
This indicated that the increased content of
7. Bostriim, H., Gardell, S., Acta Chem. Scandi-
acid mucopolysaccharides in this period was nav., 1953, v7, 216.
predominantly due to non-sulfated mu- 8. Asboe-Hansen, G., Dyrbye, M. O., Moltke, E.,
copolysaccharides. Wegelius, O., J. Invest. Derm., 1959, v32, 505.
1. Rasmussen, F., Proc. SOC.Exp. Biol. & Med., 9. Schiller, S., Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1966, v124,
1966, v123, 470.
10. EIson, L. A., Morgan, W. T., Biochem. J., 1933,
2 . ___ , Surg. Gynec. Obstet., 1967, v124, 553.
3 . Moltke, E., Acta endocr. (Kbh.), 1957, v25, 179.
v27, 1824.
4. Marckmann, A., Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. & Me& Received November 21, 1966. P.S.E.B.M, 1967, v125.

A Novel in vitro Assay for Anti-Inflammatory Agents

Based on Stabilization of Erythrocytes. (32219)


(Introduced by P. M. Lish)
Mead Johnson Research Center, Evansville, Znd.

In vitro studies by de Duve et al sug- cedures also disrupt lysosome membranes

gested that several compunds including cor- (2,13-15). Similarities between the action of
tisone might act to regulate the release oif en- streptolysin S and streptolysin 0 on red cells
zymes from lysosomes( 1). Subsequent work and lysosomes also suggest that the mem-
confirmed their prediction and further sug- branes bownding erythrocytes and lysosolmes
gested that glucocorticoids may exert phar- have common properties( 5).
macologic effects by preventing the disruption While this paper was in preparation, Miller
of the enveloping membranes of lysosomes and Smith ( 16) demonstrated that acetyl-
(2-6). salicylic acid stabilizes lysosoml membranes
Only indirect evidence supports the hy- in vitro. When this report was written, we
pothesis that certain diseases of coajnective could find no evidence to show that non-
tissues may be due to an abnolrml fragility of steroidal anti-inflammatory agents might
lysosomes(6). Investigators suggested that stabilize red cell membranes.
gold salts (used in the treatment of rheu- A new in vitro technique for the rapid
matoid arthritis) may act in inflammatolry screening of potential anti-inflammatoiry com-
states by inhibition of lysosumal enzymes of pounds, based on their ability to inhibit heat-
phagocytic cells in the inflamed synovial tis- induced hemolysis of red blood cells, forms
sue( 7 ) . Furthermore, acute and chronic the basis of this report.
arthritis can be produced in rabbits by re- Methods. Anesthetized (sodium pentobar-
peated injections of streptolysin S, a lyso- bital, 30 mgJkg i.v.) mongrel dogs od either
some-disruptive agent (8). However, the role sex weighing 10-14 kg were used. Whole blood
of lysosomes in the etiology of rheumatic (usually 100-150 ml per dog) was collected by
diseases remains to be established. catheterization of an external carotid artery
Several agents capable od releasing hy- using heparin to prevent clotting. The blood
drolytic enzymes from lysosomes also injure was centrifuged at 650 x g for 15 minutes
erythrocytes. In vivo exposure to detergents between 0-5°C. The volume of erythrocytes
(9), lecithinase(lO), excess Vitamin A ( l l ) , (RBC) was measured and reconstituted as a
and ultraviolet irradiation ( 1 2 ) can disrupt 4076 (v/v) suspension with cold (0-5°C)
red cell membranes. These agents and pro- M/l5 sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. The

