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A Poetic Appreciation of the Poem- Song of the Open


The Title
Song of the open road is the appropriate title for the poem because the
poet has described his journey in the way of freedom. In this poem the
poet is describing open road as his metaphoric journey of freedom,
independance and sweet memories.

About the Poem/ Poet- Walt Whitman

He is an American poet who is known as the 'The father of free verse'.
He is famous for his poems which always talk about independence, joy
of life, and freedom.

The Theme
Poem deals with optimism, freedom, joy and responsibility. In the poem
the poet encourages the reader to be true with yourself. Don't expect
anything from anyone. You are the one who can make your future. You
can choose your destiny on your own.

Poetic Style
The poet composed this poem in free verse form. Also the poet has not
used any kind of rhyming scheme, length of lines and stanza pattern are
not equal.

The language/ Poetic Devices

There are many poetic devices used in this poem such as - Metaphor,
alliteration, repetition, paradox etc. The poet also has used different
symbols in the poem like freedom, opportunity, joy of life and optimism.

Special features
The poet has put the last stanza in brackets. It shows there is a
meaningful relationship between him and delicious burdens. It also
explains the meaning of life in a simple way.

Message, Values, Morals in the poem

The poem teaches us to live a happy life and be optimistic. We should
believe in ourselves. Don't expect anything from anyone.

Your opinion about the poem

Song of the open road is an inspirational and very beautiful poem. The
poet encourages us to enjoy life's each and every moment and free
world. The poet also encourages us to be free from all expectations and
free for life.


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