Have U Earned Tommorow

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Have You Earned Tomorrow- Appreciation of the Poem

About the Poem/ Poet/ Title:

The poem, Have You Earned Your Tomorrow is about how we should behave
toward others. If we did good things for others that would definitely help us in
the future time. The poem is written by the great poet Edgar Guest. Edgar Guest
is known as ‘people’s poet’ for his simple style and optimistic tone of writing.
Guest is an American writer of newspaper and magazines.

The title of the poem is suitable for the theme of the poem. The title is in the
rhetorical question itself. The poet does not want to answer the readers; readers
should answer the questions asked by the poet and find whether they are right or
wrong themselves by the questions.

The theme of the poem is how we do we communicate with others as well as
behave with others. Everyone has the chance to earn one better day by behaving
in a good way and speaking positively to others. God has a record of everyone
how we behave and communicate with others. The poet tells the minor act of
greetings will make others cheerful throughout the day. How we behave with a
loved one is also important because sometimes they need just the support of
your good words. if we give support with what we have that will also help to
boost the courage of others, and those will feel courageous in their life. At last,
God will not ask how much you earned the money today, God will ask whom
you met and they felt happy. Thus, this is an inspirational poem that makes us
understand about how we behave with others and how people will remember us.

Poetic Devices:
1. Alliteration:
“This day is almost over, and its toiling time is through.” In this line, the T
sound is repeated at the beginning of its toiling time is through
“Were you selfish pure and simple as you rushed along the way?” In this line,
the S sound is repeated at the beginning Selfish and Simple.

2. Synecdoche:
“Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said.” In this line heart stands
for person and part is used to show the whole.

3. Interrogation:
“Is anybody happier because you passed his way?”
“Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today?” The poet asked so many
questions to the reader.

Rhyming words:
way – today, through – you, along – throng, way – today, fast – passed, said –
ahead, spent – discontent, say – today

Rhyme scheme:
aabb, ccdd, eeff, gghh

Value/ Message:
This is an inspirational poem. In this poem, the speaker is asking the readers
whether they have done anything to improve the life of another human being or
not. It is up to you whether you will have a better future or not. Therefore, one
should consider one’s actions and deeds carefully and plan accordingly for a
better future.

Your opinion about the poem:

I truly like the poem. The poem is highly inspirational. As the poet asks the
questions in this poem, I really think about how to behave with everyone who
comes all my way and do really good for others. Hence, I like the poem very


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