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suspension was maintained a t 0-5°C and used dicated that desired absorbance readings for
on collection day. Tested agents were dis- heated controls could be obtained by heating
solved in 0.9% saline, using 0.10 N HCl or samples for 20 minutes at 53°C. After sub-
0.10 N NaOH to dissolve insoluble com- traction of the absorbance of the corre-
pounds. The pH of all solutions was adjusted sponding unheated samples, fifty-nine du-
to 7.4. Three ml portions of the drug solu- plicate sets (118 tubes) of saline controls
tions, cooled to 0-5"C in an ice bath, were gave a mean absorbance value t S.E. of
added to two duplicate pairs of centrifuge 0.91 1 t 0.047 (957c confidence limits, 0.818-
tubes. Then three ml samples of RBC sus- 1.004). Use of blood from animals in poor
pension from one dog were added to each nutritive condition or those with low hema-
tube. The solutions were mixed gently by in- tocrit readings ( <0.35) was avoided. Several
version. One pair of tubes was incubated for drug solutions could thus be tested on any
20 minutes a t 53°C in a water bath using a given sample of each dog's blood.
mercury-in-glass type thermoregulator. The Results. Table I compares the ability of
other pair was maintained at 0-5°C in an ice several compounds to inhibit the hemolysis of
bath. After incubation both pairs were cen- RBC. Active agents readily inhibit by 40 to
trifuged a t 14000 X g for 15 minutes be- 60% the heat-induced hemolysis at concen-
tween 0-5°C. The supernatant fluid was trations of 5 x loe4 M or in some cases less.
aspirated and absorbance determined a t 540 Aminopyrine and sodium salicylate showed
mp as soon as possible. All tubes were kept at only slight activity a t equimolar concentra-
0- 5 O C until absorbance determinations were tions of 5 x lo-" M. Isoxsuprine at similar
made. Two duplicate pairs of tubes each con- concentrations shows a potency comparable
taining 3.0 ml of 0.97. saline, pH 7.4, and to that of phenylbutazone and other active
3.0 ml RBC suspension were included with compounds. The slopes of regression lines of
each set of tubes as controls. Absorbance was log dose versus c/o inhibition did not differ
determined using M/15 sodium phosphate from each other at the 95% confidence level
buffer as a blank. (Table 11). This indicates a similar mech-
Per cent inhibition of heat-induced RBC anism of action for these compounds, but each
hemolysis was calculated as shown in Eq. ( 1) . slope did differ significantly from zero.

100 - [( -___--
O.D. test sample, 1ie:ited -0.D. test sample, uii1ic:ited

O D . control sample, heated- 0.1).control sample, uiilieatrtl

- )x 1 0 0 1 = % iiiliibition. (1)

Suspensions of RBC prepared from several A 28% inhibition was found to be sig-
animals by this method were essentially free nificant at the 955% confidence level with a
of hemolysis. Supernatant fluids of the un- minimum of 9 determinations (aspirin, 9 dogs,
heated saline controls gave absorbance 18 duplicates). However, phenylbutazone was
readings of 0.030-0.080. Preliminary trials in- significantly active at 18% inhibition. With
T A B L E I. Iiihihition of Heat-Iiiilucecl Erythrocyte Hemolysis.
r .___ Per cent iiihibition k S.E.- 7

Conipouiiil 5.0 x lo-' M 1.75 X 10-Ihl 5.0 x lo-.? M 1.75 X 10-5 M 5.0 x 10-GM
~- __
Pheiiylbuta zoiie 60.4 +- 4.7 (10) * 46.4 & 4.1 (5) 45.7 & 6.6 (5) 24.5 '' 3.7 (5) 25.1 2 6.8 (5)
Iiidonietli aciii 51.4 +- 5.4 (10) 31.0 & 7.1 (6) 28.3 3- 7.3 (5) 16.8 & 7.3 (6) 7.5 & 5.1 (5)
Ospphenbutazoiie 52.3 & 5.6 (8) 38.3 & 7.i (5) 25.6 3- 6.7 (5) 19.i 4.5 (5) 8.1 & 4.3 (5)
Mefeiiamic acid
Fluferiamie acid
51.5 & 5.3
62.0 2 4.0
* 6.2 (5)
& 5.4 ( 5 )
34.8 & 6.8
39.9 & 6.8
24.6 2 2.4
25.8 2 5.3
12.6 & 6.9
19.1 k 1 0 . 3
Acetylsalicylic acid 40.0 (3) - (--> 16.3 (3) -
(-1 4.7 (3)
Ainiiiopyriiie 21.4 (2) __ (-1 12.0 (2) -
(-1 0 (21
Sodium salicylate 17.2 (2) - 19.9 (2) - (2)
(-) (--> 0
Isoxsupririe 52.6 (2) - (-) 21.4 (2) - (-) 8.6 (2)
2- (4-Biphenyl) hutyric 68.5 (3) - (-1 23.6 (2) -
(-) 0 (2)
acid (Nainoxyra t r
* NO.of a ~ l i ~ i l iused.

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TABLE 11. Statistical D a t a for Calculated Regression Lines.

Regression co-
efficient (slope Standard devia- Slope
& S.E. regres- tion of the re- Slope (95% con- significance
Compound sion line) gression line fidence limits) P<
Phenylbutazone 18.81 & 1.57 -
+ 8.58 (14.49-23.13) .001
Indomethacin 21.23 & 2.85 +- 16.11 (13.27-29.19) .001
Oxyphenbutazone 21.80 & 2.56 -r- 13.52 ( 14.65-28.95) .001
Mef enamic acid 20.90 & 2.65 & 14.02 ( 13.48-28.32 ) .001
Fluf enamic acid 22.63 f 2.67 + 14.13
- ( 15.15-30.11) .001
Aspirin 16.31 & 5.20 +- 12.74 ( 2.29-3 0.33 ) .025

TABLE 111. Inhibition of Heat-Induced Erythrocyte Hemolysis.

% Inhibition a t
Compound 5.0 x 10-*M 5.0 x 10-jM 5.0 X M

LSD-25 84.2 ( 3 ) ” 55.6 ( 2 ) 29.6 ( 2 )

Chlorpromazine 33.2 (3) 17.2 (1) -
Methotrimeprazine 37.5 ( 2 ) 11.0 ( 2 ) -
Triflupromazine t 40.6 ( 2 ) 0 (2)
Trifluoperazine t 23.3 ( 2 ) 3.4 ( 2 )
Imipramine 25.6 (2) - -
Amitriptyline 27.2 (2) - -
Chlordiazepoxide 45.9 (3) 7.1 (1) 5.4 (1)
Pentobarbital, Na 47.1 (3) 21.8 ( 2 ) 2.5 ( 2 )
Hexobarbital, Na 33.1 (1) 16.9 (1) -

* Indicates No. of animals used.

t Chlorpromazine and triflupromazine were al’so tested a t concentrations of 5 X M. He-
mtolysis was enhanced in both instances.
t Trifluoperazine was insoluble a t this concentration.
the exception of flufenamic acid vs aspirin, 1. We arbitrarily classed as very active those
the inhibitory actions olf 5 X M coa- drugs showing significant inhibition between
centrations of the first 6 compounds listed in and M ; moderately active, those
Table I did not differ significantly (P>O1.05). exhibiting significant inhibition beitween
At lower concentrations however, these agents and M ; and slightly active, those
are different in relative potencies. Using 42% showing significant inhibition between 10 y 3
inhibition, which is half the maximal inhi- and M.
bition obtained with the drugs that were Complete lag dose-response relatioins to
tested, as a criterion of potency, lysorgic acid 100% inhibition were not determined for all
diethylamide (LSD-2 5, Table 111) was the drugs because mefenamic acid and triflu-
most active. By assigning a poltency rating of operazine were insoluble a t 5 X M, and
1.00 to LSD-25, the order of decreasing PO+ indolmethacin , tr iflupr omazine, and chloir-
tency becomes: LSD-25 = 1.00, phenyl- promazine caused hemolysis a t 5 X l o p 3 M.
butazone = 0.25, flufenamic acid = 0.24, Most knolwn anti-inflammatories tested also
mefenamic acid = 0.15, oxyphenbutazone = yielded reasonably high levels of inhibition at
0.08 , indomethacin = 0.06, and acetlysalicylic 5 X M, therefore we cojnsideired this as
acid = 01.02. Thus, it appears that LSD-25 is a practical endpoint. However Table I11
50 times more potent than acetylsaldcylic acid. shows that values close to 100% inhibition
Phenylbutazone is almost 13 times more po- can be attained in this test, e.g., LSD-25. Log
tent than acetylsalicylic acid. The ratio of dose-response relations obtained with a sample
clinical dosages of acetylsalicylic lacid to of blood from any one dog were linear and
phenylbutazone is approximately 15 to’ 1. The almost every point fell on the line. Variation in
clinical ratio of dosages of flufenamic acid the sensitivity of RBC samples from different
versus phenylbutazone is approximately 2 to animals was therefore probably the greatest

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T A B L E IV. Compounds Inactive at 4 X 10-4M the test, 48 noaanti-inflammatory agents were

tested at concentrations up to 5 x M
Xylocaine hydrochloride M J 1999” (Table 3 and 4). Table I11 shows that the
Procaine hydrochloride a-Methyldopa
1-Epinephrinebitartrate Serotonin creatinine
phenothiazine-like compounds, and the two
Norepinephrine bitartrate sulfate barbiturates tested, were active. All drugs
l-Ephedrine hydrochloride Penicillin G listed in Table IV were inactive at concen-
Methdilazine N-Acetyl-l-cysteine
Promethazine hydrochlo- Histamine diphosphate trations of 5 >( l o A 4M.
ride Iproniazid phosphate Discussion. Nonsteraidal anti-inflammatory
Amphetamine sulfate Thiamine hydrochloride
Phentolamine methane- Pyridoxal-5’-phosphate agents actively protected erythrocytes over a
sulf onate Pronethalol wide range of concentations from heat-in-
Morphine sulfate Tyramine hydrochloride
Meprobamate a-Chloralose
duced hemolysis (Table I). In this test, good
Cocaine Atropine sulfate correlation exists between the relative po-
Chloroquine phosphate 1-DOPA tencies of anti-inflammatory drugs and those
Aminophylline Mescaline sulfate
Dopamine Caffeine alkaloid found with the protein denaturation technique
Tranylcypromine sulfate Codeine sulfate of Mizushima( 17) (Table V) .
Succinylcholine chloride Caramiphen hydrochlo- Even though isoxsuprine possesses anti-
Hydroxyzine hydrochlo- ride
ride edemic properties in dextran-induced in-
Dextromethorphan hydro- flammation in the rat’s paw(18,19), Mc-
Kinney and Lish( 18) suggested that this was
* 4-(2-Isopropylamino-l-hydroxyethyl)
methane a nonspecific anti-inflammatory effect, possibly
sulf onanilide hydrochloride. due to a hemodynamic action. In our system
source of error. The variance encountered with isoxsuprine stabilized membranes of erythm-
duplicate RBC determinations from the same cytes, indicating a mechanism of action similar
animal was slight. The difference in 70 in- to phenylbutazone. Other investigators ( 20-
hibition of hemolysis between 60 replicates 2 2 ) described some of the analgesic and
(30 dogs) for phenylbutazone and 64 re- anti-inflammatory proper ties of Namoxy ra te,
plicates (32 dogs) for indomethacin re- the 2-dimethyl-aminoethanol salt of 2- [4-
ported in Table I was 2.96 t 0.57 (S.E.) and biphenyl] butyric acid. Our studies with the
3.33 t 0.51 (S.E.) respectively. Variation free acid of this compound indicate that it
between duplicates for the other drugs was actively stabilizes erythrocytes.
similar. The preservation of erythrocytes by
In an effort to determine the specificity of phenothiazines received the attention of other
T A B L E V. Correlation of Activity i n Various Tests for Anti-Inflammatory Agents.
~ ~~~~~ ~~~

Formalin Carrageenin
edema edema UV-erythema Protein
Compound (rat’s paw) (rat’s paw) (guinea pig) denaturation RBC hemolysis
Phenylbutazonc Inactive“ Active Active Very active Very active
Fluf enamic acid Inactive% 1’ % 1’ 11 11 >1 11

Mef enamic acid n.t. 11.t.

1’ ’9 91 ’9 11

Osyphenbu tazone Inactive 1l.t.

Moderately Moderately
active active
Iiidomethacin 11
Active 1’
Moderately Moderately
active active
Acetylsalicylic Active% ( > l o 0 Active% ( 2 1 0 0 1’
Slightly active Moderately
acid mg/kg) mg/kg) active
Aminopyrine Inactive 11.t. ” 37 Inactive Slightly active
Sdicylic acid 11
11.t. (>lo0 Slightly active 19 19

2 (4-Biphenyl) bu- Active Active Moderately Moderately
tyric acid (na- active active
* Inactive at doses < l o 0 mg/kg. n.t. = not tested.

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investigatolrs who demonstrated their stabi- of the most potent drugs tested, shows in-
lizing effects on membranes (23,24). In herent anti-inflammatory activity when
protecting human red blood cells against hy- serotonin is the agolnist(3 1) .
potonic hemolysis, chlorpromazine and tri- There is an interesting correlation between
fluoperazine were active at concentratioas as the stabilizing effects of the drugs tested on
low as 7.5 X M and 1.0 X 1 0 1 - ~M, RBC, blockade by the same drugs of endoge-
respectively( 23). We sought coaditions, how- nous substances such as SRS-A and brady-
ever, which would be more specific for anti- kinin in guinea pig lung(32) and anti-ery-
inflammatory agents and less so for pheno- thema activity(33). Antagonism by these
thiazine derivatives. In view od the various drugs of SRS-A and bradykinin in guinea
actions of phenothiazines as tranquilizers, pig lung in vivo in decreasing order of ef-
local anesthetics, and antihistamines, it would fectiveness is: L9D-25 2 indomethacin >
appear that solmecommon mechanism such as mefenamic acid = flufenamic acid > phenyl-
a membrane phenomenon might be operating. butazone > acetylsalicylic acid > amino-
When one considers the variation in lipid pyrine > salicylic acid. Chloroquine, mor-
composition of biological memblranes, and, phine, aminophylline, cincophen, etc., are all
therefore, their two-dimensional states ( 2 5) , much less active. The order of decreasing
possible explanations for drug specificity or antagonism of hemolysis using our classifica-
potency are obvious. Lipid-protein interfaces tion for activity is: LSD-25 > flufenamic
could be quite specific for a particular drug acid = mefenamic acid = phenylbutazone
under given conditions. The results sholwn in >
indomethacin = oxyphenbutazone =
Table I11 with chlorpromazine and 3 analogs acetylsalicylic acid > aminopyrine = sali-
(levomeprolmazine, trifluoperazine, triflupro- cylic acid. Phenylbutazone, aspirin and sali-
mazine) further validate the stabilizing effects cylic acid were shown to be inhibitors of
of these compounds on memblrmes. Tbe re- the vasodepressor and capillary permeability
sults might explain the weak effects of d- enhancing action of human salivary kallikrein
triptyline and imipramine, which are solme- in the dog and the rabbit(34). In both in-
what related structurally to phenothiazines. stances the order of decreasing antagonism is:
The inactive drugs, epinephrine, norepine- phenylbutazone > aspirin > salicylate.
phrine, and morphine listed in Table IV are Drugs tested in our system cannot be
active in other tests for detecting antiiinflam- related to a local anesthetic action since xylo-
matory agents(26,27). Epinephrine and nore- caine, procaine, and cocaine were all inactive.
pinephrine block pedal edemas induced by The antihistamines, methdilazine and pro-
egg white or dextran(18,26,28) and car- methazine, which also possess local anes-
rageenin.* They probably exert a vasodilator thetic action, were inactive. Other inactive
actioln since p-blockers reverse the inhibition antihistaminics, not included in Table IV,
seen with these drugs and a-blockers do not were: dimethindene, pyrilamine, tripelenna-
(18). These drugs are inactive in our system, mine, diphenhydramine, promazine, and chlor-
probably because they are not anti-inflam- pheniramine. These compounds enhanced
matolry agents per se. They do nolt antagolnize hemolysis using concentrations of 5 X lW8
various mediators of inflarnmatioa. On the M or in some cases 5 x M. The anti-
contrary, Rocha e Silva(29) proposed that phlogistic drugs, aspirin and phenylbutazone,
these catecholamines play some role in the are devoid of antihistaminic activity at effec-
production of inflammation under certain con- tive antibradykinin dose levels (3 1) . Thus
ditions. Furthermore, admixing increasing the stabilizing action of the drugs tested on
quantities of serotonin with a constant amount RBC does not appear to be related to anti-
of epinephrine decreases the inhibiting PO- histaminic activity per se.
tential of epinephrine (30), as an anti-inflam- I n the RBC model of inflammation, anti-
matory agent in pedal edemas. LSD-25, one serotonin activity may play some role since
LSD-25 appears to stabilize RBC. Phenyl-
* Unpublished results. butazone produces only marginal and erratic

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inhibitory responses in serotonin edema, and 9. Ponder, E., in Hemolysis and Related Phe-
aspirin is totally ineffective ( 3 1) . The pheno- nomena, Grune & Stratton, Inc., N. Y., 1948, 258.
thiazines, chlorpromazine and methotrimepra- 10. Wintrobe, M. W., in Clinical Hematology,
Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 3rd Ed., 1951, 576.
zine, which are active in stabilizing RBC,
11. Dingle, J. T., Lucy, J . A., Biochem. J., 1962,
clearly inhibit the local edemic response of v84, 611.
serotonin in rats(26). I t thus appears that 1 2 . Cook, J . S., in Progress in Phatobiology, Else-
in the RBC model of inflammation, anti- vier Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1961, 453.
bradykinin, anti-SRS-A, and, possibly, anti- 13. de Duve, C., in Subcellular Particles, Hayashi,
serotonin actions could be operative factors. T., ed., Pergamon Press, 1959, 128.
T h e present study offers no evidence to 14. Dingle, J. T., Biochem. J., 1961, v79, 500.
support a mechanism of action for the ap- 15. Weissman, G., Becher, B., Thomas, L., J . Cell.
parent protection of RBC membranes from Biol., 1964, v22, 115.
heat-induced hemolysis by anti-inflammatory 16. Miller, W. S., Smith, J . G., Jr., Proc. SOC.
drugs. However, it might be similar to that Exp. Biol. & Med., 1966, v122, 634.
17. Mizushima, Y., Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn., 1964,
suggested by Freeman and Spirtes. They con-
v149, 1.
cluded that the preservative effect of chlor- 18. McKinney, G., Lish, P. M., Proc. SOC. Exp.
promazine on erythrocytes was largely due Biol. & Med., 1966, v121, 494.
to the inhibition of passive water movement 19. Brucke, F., Klin. Wochenschr., 1956, v68, 183.
by the drug and to the prevention of K + 20. Bergen, J . R., Resnick, O., De Felice, E. A.,
leakage and N a + entrance( 23). Freeman, H., Current Therap. Res., 1965, v7, 741.
Summary. An in vitro technique for screen- 2 1 . Denko, C. W., De Felice, E. A., Shaffer, J.,
ing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory compounds ibid., 1965, v7, 749.
based on their ability to inhibit heat-induced 2 2 . Cohen, A., De Felice, E. A., Beber, C., Shaffer,
hemolysis of canine erythrocytes has been J., ibid., 1965, v7, 759.
23. Freeman, A. R., Spirtes, M. A., Biochem.
demonstrated by incubating red blood cells
Pharmacol., 1963, v12, 47.
(3.0 ml) as a 40% (v/v) suspension in M/15 24. Guth, P. S., Bull. Tulane Univ. Med. Faculty,
sodium phosphate, pH 7.4, for 20 minutes at 1964, v24, 35.
53 "C with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory 25. Zografi, G., Auslander, D. E., J. Pharm. Sci.,
agents (3.0 ml) dissolved in 0.9% saline, 1965, v54, 1313.
p H 7.4. Lysergic acid diethylamide, phenyl- 26. Parratt, J . R., West, G. B., Bri't. J. Pharmacol.,
butazone, flufenamic and mefenamic acids, 1955, v13, 65.
oxyphenbutazone, indomethacin, and aspirin 2 7. Niemegeers, C. J., Verbruggen, F. J., Tanssen,
inhibit hemolysis by 40 to 60% a t c0nc-n- P. A., J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 1964, v16, 810.
trations of 5 x 10-4 M or less. inhibi- 28. Brown, R . A., West, G. B., ibid., 1965, ~ 1 7 119.
29. Rocha e Silva, M., Proceedings of First Inter-
tion of hemolysis of 2870 was significantly
national Pharm. Meeting, Vol. I X , Pergamon Press,
different from zero a t the 95% confidence
New York, 1963, 3.
level' To determine the 'Pecificity Of the test, 30. Holtkamp, D. E., Levy, A. C., Nature, 1965,
more than 48 nonanti-inflammatory agents v206, 1048.
were tested. 31. Lish, P. M., McKinney, G. R., J. Lab. &
Clin. Med., 1963, v61, 1015.
1. de Duve, C., Wattiaux, R., Wibo, M., Biochem.
32. Collier, H . 0. J., Gordon Res. Conf. on Med.
Pharmacol., 1962, v9, 97.
Chem., July 26-30, 1965, 23.
2. Weissman, G., Dingle, J . T., Exp. Cell. Res.,
1961, v25, 207.
33. ~ , Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1963, v104, 290.
3. Weissman, G., Thomas, L., J . Exp. Med., 1962, 34. Northover, B. J., Subramanian, G., Brit. J .
v116, 433. Pharmacol., 1961, v17, 107.
4. ~ , J. Clin. Invest., 1963, v42, 661. 35. Winter, C. A., in International Symposium on
5. Weissman, G., Keiser, H., Bernheimer, A. W., Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, Garattini,
J . Exp. Med., 1963, v118, 205. S., Dukes, M. N. G., ed., Excerpta Med. Foundation,
6. Weissman, G., Blood, 1964, v24, 594. N. Y., 1965, 190.
7. Persellin, R. H., Ziff, M., Arth. & Rheum., 36. Winder, C. V., Arth. & Rheum., 1963, v6, 36.
1966, v9, 57. 37. Winder, C. V., Wax, J., Scotti, L., Scherrer,
8. Weissman, G., ibid., 19163, v6, 797. R. A., Jones, E. M., Short, F. W., J . Pharmacol.

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Exp. Therap., 1962, v138, 405. 773.

38. Adams, S. S., Cobb, R., Nature, 1958, v181, Received November 21, 1966. P.S.E.B.M., 1967, v125.

Interferon and Cytomegalovirus in v i v o and in vitro." (32220)

Departments of Microbiology and Pediatrics, University of Rochester School of Medicine' and
Dentistry, Rochester, N . Y . , and Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine,
Palo Alt 0, California

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is one of several ( R E F ) . Adenovirus type 2 was obtained

viruses that have been associated with long- from Dr. Harold S. Ginsberg. Stock pools
term, chronic infection in humans, and with were prepared and assayed in WI-38 or hu-
the capacity to cross the placenta and initi- man foreskin cultures. Newcastle Disease
ate chronic infection in the fetus(1). The virus (NDV), Hertz strain, was provided by
nature of the cytomegalovirus-host interaction Dr. Samuel Baron. Stock preparations were
which may result in such persistent virus in- grown in embryonated hens' eggs and assayed
fection in the presence of an otherwise normal by the hemadsorption plaque technique in
host defense mechanism has never been fully chicken embryo fibro(b1asts. A calf lymph
defined. \Children chronically infected with strain of vaccinia virus, obtained from Dr.
this virus have a normal immunological re- Karl Habel a t the National Institutes of
sponse and neutralizing antibody may be Health was prepared and assayed in HeLa
demonstrated in their sera( 1). Current evi- cells. Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) , Indi-
dence suggests that interferon may be one ana strain, was obtained from the American
determinant of host resistance to viral infec- Type Culture Collection. Stock supplies were
tions (2-4). The present study was initiated prepared and assayed in L cells. Herpesvirus
to examine the capacity of cytomegalovirus (Herpesvirus howinis) was a recent isolate
to induce the production of interferon in that has been maintained in this laboratory.
human cells in vitro, as well as to determine Stocks were prepared and assayed in WI-38
the sensitivity of this virus to the inhibitory cells. ECHO 11 virus was obtained from
activity of interferon. The investigation was Dr. A. D. Heggie and was prepared and
then extended to elucidate the effect of endo- assayed in monkey kidney cells. Cytomegalo-
genous interferon on the rate of excretion of virus, strain AD 169, was obtained from Dr.
cytomegalovirus in the urine of children who Wallace P. Rowe, National Institutes of
are chronic carriers of this virus. Health. Stock virus pools were prepared and
Materials and methods. Sindbis virus, ori- assayed in W-38 cells and contained approxi-
ginally an isolate from a Malayan mosquito mately l(F5 tissue culture infective doses
pool, was obtained from Dr. Philip K. Russell (TCID50) per ml.
at the Walter Reed Arbovirus Unit and was Stock human interferon was prepared by
grown and assayed in chick embryo fibro- infecting WI-38 cultures with 5 X 106 plaque
blasts (CEF). Chikungunya virus (CV), a forming units (pfu) of CV. Supernatant
standard reference strain, was obtained from fluids were harvested at 24 hours and proc-
the Walter Reed Arbovirus Unit and pre- essed as previously described ( 5 ) . Materials
pared from the brains of infected suckling to be assayed for cytomegalovirus interferon
mice and assayed in rat embryo fibroblasts were harvested from CMV-infected culturxs
*Supported in part by grants AI-06388 and AI- of WI-38 or human foreskin cells (HFS) and
04310 from Nat. Inst. Allergy and Infectious Disease, similarly processed. Interferon preparations
USPHS. were assayed by the plaque reduction tech-

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